Miracle Mike is a man who was homeless for TWENTY years! He was a man who drank alcoholically for some of those years. Mike is a gentle man, kept to himself., made it a part of his personal manner of conducting himself. He never asked anyone to do anything for him, but was most grateful whenever anyone, out of his or her own FREE WILL, chose, decided of his or her unforced FREE WILL to help him.
. A while ago, A good hearted man offered to let him live in his tool shed. Mike enthusiastically accepted the offer and moved into this sheds. He worked to clean it and truly fix it up and actually turned this shed into a domicile!!! Some may read this and be offended - How can you offer a human being a tool shed as a residence? That ,likely, would seem to them to be an affront and an insult! However, Mike would NOT agree with them. He proudly calls this TRANSFORMED TOOL SHED his home!
I , myself, was homeless from September 2003 to March of 2004, I will readily admit that I did not handle my situation with anywhere near the dignity, poise and aplomb that Miracle Mike has handled his situation. To paraphrase the words of the 19th Century British Writer Rudyard Kipling, " You are a better man than I am, Miracle Mike!"
- Johnny -
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