I know I violated my rule on Ad Hominem attacks, however this one can be minorly justified! James Moran, for inexplicable and illogical reasons, was recently re-elected to a seat in The US House of Representatives. This man is a bully, rude, loud, aggressive, has poor impulse control and is brutish and thuggish!
In the midst of all the complaints that TSA airport searches are becoming akin to sexual assaults, Mr. Moran offered the following insight, " If anyone wants to feel me up at the airport as I'm boarding a plane, that is fine with me. If you need to see me without my clothes , go ahead!"
Moran is a textbook definition of - " I am as dense and clueless and out of touch as I can possibly be."!!!! Remember how our system of government is structured, Mr. Moran is a FEDERAL REPRESENTATIVE. He is to be sensitive to and reflect and present the views of all of the people within his district! Based on his current comments, The only way he can be considered appropriate and acceptable is if the people of his district are as sanguine and as blase about current TSA search procedures as he is! I know that Representative Moran spoke off- the- cuff and just gave us his opinion, However, Based on this opinion, How do you think that he is HIGHLY LIKELY to respond to any complaints made about TSA search procedures made by the residents of his congressional districts? How is this "distinguished gentleman" likely to respond to any hearings held on The Hill concerning TSA procedures?
We do use the term " Fit to Serve" when we speak of those who govern us! Is Jim Moran truly " Fit to serve"? I think you clearly know my opinion- I voted for Patrick Murray!
- Johnny -
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