This technology we have at our finger tips, it is the current level of what we can do on computers that makes the science fiction writers get vague when they discuss the future technologies available to their characters. They do not want people living 400 years from now dealing with technology that seems laughably primitive- ask the writers of the later Star Trek movies and TV shows about that.
Having JUST typed this, I am amazed at how childish many people come across when they argue issues of all types that they are passionate about! I have been a Public Speaker for a good portion of my life- primarily through College Individual Events and Debate Teams and a nearly 20 year involvement in Toastmasters. I've only been on the Internet since the spring of 2002- I was a late bloomer in that regard.
I believe that the best way to argue is to argue each issue on its' merits- seeking to not be fueled by emotions and an desire to win above all and at ANY price! I am by no means perfect at this - I have a temper, can be provoked and do, more often than I like- lose perspective. Still, The arguing of issues in an intelligent, civil, polite classy and dignified way matters to me. I see it as a goal worthy of pursuing!
I am thus horrified and dismayed by people who decide to turn forums and any type of discussion into an Internet version of the old World-Wide Wrestling Federation- anything that allows you to "win" is considered " fair and acceptable". I've seen people, far too often be as insulting, demeaning and emasculating as they possibly can be.
I do believe that any sites that have monitors attached to them need to ask people to be responsible and respectful when they post. I know I have been told that some people who post suffer from poor impulse control and tend to just express before they think. Perhaps it is best that such people should be told that posting on Internet forums is not of benefit or of any positive service to themselves or others.If they literally not of a rational mental state- not able to make prudent and generally rational decisions perhaps they should be told that the Internet forums are places that they should consider avoiding- unless the site is especially set up to accommodate them and people are told specifically that anything and everything goes- that this is The Jungle/The Wild, Wild West ! If a site is set up to operate that way, then that is truly all well and good, but then THAT site should make it crystal and EXTREMELY clear to all that post on their forums that- There are few rules here, expect to be treated rudely, roughly and unkindly here. Sadly, Sites that " roll this way" tend to have moderators who can be inconsistent and, the "rules" - if they can properly be described that way are applied arbitrarily and according to who is in the favor of the COO, CEO or owner of the site at that particular moment!
In my "perfect cybervese" , There would exist an organization called The QPB- The Quality Posters Bureau - it would be run along the lines of the Better Business Bureau. The idea would be that people who are uncivilized, rude, nasty, vulgar and predatory would be noted- as well as the site where they are MOST likely to be found. This would allow people to know that the unacceptable poster they have run into is not just a problem for them. This site could also serve a " Consumers' Report" function as well listing the sites that make a PRIORITY to see that their posters are treated well and kindly!
Not likely to ever occur, I will admit but I prefer to be involved in the Aretha Franklin sites - The ones the emphasize, treasure and champion R!!! E!!!S!!!P!!!C!!! T!!!
To all who have served and are serving our Nation- Thank you for caring about our Freedom. Our Free Speech and Our Quality of Life- caring enough about them to be willing to give your last full measure of devotion- if necessary- to uphold and promote these American Ideals. I know that I am and shall always be very much in your debt! - Johnny -
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