" I'm struggling too hard to get by, Don't even think of asking me to pay one more penny of taxes at any level!" , " I work hard and no one is supporting me! , Why aren't more people receiving government assistance being required to live by these same standards?" or perhaps " When we are TRILLIONS of Dollars in Debt, You cannot continue to increase the coffers of Social Service and other allied programs! They must have their budgets cut, the people getting those funds MUST be told that they MUST get by with less.." Some of you reading this might say, " That does seem a bit cold at first reading but desperate and tight times require that we all become more realistic and sober minded!". Others reading this will ask, " How cruel and uncaring! Does the person typing this have a heart or a soul. Do they understand the words " compassion" and " caring"?
Many people, on this day before the 2010 General Elections, are asking their fellow American Citizens to read and STUDY the Constitution afresh. They strongly maintained that our nation will return to prosperity when we separate our wants from our needs. " Government needs to provide", they maintain, " A Military, Police and Fire Departments, Health Departments and Schools. These are necessities that all reasonable people agree MUST be made available to all of our citizens." They decry the idea that we now seem to agree that anything that loud and militant ADVOCACY groups insist are areas that the Government must fund seem to be timidly added to the list of activities requiring large staffs and administrative staffs that, of course, must be ALSO funded by the tax payers.
They are more and more inclined to ask- "Can't religious institutions be encouraged to meet the needs of causes that might be good to support but cannot continue to be funded by tax-payer monies?" " Where" they ask "are the private charities"? They also wonder whether those who are motivated to help simply do not see
that they are the ones who then need to provide the help- that their strong desire to help someone should not obligate anyone else but them to offer that help!
Situations are complex- but I think we are going to see a general question being asked more and more often in our society, " What are you able to do to improve your own life?" . Whatever they answer must then be what they are then required to do as a condition of receiving tax-funded assistance and support! This will not happen all at once but I can see this as one challenge that libertarians, militant conservatives and traditional constitutionalists are likely to embrace and empower. They are likely to find candioates who will run for office advocating these policies, they will work hard to raise money for such candidates and will vote into office such candidates.
I live on SSI and SSDI currently. I am searching now for ways to work and earn enough money now and in the future to give myself greater freedom due to being MORE able to be independent.I also want road blocks to being more creative as a problem solver to be removed. I want to be able to strive to make the most of my life and be able to care about and give to others as well.
We can't afford, emotionally, intellectually or financially to make large numbers of people live too dependently on demanded charity! A New birth of freedom is possible but we need to ask more of some of us because many Americans no longer want to fund obligated support of their lives!
- Johnny -
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