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Monday, February 28, 2011
A Month of Sports Transitioning
A Championship Game at The Start to a Diamond at the end. February starts with the build up to the Superbowl and ends with baseball team playing their first Spring Training Games!. Taking us from The Lombardi Trophy to Diamonds.
A Homeless Man given a HUNDRED!!! Dollars in the EARLY!! 1960's !!??
Half- a -century ago, Almost no one thought of homelessness as an issue.No one was actively a part of large community or national rallies to demand that the homeless be well-provided for.Yet, I just read on Page 241 of a Best Selling Biography of a well known man giving a HUNDRED DOLLARS to a homeless man outside of a hotel in MAJOR US City.
Who could this very enlightened -obviously- person be? Who could this erudite, caring, well-educated, savvy and socially aware and enlightened soul be? Albert Schweitzer? Mother Teresa? Ted Kennedy? Eleanor Roosevelt? Mitch Snyder? Martin Luther King? or perhaps just an anonymous wealthy and noble social organizer? I could go on with this. I do believe that you will find the answer to this as startling as I did when I first learned of this fact! The book that I found this information in is entitled - The Last Boy. The Subtitle of this tome is- Mickey Mantle And The End of America's Childhood. The man who donated this 100 dollars without declaring a press conference right after giving this to a down and out man in New York City was the then Center fielder for the New York Yankees.
You noticed, a short time ago, that I wrote in another blog entry that Mickey was vilified , by some for exploiting his celebrity to move to the front of the line in order to get a liver transplant. This same biography shows in great detail, that Mickey was rather lacking both as a faithful husband and a good father. Sports writers often described him as being " mean , surly, obnoxious and immature." I am not going to try to praise my Caesar- Number 7 was ,after all ,My Boyhood hero- by attempting to deny or explain away any of what I JUST typed!
However, Mickey Mantle did give a hundred dollars to a homeless man. He often welcomed rookies to the team with great enthusiasm. He also offered to be the first person to listen to them when they felt an overwhelming need to unburden themselves.He often picked up dinner checks. At one point, The Mick left a 50.00 tip for a waitress after having lunch with a teammate. The team mate, feeling that Mickey was being far too generous protested his action, " Mick, The bill is TOO small for that tip." Mantle, speaking softly but very intensely said, " I've seen people bust their azzes to make just about nothin'. I know how hard this girl worked and that is the tip I am leavin' for her!" He cared about people, knew some people really needed a boost and was willing and eager, at times certainly NOT always, to provide it. Mantle also said that when he first joined the Yankees, he idolized Joe DiMaggio and it hurt him that Joe ignored him. He practiced the idea, at some level, treat others as you want to be treated!
Here in The Washington Area, An NBA legend played his final games. He came to Washington invited here by the then owner of the Team, Abe Pollin.. Pollin want this King of Hoops to put his style and imprint on his team. Brought here to become a part owner and team executive, This legend decided that he wanted to play one last time and became an active player once again.
This Lord of The Court still played amazingly well for periods of times. Yet, He was known to mistreat rookies for not playing well in games for not practicing at a standard that he found acceptable. He was heard make insulting comments about their manhood and their sexual orientation. He once challenged a statement made by the owner about the salary demands of free agents. This legend smirked, " If he is too cheap to spend what he needs to spend, He needs to sell the team to someone who will."
He played for Abe Pollin for 2 years. At the end of the second season, He promptly retired again and shortly there after he was invited to come to a meeting with Mr. Pollin. He expected to be offered more of the team and be set up to eventually own the team. Instead, He was told, " I don't want you as my partner. I do not like how you treat my players. I don't like how you disrespect me." The Legend left that day humbled and humiliated.
I am absolutely certain this NBA legend has done some noble things some noteworthy and impressive things outside of the game of Basketball. I know this just as I know that Mickey Mantle has his clear failings! I guess it is often true that you will notice every misstep of people that you have a low regard for and will ignore the missteps of those who you greatly favor.
Mickey, as much as I thought I knew you, I discovered a reason that I did not expect to find to consider you to be noble and, indeed, a hero!
- Johnny -
Who could this very enlightened -obviously- person be? Who could this erudite, caring, well-educated, savvy and socially aware and enlightened soul be? Albert Schweitzer? Mother Teresa? Ted Kennedy? Eleanor Roosevelt? Mitch Snyder? Martin Luther King? or perhaps just an anonymous wealthy and noble social organizer? I could go on with this. I do believe that you will find the answer to this as startling as I did when I first learned of this fact! The book that I found this information in is entitled - The Last Boy. The Subtitle of this tome is- Mickey Mantle And The End of America's Childhood. The man who donated this 100 dollars without declaring a press conference right after giving this to a down and out man in New York City was the then Center fielder for the New York Yankees.
You noticed, a short time ago, that I wrote in another blog entry that Mickey was vilified , by some for exploiting his celebrity to move to the front of the line in order to get a liver transplant. This same biography shows in great detail, that Mickey was rather lacking both as a faithful husband and a good father. Sports writers often described him as being " mean , surly, obnoxious and immature." I am not going to try to praise my Caesar- Number 7 was ,after all ,My Boyhood hero- by attempting to deny or explain away any of what I JUST typed!
However, Mickey Mantle did give a hundred dollars to a homeless man. He often welcomed rookies to the team with great enthusiasm. He also offered to be the first person to listen to them when they felt an overwhelming need to unburden themselves.He often picked up dinner checks. At one point, The Mick left a 50.00 tip for a waitress after having lunch with a teammate. The team mate, feeling that Mickey was being far too generous protested his action, " Mick, The bill is TOO small for that tip." Mantle, speaking softly but very intensely said, " I've seen people bust their azzes to make just about nothin'. I know how hard this girl worked and that is the tip I am leavin' for her!" He cared about people, knew some people really needed a boost and was willing and eager, at times certainly NOT always, to provide it. Mantle also said that when he first joined the Yankees, he idolized Joe DiMaggio and it hurt him that Joe ignored him. He practiced the idea, at some level, treat others as you want to be treated!
Here in The Washington Area, An NBA legend played his final games. He came to Washington invited here by the then owner of the Team, Abe Pollin.. Pollin want this King of Hoops to put his style and imprint on his team. Brought here to become a part owner and team executive, This legend decided that he wanted to play one last time and became an active player once again.
This Lord of The Court still played amazingly well for periods of times. Yet, He was known to mistreat rookies for not playing well in games for not practicing at a standard that he found acceptable. He was heard make insulting comments about their manhood and their sexual orientation. He once challenged a statement made by the owner about the salary demands of free agents. This legend smirked, " If he is too cheap to spend what he needs to spend, He needs to sell the team to someone who will."
He played for Abe Pollin for 2 years. At the end of the second season, He promptly retired again and shortly there after he was invited to come to a meeting with Mr. Pollin. He expected to be offered more of the team and be set up to eventually own the team. Instead, He was told, " I don't want you as my partner. I do not like how you treat my players. I don't like how you disrespect me." The Legend left that day humbled and humiliated.
I am absolutely certain this NBA legend has done some noble things some noteworthy and impressive things outside of the game of Basketball. I know this just as I know that Mickey Mantle has his clear failings! I guess it is often true that you will notice every misstep of people that you have a low regard for and will ignore the missteps of those who you greatly favor.
Mickey, as much as I thought I knew you, I discovered a reason that I did not expect to find to consider you to be noble and, indeed, a hero!
- Johnny -
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Needy does rhyme with Greedy
"When "I " is found in nearly every sentence I speak and becomes just about all that I think about then, I am in MAJOR trouble!", I'm quoting me because this IS an issue that I need to work on FAR more and a vital issues that I must gain MORE traction on and victories over.
I still have the childish idea that the person who gets the most obvious attention and focus is the person who is excelling in life It may just be true that this is the person who is simply the most demanding, the most insistent and the person who prays upon those least likely will be the most reluctant to say " no" to him or her.
In many social situations that I find myself involved in, there are numerous people to associate with and to chat with. Some people would actually be pleased and delighted to be asked to enter into meaningful conversation. There are times what Johnny can also be spelled "S-H-A-L-L-O -W!!!"
One way to become a more interesting, engaging and internally and substantially "richer" person is to engage in many conversation with people who have different opinions , different perspectives and perhaps who just think differently.When people fixate on those things which are popular, they are deciding to wall themselves off and limit, starve and continually shrink the influences affecting their lives. When I become to needy and greedy and needy , I'm also likely to become snobbish and excluding and I'm making myself the type of person that I would not find to be appealing to interact with were I to be someone else!
There are also conversations to have that do not need to be dependent on others. Prayer and Meditation are good things to pursue at my seemingly loneliest and emptiest times. God does tell me that He is available to me 24-7 and that He always delights to have me be in contact with. He is also never too busy, preoccupied or too busy or distracted.
I am also a reader. Books allow you to become engaged, involved, provoked, challenged fed and educated at any time you wish to be.
It is clear to me that when I'm needy I'm also becoming obviously , insensitively and obnoxiously greedy. If I take a step back and examine myself and consider what the best and healthiest options are that are available to me, My history shows that I'm likely to deal well with that time of struggle and uncertainty!
- Johnny -
I still have the childish idea that the person who gets the most obvious attention and focus is the person who is excelling in life It may just be true that this is the person who is simply the most demanding, the most insistent and the person who prays upon those least likely will be the most reluctant to say " no" to him or her.
In many social situations that I find myself involved in, there are numerous people to associate with and to chat with. Some people would actually be pleased and delighted to be asked to enter into meaningful conversation. There are times what Johnny can also be spelled "S-H-A-L-L-O -W!!!"
One way to become a more interesting, engaging and internally and substantially "richer" person is to engage in many conversation with people who have different opinions , different perspectives and perhaps who just think differently.When people fixate on those things which are popular, they are deciding to wall themselves off and limit, starve and continually shrink the influences affecting their lives. When I become to needy and greedy and needy , I'm also likely to become snobbish and excluding and I'm making myself the type of person that I would not find to be appealing to interact with were I to be someone else!
There are also conversations to have that do not need to be dependent on others. Prayer and Meditation are good things to pursue at my seemingly loneliest and emptiest times. God does tell me that He is available to me 24-7 and that He always delights to have me be in contact with. He is also never too busy, preoccupied or too busy or distracted.
I am also a reader. Books allow you to become engaged, involved, provoked, challenged fed and educated at any time you wish to be.
It is clear to me that when I'm needy I'm also becoming obviously , insensitively and obnoxiously greedy. If I take a step back and examine myself and consider what the best and healthiest options are that are available to me, My history shows that I'm likely to deal well with that time of struggle and uncertainty!
- Johnny -
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Number 200 !
Today, I saw a middle school girl talk about why she enjoys being able to speak well. Sandy, not her name,accompanied her mom to an training session at a TLI! This stands for - The Toastmaster Learning Institute. This was conducted by the District 27 Toastmasters. This is intended to help people gain new insights as to how to grow as a leader and a communicator. Toastmasters was once thought of as a Public Speaking Improvement organization. Most people do not give Public Speeches in the old- time and traditional sense. We all to communicate, in many ways continually and Toastmasters make its mission to help us seek to continually improve in the myriad ways we all seek to communicate publicly - both verbally and non verbally.
Later that day, I attended a 20TH Anniversary meeting for a Toastmaster Club- The Galloping Governors Club. There were photos and many discussion of the proud history of this well-regarded club! The VPE- The Vice-President Education of this club was overcome by emotions as he gave a speech today. He spoke on the topic of " Together We Will get there". He urged us to ask more of ourselves, to have a vision to invite others to gain what we have obtained and to trust that others will be our partners as we attain our dreams.
Some say that strong and SILENT men are great! I maintain that men who can speak in a way to prompt others to act are even better!
- Johnny -
Later that day, I attended a 20TH Anniversary meeting for a Toastmaster Club- The Galloping Governors Club. There were photos and many discussion of the proud history of this well-regarded club! The VPE- The Vice-President Education of this club was overcome by emotions as he gave a speech today. He spoke on the topic of " Together We Will get there". He urged us to ask more of ourselves, to have a vision to invite others to gain what we have obtained and to trust that others will be our partners as we attain our dreams.
Some say that strong and SILENT men are great! I maintain that men who can speak in a way to prompt others to act are even better!
- Johnny -
Friday, February 25, 2011
Is Tough too often misdefined?
I've been bullied a lot in my life, I've been hit and intimidated more than I care to count.I've even cried and cringed at times. Life is fascinating. We are all taught and we all know that to be sane and grounded we must GET! that we can not control others.Thus, We truly cannot control whether people treat us poorly or well either verbally or physically. As is often said when we discuss keep people such as The President, not only Mr. Obama but anyone who has served in this office, " If someone is really determined to get at him, Then it is going to be very difficult to stop him or her."
Thus, As I keep learning, It is how you tutor your spirit that really determines whether you are truly brave and resilient. Can you take things in stride? Can you put your roughest moments in perspective?Do you decide that while suffering is inevitable, misery is optional.
A person who limps from intense pain and cries because he or she is dealing with overwhelming physical or emotional suffering is in tumult and struggling. Yest, The limping while in pain does not, at all mean that he or she is physically weak. The tears that he or she is shedding does not mean that he or she is physically weak, does not at all denote that he or she is a coward.
The desire to continue on and the willfulness not to be detered is a sign of heart, determination and bravery. Toughness is not solely defined by muscle, the ability to inflict pain and the ability to willfully physically dominate another. That is merely a way to express what some regard as toughness. The desire to progress, to live well in spite of and to not let others choose who you are, what you want, what you believe in and what you represent is, to me, the best way to demonstrate toughness and steadfast and disciplined courage.
- Johnny -
Thus, As I keep learning, It is how you tutor your spirit that really determines whether you are truly brave and resilient. Can you take things in stride? Can you put your roughest moments in perspective?Do you decide that while suffering is inevitable, misery is optional.
A person who limps from intense pain and cries because he or she is dealing with overwhelming physical or emotional suffering is in tumult and struggling. Yest, The limping while in pain does not, at all mean that he or she is physically weak. The tears that he or she is shedding does not mean that he or she is physically weak, does not at all denote that he or she is a coward.
The desire to continue on and the willfulness not to be detered is a sign of heart, determination and bravery. Toughness is not solely defined by muscle, the ability to inflict pain and the ability to willfully physically dominate another. That is merely a way to express what some regard as toughness. The desire to progress, to live well in spite of and to not let others choose who you are, what you want, what you believe in and what you represent is, to me, the best way to demonstrate toughness and steadfast and disciplined courage.
- Johnny -
The Promises that were NEVER Made!
No one guaranteed that things would always be easy. No one ever told you that your will would automatically be done any time you insisted that this be so!
You never were told that taking your feelings into account would be the paramount issue to be considered before anyone did anything. Your opinion is not automatically the Universal Law just because you prefer that the Universe work that way.
Never were you given an insurance policy that would pay out a Trillion Dollars should you ever be frustrated EVEN slightly.
Therefore, It seems that no gets everything they want and desire! No one every gets all that will please and satisfy them. No one will ever have everyone be willing and eager to co-operate with them all or even MOST of the time!
So, Since life is , too often, frustrating, irritating, annoying,galling and messy, We all have moments where we feel beaten and thwarted! We ,then , all fare better when we smile when we'd rather frown. When we say "Yes" when we petulantly wish to say "NO" and when we say, Let's figure out how we can best work together to get as much of the best that we can possibly attain!
- Johnny -
You never were told that taking your feelings into account would be the paramount issue to be considered before anyone did anything. Your opinion is not automatically the Universal Law just because you prefer that the Universe work that way.
Never were you given an insurance policy that would pay out a Trillion Dollars should you ever be frustrated EVEN slightly.
Therefore, It seems that no gets everything they want and desire! No one every gets all that will please and satisfy them. No one will ever have everyone be willing and eager to co-operate with them all or even MOST of the time!
So, Since life is , too often, frustrating, irritating, annoying,galling and messy, We all have moments where we feel beaten and thwarted! We ,then , all fare better when we smile when we'd rather frown. When we say "Yes" when we petulantly wish to say "NO" and when we say, Let's figure out how we can best work together to get as much of the best that we can possibly attain!
- Johnny -
Thursday, February 24, 2011
The Beauty of Words!
Freedom of Speech is worthless without words. That seems painfully obvious and yet, we do not act as if we know that to be true. How many of our words seem to fit into the realm of being questionable, vain or just not worth listening to.
The best way to show that we value and cherish our Freedom Of Speech is to mull over and consider our words very carefully and to think before we speak. I am a Toastmaster, have been one for 20 years and a week. The words that we use, we are taught, are intended to be used to help people hunger and thirst to join Toastmasters in order to become better communicators and leaders.We, in turn, are continually urged and inspired to seek to become continually better leaders and communicators.
Lives are made fuller by words that enhance our desires to wonder and explore! People smile more readily when they are told of how valuable they are. People will make sacrifices if they are fully convinced that it will lead to a better future. People will work with each other and be more willing to care for each other if they hear , in great and elaborate detail, why we are bonded together and why we need to truly cherish the concept of " one for all AND all for one"!
Our Freedom of Speech is an amazing blessing that we, as Americans, have available to us. Being trained to speak well and to speak yo change minds and move hearts helps us to maximize our God-Given Freedom of Speech!
The best way to show that we value and cherish our Freedom Of Speech is to mull over and consider our words very carefully and to think before we speak. I am a Toastmaster, have been one for 20 years and a week. The words that we use, we are taught, are intended to be used to help people hunger and thirst to join Toastmasters in order to become better communicators and leaders.We, in turn, are continually urged and inspired to seek to become continually better leaders and communicators.
Lives are made fuller by words that enhance our desires to wonder and explore! People smile more readily when they are told of how valuable they are. People will make sacrifices if they are fully convinced that it will lead to a better future. People will work with each other and be more willing to care for each other if they hear , in great and elaborate detail, why we are bonded together and why we need to truly cherish the concept of " one for all AND all for one"!
Our Freedom of Speech is an amazing blessing that we, as Americans, have available to us. Being trained to speak well and to speak yo change minds and move hearts helps us to maximize our God-Given Freedom of Speech!
What do you believe teachers must teach elementary school aged children? What must the classroom educational priorities must be from Kindergarten to Fifth or Sixth Grade ? What should the parents be teaching their children over the same six or seven year period?
I know some people will say that some parents are not capable or mature enough to reliably, dependably or properly teach much of anything! Some will also argue that some parents and home situation only teach their children negative, derogatory and harmful things!
It is clear that this is true only about some parents and some family and home situations. There are parents who can serve quite well as educators, role models and , bluntly as parents. The US may benefit by advocating that both schools and home education are VITAL for the success of a child. We would all gain if the differences between those two forms of education were made more clear to all of us.
Our schools might become less tense, troubled, limited and confrontational by establishing two clear models for every child's education. The schools can't do everything, not without demanding too much from us in taxes and bogging down from the strain that it is imposed upon it.
Partnerships can act to invest more people in doing what needs to be done. This can provide more resources to all of those involved. A true partnership between school and home- a 21ST Century version of a Parents- Teachers Association one with sinews and demonstrating that on-going effectiveness can be an answer to the question, " What can we realistically do to improve our schools?"
- Johnny -
I know some people will say that some parents are not capable or mature enough to reliably, dependably or properly teach much of anything! Some will also argue that some parents and home situation only teach their children negative, derogatory and harmful things!
It is clear that this is true only about some parents and some family and home situations. There are parents who can serve quite well as educators, role models and , bluntly as parents. The US may benefit by advocating that both schools and home education are VITAL for the success of a child. We would all gain if the differences between those two forms of education were made more clear to all of us.
Our schools might become less tense, troubled, limited and confrontational by establishing two clear models for every child's education. The schools can't do everything, not without demanding too much from us in taxes and bogging down from the strain that it is imposed upon it.
Partnerships can act to invest more people in doing what needs to be done. This can provide more resources to all of those involved. A true partnership between school and home- a 21ST Century version of a Parents- Teachers Association one with sinews and demonstrating that on-going effectiveness can be an answer to the question, " What can we realistically do to improve our schools?"
- Johnny -
March will soon be here!!!!! YES!!!!!!
One of the pleasures of dealing with a winter that has seemed severe, merciless and unrelenting is knowing that its' end is drawing nigh.
We are in the waning days of February, A month known as BEING the shortest but seeming to be the longest. I do not think many will mourn its passing.
I suppose that one does not mourn the departure of anyone or anything that has attacked you consistently for 3 months.
- Johnny -
We are in the waning days of February, A month known as BEING the shortest but seeming to be the longest. I do not think many will mourn its passing.
I suppose that one does not mourn the departure of anyone or anything that has attacked you consistently for 3 months.
- Johnny -
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Grace is Heart Strengthening
I am blessed because I have so much. I am His and He died for me He lives and He leads me. No matter what I seemingly lack, Having this makes me most favored and blessed!
Thank you for this , Lord!
Thank you for this , Lord!
The Resolute
There are some people who I will candidly admit to being in awe of. I write, in this case , about two men who I have the honor of working with as a leader in District 27 Toastmasters.
One is a man who has honored me by agreeing to serve as a coach and a mentor to me. His name is John Lesko and he is the Immediate Past District Governor. John is a masterful speaker and teacher and is a gifted artist. He is training me not to be deterred by results that are less that I originally hoped or expected them to be. He is also teaching me top work with optimism and enthusiasm- to keep urging, extolling and pleading with the members I serve as a Division Governor to do anything and everything that we can do to be of maximum service to every single member of the clubs that I work with.
The other man is the CURRENT District 27 Governor, Paul White! Paul is a story teller par excellence.He is also an amazing magician. He knows how to get people to give of themselves willfully and joyfully. he is also a kind, compassionate and thoughtful man. Paul often reminds me that giving all you can to others is a tangible way to show them just how much you truly value them. Paul knows that my joy in Toastmasters is being a Speech Competitor, He has also heard me tell him that I find competing to be more nourishing for me than being in leadership!
Paul then challenges me to consider what makes a champion is being dedicated to being the best out in him or herself and then learning to bring the desire to achieve and accomplish out in others. Paul then tells me that is what i am learning to do now. In spite of struggling with severe health problems, Paul lives out his District Motto each day. His motto is - Let it shine and I do shine more effectively because of the blessing of being taught by and proudly serving under Paul White!
Paul white and John Lesko - In the First Edition of the ToastMastery Dictionary - There pictures need to both accompany and illustrate the word "Resolute"!
One is a man who has honored me by agreeing to serve as a coach and a mentor to me. His name is John Lesko and he is the Immediate Past District Governor. John is a masterful speaker and teacher and is a gifted artist. He is training me not to be deterred by results that are less that I originally hoped or expected them to be. He is also teaching me top work with optimism and enthusiasm- to keep urging, extolling and pleading with the members I serve as a Division Governor to do anything and everything that we can do to be of maximum service to every single member of the clubs that I work with.
The other man is the CURRENT District 27 Governor, Paul White! Paul is a story teller par excellence.He is also an amazing magician. He knows how to get people to give of themselves willfully and joyfully. he is also a kind, compassionate and thoughtful man. Paul often reminds me that giving all you can to others is a tangible way to show them just how much you truly value them. Paul knows that my joy in Toastmasters is being a Speech Competitor, He has also heard me tell him that I find competing to be more nourishing for me than being in leadership!
Paul then challenges me to consider what makes a champion is being dedicated to being the best out in him or herself and then learning to bring the desire to achieve and accomplish out in others. Paul then tells me that is what i am learning to do now. In spite of struggling with severe health problems, Paul lives out his District Motto each day. His motto is - Let it shine and I do shine more effectively because of the blessing of being taught by and proudly serving under Paul White!
Paul white and John Lesko - In the First Edition of the ToastMastery Dictionary - There pictures need to both accompany and illustrate the word "Resolute"!
Constraining The Rights of Americans in order to keep them safe and well!
Is this an acceptable concept for us to cooperate with? Would America be better off if cigarettes, cigars and all tobacco products were illegal to sell?
Would we be better off if we embedded censors in every road in the US in order to to increase fuel effciency and to save lives. To do so would make all of less free in our automobiles.
Should sugary and salty foods be restricted by charging prohibitively high prices for them? This might mean that Most of us would indeed be thinner and would be less prone to struggle from certain diseases. Yet, Does freedom become not very important when you do not use your freedom as wisely and as prudently as I believe that you should????
Is the assumption of risk and living a life where I must, as a free man or woman, take responsibility for the choices I make and the consequences that result from my choices an expression of being a free man or woman? Have we gotten to the point where we say, if I must pay, with my tax money to support some people, then I get to decide how those people shall live?
Be careful as you think this through, " Absolute Freedom for Me, but as for thee prove that thou art worthy of Freedom!" , Is that how you believe we should live in 2011 America? If it is, Some may think that you are selfish, greedy, an elitist and a T!Y!R!A!N!T! !!!!!
Would we be better off if we embedded censors in every road in the US in order to to increase fuel effciency and to save lives. To do so would make all of less free in our automobiles.
Should sugary and salty foods be restricted by charging prohibitively high prices for them? This might mean that Most of us would indeed be thinner and would be less prone to struggle from certain diseases. Yet, Does freedom become not very important when you do not use your freedom as wisely and as prudently as I believe that you should????
Is the assumption of risk and living a life where I must, as a free man or woman, take responsibility for the choices I make and the consequences that result from my choices an expression of being a free man or woman? Have we gotten to the point where we say, if I must pay, with my tax money to support some people, then I get to decide how those people shall live?
Be careful as you think this through, " Absolute Freedom for Me, but as for thee prove that thou art worthy of Freedom!" , Is that how you believe we should live in 2011 America? If it is, Some may think that you are selfish, greedy, an elitist and a T!Y!R!A!N!T! !!!!!
Not another day !!!!
There is an old Washington Post Commericial where a parrot starts saying the following words, " Not another day. Not another day!" Then ,after a pause, the parrot goes on to state , " I can't take it anymore!" A short time later a man , looking defeated and disraught walks through the door saying the very same things.
Today, I feel beaten and unmotivated. The cleaning tasks in front of me are ones that I wish I could blink away. I dread more time riding on public transportation later today. I am repelled that almost every friend I have is activity or organizationally connected. If any of those groups or organizations ceased, The friendships would vanish with them. I'd love some pleasant and fun surprise and spontanaeity in my life- but alas- it just does not PRESENTLY exist!
I do not KNOW what I will be thinking or feeling on May12th! Howerver, I can say boldly today, Wednesday, February 23rd, 2011, that being an unattached bachelor sans of any serious significant other prospects or possibilities seems to overwhemingly stink today!
Today, I feel beaten and unmotivated. The cleaning tasks in front of me are ones that I wish I could blink away. I dread more time riding on public transportation later today. I am repelled that almost every friend I have is activity or organizationally connected. If any of those groups or organizations ceased, The friendships would vanish with them. I'd love some pleasant and fun surprise and spontanaeity in my life- but alas- it just does not PRESENTLY exist!
I do not KNOW what I will be thinking or feeling on May12th! Howerver, I can say boldly today, Wednesday, February 23rd, 2011, that being an unattached bachelor sans of any serious significant other prospects or possibilities seems to overwhemingly stink today!
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
This Tuesday
Today I worried, Yet I know only I control is me!
Today I wonder - That means I can see new possibilities!
Today, I gave a speech- I am still able to educate train and inspire.
Today, I listened and was helpful- I expressed empathy and offered assistance.
Today. I prayed- My life needs more than just me for it to work properly.
Today, I have a computer- I have access to many
Life is full of resouces and potiential. Thank You God!
Today I wonder - That means I can see new possibilities!
Today, I gave a speech- I am still able to educate train and inspire.
Today, I listened and was helpful- I expressed empathy and offered assistance.
Today. I prayed- My life needs more than just me for it to work properly.
Today, I have a computer- I have access to many
Life is full of resouces and potiential. Thank You God!
Is Volunteering still worth it when you are dealing with uncooperative people?
Being a leader, especially an elected leader in all volunteer organization can be quite trying and exasperating at times. You have to motivate, encourage and pleased quite a lot. Ordering people to do something is frowned upon and will often bring you censure from those in positions above you. You are asked to keep pushing, keep asking people to strive to accomplishing all that is expected of them. You only are allowed to accept a lesser effort when time runs out. You are then expected to smile, urge and plead again as the next project comes up that you must be all in for and that you ask everyone else to be all in for!
It is easy to say " Enough", " I'm not willing to try anymore" and to berate those who are " lazy, stubborn, uncooperative and "just NOT dedicated and committed ENOUGH" to the organization! Those who do stop and renounce their pledge / promise to lead and to serve, as I am learning, become what Thomas Paine once described as " The Summertime Soldier and the Sunshine Patriot". Those who only serve happily and pleasantly when ALL is going splendidly and easily.
Years ago, A Friend of mine who spent most of his life serving in the same organization as I am now, He died, horribly, of cancer. Even with his death drawing nigh, He still spoke of his desire to keep serving, doing anything that need to be done to serve the members of this organization.
I guess that to serve well and effectively it is a matter of focusing more on what you are committed to do and what you able and WILLING to do rather than what others do or do not do. How much does seeing others suceed bless you? How much does being honestly committed to investing in others mean to you? Anyone who believes that those values are vital and lives a life that proves that he or she believes in them will never be in the ranks of "The Summer Time Soldier" or "The Sunshine Patriot"!
- Johnny -
It is easy to say " Enough", " I'm not willing to try anymore" and to berate those who are " lazy, stubborn, uncooperative and "just NOT dedicated and committed ENOUGH" to the organization! Those who do stop and renounce their pledge / promise to lead and to serve, as I am learning, become what Thomas Paine once described as " The Summertime Soldier and the Sunshine Patriot". Those who only serve happily and pleasantly when ALL is going splendidly and easily.
Years ago, A Friend of mine who spent most of his life serving in the same organization as I am now, He died, horribly, of cancer. Even with his death drawing nigh, He still spoke of his desire to keep serving, doing anything that need to be done to serve the members of this organization.
I guess that to serve well and effectively it is a matter of focusing more on what you are committed to do and what you able and WILLING to do rather than what others do or do not do. How much does seeing others suceed bless you? How much does being honestly committed to investing in others mean to you? Anyone who believes that those values are vital and lives a life that proves that he or she believes in them will never be in the ranks of "The Summer Time Soldier" or "The Sunshine Patriot"!
- Johnny -
Monday, February 21, 2011
He so wanted a British Army Commission.
He was a loyal British subject. He lived in Virginia and did surveying in Western Pennsylvania.He warned the British Army that they needed to change their tactics to Fight The French Army in the Wilderness. He wasn't listened to - A General died and an army was nearly destroyed.
He sought a commission in The British Army and was turned down. What would 2011 now be like if George Washington had been given that comission?
He sought a commission in The British Army and was turned down. What would 2011 now be like if George Washington had been given that comission?
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Wow and Yuck! A Life Long Yankee fan's Critical Look at Mickey Mantle.
My Boyhood hero- The arguably most naturally gifted- in terms of RAW potiential- athlete ever to play American Sports! 7 Times the Best player on a World Championship team. I could go on and on and on with superlatives to describe Mickey Charles Mantle ! I an sorely tempted to do so!
In the early 1950's, He was compared favorably as a baseball player to Ty Cobb and Babe Ruth. Yet, Even then his stubborness, his unwillingness to take directions and his not listening to those who wanted him to take better care of himself.
His refusal to train likely made severe injuries take a worse toll on his athletic abilities then they needed to. His drinking ruined personal relationships, family relationships and him.
Sadly ,Some remember him as a man who used his celebrity to get moved ahead in line for a liver transplant. he, poignantly said " Don't be like me" not all that long before he died from cancer. He saw his life , at that point as being promise ruined by horrible choices that he made.
As a boy, I saw Mickey Mantle as the hero that made an abused -tainted child hood more tolerable, As a man, I now see that, He had to struggle to rise beyond his foibles just as I do!
If I ,one day, meet him in heaven, I SHALL thank him for both.
- Johnny -
In the early 1950's, He was compared favorably as a baseball player to Ty Cobb and Babe Ruth. Yet, Even then his stubborness, his unwillingness to take directions and his not listening to those who wanted him to take better care of himself.
His refusal to train likely made severe injuries take a worse toll on his athletic abilities then they needed to. His drinking ruined personal relationships, family relationships and him.
Sadly ,Some remember him as a man who used his celebrity to get moved ahead in line for a liver transplant. he, poignantly said " Don't be like me" not all that long before he died from cancer. He saw his life , at that point as being promise ruined by horrible choices that he made.
As a boy, I saw Mickey Mantle as the hero that made an abused -tainted child hood more tolerable, As a man, I now see that, He had to struggle to rise beyond his foibles just as I do!
If I ,one day, meet him in heaven, I SHALL thank him for both.
- Johnny -
Friends and Family!
We all, obviously, connected at the beginning. We are born. We are carried within someone for 9 months. We, of course, do not all TRULY have families, once we are born. There are too many different circumstances.
I am NOT at all sure that I buy the idea that one of the "proper definitions of family is " a group of people who wish to be connected to each other.". The idea has SOME merit and does provide Some Comfort but I find that fuzzy and shaping definitions to fit any possibility tends to make my life inexact and amorphous.
Yet, I really do not have any reliable flesh and blood connection, DNA related. I think it works better when I more precisely define the word "friend".A friend is someone who "One knows , likes and trusts. Someone who you are strongly bonded to and want the best for." A Friend can be someone who you "affectionately work for the betterment of; someone you are strongly allied and committed to in a cause, project and activity."
Friend like that make a difference. I've been blessed by these friends as I am today. It is just my opinion but detailed and clear definitions that I can live with well and can accurately apply and explain work BEST FOR ME!
- Johnny -
I am NOT at all sure that I buy the idea that one of the "proper definitions of family is " a group of people who wish to be connected to each other.". The idea has SOME merit and does provide Some Comfort but I find that fuzzy and shaping definitions to fit any possibility tends to make my life inexact and amorphous.
Yet, I really do not have any reliable flesh and blood connection, DNA related. I think it works better when I more precisely define the word "friend".A friend is someone who "One knows , likes and trusts. Someone who you are strongly bonded to and want the best for." A Friend can be someone who you "affectionately work for the betterment of; someone you are strongly allied and committed to in a cause, project and activity."
Friend like that make a difference. I've been blessed by these friends as I am today. It is just my opinion but detailed and clear definitions that I can live with well and can accurately apply and explain work BEST FOR ME!
- Johnny -
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Spring Sports and Young People
Soccer? Tennis? Baseball? Golf? Track?, Will your son or daughter be playing a spring sports in the coming days? What does he or she desire to get out of their playing this sport? Fun? Exercise, Improving their skills? Gaining a greater sense of discipline? Learning to function as a teammate? Or, Perhaps hoping to one day be seen on an ESPN highlight package as they are one of the best and one of the most highest paid stars of their sport!
What do you expect of your child's coach? Do you want him/ her to be a baby sitter basically or a teacher, strategist and a trainer? What does your son or daughter desire their coach to be?
Spring- A time of action and expoloration indeed!
What do you expect of your child's coach? Do you want him/ her to be a baby sitter basically or a teacher, strategist and a trainer? What does your son or daughter desire their coach to be?
Spring- A time of action and expoloration indeed!
The Long Winter's first signs of fading!!!!
The Pitchers and Catchers have reported. The Major Leage Baseball Spring Training camps are now in operation!Baseball websites actually have something to write about that is likely to hold the attention of the more casual baseball fan.
From now until The earliest days of the 2011 Holiday season, Baseball will be active. How do you expect that your team will do THIS season? My Yankees will hit masterfully but pitching wise??????
From now until The earliest days of the 2011 Holiday season, Baseball will be active. How do you expect that your team will do THIS season? My Yankees will hit masterfully but pitching wise??????
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
When solemly made promises and commitments are easily dismissed
Someone looks you in the eye, shakes your hand firmly and tells you, " I promise that I will do this", We are, as people of good faith and honor expected to respect them and honor them by taking their words and stated intentions seriously. How, then, are expected to respond when we are later TOLD that, " I'm sorry, What I promised is not going to happen. We both know tthat I was foolish to commit myself to do that. I know you'll understand!", So, Do you then, as a mature and responsible need to, indeed, understand and accept what you've heard and move on.!?
I have stated many times in various venues that one of my favorite verses in the Bible is Psalms 15:4, " If you make a promise, Keep it , EVEN if it ruins you!". That means I have a responsibility to think carefully BEFORE I make a promise. However, Once I make a promise. I feel most honor bound to keep it. I also honestly cannot remember breaking a promise to a child.
My bottom line on this is- If your word is unreliable and cannot be trusted , then you are making a statement about who you are as a person!
I have stated many times in various venues that one of my favorite verses in the Bible is Psalms 15:4, " If you make a promise, Keep it , EVEN if it ruins you!". That means I have a responsibility to think carefully BEFORE I make a promise. However, Once I make a promise. I feel most honor bound to keep it. I also honestly cannot remember breaking a promise to a child.
My bottom line on this is- If your word is unreliable and cannot be trusted , then you are making a statement about who you are as a person!
Monday, February 14, 2011
Love means never ever thinking " You're simply good enough for today !!!!"
There is a loathsome breed of human, I'm prone to think that only a male will think this way, but I'm told that women CAN think these thoughts as well, who constantly mask with just the right words a hideous and vile thought, " You're good enough to be with me today!"
The smile hides a contemptable soul that rates people as no more than another commodity.Acceptance, appreciation and treasuring are nonsense words to this man who compares rather than values!
The person who is considered" good enough for the moment" but MAYBE not GOOD enough for tomorrow- is truly someone who is to be grieved for, even if they are in denial a to how horribly he or she is being misused.
The one who keeps wanted to trade up seems to be someone who does not value the richness of being cared for and cared about!
The smile hides a contemptable soul that rates people as no more than another commodity.Acceptance, appreciation and treasuring are nonsense words to this man who compares rather than values!
The person who is considered" good enough for the moment" but MAYBE not GOOD enough for tomorrow- is truly someone who is to be grieved for, even if they are in denial a to how horribly he or she is being misused.
The one who keeps wanted to trade up seems to be someone who does not value the richness of being cared for and cared about!
Sunday, February 13, 2011
When you can't help wonderin', " Where do I belong?"
As the last hours of Valentine Day's Eve 2011 evaporate, This song lyric, which I believe comes from the Early 1960's musical Stop The World I want to Get off" come to mind.
Being an orphan is an interesting place to be, My mother died in July in 2001 and My father 6 days after New Years in 2002. My mother told me, loudly and painfully shrilly that " I wasn't good enough" to be her child from the earliest days I can remember. Sometimes, She was beating me as you said this. My father told me, often as well, " That his son should be someone that he'd be proud of". He'd ten, sometimes with a smile on his face that, " he never had any reason to be proud of me".
This, even though, I was the first born of 3, it was always clear to me that my sister were proudly my parents daughters, while I was an an undesirably adopted child within my own birth family! YUCK!!!!!!!
I attended a Birthday party for a six your old boy today At one point today, His mother told me, " You are a part of our family" . This maay cause you to think that I am a wimp or sissy for admitting this. but Tears are NOW flooding my eyes as I type these words. I am touched, overwhelmed, overpowered and over joyed that there is a human being on this planet saying this to me. Thank you, Paige, I've gained an amazing EARLY Valentine's present tonight.
- Johnny -
Being an orphan is an interesting place to be, My mother died in July in 2001 and My father 6 days after New Years in 2002. My mother told me, loudly and painfully shrilly that " I wasn't good enough" to be her child from the earliest days I can remember. Sometimes, She was beating me as you said this. My father told me, often as well, " That his son should be someone that he'd be proud of". He'd ten, sometimes with a smile on his face that, " he never had any reason to be proud of me".
This, even though, I was the first born of 3, it was always clear to me that my sister were proudly my parents daughters, while I was an an undesirably adopted child within my own birth family! YUCK!!!!!!!
I attended a Birthday party for a six your old boy today At one point today, His mother told me, " You are a part of our family" . This maay cause you to think that I am a wimp or sissy for admitting this. but Tears are NOW flooding my eyes as I type these words. I am touched, overwhelmed, overpowered and over joyed that there is a human being on this planet saying this to me. Thank you, Paige, I've gained an amazing EARLY Valentine's present tonight.
- Johnny -
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Are the Innnocent fools?
Is it foolish to trust? Then, I guess that the world's children and people who believe in higher powers are all fools!
Is it absurd the trust to people can strive to be honorable? Then, I guess any belief in honor, dignity and integrity is absurd?
Do only the stupid and the mindless think that promises will be kept? Then I guess that all contracts, agreements, tenderly whispered word of affection and commitments are only valuable to the stupid and the mindless?
Is it bizarre to view that you can hope for a future that is better than today? Then, Any thought of improvement, change and reform must be considered to be bizarre!
Is it impossible to think that hatred, mistreatment and torment can be overcome? Then, Child Abuse must be labeled as a fatal disease.
Can the victories that one attains be used to hearten and inspire others? If not, Then let's stop telling stories to ignite the boldness of anyone.
.Innocence is a treasure beyond the value of rarest gold, diamonds and platinum! We downgrade it wisely it only if we are willing to abandon our humanity and forswear any connection to divinity!
Is it absurd the trust to people can strive to be honorable? Then, I guess any belief in honor, dignity and integrity is absurd?
Do only the stupid and the mindless think that promises will be kept? Then I guess that all contracts, agreements, tenderly whispered word of affection and commitments are only valuable to the stupid and the mindless?
Is it bizarre to view that you can hope for a future that is better than today? Then, Any thought of improvement, change and reform must be considered to be bizarre!
Is it impossible to think that hatred, mistreatment and torment can be overcome? Then, Child Abuse must be labeled as a fatal disease.
Can the victories that one attains be used to hearten and inspire others? If not, Then let's stop telling stories to ignite the boldness of anyone.
.Innocence is a treasure beyond the value of rarest gold, diamonds and platinum! We downgrade it wisely it only if we are willing to abandon our humanity and forswear any connection to divinity!
Friday, February 11, 2011
The Baby of Hodgenville, Kentucky.
A Homely baby was born in Hodgenville, Kentucky, a town 50 miles from Louisville,Kentucky, His mother was a very gentle woman who liked to read the Bible, sing, who loved helping others and who opposed slavery with an intense passion.She also was an intense lover of learning and education.
His father was a farmer but tended to be a bit of a drifter, years later he would be describes as a "rolling stone". He tended to like to do anything to get people to laugh and he also enjoyed entertaining people by telling involved and fascinating stories.
The boy grew up very poor and moved several times. His mother encouraged him to read and study and to walk to school when he could. Sometimes the weather or the needs of the farm kept him away from school- but not from reading and studying!He would read any chance he could get and would walk for miles both to borrow - and return books !
His mother died when he was but 9- from drinking contaminated milk. He worked hard by his father's side as hard as he could and was very fond of his step-mother Sarah, who his father married a short time after his mother died.
At 21, He went on to seek his fortune and never returned . He believed that he and his father both need to be separated from each other.
He often spoke of his mother and how much she had taught him and how thoroughly she had influenced him. He seldom said anything about his father ! Yet, He was well -known for his engaging sense of humor and his amazing and spell-binding story ability- something gained as he listened carefully and skillfully listened throughout his boyhood!
Nancy and Tom's Son used The Love of Learning and Being Steeped in The Bible along with his humor and storytelling ability to become a man that others wished to trust and follow. In his early 20's, He taught himself how to wrestle and this helped him to be tough and disciplined throughout the rest of his life.
He was once asked if , "God is on our side in this war" by a pastor. The son of Nancy and Tom said " I'm not worried about that. However, I'm greatly concerned as to whether we are on God's side !"
He gave a speech in March of 1865 where he also addressed this issue. This Speech was his Second Inaugural Address. Happy 202ND Birthday to you, President Lincoln!
- Johnny -
His father was a farmer but tended to be a bit of a drifter, years later he would be describes as a "rolling stone". He tended to like to do anything to get people to laugh and he also enjoyed entertaining people by telling involved and fascinating stories.
The boy grew up very poor and moved several times. His mother encouraged him to read and study and to walk to school when he could. Sometimes the weather or the needs of the farm kept him away from school- but not from reading and studying!He would read any chance he could get and would walk for miles both to borrow - and return books !
His mother died when he was but 9- from drinking contaminated milk. He worked hard by his father's side as hard as he could and was very fond of his step-mother Sarah, who his father married a short time after his mother died.
At 21, He went on to seek his fortune and never returned . He believed that he and his father both need to be separated from each other.
He often spoke of his mother and how much she had taught him and how thoroughly she had influenced him. He seldom said anything about his father ! Yet, He was well -known for his engaging sense of humor and his amazing and spell-binding story ability- something gained as he listened carefully and skillfully listened throughout his boyhood!
Nancy and Tom's Son used The Love of Learning and Being Steeped in The Bible along with his humor and storytelling ability to become a man that others wished to trust and follow. In his early 20's, He taught himself how to wrestle and this helped him to be tough and disciplined throughout the rest of his life.
He was once asked if , "God is on our side in this war" by a pastor. The son of Nancy and Tom said " I'm not worried about that. However, I'm greatly concerned as to whether we are on God's side !"
He gave a speech in March of 1865 where he also addressed this issue. This Speech was his Second Inaugural Address. Happy 202ND Birthday to you, President Lincoln!
- Johnny -
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Time Travellers, A Supportive Word and a 5 Year old.
I'd been feeling very melancholy - is that actually a hybrid between a fruit and a canine- about the approaching of the 14th of this month. I decided that I need a bit of a treat- so I decided to rent a Red Box Movie.I chose " The Time Traveller's Wife".
I realize I may take heat because I'm guessing that this might be considered a "chick flick" , but I enjoyed the movie and found iy very touching and moving. I actually shed some tears as I watched it. Eric Bana and Rachel Mc Adams were well-cast as was the girl who played their daughter.
Then, I found out defunitively that I will be moving soon, perhaps as soon as late March or Early April. The 2 story Apartment building I live in is going to be fully renovated in June. It is unlikely that I then would be allowed to move back in due to a rent increase that will likely be imposed. I heard my good friend who is also my associate pastor tell me of what he was planning to orgamize to support me. I often feel disconnected but I saw today that this is LARGELY just a feeling- I saw today that I am valued and supported.
What touched me most is that I was invited this upcoming Sunday to go to a Birthday party for a boy turning 6- by the Birthday boy himself! I was touched and immediately said "Yes!" . This occurred before Church last Sunday. During the second service, This boy actually asked his mom if he could sit next to me. Again, Wow!, I guess I am more appreciated than I believe I am.
I have been looking at this approach of Valentine's Day this year with dread because there is no significant other in my life presently. It is clear to me tonight that I have been looking at my life, however, a bit TOO narrowly!
- Johnny -
I realize I may take heat because I'm guessing that this might be considered a "chick flick" , but I enjoyed the movie and found iy very touching and moving. I actually shed some tears as I watched it. Eric Bana and Rachel Mc Adams were well-cast as was the girl who played their daughter.
Then, I found out defunitively that I will be moving soon, perhaps as soon as late March or Early April. The 2 story Apartment building I live in is going to be fully renovated in June. It is unlikely that I then would be allowed to move back in due to a rent increase that will likely be imposed. I heard my good friend who is also my associate pastor tell me of what he was planning to orgamize to support me. I often feel disconnected but I saw today that this is LARGELY just a feeling- I saw today that I am valued and supported.
What touched me most is that I was invited this upcoming Sunday to go to a Birthday party for a boy turning 6- by the Birthday boy himself! I was touched and immediately said "Yes!" . This occurred before Church last Sunday. During the second service, This boy actually asked his mom if he could sit next to me. Again, Wow!, I guess I am more appreciated than I believe I am.
I have been looking at this approach of Valentine's Day this year with dread because there is no significant other in my life presently. It is clear to me tonight that I have been looking at my life, however, a bit TOO narrowly!
- Johnny -
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Breadfruits and The Bounty
Fletcher Christian and William Bligh. We know that Fletcher Christian took over the ship, The Bounty. Captain Bligh and those who expressed loyalty to him were set a drift in a small boat. Mr. Christian and the Bounty Mutineers expected that Bligh and his fellow loyalist would never been seen again. That they would drown or wind up stranded on a deserted island where they would die of either starvation,thirst or both.
Why did Fletcher Christian and his supporters mutiny against Bligh? The traditional explanation that Bligh was cruel, too driven and capricious does not tend to hold true. Bligh was a rather strict disciplinarian but no worse than a typical British naval officer of the time. The best explanation was the dangers of long sea voyages across the vastness of the Pacific Ocean in the late 1700's.
The crossing were rough as the ships were at the mercies of the currents and the winds. The Ships also took on severe damages due to the harshness of the journey. The ships often took on severe damages and the men suffered from illness, severe injuries and death.
As the 1700's progressed, The European navies developed resupply ports,often friendly islands that were lush, The men gained time off as the ships were resupplied and repaired/ rebuilt before continuing. Tahiti was one such island. It was considered a paradise, The men of The Bounty enjoyed the watherm the food and the hospitality they gained there from the natives of Tahiti.
They actually slowed down their work on preparing the ship so they could stay longer. Bligh 's patience wore thin with this. He finally set a date and the ship set sail. Shortly after leaving, The mutineers struck, set Bligh adrift and then returned to Tahiti.
The reason the Bounty sailed from England to Tahiti was to obtain Breadfruit seedlings to be transported to British Colonies in the Carribbean. This plant produced a lush and tasty fruit that was quite popular and The British wanted to be able to grow BreadFruit plants in their possessions in the Caribbean.
Captain Bligh and his loyalists actually survived their ordeal. Bligh, a superb sailor,navigated his small vessel over an expanse of 3,608 miles to reach Timor, then a Dutch possession in the Pacific.Bligh eventually got back to England and the British hunted down the Bounty Mutineers.
The search for Breadfruit and the lure of the Island it was cultivated on are a central reason why the Bounty Mutiny occurred.
- Johnny-
Why did Fletcher Christian and his supporters mutiny against Bligh? The traditional explanation that Bligh was cruel, too driven and capricious does not tend to hold true. Bligh was a rather strict disciplinarian but no worse than a typical British naval officer of the time. The best explanation was the dangers of long sea voyages across the vastness of the Pacific Ocean in the late 1700's.
The crossing were rough as the ships were at the mercies of the currents and the winds. The Ships also took on severe damages due to the harshness of the journey. The ships often took on severe damages and the men suffered from illness, severe injuries and death.
As the 1700's progressed, The European navies developed resupply ports,often friendly islands that were lush, The men gained time off as the ships were resupplied and repaired/ rebuilt before continuing. Tahiti was one such island. It was considered a paradise, The men of The Bounty enjoyed the watherm the food and the hospitality they gained there from the natives of Tahiti.
They actually slowed down their work on preparing the ship so they could stay longer. Bligh 's patience wore thin with this. He finally set a date and the ship set sail. Shortly after leaving, The mutineers struck, set Bligh adrift and then returned to Tahiti.
The reason the Bounty sailed from England to Tahiti was to obtain Breadfruit seedlings to be transported to British Colonies in the Carribbean. This plant produced a lush and tasty fruit that was quite popular and The British wanted to be able to grow BreadFruit plants in their possessions in the Caribbean.
Captain Bligh and his loyalists actually survived their ordeal. Bligh, a superb sailor,navigated his small vessel over an expanse of 3,608 miles to reach Timor, then a Dutch possession in the Pacific.Bligh eventually got back to England and the British hunted down the Bounty Mutineers.
The search for Breadfruit and the lure of the Island it was cultivated on are a central reason why the Bounty Mutiny occurred.
- Johnny-
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Thank you so much
Reaching a Thousand hits on this Blog caused me to smile when it happened yesterday.I'm grateful that people have found what I've written to be of interest. I also now know that unless I hit 85 Home Runs in a Season or sign a 150 Million Dollar Movie Deal I'm never likely to reach 100's of thousands or millions of hits.
I'm also most pleased with role that Facebook has played in this process.
- Johnny-
I'm also most pleased with role that Facebook has played in this process.
- Johnny-
Monday, February 7, 2011
Is Sports as WAR really a good idea to invest in?
" Smashmouth" is a term that is often used in football, it is picturesque and seems to get people motivated to cheer and get "up" for the big game. Yet, If you pause for a moment the term is about punching or hitting someone in the mouth.
Sports are often seen as a form of war. Rapid sports fans do speak, write , post and blog about conquest, slamming, crushing, launching, blitzing. All these terms are high-energy , active, exciting and dramatic. Those terms also imply violence and aggression. People do speak of sports as both war and as a way to discuss intense hatred! For people who are inclined to be gentle and very much anti-war, This may cause them to have a low-opinion and perhaps be dismissive of sports.
I do fall into cheering the highly aggressive aspects of sports! This is , perhaps, not an aspect of "Johnny at his best". I think I need to honor the cleverness of sports, the creativity, the strategy, the aspect of the challenge and the competition. That is a portion of sports as well.
George Carlin once talked about how baseball differs from OTHER sports. He talked about a batter or runner being "safe" as they progress successfully in the game. He also spoke about how the goal of the game is reaching home. We celebrate each player who goes home.
Sports can be seen as war, indeed! They also can be seen as the best being challenged and strengthened by the best.
- Johnny -
Sports are often seen as a form of war. Rapid sports fans do speak, write , post and blog about conquest, slamming, crushing, launching, blitzing. All these terms are high-energy , active, exciting and dramatic. Those terms also imply violence and aggression. People do speak of sports as both war and as a way to discuss intense hatred! For people who are inclined to be gentle and very much anti-war, This may cause them to have a low-opinion and perhaps be dismissive of sports.
I do fall into cheering the highly aggressive aspects of sports! This is , perhaps, not an aspect of "Johnny at his best". I think I need to honor the cleverness of sports, the creativity, the strategy, the aspect of the challenge and the competition. That is a portion of sports as well.
George Carlin once talked about how baseball differs from OTHER sports. He talked about a batter or runner being "safe" as they progress successfully in the game. He also spoke about how the goal of the game is reaching home. We celebrate each player who goes home.
Sports can be seen as war, indeed! They also can be seen as the best being challenged and strengthened by the best.
- Johnny -
Do not despise tour humble beginnings? It is the day after Superbowl Sunday and this Monday, for most of us, is not likely to be exciting and interesting as yesterday was.
Mondays are often seen as a "they" day than a " me" day for those of us in a continuing 5 day pattern. We take orders, we are directed, we are focused on pleasing others than we are in self-satisfaction. I think Monday is likely to be seen in the mind of ANYONE speaking in terms of delayed gratification.
Yet, Is it the worse thing in the world to be in a position to follow instructions? To act to do what will please others? Some people on Sundays here about the value of serving others- Does all of that get written off less than 24 hours after it is heard.
So, This is a type of beginning- A" Weekstart " - for those on a Monday though Friday cycle. That term is never going to catch on as opposed to the term "Weekend"- but this, nonetheless, is a type of humble beginning so it might do us all well to take advantage of it!
- Johnny -
Mondays are often seen as a "they" day than a " me" day for those of us in a continuing 5 day pattern. We take orders, we are directed, we are focused on pleasing others than we are in self-satisfaction. I think Monday is likely to be seen in the mind of ANYONE speaking in terms of delayed gratification.
Yet, Is it the worse thing in the world to be in a position to follow instructions? To act to do what will please others? Some people on Sundays here about the value of serving others- Does all of that get written off less than 24 hours after it is heard.
So, This is a type of beginning- A" Weekstart " - for those on a Monday though Friday cycle. That term is never going to catch on as opposed to the term "Weekend"- but this, nonetheless, is a type of humble beginning so it might do us all well to take advantage of it!
- Johnny -
Saturday, February 5, 2011
It is well...
Seeking for what you do not have is really an act of theft! It takes away any meaning from today! It can make you selfish, greedy, grasping, jealous and never pleased!
Today, I'm warm, am eating good food, am a part of a great church and have people who appreciate more. I can imagine having things beyond those I have now. I can also look arpound and imagine the grief I'd feel if I lost what I have now.
Today's blessings are marvelous and truly sufficent and splendid for THIS day!
- Johnny -
Today, I'm warm, am eating good food, am a part of a great church and have people who appreciate more. I can imagine having things beyond those I have now. I can also look arpound and imagine the grief I'd feel if I lost what I have now.
Today's blessings are marvelous and truly sufficent and splendid for THIS day!
- Johnny -
Does being wealthy BEYOND BELIEF mean you must help others?
A man or a woman is worth 38.6 Billion Dollars. He/She has that wealth invested in ways that will insure that he or she will not see it evaporate.They have truly well-insulated their fortunes!
Now, This billionaire decided that their prime goal , at present, is ton enjoy having fun- to live a life of pleasure and luxury. Is this acceptable? Does it seem wrong/ unacceptable for someone to live this way? What is the MAIN reason these ideas would occur to someone?
- Johnny -
Now, This billionaire decided that their prime goal , at present, is ton enjoy having fun- to live a life of pleasure and luxury. Is this acceptable? Does it seem wrong/ unacceptable for someone to live this way? What is the MAIN reason these ideas would occur to someone?
- Johnny -
Friday, February 4, 2011
What stories do YOU like to tell?
People can best be taught, convinced and persuaded by stories. Stories are personable and warm , they give us something to relax with and over. Stories also actually provide us a conveyance, A way to carry the story with us and to store it after the first telling of it is over.Stories are also a gift to the listeners. The explanatory information before and after the story can be changed, the point the story is intended to make or reinforce can also be altered but the story , itself, gives you a prepackaged presentation.A story that the listener has heard before can actually serve as an "old, familiar friend".
So, What kind of stories do YOU tell? Humorous Stories? Inspirational Stories? Didactic Stories? Stories give you power and make you more convincing and enjoyable to listen to!
So, What kind of stories do YOU tell? Humorous Stories? Inspirational Stories? Didactic Stories? Stories give you power and make you more convincing and enjoyable to listen to!
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
The Value of Our Individuality
We are all unique! We are separate and while we all need and truly do better with others, We all have our own abilities, sensitivities , intelligence, imagination and opinions.We have dreams and we do not, in any sense,need to sublimate them to the will of anyone else.
Yet, Many of us see ourselves as rather insignificant, dubious and slight. We compare what we believe we can do to what we note, what we observe others are doing."They are mighty, impressive and capable and so I will look up to them because they are simply more than I am!", I wonder what we would think or do if we discovered that they look at us and pretty much think THE SAME THING!
Our individuality is a gateway to possibilities and making a difference, it is a weapon to be used to make our contribution and put our stamp on progress and achievement. Our smile can be a way to let people know that things are good right now- it might help them to consider how things are going for them right now and how much are they invested in the quality of his or her life. When I give speeches in Toastmasters, I'm expressing my methods, as I see best to express myself and I offer to them a model, to consider, as to one way that they MIGHT choose to express themselves. Thus, We all act as both teachers and students all at once when we take our individuality seriously!
" I am, I can, I will" are six simple words but in the mind of the person who values his or her INDIVIDUALITY these are words that can make a vital difference!
- Johnny -
Yet, Many of us see ourselves as rather insignificant, dubious and slight. We compare what we believe we can do to what we note, what we observe others are doing."They are mighty, impressive and capable and so I will look up to them because they are simply more than I am!", I wonder what we would think or do if we discovered that they look at us and pretty much think THE SAME THING!
Our individuality is a gateway to possibilities and making a difference, it is a weapon to be used to make our contribution and put our stamp on progress and achievement. Our smile can be a way to let people know that things are good right now- it might help them to consider how things are going for them right now and how much are they invested in the quality of his or her life. When I give speeches in Toastmasters, I'm expressing my methods, as I see best to express myself and I offer to them a model, to consider, as to one way that they MIGHT choose to express themselves. Thus, We all act as both teachers and students all at once when we take our individuality seriously!
" I am, I can, I will" are six simple words but in the mind of the person who values his or her INDIVIDUALITY these are words that can make a vital difference!
- Johnny -
Extreme Thin-Skinnedness can be a virulent form of Kryptonite
I am a clever person.! I am creative, clever, thoughtful and at times even border on being erudite. I am accused of being gifted by some. This is an exercise in recognizing my strengths and being able to acknowledge them. I'm also, too often .very think skinned and prone to radical and severe oversensitivity When I am responding to someone or something in an absurdly over sensitive and thin skinned way, My behavior becomes highly self-sabotaging and highly self-negating. I become foolish and act in ways that are, simply and clearly not in my best interest.
A big Washington Sports Story was broken earlier today. Dan Snyder is suing a free Washington DC Weekly Newspaper - The Washington City Paper - over a Front page story on him that appeared in the November 19th Edition of The City Paper.The Title of this article is The Cranky Redskin Fantasy Guide to Dan Snyder. The article is very long and caustically critical, It goes over what the writer sees as the numerous miscues, errors, and lies connected to Dan Snyder both as the owner of The Washington Redskins and as a business owner and executive. The author of the article, Dave McKenna, says that the article is true. The editors of The City Paper as well as The Corporate Management and Owners of The City Paper, Dan Snyder's representatives say have been presented what they contend are factual inaccuracies in the story and have asked the writer and his editors to acknowledge those errors in fact.Dave Mc Kenna has steadfastly stood by his story and his editors have stood by him and the story, A Washington Post Reporter,Paul Farhi, has written that Dan Snyder has asked the City Paper to fire Dave McKenna
Dan Snyder DOES have a reputation for thinskinnedness and hyper sensitivity. He seems to get rather shrill when the fans of the Redskins state that they are highly displeased with his ownership of the team. He banned signs from FedEX Stadium that were uncomplimentary towards him. At one point , He cited, as a defense, An NFL Rule against derogatory signs, no such rule exists. Years ago, The Redskins played the Steelers in Pittsburgh. He had a member of his staff listen to the Steeler's radio broadcast of the game. When Dan was told that negative comments were being made about him. Mr, Snyder sent the subordinate to ask the commentators to discontinue the :"offensive comments". After being listed to politely, The staffer was told to leave the booth and that the announcers would continue to say whatever they chose to say.
Mr. Snyder own multiple Sports Radio Stations in The DC Area, These stations are known as being slavishly pro Redskins and EVEN MORE!!! slavishly pro Dan Snyder. A Former Top FM Talk Station - WJFK- 106.7 FM became 106.7 The Fan in late July of 2009, The station says that they are a truly independent sports station. The Most Rapid Redskin Fans claim them to be Anti -Redskin and Anti-Snyder.
In the interest of fairness, There is a picture of Dan Snyder with devils horns drawn on the side of his head. Mr. Snyder's representatives claim that Mr. Snyder , who is Jewish, saw those horns as an Anti-Semitic slur. Commentators on WFAN say that those horns having nothing to do with what Mc Kenna wrote and are, at best, a tangent.
As Someone who can be hypersensitive and very thin skinned, You do have to ask yourself if you respect the person/people who deride you.I f you do not, Consider the source and move on. If you do, Do you want to take on whate4ver might come to pass as result of challenging that person. If it is, Tread carefully as you act. If not, Know that you can't control people and that anything smacking of clear censuring is not going to be well-received..
Some times, Taking a deep breathe, knowing that your discomfort is purely your issue to deal with and moving on is the wisest and best course to pursue!
- Johnny -
A big Washington Sports Story was broken earlier today. Dan Snyder is suing a free Washington DC Weekly Newspaper - The Washington City Paper - over a Front page story on him that appeared in the November 19th Edition of The City Paper.The Title of this article is The Cranky Redskin Fantasy Guide to Dan Snyder. The article is very long and caustically critical, It goes over what the writer sees as the numerous miscues, errors, and lies connected to Dan Snyder both as the owner of The Washington Redskins and as a business owner and executive. The author of the article, Dave McKenna, says that the article is true. The editors of The City Paper as well as The Corporate Management and Owners of The City Paper, Dan Snyder's representatives say have been presented what they contend are factual inaccuracies in the story and have asked the writer and his editors to acknowledge those errors in fact.Dave Mc Kenna has steadfastly stood by his story and his editors have stood by him and the story, A Washington Post Reporter,Paul Farhi, has written that Dan Snyder has asked the City Paper to fire Dave McKenna
Dan Snyder DOES have a reputation for thinskinnedness and hyper sensitivity. He seems to get rather shrill when the fans of the Redskins state that they are highly displeased with his ownership of the team. He banned signs from FedEX Stadium that were uncomplimentary towards him. At one point , He cited, as a defense, An NFL Rule against derogatory signs, no such rule exists. Years ago, The Redskins played the Steelers in Pittsburgh. He had a member of his staff listen to the Steeler's radio broadcast of the game. When Dan was told that negative comments were being made about him. Mr, Snyder sent the subordinate to ask the commentators to discontinue the :"offensive comments". After being listed to politely, The staffer was told to leave the booth and that the announcers would continue to say whatever they chose to say.
Mr. Snyder own multiple Sports Radio Stations in The DC Area, These stations are known as being slavishly pro Redskins and EVEN MORE!!! slavishly pro Dan Snyder. A Former Top FM Talk Station - WJFK- 106.7 FM became 106.7 The Fan in late July of 2009, The station says that they are a truly independent sports station. The Most Rapid Redskin Fans claim them to be Anti -Redskin and Anti-Snyder.
In the interest of fairness, There is a picture of Dan Snyder with devils horns drawn on the side of his head. Mr. Snyder's representatives claim that Mr. Snyder , who is Jewish, saw those horns as an Anti-Semitic slur. Commentators on WFAN say that those horns having nothing to do with what Mc Kenna wrote and are, at best, a tangent.
As Someone who can be hypersensitive and very thin skinned, You do have to ask yourself if you respect the person/people who deride you.I f you do not, Consider the source and move on. If you do, Do you want to take on whate4ver might come to pass as result of challenging that person. If it is, Tread carefully as you act. If not, Know that you can't control people and that anything smacking of clear censuring is not going to be well-received..
Some times, Taking a deep breathe, knowing that your discomfort is purely your issue to deal with and moving on is the wisest and best course to pursue!
- Johnny -
What would you do?
People are being arrested because they do not agree with the elected leader of the country. Large segments of the population are being told that they are responsible for all of the woes of the nation and must be treated as the mortak enemies of all the citizens of the nation. Churches are told that they will be shut down if they do not support the leader of the nation and preach messages in support of his policies.
You believe that all of this is likely to continue on and in fact will get much worse as time goes on. So, How do YOU respond to ALL of this! What will YOU choose to do?
Theologian and Pastor Dr. Dietrich Bonhoeffer decided to preach from the Scriptures. He told his congregation and students that you cannot give to Adolf Hitler the loyalty that Christians can only properly provide to Jesus Christ! He also spoke out against the persecution of the Jews and reminded everyone of the JEWISHNESS of Jesus.
This lead Dietrich Bonhoeffer to act to help Jewish people to leave The Reich.It lead him to travel outside Germany to ask people to work with the German resistance. It leads him to become involved with efforts to assassinate Adolf Hitler. It led to his death by hanging on April 9th, 1945.
He did what he BELIEVED he had to do. So, If faced with a similar reality , What would You do?
You believe that all of this is likely to continue on and in fact will get much worse as time goes on. So, How do YOU respond to ALL of this! What will YOU choose to do?
Theologian and Pastor Dr. Dietrich Bonhoeffer decided to preach from the Scriptures. He told his congregation and students that you cannot give to Adolf Hitler the loyalty that Christians can only properly provide to Jesus Christ! He also spoke out against the persecution of the Jews and reminded everyone of the JEWISHNESS of Jesus.
This lead Dietrich Bonhoeffer to act to help Jewish people to leave The Reich.It lead him to travel outside Germany to ask people to work with the German resistance. It leads him to become involved with efforts to assassinate Adolf Hitler. It led to his death by hanging on April 9th, 1945.
He did what he BELIEVED he had to do. So, If faced with a similar reality , What would You do?
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
There are times I long for an obviously More GENTLE!!! God.
There are times, I must confess, when I want a gentle God. A God that seeks to flood my life with smiles, softness, puppies , kittens and cartoonish rabbits with eyes that are adorable works of art. This God would always seek to make sure I knew how wonderful I was and how my tomorrow will not have any stress, tension,harshness, opposition or difficulty.
Yet such a life would leave me without any discipline, charter, strength, resolve or commitment.I t would make me likely to hide from or to run at full speed from anything or anyone that would demand anything from me. I'd not , at all, have anything of value to say to anyone who is struggling, suffering or at all beset, overwhelmed or tormented.
This is not how my life is today or any day- It is not a festival of gentleness, softness, invincible comfort and happy smiles and nothing else
My life is as it is and My God is as He is and that is The Absolute truth. Yet, How blessed it is that the God who makes things that are soft, fuzzy and gentle was sacrificing enough to take on humanity and be a servant and tough determined and audacious enough to die on a cross and trusting enough to be certain that He'd rise early on Sunday morn!
- Johnny -
Yet such a life would leave me without any discipline, charter, strength, resolve or commitment.I t would make me likely to hide from or to run at full speed from anything or anyone that would demand anything from me. I'd not , at all, have anything of value to say to anyone who is struggling, suffering or at all beset, overwhelmed or tormented.
This is not how my life is today or any day- It is not a festival of gentleness, softness, invincible comfort and happy smiles and nothing else
My life is as it is and My God is as He is and that is The Absolute truth. Yet, How blessed it is that the God who makes things that are soft, fuzzy and gentle was sacrificing enough to take on humanity and be a servant and tough determined and audacious enough to die on a cross and trusting enough to be certain that He'd rise early on Sunday morn!
- Johnny -
Is Grudging service NEARLY valueless service ?
" I hate doing this. however..." , " I know I said I'd help, but these people are really nasty to work with...", " I do NOT know why anyone would think that doing this is a GOOD idea.", Imagine that these comment are made by someone who is involved in a service project. This man or woman, young man or woman or boy or girl volunteered their time to serve and they are doing what they promised to do. Would these negative, rather snarky and unpleasant comments dilute the value of their volunteer service. Is grudging service, therefore of lesser value than willing, enthusiastic,pleasant and friendly service?
Looking at the definitions of the word grudging helps me to see why providing service in a grudging way or to do ANYTHING grudgingly is indeed rather obnoxious and insulting! The definitions include displaying a strong and contrary attitude, petty ,reluctant and unwilling. I would imagine that it must be odious for someone to be be provided help, support and aid from a person in a negative way!
So, I'd have to say that grudging service is truly not worth being provided. to anyone. So, It may be best to chose to serve with an upbeat and positive attitude or be honest and principled and choose NOT to offer your service!
- Johnny -
Looking at the definitions of the word grudging helps me to see why providing service in a grudging way or to do ANYTHING grudgingly is indeed rather obnoxious and insulting! The definitions include displaying a strong and contrary attitude, petty ,reluctant and unwilling. I would imagine that it must be odious for someone to be be provided help, support and aid from a person in a negative way!
So, I'd have to say that grudging service is truly not worth being provided. to anyone. So, It may be best to chose to serve with an upbeat and positive attitude or be honest and principled and choose NOT to offer your service!
- Johnny -
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