I'd love to be braver, more outspoken and confident! I'd like to just be able to just my chin out more often- a la Franklin Delano Roosevelt! I do think it would be most outstanding to say- " I know who I am and I know what I believe and stand for" , expressing those ideas with an Martin Luther attitude- " Here I stand, I can do no other!"
Yet, I know I'm too often timid, equivocal and far too defensive! This is not good for me, I gain nothing at all and lose quite a lot including massive damage to my self-respect by being this way! Now , even as I type this, There is nothing to be gained by being belligerent, nasty, antagonistic, contrary, combative and negative just to be so. It is also foolish to defend ideas that are unreasonable, silly, goofy and just plain incorrect and wrong.
However, To be resolute and determined, steadfast and justifiably unyielding is a GREAT way to be. One thing I'm doing a GREAT deal of lately is re-examining and soul-searching. One way to make sure that I do not easily retreat from living by what I am NOW typing is the fact that I link MOST of these entries to My FACE BOOK page so others are able to hold me accountable for what I put forth!
A More Resolute and Steely Determined Johnny? Let it be, Dear Lord, Let it be!
- Johnny-
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