It is good to have a social safety net- provided by our tax funded social service workers -- to make sure the needs of those who must have assistance get met!
Yet, The only smiling and sympathetically connected social contact some people can routinely rely upon is from a case manager, a social worker, a therapist or a psychiatrist. They may go to a Tax supported social center as well. Many of us think it well that such people who seem to have NO OTHER options can AT LEAST have people just like themselves to relate to.
Perhaps it is just me, but that seems rather cold, dismissive and inhumane. I do think we should have fewer taxes and perhaps significantly fewer government programs. If that is ever to occur in our future, More individuals will need to step up and get involved in and with, befriend, care about and become intimately involved with those who are presently seen to be in the most desperate need of "safety net" provisions!
When we tell people, " Go to the Government to meet your needs, wants and desires because they can't tell you know!" then we are telling them that you are not of us, you are not like us, you have no connection to us and you are truly and distinctively other than us!" We thus, in effect tell them that, at best, they are a Governmental Responsibility- at worse that they are merely and solely GOVERNMENT Property- still a human being but in a lesser class than those who do not need such assistance to "make it"!
Ouch, People need to be given hope, they need to be shown and practically and realistically convinced that they have the capacity and ability to improve the present and future quality of their lives by and through their own ingenuity and efforts! Some will need to gain as great deal of ardent, steady, dependable and reliable convincing to be able to see, understand accept and start acting in that belief! Hard Core conservatives argue about the dangers of creating a large and growing dependent class! I believe they are right to preach this concern. However, Are we willing to invest blood, sweet, tears, genuine good will, compassion and patience in order to free those now far too dependent from their adapted and embedded and perceived limitations!
To have the freedom to pay lower taxes, Each one of us may find that we MUST give more of ourselves!
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