There are annoying days, tedious days, nasty days, boring days and very painful days! Our attitudes can make them either easier or more difficult for us to deal with . Yet, Our attitudes are truly not magic wands, Our saying that a day is good oe bad, wonderful or yucky does not INSTANTLY change the events weather, actions, people you are deal with, amount of money yo have or do not have or anything else.
Many will tell you to think of something positive but that, at least to me, does not tend to work for very long. If I'm really unhappy or displeased.Distracting myself does not last for very long, I'm very stubborn and opinionated!
I start to work to improve my mood in a gray or unpleasant circumstances by reminding myself of an absolute truth- time keeps moving. All things that I deal with begin, continue on for a while and will end. So, You have a victory in knowing that you will outlast the grayness of this moment. One of the things that I'm working hard on presently is learning to be my best and do my best in every situation and circumstance no matter what. Anything you practice you become better in doing. So, I'm gaining in being prepared for some future thing that I will do by continuing the exercise of doing well right now!
Sometimes the best thing we do all day is being a good teammate and doing all that we can to encourage others. Smiling in the tough times, being as relaxed as possible and being as kind and as friendly as possible to others can have a great, stimulating and lasting impact. If nothing else, You just might be the one positive reason that someone looks forward to going to work on Wednesday at the last moments of a dreary Tuesday! The appealing thing to look forward about going to work or school when that next morning arrives may be just seeing, being around and being connected to you!
Gray days will happen, are rteal and cannot be simply blinked away! We can deal with them well if we act as well as we can with where we are, who we are and with what is readily available to us.
- Johnny -
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Friday, January 28, 2011
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Time Rationing and Yielding,
On Capital Hill, making sure that you have enough time to say what you need to say can be a rather important issue.As we know, There are 100 Senators and 535 Representatives in Congress.When a member of either body wishes to speak, he or she raises his hand to be recognized. Once recognized, The member asked to be allowed so much time for his or her remarks- enough time to say what they need to say in the way that they wish to say it.
At times, A fellow member of the body, one who agrees with the member who is speaking may ask that the member yield- give up- all or a portion of their remaining time so that they may speak. The member has the right to agree or to decide not to yield to his/ her fellow Representative or Senator. This is clearly an exercise in time management and a way that clearly demonstrates that time on the Hill is considered to be a valuable and vital resource!
I know that I CAN be a time waster. I know that I also rush through activities and try to get an unreasonable amount of activities done in a ridiculously tiny amount of time. This causes stress, anxiety and tension. This places us on as course to fail or to be highly frustrated.
Kind people, in order to appear to be cooperative, will agree to do far more than they can possibly accomplish, This is a non-productive practice. It becomes a certainty that you will NOT be able to keep your promises and commitments.
We all most certainly KNOW and recognize that time can't be manipulated. We all proceed into the future at a rate of one second per second. Therefore, It is intelligent and prudent to assign the time that will be sanely needed to do what must or what is desirable to do.
Having good skills in the practicing of Time Rationing and Time Yielding is an outstanding way to live a full life, a productive life and a caring life!
- Johnny -
At times, A fellow member of the body, one who agrees with the member who is speaking may ask that the member yield- give up- all or a portion of their remaining time so that they may speak. The member has the right to agree or to decide not to yield to his/ her fellow Representative or Senator. This is clearly an exercise in time management and a way that clearly demonstrates that time on the Hill is considered to be a valuable and vital resource!
I know that I CAN be a time waster. I know that I also rush through activities and try to get an unreasonable amount of activities done in a ridiculously tiny amount of time. This causes stress, anxiety and tension. This places us on as course to fail or to be highly frustrated.
Kind people, in order to appear to be cooperative, will agree to do far more than they can possibly accomplish, This is a non-productive practice. It becomes a certainty that you will NOT be able to keep your promises and commitments.
We all most certainly KNOW and recognize that time can't be manipulated. We all proceed into the future at a rate of one second per second. Therefore, It is intelligent and prudent to assign the time that will be sanely needed to do what must or what is desirable to do.
Having good skills in the practicing of Time Rationing and Time Yielding is an outstanding way to live a full life, a productive life and a caring life!
- Johnny -
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Why are you improving your life?
Human beings can be strange, A person may be very difficult to deal with. He or she may act -out and be rather disturbing to be anywhere near.. They have proven over the years to be demanding of you and trying. You have heard them, at moments when all seems worst for therm, tell you with great emotion and conviction that they intend to change and improve themselves. You back them and offer love, friendship and support. The crisis passes,things seem better and they go back to their old ways and behaviors.
Now, at some point, That individual decides that they can't stay as they are- that they have reached the point of being "sick and tired of being sick and tired"! So, They start living better and decide to discontinue old and bothersome ways, habits and practices. Now, How might you react if the person who is in the process of "transforming" asks you if you notice that they are improving. They ALSO want to hear you tell them how proud you are of them and how pleased you are by their efforts.
People do need to understand that people who have dealt with obnoxious behavior and large numbers of broken promises may not be quick to embrace the person who is finally getting their life together. It takes a lot to get over the hurt and disappointment. God forgives and forgets readily. It seems to be more difficult for mortals to do so.
A child will be treated well when he or she asks , " Did I behave well today, Daddy? " or " are you pleased with me today, Mommy?" Adults do not often get similar responses when they behave properly and decide to do the NEXT right thing!
For Adults, Behaving well and treating others well is doing well. Sometimes, It needs to be enough that knowing that you are doing right and well needs to serve as its' own reward!
- Johnny -
Now, at some point, That individual decides that they can't stay as they are- that they have reached the point of being "sick and tired of being sick and tired"! So, They start living better and decide to discontinue old and bothersome ways, habits and practices. Now, How might you react if the person who is in the process of "transforming" asks you if you notice that they are improving. They ALSO want to hear you tell them how proud you are of them and how pleased you are by their efforts.
People do need to understand that people who have dealt with obnoxious behavior and large numbers of broken promises may not be quick to embrace the person who is finally getting their life together. It takes a lot to get over the hurt and disappointment. God forgives and forgets readily. It seems to be more difficult for mortals to do so.
A child will be treated well when he or she asks , " Did I behave well today, Daddy? " or " are you pleased with me today, Mommy?" Adults do not often get similar responses when they behave properly and decide to do the NEXT right thing!
For Adults, Behaving well and treating others well is doing well. Sometimes, It needs to be enough that knowing that you are doing right and well needs to serve as its' own reward!
- Johnny -
His/ Her Welfare is HHS' s Concern ?
Years ago, A musical group, The Hollies had a hit song -He Ain't Heavy- He's my brother. The inspiration for this song was from imagery from the famous boy's orphanage , Boys Town, The Founder of Boy's Town, Father Flanagan,saw a picture of an older boy carrying a younger boy on his shoulders on a magazine cover back in 1927.The younger boy is his younger brother. When asked if he was uncomfortable with the weight on his shoulder, The older boy smiles and says, " He ain't heavy, He's my brother."
Edward Flanagan was taken by the imagery which he saw as perfectly describing the mission and work of Boy's Town. He asked for and was given permission to use the image and concept.It was changed slightly as the older boy NOW said, "He ain't heavy, FATHER, He's my brother.". The idea now was that the older boys looked out for, were concerned with and acted as willing mentors to the younger boys.
The 1969 Released Hollies song broadened the concept to looking out for each other, being willing to care about each other, support and help those of us who are overwhelmed at this moment and are in need of both assistance, friendship and support. When I was in college, A friend of mine changed a line in the song from "His welfare is MY Concern" to " His Welfare is HEW's Concern". HEW is the old Federal Agency, The Department of Health, Education and Welfare. The name and function of this agency was shifted when the Department of Education was created during President Carter's Administration. The Current Agency is called the Department of Health and Human Services ( HHS). My friend later said, " I changed the line because the Government cares for people not their friends and neighbors. The rest of us have our own problems and our own lives to worry about."
The Feds have to care because the rest of us don't, won't or can't care. Is that really the truth in Our 2011 America. I know that times are indeed most rugged and difficult. I know extra money does not seem readily available . Yet, Are we really, either by necessity or wont, blind and deaf and simply unaware of the truly needy around us? I really do not believe that this is true for any of us. Right now, I live on SSI and SSDI and the margin of funds available to me seems extremely thin. Yet, It still seems that I waste money. So, I'm guessing that we all have a little EXTRA money that we can CHOOSE TO USE to benefit the truly overwhelmed and needy!
It isn't much but I provide two fifteen dollar check each year to my associate pastor that are used to buy a Christmas present and a birthday present for a child living in a difficult situation. I just provide the money and the associate pastor buys the gift, It is a way of giving this young person a special bit of sunshine and knowing that he or she matters,
I will say that I do not believe that pieces of paper ( cash or checks) pieces of metal and plastic cards solve EVERYTHING. I just do not believe this to be so! A kind word, spending time with someone, inviting someone to your home or to go with you to see a movie or to attend a sporting event can be a way to be loving and supportive. Challenging a person to do more, to try harder and to not stop striving to become the best that he or she can become is also loving, caing and supportive as well. When HEW or HHS provides your welfare, They are constrained by possible protest actions and political correctness concerns from a delivering a message which asks or requires what you do what you are ABLE to to better yourself!
So, His or Her welfare IS indeed thankfully my concern. It is a rich blessing to acknowledge the undeniable REALITY that this is so!
- Johnny-
Edward Flanagan was taken by the imagery which he saw as perfectly describing the mission and work of Boy's Town. He asked for and was given permission to use the image and concept.It was changed slightly as the older boy NOW said, "He ain't heavy, FATHER, He's my brother.". The idea now was that the older boys looked out for, were concerned with and acted as willing mentors to the younger boys.
The 1969 Released Hollies song broadened the concept to looking out for each other, being willing to care about each other, support and help those of us who are overwhelmed at this moment and are in need of both assistance, friendship and support. When I was in college, A friend of mine changed a line in the song from "His welfare is MY Concern" to " His Welfare is HEW's Concern". HEW is the old Federal Agency, The Department of Health, Education and Welfare. The name and function of this agency was shifted when the Department of Education was created during President Carter's Administration. The Current Agency is called the Department of Health and Human Services ( HHS). My friend later said, " I changed the line because the Government cares for people not their friends and neighbors. The rest of us have our own problems and our own lives to worry about."
The Feds have to care because the rest of us don't, won't or can't care. Is that really the truth in Our 2011 America. I know that times are indeed most rugged and difficult. I know extra money does not seem readily available . Yet, Are we really, either by necessity or wont, blind and deaf and simply unaware of the truly needy around us? I really do not believe that this is true for any of us. Right now, I live on SSI and SSDI and the margin of funds available to me seems extremely thin. Yet, It still seems that I waste money. So, I'm guessing that we all have a little EXTRA money that we can CHOOSE TO USE to benefit the truly overwhelmed and needy!
It isn't much but I provide two fifteen dollar check each year to my associate pastor that are used to buy a Christmas present and a birthday present for a child living in a difficult situation. I just provide the money and the associate pastor buys the gift, It is a way of giving this young person a special bit of sunshine and knowing that he or she matters,
I will say that I do not believe that pieces of paper ( cash or checks) pieces of metal and plastic cards solve EVERYTHING. I just do not believe this to be so! A kind word, spending time with someone, inviting someone to your home or to go with you to see a movie or to attend a sporting event can be a way to be loving and supportive. Challenging a person to do more, to try harder and to not stop striving to become the best that he or she can become is also loving, caing and supportive as well. When HEW or HHS provides your welfare, They are constrained by possible protest actions and political correctness concerns from a delivering a message which asks or requires what you do what you are ABLE to to better yourself!
So, His or Her welfare IS indeed thankfully my concern. It is a rich blessing to acknowledge the undeniable REALITY that this is so!
- Johnny-
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
I Am....
an idealist, a dreamer and a romantic.
a Yankee fan, a Cowboy fan and a Capitals fan.
a teacher, endlessly curious and constantly questioning.
an American, An Earthman and an inhabitant of the Milky Way Galaxy!
I am a believer in Jesus Christ!
I am someone who wants to live well, live passionately and live to serve!
a Yankee fan, a Cowboy fan and a Capitals fan.
a teacher, endlessly curious and constantly questioning.
an American, An Earthman and an inhabitant of the Milky Way Galaxy!
I am a believer in Jesus Christ!
I am someone who wants to live well, live passionately and live to serve!
Being Polite
How much does it cost to - Hold a door open for someone, to make eye contact with someone when you shake his or her hand? How much does it cost you to say "Please" when you ask someone else for something? How much does it to say excuse me when you interrupt someone in conversation?
It costs the speaker of these kindnesses virtually nothing. Yet, The kindness that you endow someone else with by doing so is truly a priceless gift of gentleness and respect!
- Johnny -
It costs the speaker of these kindnesses virtually nothing. Yet, The kindness that you endow someone else with by doing so is truly a priceless gift of gentleness and respect!
- Johnny -
Sunday, January 23, 2011
The Importance of learning to STOP complaining.
It's annoying, it sounds pathetic and as if your life is controlled by anyone and everyone except for the person who is droning on and on and on! Yuck, It is called c-o-m-p-l-a-i-n-g! It is tiresome, boring and MANY see it as the perfect perfect reason for having anything to do something.
Complaining, sadly has far too often ME!!!! - Johnny ! It is something that I am working VERY MUCH to be rid of INDEED to free myself of. What complaining is is asking some, likely and ultimately God Himself to change something that I am not pleased with and change it to my liking! It is a thinly disguised form of brattiness- an adult engaging in the worst form of acting out- a temper tantrum.
Sometimes the most effective for of self-valuing is something not always talked about in the literature of therapy- self tough love! You know that you cannot change anyone but yourself- so it is folly to demand that others twist and contort themselves- make their lives less pleasing to them -in order to advantage you- No intelligent adult is going to play along with that! I know,very clearly, that taking a short-term action that provide a result I like RIGHT NOW could have a long term boomerrang effect at a future time. The result I like and the boomerang outcome that will later arrive are truly a package deal- so I really cannot complain about the pain caused to me when the boomerang strikes- I, realsticallly, KNEW that the boomerrang was going to arrive!
I can always choose wisely and sometimes either decide to do without or plan to soldier through the " not wonderful times" without complaining. Accepting and living with a bad result and making the best of it or working to fight to either get beyond what has occurred or working to bring about a change that will bring about a pervasive change in my circumstances are , indeed, mature and wise alternatives to live a better life- a life that others will want to be invested in and be involved in! Complaining is a weak and pathetic way to respond to life's tough times. I deserve to be seen as weak and pathetic when I decide to complain!
- Johnny -
Complaining, sadly has far too often ME!!!! - Johnny ! It is something that I am working VERY MUCH to be rid of INDEED to free myself of. What complaining is is asking some, likely and ultimately God Himself to change something that I am not pleased with and change it to my liking! It is a thinly disguised form of brattiness- an adult engaging in the worst form of acting out- a temper tantrum.
Sometimes the most effective for of self-valuing is something not always talked about in the literature of therapy- self tough love! You know that you cannot change anyone but yourself- so it is folly to demand that others twist and contort themselves- make their lives less pleasing to them -in order to advantage you- No intelligent adult is going to play along with that! I know,very clearly, that taking a short-term action that provide a result I like RIGHT NOW could have a long term boomerrang effect at a future time. The result I like and the boomerang outcome that will later arrive are truly a package deal- so I really cannot complain about the pain caused to me when the boomerang strikes- I, realsticallly, KNEW that the boomerrang was going to arrive!
I can always choose wisely and sometimes either decide to do without or plan to soldier through the " not wonderful times" without complaining. Accepting and living with a bad result and making the best of it or working to fight to either get beyond what has occurred or working to bring about a change that will bring about a pervasive change in my circumstances are , indeed, mature and wise alternatives to live a better life- a life that others will want to be invested in and be involved in! Complaining is a weak and pathetic way to respond to life's tough times. I deserve to be seen as weak and pathetic when I decide to complain!
- Johnny -
Friday, January 21, 2011
Does the wrapping add or detract the quality of the gift itself?
Some people will stoutly maintain that speaking the truth about a valid issue is, in and of itself, fine. That truth whether dressed up in silk and rainbow colored thread or hurriedly wrapped in burlap and poorly adhesive- taped together is the truth. Thus, It must be listened to, it must be accepted,and it must be heeded.
Others are more governed by a mutant form of aesthetics. Not only must truth be True- correct and and able to be tested for its' validity but it must be attractive and appealing. I CANNOT accept a truth that goes counter to something I passionately believe in. Truth must never offend or create difficulty or hardship for anyone. It can't be allowed to make life more arduous for anyone. Any truth that creates problems, hardship or hurts someone feelings just cannot be taken seriously, it cannot be considered to be a guideline for how people will live and conduct themselves. To expect that to be the case, is cruel, mean and harsh.
Anyone really want truth to have proven itself to be " warm, fuzzy and innocuous" before we can accept it and live by it? To tell you the truth, That idea is TOTALLY offensive to me!
- Johnny -
Others are more governed by a mutant form of aesthetics. Not only must truth be True- correct and and able to be tested for its' validity but it must be attractive and appealing. I CANNOT accept a truth that goes counter to something I passionately believe in. Truth must never offend or create difficulty or hardship for anyone. It can't be allowed to make life more arduous for anyone. Any truth that creates problems, hardship or hurts someone feelings just cannot be taken seriously, it cannot be considered to be a guideline for how people will live and conduct themselves. To expect that to be the case, is cruel, mean and harsh.
Anyone really want truth to have proven itself to be " warm, fuzzy and innocuous" before we can accept it and live by it? To tell you the truth, That idea is TOTALLY offensive to me!
- Johnny -
Thursday, January 20, 2011
The Importance of being clear, decent and not antagonistic!
I SHOULD have known better. I write something the other day about people who hold their political and social adversaries to standards that they routine, dependably and gleeful violate.
I do like and believe in the concept of being better than the belligerent and the offensive. I failed to uphold my own standard and I ask you to forgive me for that. It is possible to upbraid people for being offensive and rude without being offensive and rude.
Please pray that I shall keep this in mind and that I will more ruthlessly hold myself to maintaining THIS vital standard!
- Johnny -
I do like and believe in the concept of being better than the belligerent and the offensive. I failed to uphold my own standard and I ask you to forgive me for that. It is possible to upbraid people for being offensive and rude without being offensive and rude.
Please pray that I shall keep this in mind and that I will more ruthlessly hold myself to maintaining THIS vital standard!
- Johnny -
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
If you can be trusted, You will have friends , admirers and legions of well-wishes! You will be recommended by others to many others!
Your word is truly the bond. It is the glue that makes trust possible. It is the power that lets people know that words matter and build impressive hopes and dreams!
- Johnny -
Your word is truly the bond. It is the glue that makes trust possible. It is the power that lets people know that words matter and build impressive hopes and dreams!
- Johnny -
The Bravest Word
I am a writer ( in development), a teacher and A Toastmaster, I love words and language, perhaps too much so, and I use for too many of them when I TRY to make a point. Being brief and being simple and direct just, too often, is NOT Johnny!
I do find that the bravest and most powerful word in our English Language is the Word "NO". It can signify disagreement, that you believe that someone, something or some location or circumstance is unsuitable, incorrect or needs to be better adjusted or prepared. It can serve as a challenge to injustice and wrong doing. It can be a refusal to cooperate, be obedient or be submissive and subservient.
No is both a compact, blunt and very clear.
- Johnny -
I do find that the bravest and most powerful word in our English Language is the Word "NO". It can signify disagreement, that you believe that someone, something or some location or circumstance is unsuitable, incorrect or needs to be better adjusted or prepared. It can serve as a challenge to injustice and wrong doing. It can be a refusal to cooperate, be obedient or be submissive and subservient.
No is both a compact, blunt and very clear.
- Johnny -
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Make today a great day!
Tell the Truth, Tell people you care. Do the most to add quality to your life and the life of others!
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
If you are accused of being Weak, How important is it to be proven " Not Guilty"?
Does being seen as formidable, worthy of being respected and worthy of being taken seriously rely upon being able to PROVE !! that you are TOTALLY!!! NOT!!! A!!! WIMP!!! ?
I have struggled with having been bullied a great deal as both as a child and an adult. I am someone who does not like vulgarity, nastiness and belligerence for the sake of being belligerent , confrontational and ornery. I also am not someone who wants to run towards heated situations.
I'd rather be safe, perhaps I tend to be overly focused on being secure and safe! Yet, I do believe it is vital not to yield on things that you believe are true! It is important to be a champion and an advocate for the put-upon and the mistreated, I also believe that is a moral obligation to be a foe of and a thorn in the side of physical, verbal and emotional bullies!
Yet, I do not like physical combat and I do not want to face being struck, So, Is it vital to prove that you are physically tough, imposing and intimidating? If , as a man You are NOT able to do so, Should you expect to be mocked, made a fool of and SO not taken seriously?
- Johnny -
I have struggled with having been bullied a great deal as both as a child and an adult. I am someone who does not like vulgarity, nastiness and belligerence for the sake of being belligerent , confrontational and ornery. I also am not someone who wants to run towards heated situations.
I'd rather be safe, perhaps I tend to be overly focused on being secure and safe! Yet, I do believe it is vital not to yield on things that you believe are true! It is important to be a champion and an advocate for the put-upon and the mistreated, I also believe that is a moral obligation to be a foe of and a thorn in the side of physical, verbal and emotional bullies!
Yet, I do not like physical combat and I do not want to face being struck, So, Is it vital to prove that you are physically tough, imposing and intimidating? If , as a man You are NOT able to do so, Should you expect to be mocked, made a fool of and SO not taken seriously?
- Johnny -
Am I a rascist,, homophobe, sexist and just a "pure hater" simply due to..
the fact that I have a different opinion from you, due to the simple fact that I strongly disagree with you?
Is it wrong to compare a President to Hitler- Yes, In my opinion! Presidents Bush the Younger and Obama BOTH have been compared to Hitler. Is it outrageous to draw pictures of a President that make look like an animal? During the LAST Presidential administration, Mr. Bush was often made to look like a monkey in editorial cartoons.
Is it incivil and rude to walk out on someone in the middle of a conversation? Whoopie Goldberg and Joyce Behar walked out on Bill O' Reilly while he was an invited guest and being interviewed on ABC- TV's The View Program. Is it Right and dignified to call someone with a different view point from yours a " Bi*ch" on TV for holding an opinion that you DO not share, Joyce Behar said, again on The View, " Come to New York, Bi*ch.!" to a woman on the opposite side of her on a current issue.
Should attacks upon Presidents be greeted with condemnation and anger. It fascinated me that many Liberal pundits seemed to have no words of disapproval for the man in Iraq who threw heavy shoes at the head of George Bush? Should saying that The President of The United States should be assassinated be considered as " hate speech"? If you believe this to be true, Did You condemn Paris for the 1992 Song "Bush Killa"?
Is a movie about a fictional assassination of a sitting President considered being " wayyy out of line"? Few in Hollywood took that stance when it came to the movie " The Assaassination of George W. Bush"! Was Then Vice- President Albert A. Gore Junior speaking kindly and inclusively when he referred to some political opponents of his as "Extra Chromosome Americans"? Was Katie Couric being moderate and benign, a promoter of understanding when she used the genial and civil phrase, "The Great Unwashed" when she refereed to many of her fellow Americans.
Are there people who are rude, nasty, antagonistic and seeking to provoke as rumble among The Republicans, The Conservative ( not ALWAYS one in The Same) and Tea Party Members and Supporters - ANY Civil, Polite and HONEST person will admit that referring to Supporters of The Tea Party as " Teabaggers" is slandering them with a vulgar and unacceptable SLUR!- Yes, I certainly know there are some such people within the numbers of those groups? Do they need to be held to account and asked to tone down and rethink what they are saying? YES!!!!, They do!
Please, however, allow me to ask that some of the most prominent voices among the Democrats,,Liberals, Progressives need to hear the same message- Be civil be appropriate and measured or please be quiet and let those who know how to speak with DIGNITY in public be the ones who act as our public spokesmen.
Oh, One more thing - There are times when great and pervasive social change must occur- people long denied rights should have those wrongs that they have had visited upon the correction. However, Not all Change can practically be brought about- without bringing about chaos, disruption, anger and resentment - at this VERY second. So, In the interest of practicality,sanity and vital social cohesion do not insist that everything you feel you are in the right to gain be provided "NOW!!!". It comes across as childish, impractical. antagonistic,impatient and SIMPLY and Quintessentially Rude and Impolite!
- Johnny -
Is it wrong to compare a President to Hitler- Yes, In my opinion! Presidents Bush the Younger and Obama BOTH have been compared to Hitler. Is it outrageous to draw pictures of a President that make look like an animal? During the LAST Presidential administration, Mr. Bush was often made to look like a monkey in editorial cartoons.
Is it incivil and rude to walk out on someone in the middle of a conversation? Whoopie Goldberg and Joyce Behar walked out on Bill O' Reilly while he was an invited guest and being interviewed on ABC- TV's The View Program. Is it Right and dignified to call someone with a different view point from yours a " Bi*ch" on TV for holding an opinion that you DO not share, Joyce Behar said, again on The View, " Come to New York, Bi*ch.!" to a woman on the opposite side of her on a current issue.
Should attacks upon Presidents be greeted with condemnation and anger. It fascinated me that many Liberal pundits seemed to have no words of disapproval for the man in Iraq who threw heavy shoes at the head of George Bush? Should saying that The President of The United States should be assassinated be considered as " hate speech"? If you believe this to be true, Did You condemn Paris for the 1992 Song "Bush Killa"?
Is a movie about a fictional assassination of a sitting President considered being " wayyy out of line"? Few in Hollywood took that stance when it came to the movie " The Assaassination of George W. Bush"! Was Then Vice- President Albert A. Gore Junior speaking kindly and inclusively when he referred to some political opponents of his as "Extra Chromosome Americans"? Was Katie Couric being moderate and benign, a promoter of understanding when she used the genial and civil phrase, "The Great Unwashed" when she refereed to many of her fellow Americans.
Are there people who are rude, nasty, antagonistic and seeking to provoke as rumble among The Republicans, The Conservative ( not ALWAYS one in The Same) and Tea Party Members and Supporters - ANY Civil, Polite and HONEST person will admit that referring to Supporters of The Tea Party as " Teabaggers" is slandering them with a vulgar and unacceptable SLUR!- Yes, I certainly know there are some such people within the numbers of those groups? Do they need to be held to account and asked to tone down and rethink what they are saying? YES!!!!, They do!
Please, however, allow me to ask that some of the most prominent voices among the Democrats,,Liberals, Progressives need to hear the same message- Be civil be appropriate and measured or please be quiet and let those who know how to speak with DIGNITY in public be the ones who act as our public spokesmen.
Oh, One more thing - There are times when great and pervasive social change must occur- people long denied rights should have those wrongs that they have had visited upon the correction. However, Not all Change can practically be brought about- without bringing about chaos, disruption, anger and resentment - at this VERY second. So, In the interest of practicality,sanity and vital social cohesion do not insist that everything you feel you are in the right to gain be provided "NOW!!!". It comes across as childish, impractical. antagonistic,impatient and SIMPLY and Quintessentially Rude and Impolite!
- Johnny -
Monday, January 17, 2011
Not knowing how to respond !?
The mood is tense- You do NOT know what to say next. Then you wonder, " Is it best to say nothing?", " Is it best to wait for the other person to say something first?" or maybe even, " Do you just sit for a while and say nothing- letting the mood mellow or shift before anyone finds it RIGHT to break the silence?
It may even be best to just depart and leave- not saying anything and not giving yourself a chance to hear amthing that the other person might say! So, How do you prudently, wisely and purposefully decide just WHAT to do in such a circumstance?
- Johnny -
It may even be best to just depart and leave- not saying anything and not giving yourself a chance to hear amthing that the other person might say! So, How do you prudently, wisely and purposefully decide just WHAT to do in such a circumstance?
- Johnny -
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Thank You!
Two simple words. They tell the person who hears us say them often and without coaxing a lot about us
That we are -
* Appreciative.
* Aware.
* Accepting that people are kind to us.
* Are able to admit that we like being connected to other people.
* Agreeable.
* Anxious to let others know that we value them.
- Johnny -
That we are -
* Appreciative.
* Aware.
* Accepting that people are kind to us.
* Are able to admit that we like being connected to other people.
* Agreeable.
* Anxious to let others know that we value them.
- Johnny -
The Day ON
What will you do with The Dr. King Holiday tomorrow? Someone not long after this Holiday was approved hopes that The Dr. King holiday would never just become a day to sleep in or to go shoppiung for reduced price items at the mall!
I also heard someone say that this Holiday would work best if considered to be a "Day On". An extra day to serve people in your community or a day to devote to volunteer service
I know that tomorrow I will be at a Mental Health Drop-In Center in Reston, Virginia. Tomorrow, The Reston Drop-In Center will celebrate its' 5th Anniversary. Tomorrow is a great day to celebrate freedom by rolling up your sleeves and doing a little bit more to increase the quality of life for those around you! I'm looking forward to the " Day On" tomorrow!
- Johnny -
I also heard someone say that this Holiday would work best if considered to be a "Day On". An extra day to serve people in your community or a day to devote to volunteer service
I know that tomorrow I will be at a Mental Health Drop-In Center in Reston, Virginia. Tomorrow, The Reston Drop-In Center will celebrate its' 5th Anniversary. Tomorrow is a great day to celebrate freedom by rolling up your sleeves and doing a little bit more to increase the quality of life for those around you! I'm looking forward to the " Day On" tomorrow!
- Johnny -
" I CAN !!! NOT!!! Believe that I do THIS !!! to Myself !"
I am , far too often the biggest obstacle to my own success! I misread situations, I react too quickly and I get too easily annoyed and frustrated by situation that are too petty and insignificant, for an intelligent and creative person to concern himself with!
I like to do things quickly, one I'm in motion I greatly prefer to not have to stop slow down, need to change course or be diverted. This means that I can react very poorly and not make a good account of myself at all when I'm waiting for an appointment, standing on a line especially in stores. You could film a video that would garner great ratings on a program like America's Funniest Videos of my temper tantrums and meltdown if I get made to wait " unreasonably long". Fussy and need extra attention grocery shoppers, very slow and struggling at their job cashiers and Bus Operators, especially if I feel my waiting for an OVERDUE bus is seriously damaging my staying on schedule.
I like to justify it by offering that LAME excuse that " This is the way I am". I know that I cannot control what others do but I am fully able to control myself AND my responses and reactions! I can keep my displeasure and irritation to myself. I can learn that things " just happen". I can learn that I do not have to be catered to and that I can accept simply to deal with the occurrence of the moment with humor, insight, sympathy and support for those I'm in relationship with - in THIS case the " relationship" being that we are in the same place and involved in the SAME circumstance.
Being selfish and demanding do nothing to make me a good or attractive person to be near. Being willing to let everyone know how I'm displeased with them wins me NOT one friend and positively influences absolutely no!!!! one!!! If I behave this way and claim to be loving, I'm telling a fib! God offers me His grace, peace and ability to be forebearing and long-suffering! So, If I want to be embraced more and be more desired and have my company MORE sought after. I need to get real, practice love, kindness and gentleness and SIMPLY! CHOOSE! CONTINUALLY to seek to GET!!! OVER!!! MYSELF!!!
- Johnny -
I like to do things quickly, one I'm in motion I greatly prefer to not have to stop slow down, need to change course or be diverted. This means that I can react very poorly and not make a good account of myself at all when I'm waiting for an appointment, standing on a line especially in stores. You could film a video that would garner great ratings on a program like America's Funniest Videos of my temper tantrums and meltdown if I get made to wait " unreasonably long". Fussy and need extra attention grocery shoppers, very slow and struggling at their job cashiers and Bus Operators, especially if I feel my waiting for an OVERDUE bus is seriously damaging my staying on schedule.
I like to justify it by offering that LAME excuse that " This is the way I am". I know that I cannot control what others do but I am fully able to control myself AND my responses and reactions! I can keep my displeasure and irritation to myself. I can learn that things " just happen". I can learn that I do not have to be catered to and that I can accept simply to deal with the occurrence of the moment with humor, insight, sympathy and support for those I'm in relationship with - in THIS case the " relationship" being that we are in the same place and involved in the SAME circumstance.
Being selfish and demanding do nothing to make me a good or attractive person to be near. Being willing to let everyone know how I'm displeased with them wins me NOT one friend and positively influences absolutely no!!!! one!!! If I behave this way and claim to be loving, I'm telling a fib! God offers me His grace, peace and ability to be forebearing and long-suffering! So, If I want to be embraced more and be more desired and have my company MORE sought after. I need to get real, practice love, kindness and gentleness and SIMPLY! CHOOSE! CONTINUALLY to seek to GET!!! OVER!!! MYSELF!!!
- Johnny -
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Doing the Work of The Church
America , in the 9 years between 1954 and 1963, was a far different society than it is today. This was, over all, a FAR more conservative and tradition- savoring nation in the mid 1950's through the Early 1960's.many portions of what we consider the "Deep South" were more conservative than most of America in those same years.
At its' best,Conservatism is about embracing timeless ideas that are valuable, noble and worrh continuing to carry forward! Fighting to protect and safeguard such ideas AND ideals is what make conservatism appealing to many!
Conservatism sullies its' self and can be branded as ignoble and beknighted when it fights to support ideas that are spurious and odious. Treating people differently because of the color of their skin is repugnant. Making people of different races use different bathrooms is grotesque! Stating that it is UNACCEPTABLE for black and white people to drink from the SAME water fountain is objectionably foolish. Telling black people that they MUST ride in the back of a bus and if white people are standing be expected to surrender their set so that the WHITE PERSON may sit is cruelly degrading,
Yet, in many places in Our United States this was simply the way things were. People actually said things like" "Black people lack self -control and have poor judgement" or " Black people do best if they are told how to live" just were things that people blindly accepted as reality.It is not true that Black people were OVERALL treated better and more fairly outside of the Deep South but they did have more opportunities in the larger cities of the East and Midwest- in places such as New York, Chicago and Detroit, Not well, not as they certainly should have been treated but still better.
Experiencing more opportunity and being able to be seen as people just like any other people started to stir the imaginations of people who had gained freedom from enslavement and who had for too long to allow people to be comfortable and feel justified in mistreating them.
What is fascinating is that the Church became in The Deep South the rallying ground for those who believed it was best for all concerned for things to stay has they long had been. Other asked what was Christian about racism, separatism, hatred, bigotry and denying that people of different races were equal both in simple fact as well as in the sight of God!
Many Churches felt that it was good to look forward to what God would bless you with in the next life and simply accept as your " lot in life" however you are treated now. People were told that being mistreated and putting up with it was a sign of being a dedicated servant of God. These ideas cannot be justified in the verses of the Bible but they can be justified by leaders who want to fit in and be liked .
In a growing number of Black Churches, The leaders studied and preached Scriptures that say that God is on the side of the oppressed. They noted verses that it was wrong for people to victimize and mistreat the poor. They saw a God who saw all human as sinners in need of grace and all equal in their need for Him. The more they studied, discussed and preached the more they saw a need to call the authorities at every level of US Government and our society that America HAD to decide to live out the lofty ideals of The Declaration of Independence and The Constitution. They also asked that Christian live as if they believed that all the truths of the Bible applied to all and needed to govern the lives of all.
Doctor Martin Luther King Junior during one of his times in jail for disobeying laws that had no intelligent right to exist never mind be enforced reminded people that the Church was established to speak truth to power.That God called us all to become citizens of His kingdom and not just to excuse and justify that which is unworthy of being defended!
Dr. King knew that the work of the Church is not meant to provide cover for immorality and inequity. He knew and gave his life for the ideal that we must all love and embrace and accept each other with the love that Jesus provides to us! Doing the True work of The Church is to live by the Truth where ever that Truth Takes you and what ever that Truth demands of you!
- Johnny -
At its' best,Conservatism is about embracing timeless ideas that are valuable, noble and worrh continuing to carry forward! Fighting to protect and safeguard such ideas AND ideals is what make conservatism appealing to many!
Conservatism sullies its' self and can be branded as ignoble and beknighted when it fights to support ideas that are spurious and odious. Treating people differently because of the color of their skin is repugnant. Making people of different races use different bathrooms is grotesque! Stating that it is UNACCEPTABLE for black and white people to drink from the SAME water fountain is objectionably foolish. Telling black people that they MUST ride in the back of a bus and if white people are standing be expected to surrender their set so that the WHITE PERSON may sit is cruelly degrading,
Yet, in many places in Our United States this was simply the way things were. People actually said things like" "Black people lack self -control and have poor judgement" or " Black people do best if they are told how to live" just were things that people blindly accepted as reality.It is not true that Black people were OVERALL treated better and more fairly outside of the Deep South but they did have more opportunities in the larger cities of the East and Midwest- in places such as New York, Chicago and Detroit, Not well, not as they certainly should have been treated but still better.
Experiencing more opportunity and being able to be seen as people just like any other people started to stir the imaginations of people who had gained freedom from enslavement and who had for too long to allow people to be comfortable and feel justified in mistreating them.
What is fascinating is that the Church became in The Deep South the rallying ground for those who believed it was best for all concerned for things to stay has they long had been. Other asked what was Christian about racism, separatism, hatred, bigotry and denying that people of different races were equal both in simple fact as well as in the sight of God!
Many Churches felt that it was good to look forward to what God would bless you with in the next life and simply accept as your " lot in life" however you are treated now. People were told that being mistreated and putting up with it was a sign of being a dedicated servant of God. These ideas cannot be justified in the verses of the Bible but they can be justified by leaders who want to fit in and be liked .
In a growing number of Black Churches, The leaders studied and preached Scriptures that say that God is on the side of the oppressed. They noted verses that it was wrong for people to victimize and mistreat the poor. They saw a God who saw all human as sinners in need of grace and all equal in their need for Him. The more they studied, discussed and preached the more they saw a need to call the authorities at every level of US Government and our society that America HAD to decide to live out the lofty ideals of The Declaration of Independence and The Constitution. They also asked that Christian live as if they believed that all the truths of the Bible applied to all and needed to govern the lives of all.
Doctor Martin Luther King Junior during one of his times in jail for disobeying laws that had no intelligent right to exist never mind be enforced reminded people that the Church was established to speak truth to power.That God called us all to become citizens of His kingdom and not just to excuse and justify that which is unworthy of being defended!
Dr. King knew that the work of the Church is not meant to provide cover for immorality and inequity. He knew and gave his life for the ideal that we must all love and embrace and accept each other with the love that Jesus provides to us! Doing the True work of The Church is to live by the Truth where ever that Truth Takes you and what ever that Truth demands of you!
- Johnny -
Friday, January 14, 2011
Peace at ANY PRICE !
No matter what let's all be kind! It is a wonderful sentiment ! I believe in a sentiment also expressed in The Bible, " As far as it depends on you, Be at peace with all men." The stress of this verse is on two things- peace and the co-operation displayed by others.
Some people are by nature, very conflict avoident, They are, truly, not likely to make thins difficult for others. This is great when the circumstances are peaceful. Yet, It can be a road to disaster and tragedy. Some people will mistake kindness for weakness and some people will fully take advantage when no matter how hostile and menacing they get the people who they are menacing show no defiance or or offer no challenge no matter how threatening they become.
Once a National leader, in a time when it seemed that war was likely said of a nation that his country was allied to, " We have no reason to take up arms for a far away country that we no nothing about." . The Prime Minister was Neville Chamberlain and the country he spoke of was Czechoslovakia. Mr, Chamberlain signed a Treaty with Adolf Hitler.. Based on what was signed, A portion of Czechoslovakia was turned over to Germany. Months later, The German Army marched into the REST of Czechoslovokia!
A year later, A General European War began. It is long been maintained that if England and France had stood resolutely behind their ally, a war might have broken out in 1938- a war that might have been more easily won by England and France.
Peace at any price can become peace at an unacceptably high price!
- Johnny -
Some people are by nature, very conflict avoident, They are, truly, not likely to make thins difficult for others. This is great when the circumstances are peaceful. Yet, It can be a road to disaster and tragedy. Some people will mistake kindness for weakness and some people will fully take advantage when no matter how hostile and menacing they get the people who they are menacing show no defiance or or offer no challenge no matter how threatening they become.
Once a National leader, in a time when it seemed that war was likely said of a nation that his country was allied to, " We have no reason to take up arms for a far away country that we no nothing about." . The Prime Minister was Neville Chamberlain and the country he spoke of was Czechoslovakia. Mr, Chamberlain signed a Treaty with Adolf Hitler.. Based on what was signed, A portion of Czechoslovakia was turned over to Germany. Months later, The German Army marched into the REST of Czechoslovokia!
A year later, A General European War began. It is long been maintained that if England and France had stood resolutely behind their ally, a war might have broken out in 1938- a war that might have been more easily won by England and France.
Peace at any price can become peace at an unacceptably high price!
- Johnny -
An actual good word from Wikileaks
Iran! - A nation that thrives on oppression and terror. A nation that preaches that Israel has no right to exist. They are well- known as a source for funding terrorists groups. We also know that Iran is working mightily to become a nuclear power--- any nation that funds and gives logistical support to terrorists and who preaches how much they desire to destroy a nation in their area of the world --is a dangerous one. Is real is a US ally- This means that the US should be actively telling Iran to tone down the rhetoric and stop preaching the " Israel must be destroyed" line- something the Obama Administration seems to be unwilling to do.
One thing that was revealed from the Wiki Leak releases is that Iran is alone- they have no other support. When US diplomats journeyed to talk to Mid- East leaders, they did not want to talk to The US Leaders about the Threat of terrorism. They uniformly asked " When are you going to do something about Iran?", This is what the leaders of Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Syria and Kuwait wanted to know.
It seems to me that we do STILL want to do all we can to convince Iran to join in cooperatively as a part of the family of nations. If they decide on being an International bully we need to remind them what it might be like to take on Israel one on one, without anyone providing anything but lip service and with Israel having the FULL backing of THEIR ally, The United States.
- Johnny -
One thing that was revealed from the Wiki Leak releases is that Iran is alone- they have no other support. When US diplomats journeyed to talk to Mid- East leaders, they did not want to talk to The US Leaders about the Threat of terrorism. They uniformly asked " When are you going to do something about Iran?", This is what the leaders of Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Syria and Kuwait wanted to know.
It seems to me that we do STILL want to do all we can to convince Iran to join in cooperatively as a part of the family of nations. If they decide on being an International bully we need to remind them what it might be like to take on Israel one on one, without anyone providing anything but lip service and with Israel having the FULL backing of THEIR ally, The United States.
- Johnny -
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Today, choose to believe that -----
* You so underestimate yourself, you are far more talented and able than you are willing to admit..
* Your smile can add joy and encouragement to another's day.
* You are creative and have dreams worth investing in!
* You have wisdom and insights that can bless others.
* Your opinions and ideas are worth exploring.
* You are lovable and are worth being loved and appreciated .
* You are worth being listened to!
* You so underestimate yourself, you are far more talented and able than you are willing to admit..
* Your smile can add joy and encouragement to another's day.
* You are creative and have dreams worth investing in!
* You have wisdom and insights that can bless others.
* Your opinions and ideas are worth exploring.
* You are lovable and are worth being loved and appreciated .
* You are worth being listened to!
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
An Important Lesson Learned on the Battle Field
Israel, in the years between 1956 and1973, faced 3 wars against a coalition of its neighboring nations.The purpose of the Wars was not only the defeat of Israel but the breaking of Israel. Israel's opponents made it clear that they devoutly held the total destruction of Israel as their primary war aim.
In the First 2of these 3 Wars, Egypt led by Gamal Abdel Nasser, was the most outspoken of all the belligerent nations. They also were the chief spokes men of the " Death to the Jewish State" battle cries. After General Nasser's 1970 Death, His Vice- President Anwar El-Sadat took over. It was Sadat who stood at the head of the Anti- Israel Alliance during the October, 1973 Yom Kippur War. Yom Kippur is also known as "The Day of Atonement" a day when The Jewish people fast and pray and ask for atonement- forgiveness and release- from THAT year's sin. This is considered One of the Holiest Days on the Jewish Calendar. Israel was attacked by the Egyptian -Led Coalition on Yom Kippur.
While Israel was set reeling and was in disarray at first,Israel eventually was able to turn the tide. Not however before All US Forces were put on high alert and not before massive weapon shipments were sent to Israel to make up for loss they sustained during the outset of the war.
However, in the months to follow, Anwar Sadat began to assess his nation's military policies and the price that Egypt had paid in the fighting of those 3 wars over a period of 17 years! He began to wonder just what his nation had to gain by staying on a war footing against Israel!
This reassessment of Egyptian military and diplomatic policies transformed President Sadat and The Egyptians! President Sadat , in the late 1970's stated that he was willing to meet AND negotiate with Israel Prime Minister, Menahem Begin. Anwar Sadat and Menahem Begin accepted an invitation in 1978 from President Jimmy Carter to use The Presidential Retreat at Camp David as a place to conduct their negotiations. President Carter, President Sadat and Prime Minister Began met for 12 days coming up with a peace agreement between Israel and Egypt.
Overtime, Egypt has become a trust worthy friend and ally of Israel. Mr. Sadat was assassinated a few years later by assailant who took their nation's leader's life. Mr. Sadat had completed his transformation from a War Leader to an International Martyr for peace.
The cost of war became a classroom for both Anwar Sadat and The Egyptian People.
In the First 2of these 3 Wars, Egypt led by Gamal Abdel Nasser, was the most outspoken of all the belligerent nations. They also were the chief spokes men of the " Death to the Jewish State" battle cries. After General Nasser's 1970 Death, His Vice- President Anwar El-Sadat took over. It was Sadat who stood at the head of the Anti- Israel Alliance during the October, 1973 Yom Kippur War. Yom Kippur is also known as "The Day of Atonement" a day when The Jewish people fast and pray and ask for atonement- forgiveness and release- from THAT year's sin. This is considered One of the Holiest Days on the Jewish Calendar. Israel was attacked by the Egyptian -Led Coalition on Yom Kippur.
While Israel was set reeling and was in disarray at first,Israel eventually was able to turn the tide. Not however before All US Forces were put on high alert and not before massive weapon shipments were sent to Israel to make up for loss they sustained during the outset of the war.
However, in the months to follow, Anwar Sadat began to assess his nation's military policies and the price that Egypt had paid in the fighting of those 3 wars over a period of 17 years! He began to wonder just what his nation had to gain by staying on a war footing against Israel!
This reassessment of Egyptian military and diplomatic policies transformed President Sadat and The Egyptians! President Sadat , in the late 1970's stated that he was willing to meet AND negotiate with Israel Prime Minister, Menahem Begin. Anwar Sadat and Menahem Begin accepted an invitation in 1978 from President Jimmy Carter to use The Presidential Retreat at Camp David as a place to conduct their negotiations. President Carter, President Sadat and Prime Minister Began met for 12 days coming up with a peace agreement between Israel and Egypt.
Overtime, Egypt has become a trust worthy friend and ally of Israel. Mr. Sadat was assassinated a few years later by assailant who took their nation's leader's life. Mr. Sadat had completed his transformation from a War Leader to an International Martyr for peace.
The cost of war became a classroom for both Anwar Sadat and The Egyptian People.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Taking a Deep Breathe
Looking around can be the best way to gain 0eace and confidence. Appreciate who you are! Value that you are unique. Be thankful that you are loved and treasured! Know that it is truly magnificent, Today, to simply be you!
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
Monday, January 10, 2011
Our Suicidal Unwillingness to demand INDIVIDUAL ACCOUNTABILITY
If Adolf Hitler had spend his adult life in an Asylum in Berlin or Munich, Would Germany have had a better 20th Century experience? If Joseph Stalin had lived well-cared for in an Institution in Georgia, Would many Russians have avoided being tortured, terrorized and murdered? If Charles Manson had been transferred from a jail to a mental health facility in 1967, Would Sharon Tate now be a woman in her mid -to- late 60's on a CW sit com?
" The teachers would not turn their backs on him to write on the blackboard, fearing that he might shoot them in the back." , This comment was made the man who unleashed unspeakable mayhem at an Arizona Shopping Center late on the morning of Saturday, January 8th,2011.
The elected representatives in a Republic have an absolute responsibility to promote and safeguard the GENERAL WELFARE of its' citizens.. When they fail to do so or decide to follow policies that place the safety of the many to benefit a very few, that is an immoral and unjustifiable action. Those who are dangerous to themselves and others and who have the ability to control and modify his or her behavior and choose not to need to face imprisonment when they act to do harm to themselves and/ or others. Those who do harm to themselves and others and lack the ability to control their actions and who do not have the capacity to understand the consequences of their behavior need to be institutionalized.
Some will call me a hater, a fascist and anti-freedom for daring to type this. During Ronald Reagan's First Term as President the Issue of what to do with the asylums and institutions for those who would harm others and/ or were incapable of caring for themselves came up. Many of these institutions and asylums were poorly run and were in deplorable conditions. The standards for commitment seemed to be in serious need for review and overhauling. Some people believed that nothing worthwhile was being done for those who were living there. The belief of the time is that these venues were doing nothing save WAREHOUSING People.
Looking back at those times. The wise answer seemed to be - remodel the buildings, get better trained staff and administrators to run these facilities, review and reform the procedures for the operation of these facilities. Let's set up laws that work and defensible and justifiable procedures to decide who should be institutionalized.
Yet, None of this was done- Many asylums and institutions were simply torn down and their residents simply and not wisely simply released into the community. It was said that current drugs and therapies could allow these men and women to function acceptably as part of the overall society. Yet, Who would insure that these people would get the needed drugs at the proper dosages and at the needed frequency.? No answer really was provided and soon we had a large homeless population.
I have always been candid in my Blog. I had a nervous breakdown and I was homeless for 7 months in 2003 and 2004. I see a therapist and a psychiatrist , I am a member of various groups to help me better deal with everyday life! I am a part of The Mental Health Recovery Community in The Northern Virginia Area and consider myself an active and involved Mental Health Consumer and Advocate.
I find myself at odds, often, with other members of the community ! I do believe that we should help people be treated well, caringly and responsibly. Yet, We have to be honest and responsible that there are members of this communiity who are incapable of self-discipline, who decide to behave irresponsibly and wrecklessly and can be dangerous to themselves and others. We should adjust as well as we can to the behaviors of others- this is a just standard. If we put ourselves at risk to the benefit of others, This is simply and unjustifiable.
When we decide that being " nice and twisting ourselves into a pretzel in order to allow for any and every possible behavior", We are deciding to make everyone less safe and secure. We also make events such as Saturday's tragedy more likely to occur!
- Johnny -
" The teachers would not turn their backs on him to write on the blackboard, fearing that he might shoot them in the back." , This comment was made the man who unleashed unspeakable mayhem at an Arizona Shopping Center late on the morning of Saturday, January 8th,2011.
The elected representatives in a Republic have an absolute responsibility to promote and safeguard the GENERAL WELFARE of its' citizens.. When they fail to do so or decide to follow policies that place the safety of the many to benefit a very few, that is an immoral and unjustifiable action. Those who are dangerous to themselves and others and who have the ability to control and modify his or her behavior and choose not to need to face imprisonment when they act to do harm to themselves and/ or others. Those who do harm to themselves and others and lack the ability to control their actions and who do not have the capacity to understand the consequences of their behavior need to be institutionalized.
Some will call me a hater, a fascist and anti-freedom for daring to type this. During Ronald Reagan's First Term as President the Issue of what to do with the asylums and institutions for those who would harm others and/ or were incapable of caring for themselves came up. Many of these institutions and asylums were poorly run and were in deplorable conditions. The standards for commitment seemed to be in serious need for review and overhauling. Some people believed that nothing worthwhile was being done for those who were living there. The belief of the time is that these venues were doing nothing save WAREHOUSING People.
Looking back at those times. The wise answer seemed to be - remodel the buildings, get better trained staff and administrators to run these facilities, review and reform the procedures for the operation of these facilities. Let's set up laws that work and defensible and justifiable procedures to decide who should be institutionalized.
Yet, None of this was done- Many asylums and institutions were simply torn down and their residents simply and not wisely simply released into the community. It was said that current drugs and therapies could allow these men and women to function acceptably as part of the overall society. Yet, Who would insure that these people would get the needed drugs at the proper dosages and at the needed frequency.? No answer really was provided and soon we had a large homeless population.
I have always been candid in my Blog. I had a nervous breakdown and I was homeless for 7 months in 2003 and 2004. I see a therapist and a psychiatrist , I am a member of various groups to help me better deal with everyday life! I am a part of The Mental Health Recovery Community in The Northern Virginia Area and consider myself an active and involved Mental Health Consumer and Advocate.
I find myself at odds, often, with other members of the community ! I do believe that we should help people be treated well, caringly and responsibly. Yet, We have to be honest and responsible that there are members of this communiity who are incapable of self-discipline, who decide to behave irresponsibly and wrecklessly and can be dangerous to themselves and others. We should adjust as well as we can to the behaviors of others- this is a just standard. If we put ourselves at risk to the benefit of others, This is simply and unjustifiable.
When we decide that being " nice and twisting ourselves into a pretzel in order to allow for any and every possible behavior", We are deciding to make everyone less safe and secure. We also make events such as Saturday's tragedy more likely to occur!
- Johnny -
Sunday, January 9, 2011
The Trail
People died yesterday, some people nearly died yesterday! Murder and attempted murder , rage expressed towards an elected political leader, a judge and people who were nearby! We will now hear , I'm sure quite often , in the days that are to come about the need to drastically limit gun sales and how to limit crimes by more drastically limiting who is allowed to use guns.
A gun is a tool, it does not possess a mind, it does not have emotions, it cannot plans nor can any gun calculate and scheme. It is people who make the choices to do harm and decide what tools- what weapons they wish to employ to do that harm. In this case festering anger that was heated up to bonfire intensity is what led to the carnage of yesterday. Torrents of angry words and improperly dealt with mental illness where the indicators that the gunmen would likely engage in such an events.
It is time that we realized that we just cant ask ourselves to be more understanding- certain [people need to be confined. It will be beneficial to all to give such a person all the support and care he needs once you have assured that he is not able to be a danger to himself or ANYONE ELSE! I also think that we need to be alert to what the most disturbed among us are saying, Sometimes their words provide a detailed trail to tragedy!
We want to be, at every reasonable opportunity,to be understanding and supportive to the max. We also owe it to ourselves to make sure that our desire to be as understanding as possible does nOt come back to haunt us!
- Johnny -
A gun is a tool, it does not possess a mind, it does not have emotions, it cannot plans nor can any gun calculate and scheme. It is people who make the choices to do harm and decide what tools- what weapons they wish to employ to do that harm. In this case festering anger that was heated up to bonfire intensity is what led to the carnage of yesterday. Torrents of angry words and improperly dealt with mental illness where the indicators that the gunmen would likely engage in such an events.
It is time that we realized that we just cant ask ourselves to be more understanding- certain [people need to be confined. It will be beneficial to all to give such a person all the support and care he needs once you have assured that he is not able to be a danger to himself or ANYONE ELSE! I also think that we need to be alert to what the most disturbed among us are saying, Sometimes their words provide a detailed trail to tragedy!
We want to be, at every reasonable opportunity,to be understanding and supportive to the max. We also owe it to ourselves to make sure that our desire to be as understanding as possible does nOt come back to haunt us!
- Johnny -
Saturday, January 8, 2011
The Vital Value of Exploring "The Could Haves"
For a few years now, My Favorite Author has been Harry Turtledove. Harry Turtledove writes Counterfactual (Alternative History) Novels. I know some are immediately thinking, " What a waste of Time! Things either occurred or DID NOT!!!! occur, Why would anyone want to think about, NEVER mind write HUNDREDS of pages about what COULD!!! HAVE!!! HAPPENED!!!
The other options/ the side road that History could have journeyed along, can teach us how truly fragile and not necessarily guaranteed our CURRENT WORLD is. One of the 20th Century's most REVERED American Poets, Robert Frost, opined , in verse, about Roads NOT Taken, " Two Roads diverged in a Yellow Wood, I took the one LESS Traveled and that has made ALL the difference!". I know I've wondered, often, what the life of the "I" of that poem would have been like had THE other road been traveled!
There are myriad "could haves" that had history dodged right instead of left that could easily have become hard fact.In 1944, Franklin Delano Roosevelt was a dying man- most historians agree that this was so- defeating Thomas Dewey. President Roosevelt finally died on April 12th, 1945.The US Vice- President in 1944 was Henry Agard Wallace. When Mr. Roosevelt ran for re-election , He did not keep Vice- President Wallace on the ticket. His running mate in the Fall of 1944 was Harry S.Truman. Vice- President Truman became America's 33rd President once President Roosevelt died.
President Roosevelt kept both Henry Wallace and Harry Truman out of the loop. All that need to be known- -critical to the Fighting of World War 2 and the critical essentials of the intimacies of running The US were kept with The President and shared with only those that he deemed should be considered with having a "need to know". Mr. Roosevelt did not include/ CHOSE NOT to include either one of his Vice- Presidents on this important list.
So, A lsubstantial amount of "Vital to the best operation of the Country" information was not accessible to Harry Truman until he became President. What we know of how President Truman operated as The Commander in Chief from 1945 until 1953 depended greatly on his instincts and his personality in addition to his reactions to the information that he gained after April 12th, 1945. Therefore, President Roosevelt's DECISIONS on how much to keep to himself and how much to share was an important one!. Henry A Wallace 's personality and instincts were very much different from Harry Truman's. Mr. Wallace would have, very likely responded to many of the issues concerning the ending of the Second World War, The Cold war against the Soviets and The Korean War rather differently. I''m inclined that we might not recognize many aspects of THAT world in our current year of 2011 due to how President Wallace would have functioned in office!
Twist and turns, possibilities and options, reactions and and consequences. Mr. Turtledove's writing help me to consider again and yet again that no man is an island, You and I do make choices that DO affect others! I am aware that choices, options and decisions, when it is POSSIBLE to do so, should be soberly thought about, mulled over and analyzed properly! We get different results upon the roads that we CHOOSE to travel upon. One of the best way that we can add quality and blessings into our lives by deciding well and caringly and factoring what will work well for the largest group of people when we make our decisions!
- Johnny -
The other options/ the side road that History could have journeyed along, can teach us how truly fragile and not necessarily guaranteed our CURRENT WORLD is. One of the 20th Century's most REVERED American Poets, Robert Frost, opined , in verse, about Roads NOT Taken, " Two Roads diverged in a Yellow Wood, I took the one LESS Traveled and that has made ALL the difference!". I know I've wondered, often, what the life of the "I" of that poem would have been like had THE other road been traveled!
There are myriad "could haves" that had history dodged right instead of left that could easily have become hard fact.In 1944, Franklin Delano Roosevelt was a dying man- most historians agree that this was so- defeating Thomas Dewey. President Roosevelt finally died on April 12th, 1945.The US Vice- President in 1944 was Henry Agard Wallace. When Mr. Roosevelt ran for re-election , He did not keep Vice- President Wallace on the ticket. His running mate in the Fall of 1944 was Harry S.Truman. Vice- President Truman became America's 33rd President once President Roosevelt died.
President Roosevelt kept both Henry Wallace and Harry Truman out of the loop. All that need to be known- -critical to the Fighting of World War 2 and the critical essentials of the intimacies of running The US were kept with The President and shared with only those that he deemed should be considered with having a "need to know". Mr. Roosevelt did not include/ CHOSE NOT to include either one of his Vice- Presidents on this important list.
So, A lsubstantial amount of "Vital to the best operation of the Country" information was not accessible to Harry Truman until he became President. What we know of how President Truman operated as The Commander in Chief from 1945 until 1953 depended greatly on his instincts and his personality in addition to his reactions to the information that he gained after April 12th, 1945. Therefore, President Roosevelt's DECISIONS on how much to keep to himself and how much to share was an important one!. Henry A Wallace 's personality and instincts were very much different from Harry Truman's. Mr. Wallace would have, very likely responded to many of the issues concerning the ending of the Second World War, The Cold war against the Soviets and The Korean War rather differently. I''m inclined that we might not recognize many aspects of THAT world in our current year of 2011 due to how President Wallace would have functioned in office!
Twist and turns, possibilities and options, reactions and and consequences. Mr. Turtledove's writing help me to consider again and yet again that no man is an island, You and I do make choices that DO affect others! I am aware that choices, options and decisions, when it is POSSIBLE to do so, should be soberly thought about, mulled over and analyzed properly! We get different results upon the roads that we CHOOSE to travel upon. One of the best way that we can add quality and blessings into our lives by deciding well and caringly and factoring what will work well for the largest group of people when we make our decisions!
- Johnny -
The First Weekend
After a long season of celebrating, feasting and gift giving, Does a 2 day change of pace matter? As I type this it is a few minutes before 6 Am just outside of Washington DC!
The usual AM drive radio show that I listen to will not be heard again until Monday morning arrives. A very light dusting of snow makes me wonder whether a Toastmaster meeting that I planned to go to will be held at all! I will plan to go to it unless I hear otherwise!
I do know that schedules matter, As someone who CURRENTLY lives on SSIand SSDI, I'm not rushing to work on a dependable basis. It would be easy, for nearly any reason to stay just where I am. It would also be easy for the loneliness and isolation that I say I battle against to grow into much stronger and far more implacable a foe!
So, The 5-2 divide that structure that dominates each year is an important demarcation line and one that as the sunlight and moonlight , that I appreciate having to steer the voyages of my life!
- Johnny -
The usual AM drive radio show that I listen to will not be heard again until Monday morning arrives. A very light dusting of snow makes me wonder whether a Toastmaster meeting that I planned to go to will be held at all! I will plan to go to it unless I hear otherwise!
I do know that schedules matter, As someone who CURRENTLY lives on SSIand SSDI, I'm not rushing to work on a dependable basis. It would be easy, for nearly any reason to stay just where I am. It would also be easy for the loneliness and isolation that I say I battle against to grow into much stronger and far more implacable a foe!
So, The 5-2 divide that structure that dominates each year is an important demarcation line and one that as the sunlight and moonlight , that I appreciate having to steer the voyages of my life!
- Johnny -
Friday, January 7, 2011
Now - A Deadly concept to immerse yourself in and play with!
" Gotta get off, gonna get, Have to get off of this ride, Gotta get hold, gonna get , Need to get hold of my pride." Valley of The Dolls was a hit movie in the Year 1967. These words are from the theme of this movie and were written and are sung by Dionne Warwick!
One of the prime themes of this movie is drug addiction, Anne Welles, played by Barbara Perkins, was a bright and very talented young woman who came to New York City to make her fortune!She wanted to gain as much as she possibly could as quickly as she could get there. She had a similar desire to the other 2 female leads of the movie- Neely, played by Patty Duke, played the young singer and dancer, Neely O' Hara and Sharon Tate played a young actress named Jennifer who wanted to be known for her acting talent but was much more sought after for her body.
The "Dolls" of the movie actually referred to pills. Anne Wellles seemed to be the one who would wind up with the least troubled road. She met a man that she was attracted to and found a great job. Yet, The scheming and " Get to the Top" at any cost Neely took her man from her and that led to a rough down hill slide for Anne that wound up with her plunging deep into addiction. The song lyrics are basically tied to scenes with Anne realizing her life had totally fallen apart and that she would have to start the slow and painful climb to regain her soul once again.
Why refer to a late 1960's movie that has not worn well over time, I chose it because it demonstrates where being too tunnel-visioned upon the concept of NOW can lead you. Now is the cry of the greedy, the immature and tiresome. They give anyone who encounters them the clear message that " satisfying and Pleasing me is yours and everyone else's Job #1!"
People who decide to work on the assunption are, in a strange way, totally others focused- when it comesgaining answers and obtaining resolution. If you are insisting upon things occurring " N!!!O!!!W!!!" then you either seeing yourself being magically in total control of everything. If not then THAT individual must believe that someone else has the ability to make everything and everything happen and that he or she will, of course, act IMMEDIATELY now to their advantage.
Unless you are 4 years old or are magical or a being of vast power from some other locale in the Universe, You do not truly think that you will get all that you desire NOW! Thus, Being "NOW" focused means that you plan to be unhappy, whiny, impossible to please and satisfy and just not at all great to be around!
The maturity process that we all must participate in to learn to live well shows up the value of time, process and work. Nothing positive or negative really happens in a surprising moment. We usually blind ourselves that that which is working around us that is negative and adversity- constructing because we decide to will ourselves to ignore it!
Problem-soling and improvement occurs when we recognize a change must occur! Then, We must decide what to do and then we have to actually get into action.We also have to give ourselves permission to work hard and wait to gain what we want or to regain what we have lost! Starting something new can also be a slow and torturous process!
So, Insisting on NOW as the only answer to when means you will not be easy to please or, ultimately very pleased with yourself!
- Johnny -
One of the prime themes of this movie is drug addiction, Anne Welles, played by Barbara Perkins, was a bright and very talented young woman who came to New York City to make her fortune!She wanted to gain as much as she possibly could as quickly as she could get there. She had a similar desire to the other 2 female leads of the movie- Neely, played by Patty Duke, played the young singer and dancer, Neely O' Hara and Sharon Tate played a young actress named Jennifer who wanted to be known for her acting talent but was much more sought after for her body.
The "Dolls" of the movie actually referred to pills. Anne Wellles seemed to be the one who would wind up with the least troubled road. She met a man that she was attracted to and found a great job. Yet, The scheming and " Get to the Top" at any cost Neely took her man from her and that led to a rough down hill slide for Anne that wound up with her plunging deep into addiction. The song lyrics are basically tied to scenes with Anne realizing her life had totally fallen apart and that she would have to start the slow and painful climb to regain her soul once again.
Why refer to a late 1960's movie that has not worn well over time, I chose it because it demonstrates where being too tunnel-visioned upon the concept of NOW can lead you. Now is the cry of the greedy, the immature and tiresome. They give anyone who encounters them the clear message that " satisfying and Pleasing me is yours and everyone else's Job #1!"
People who decide to work on the assunption are, in a strange way, totally others focused- when it comesgaining answers and obtaining resolution. If you are insisting upon things occurring " N!!!O!!!W!!!" then you either seeing yourself being magically in total control of everything. If not then THAT individual must believe that someone else has the ability to make everything and everything happen and that he or she will, of course, act IMMEDIATELY now to their advantage.
Unless you are 4 years old or are magical or a being of vast power from some other locale in the Universe, You do not truly think that you will get all that you desire NOW! Thus, Being "NOW" focused means that you plan to be unhappy, whiny, impossible to please and satisfy and just not at all great to be around!
The maturity process that we all must participate in to learn to live well shows up the value of time, process and work. Nothing positive or negative really happens in a surprising moment. We usually blind ourselves that that which is working around us that is negative and adversity- constructing because we decide to will ourselves to ignore it!
Problem-soling and improvement occurs when we recognize a change must occur! Then, We must decide what to do and then we have to actually get into action.We also have to give ourselves permission to work hard and wait to gain what we want or to regain what we have lost! Starting something new can also be a slow and torturous process!
So, Insisting on NOW as the only answer to when means you will not be easy to please or, ultimately very pleased with yourself!
- Johnny -
Thursday, January 6, 2011
One thing you owe absolutely to yourself
You owe it to yourself to challenge your self to minimize and to stop, if at all possible, Your self- sabotaging and self- damaging/ self-limiting behaviors. We want to blame others for our dissatisfaction, frustration and for what we seem to simply lack. No one is wrong all the time and most certainly, our actions are influenced, in some measure by the actions of others. yet, We know that we cannot, it is simply not possible for us to control people, place and things. Members of Alcoholics Anonymous are told that their getting and staying sober is reliant upon their deciding to let their lives by governed by this basic reality.
There are simply times when it is best to say nothing no matter how urgently you do wish to say something. It can he helpful to walk another way or decide to end a relationship with someone. If something doesn't work, it must be abandoned. If you regularly do something that does harm to you or something that makes your day unneedfully more difficult to get through, it is vital that you use your own self- discipline to stop yourself from serving yourself foolishly wjile you begin to develop better, more helpful and more useful habits and practices
Doing all you can to make your life better. If you choose NOT to take on THIS assignment, Stop whining and enjoy the misery that you have CHOSEN to embrace!.
- Johnny -
There are simply times when it is best to say nothing no matter how urgently you do wish to say something. It can he helpful to walk another way or decide to end a relationship with someone. If something doesn't work, it must be abandoned. If you regularly do something that does harm to you or something that makes your day unneedfully more difficult to get through, it is vital that you use your own self- discipline to stop yourself from serving yourself foolishly wjile you begin to develop better, more helpful and more useful habits and practices
Doing all you can to make your life better. If you choose NOT to take on THIS assignment, Stop whining and enjoy the misery that you have CHOSEN to embrace!.
- Johnny -
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
No day is TRULY just one in a set of 365 or 366 !!!!!!
Early Jaurary is treated , quite often, in a Rodney Dangerfieldish manner- It simply gets NO!!! RESPECT. It is just something you have to trudge through. It can be considered to be " A day to get through SOMEHOW!" It is also considered a time to say " We've had great times, We will get back to them again but today is just nothing special!
Today is a day that is anything pbut yet another 23 hour and 56 minute span of time to me. Today is the BIRTHDAY of my friend, a lovely lady named Krista Slye! She is a phenomenal wife to my good friend and my pastor, John Syle. As he said last night, " She is the REAL PASTOR an Theologian of this church! She is raising two impressive children who have never doubted for one second that they are loved and valued and celebrated. She is wise, clever and highly insightful. I enjoy and treasure each conversation I have with her and devoutly wish that I MIGHT be allowed to have many more conversations with her!
Life loses flavor, power and dignity when we disregard any day as unworthy for us to deal with ! I'm glad that Krista's Birthday gives me a marvelous chance to opine upon this theme!
- Johnny -
Today is a day that is anything pbut yet another 23 hour and 56 minute span of time to me. Today is the BIRTHDAY of my friend, a lovely lady named Krista Slye! She is a phenomenal wife to my good friend and my pastor, John Syle. As he said last night, " She is the REAL PASTOR an Theologian of this church! She is raising two impressive children who have never doubted for one second that they are loved and valued and celebrated. She is wise, clever and highly insightful. I enjoy and treasure each conversation I have with her and devoutly wish that I MIGHT be allowed to have many more conversations with her!
Life loses flavor, power and dignity when we disregard any day as unworthy for us to deal with ! I'm glad that Krista's Birthday gives me a marvelous chance to opine upon this theme!
- Johnny -
Practical and Muscular Spirituality
Spirituality is a quirky word in the thinking of some. It seems otherworldly,gossamer thin and not there. Some see it as the material of fantasy and childishness- something that weak or silly and ineffectual people rely upon it because they are unable to actually accomplish in and of and by themselves.
Yesterday, Tuesday, January 4th, 2011, My Church, Grace Community Church of Arlington, Virginia asked its' members to fast. The reason - To show that we are dedicated to changing ourselves and being better ready to hear from God and to then move as we believe that we are being directed! This is a way to also demonstrate that our faith is not just something we just "talk about" but it is the rudder that directs us.
I felt a strong sense of unity last night- a lot more hugs and smiles. People seemed to be more willing to listen and the conversations seemed deeper, more connected and more in depth and engaged!
Could it all be self- orchestrated, merely dressing up our actions as a direction of God. That is one way of looking at this! Yet, I believe that people lived out what they believed to be true in a special and far more dedicated manner last night and they saw results transpire due to doing so!
- Johnny -
Yesterday, Tuesday, January 4th, 2011, My Church, Grace Community Church of Arlington, Virginia asked its' members to fast. The reason - To show that we are dedicated to changing ourselves and being better ready to hear from God and to then move as we believe that we are being directed! This is a way to also demonstrate that our faith is not just something we just "talk about" but it is the rudder that directs us.
I felt a strong sense of unity last night- a lot more hugs and smiles. People seemed to be more willing to listen and the conversations seemed deeper, more connected and more in depth and engaged!
Could it all be self- orchestrated, merely dressing up our actions as a direction of God. That is one way of looking at this! Yet, I believe that people lived out what they believed to be true in a special and far more dedicated manner last night and they saw results transpire due to doing so!
- Johnny -
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Thank you to those who helped make 2010 work well for me.
I owe each of you a debt of appreciation. I will look forward to the kindness and grace that I will be accorded in 2011!
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
My Freedom . . .
is an expression of how I live out my hopes and how I struggle to not give into my selfishness and vanity!
is a declaration of what I can do not merely what others grant than I can do or are willing to permit me to do.
is not free.A High prices were paid ny many noble souls to obtain it. I need to live in a way that demonstrates that I KNOW this to be true!
is a matter of love- you must love others to want them to enjoy freedom!
is very American. I'm STILL naive ENOUGH to still MAINTAIS that ours remains The Lond of the Free and The Home of the Brave!
- Johnny -
is a declaration of what I can do not merely what others grant than I can do or are willing to permit me to do.
is not free.A High prices were paid ny many noble souls to obtain it. I need to live in a way that demonstrates that I KNOW this to be true!
is a matter of love- you must love others to want them to enjoy freedom!
is very American. I'm STILL naive ENOUGH to still MAINTAIS that ours remains The Lond of the Free and The Home of the Brave!
- Johnny -
The Ripples!
If a butterfly flapping his or her wings can start a series of events that can bring about a Category FOUR Hurricane eventually, Doesn't that tell all of us that the choices that we make and the choices that are fully and inseparably TIED to our choices matter? Wouldn't you and I be better off and wouldn't those we are connected to be likely to do better if we more carefully considered our actions and perhaps then decide that we must NOT do, no matter the temptation fascinates us , that which is likely to be harmfully and damaging!
Sometimes disastrous and really tragic harm is caused simply by us willfully choosing to do that which is BLUNTLY!!! NOT!!!!! GOOD!!! " No: can indeed serve as a complete and most clear sentence. When you say to a choice that will clearly not properly and rightfully benefit any one, You pull out the roots of a devastating Social " weed" before it can begin to grow and fester!
Sometimes wonderful, healing and long term positive good can also be born with a simple "Yes"! You can begin something that will bless by many be deciding to do that which will really make THE BEST POSSIBLE difference in your life, in the lives of those you are connected with and those who you will become connected with in days not yet having arrived by a simple and determined saying of the word " YES"!
Does this seem simplistic? Yes, It can be viewed that way. I . very much, viewed this "simple idea" with a great deal of scorn, mockery and contempt! Yet, Simple ideas can do amazing good and truly bring about excellent and impressive results!
As a brief example, "If you do not drink, You will not get drunk" Duh, That seems sooooooooo painfully obvious. The power and effectiveness of Alcoholics Anonymous uses this simple principle as a vital bedrock. Adhering to this very "simple" idea has saved many people from creating unavoidable havoc and preventable misery for themselves others since June 10th, 1935- The Day AA was first established!
So, Will you and I be brave enough and principled enough to say "Yes" to that we know there is EVERY good reason to say " Yes" to? Will you and I, Additionally, be principled and brave enough to say " No" to that which will not do anyone any good?
- Johnny-
Sometimes disastrous and really tragic harm is caused simply by us willfully choosing to do that which is BLUNTLY!!! NOT!!!!! GOOD!!! " No: can indeed serve as a complete and most clear sentence. When you say to a choice that will clearly not properly and rightfully benefit any one, You pull out the roots of a devastating Social " weed" before it can begin to grow and fester!
Sometimes wonderful, healing and long term positive good can also be born with a simple "Yes"! You can begin something that will bless by many be deciding to do that which will really make THE BEST POSSIBLE difference in your life, in the lives of those you are connected with and those who you will become connected with in days not yet having arrived by a simple and determined saying of the word " YES"!
Does this seem simplistic? Yes, It can be viewed that way. I . very much, viewed this "simple idea" with a great deal of scorn, mockery and contempt! Yet, Simple ideas can do amazing good and truly bring about excellent and impressive results!
As a brief example, "If you do not drink, You will not get drunk" Duh, That seems sooooooooo painfully obvious. The power and effectiveness of Alcoholics Anonymous uses this simple principle as a vital bedrock. Adhering to this very "simple" idea has saved many people from creating unavoidable havoc and preventable misery for themselves others since June 10th, 1935- The Day AA was first established!
So, Will you and I be brave enough and principled enough to say "Yes" to that we know there is EVERY good reason to say " Yes" to? Will you and I, Additionally, be principled and brave enough to say " No" to that which will not do anyone any good?
- Johnny-
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Newness and Renewal
Freshness, Newness, Revival, Beginning and Awakening are words that all get employed by us often in these early days of January! Biblical Christians will use the phrase " Born Again". We like to make a difference by making formal, sharp and established endings that then roll into and establish themselves as a new start, a new initiative, new efforts and new and , hopefully, breakthrough commitments!!.
The painful and obvious example of this is the fact that large numbers of us, Yes, I'm clearly guilty of this as well, treat Late November, All Of December and the First Day of The New Year as a" Feasting as if there is no tomorrow season". Today, January 2nd we thus now see as the arrival of tomorrow. The weight is unsightly but it seemed a joy to put on.Many of us now have set a resolution to lose weight! This means -bluntly -exercising, eating, less eating better and exercising more! All of these are planned acts and thoughtful acts, all of these require commitment ,patience, foresight and a plan- this will not happen quickly or easily. Deterioration and decline happen without us doing anything about them. Rebuilding, regaining and empowerment are all thoughtful acts that require us to be highly invested in them in order to come to fruition!
Today is a good day to map out your plan and the WORK you will do to begin the process of becoming new and renewing wonderful things that you have abandoned or neglected to do anything or ENOUGH of anything to bring about.If April showers bring Mat flowers, Then, indeed January struggles, discomfort and plain old-fashioned sweat will bring about July and August Celebration and Satisfaction!
- Johnny -
The painful and obvious example of this is the fact that large numbers of us, Yes, I'm clearly guilty of this as well, treat Late November, All Of December and the First Day of The New Year as a" Feasting as if there is no tomorrow season". Today, January 2nd we thus now see as the arrival of tomorrow. The weight is unsightly but it seemed a joy to put on.Many of us now have set a resolution to lose weight! This means -bluntly -exercising, eating, less eating better and exercising more! All of these are planned acts and thoughtful acts, all of these require commitment ,patience, foresight and a plan- this will not happen quickly or easily. Deterioration and decline happen without us doing anything about them. Rebuilding, regaining and empowerment are all thoughtful acts that require us to be highly invested in them in order to come to fruition!
Today is a good day to map out your plan and the WORK you will do to begin the process of becoming new and renewing wonderful things that you have abandoned or neglected to do anything or ENOUGH of anything to bring about.If April showers bring Mat flowers, Then, indeed January struggles, discomfort and plain old-fashioned sweat will bring about July and August Celebration and Satisfaction!
- Johnny -
Keeping Hope Alive - Is that still an option on 01/03/11 ???!!!
Thanksgiving is a time of appreciation and expressing gratitude in abundance! Christmas is a time of splendor, soaring hope and actually letting yourself embrace the most cherished and amazing hopes and possibilities.
Yet, The very first working and school day of The New year is often seen as a leaden, depressing and harsh day - a day that seems quite alien to any of the days of November and December!
All of us as adults know that noting happens by wishing it intoexistence. Muscle, Time, Effort and Co-Operation,, the process of effort and labor provides us pay and compensation while we create a service or a product that someone will desire sufficiently to spend their hard-worked for money to pay for us. We, overall like the outcome, but we seem to struggle with liking the process!
Dreaming and thinkinhg long and hard about how wonderful things COULD Be if... might give us a notion , an idea or something that delights our imagination but it will never be any more than that unless we roll up our sleeves to do what must be done to bring the idea into tangible reality.
So, Liking the fanciful is just immaturity unless we are motivated by it to act! Working hard and long gains us little unless it creates something that we long to have. So, Perhaps That First Working Day of A New Year could be relabeled " Possibility Occurrance Day" - A day that reminds us that we must do what we NEED to do in order to gain what we deeply desire!
- Johnny -
Yet, The very first working and school day of The New year is often seen as a leaden, depressing and harsh day - a day that seems quite alien to any of the days of November and December!
All of us as adults know that noting happens by wishing it intoexistence. Muscle, Time, Effort and Co-Operation,, the process of effort and labor provides us pay and compensation while we create a service or a product that someone will desire sufficiently to spend their hard-worked for money to pay for us. We, overall like the outcome, but we seem to struggle with liking the process!
Dreaming and thinkinhg long and hard about how wonderful things COULD Be if... might give us a notion , an idea or something that delights our imagination but it will never be any more than that unless we roll up our sleeves to do what must be done to bring the idea into tangible reality.
So, Liking the fanciful is just immaturity unless we are motivated by it to act! Working hard and long gains us little unless it creates something that we long to have. So, Perhaps That First Working Day of A New Year could be relabeled " Possibility Occurrance Day" - A day that reminds us that we must do what we NEED to do in order to gain what we deeply desire!
- Johnny -
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