I am intensely political as those who read my blogs have OBVIOUSLY gathered. I do get that passionate conservative and liberals are really focused upon fairness! Liberals tend to think fairness is best to be achieved by focusing upon groups and classes of people! Conservatives believe that fairness is best achieved by focusing upon individuals.
Some think that Fairness is an immature, pathetic and childish- AT!!!! BEST!!!- concept/ notion. They are also inclined to think that life will work best for hem and those they love and are connected to by a manipulative and sadly by a manipulative and "Get all that you can by any means necessary!!!" type of attitude! Rules on Propriety and Right Behavior are " on you"- they only , thus, apply to those who will ALLOW themselves to be governed by such concerns!
However, The fact that issues of Fairness do matter serve as proof TO ME that an intuitive proof that there is an Intelligent, All- Powerful, All- Wise And Absolutely All Powerful GOD! When we sense that Fairness is possible and that being concerned with fairness being applied NEEDS to matter shows that, again to me, that He is and is a diligent rewarder of ALL who seek Him!
A Perfect and Unlimitedly wise and All - Intelligent Deity can decide what is fair and unfair, only He alone CAN do this! He can ask that we cherish the diligent and devoted practicing of justice, compassion, righteousness and perfectness. I absolutely believe that those who live their lives cherishing and actively living a life governed by these principles will , "Be With Him, at a Future Time, in Paradise". Those who mock , laugh at and say such concepts are " On you but not all about him or her", I believe, will be condemned to suffer the punishments reserved for " The Devil and his angels" !!!!!!!!
I may be TOTALLY wrong but this is what I believe!
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