The First Tuesday after the First Monday in November - Election Day- The Eleventh of November- Veterans Day , It was once called Armistice Day- The day that the shooting phase of World War One ended! November 22nd- The Day President Kennedy Died- and the Fourth Thursday of November- Thanksgiving!
November is a month deeply steeped in American History! Election Day celebrates our ability to have a say in how we are lead and governed. Veterans' Day honors those who have served our nation in military service to protect and defend our splendid homeland. November 22nd reminds us that no one is immune to the events of life, being the most powerful person in the world does not guarantee that you will see the sunrise when the next day arrives. No human is guaranteed any next day!!! Thanksgiving asks us to be appreciative of all the blessings we have as well as each other. I do not think that any other month asks us through out the month to think about both our Country and our daily lives as Americans as fully and as comprehensively !!
I also see November as a SPECIAL month for another reason- This blogger is a Scorpio!
- Johnny -
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