It was a bit of a roller coaster ride. I encountered challenges and some unexpected struggles. It was also a fun and dynamic month as well. Most of it is not what I expected, but it was good for me and I feel that I'm bolder, braver and wiser due to it.
Now, On to December 2010!
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Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Ten point Five Years
On January 30TH, 1958, The United States at no observable and successfully demonstrated presence in what was then known as OUTER SPACE. The very next day. January 31ST- The United States , after months of trying, The United States put a satellite, Explorer One, in orbit around our Earth. 15 days less than TEN and a Half YEARS later, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin set foot upon the surface of the Moon.
From nothing to a triumphant Moon Landing in 15 Days less than 10 and a Half Years, WOW!!!!! In the 1970's the phrase, " If we can put Astronauts on the Moon ,Then we can do..." The idea of this statement is " We should be able to accomplish ANYTHING- NOTHING, indeed should be impossible for us to achieve." In a way, This philosophy became an American Tower of Babel.
It is an amazing accomplishment, I went from ages 4 to 14 years of age during that same Ten point 5 years and the efforts to get to The Moon as well as all that Our astronauts and scientists, engineers and technicians needed to do to make that First Landing possible seemed m to me to be nearly miraculous and extremely awe-inspiring! Yet, Great, intense and impressive and even spectacular efforts do not guarantee that we will always obtain success. Sometimes an amazing effort can bring about only a very small amount of progress and success. It may take a good amount of effort to move a car, with the break NOT engaged on a dry surface on a sunny day. If that same stalled car is trapped in the mud, the same hard and focused effort that moved the first car may prove rather insufficient if applied to this second vehicle.
Thusly, We need to be patient with ourselves and know that improvement, progress and finally achieving success in certain matters and circumstance may require for more effort than we think it may take. We also may need to apply that effort for a lot longer than we first imagined we would. Yet, If we are in it to achieve success we may need to say, " None of this is to my liking, none of this is as I wish it would be but, Oh Well, I guess I will just need to resign myself to applying MUCH more effort for much longer!"
There is an old saying that I came across years ago in AA that addresses this point very bluntly and directly, "It takes what it takes." We often have to make far more of an effort then we plan to originally try to achieve what we are DETERMINED to achieve.I think most of us also learn, that the more demanding, exhausting and draining our efforts are, the more we have a reason to celebrate the ultimate success that we FINALLY acquire!
- Johnny -
From nothing to a triumphant Moon Landing in 15 Days less than 10 and a Half Years, WOW!!!!! In the 1970's the phrase, " If we can put Astronauts on the Moon ,Then we can do..." The idea of this statement is " We should be able to accomplish ANYTHING- NOTHING, indeed should be impossible for us to achieve." In a way, This philosophy became an American Tower of Babel.
It is an amazing accomplishment, I went from ages 4 to 14 years of age during that same Ten point 5 years and the efforts to get to The Moon as well as all that Our astronauts and scientists, engineers and technicians needed to do to make that First Landing possible seemed m to me to be nearly miraculous and extremely awe-inspiring! Yet, Great, intense and impressive and even spectacular efforts do not guarantee that we will always obtain success. Sometimes an amazing effort can bring about only a very small amount of progress and success. It may take a good amount of effort to move a car, with the break NOT engaged on a dry surface on a sunny day. If that same stalled car is trapped in the mud, the same hard and focused effort that moved the first car may prove rather insufficient if applied to this second vehicle.
Thusly, We need to be patient with ourselves and know that improvement, progress and finally achieving success in certain matters and circumstance may require for more effort than we think it may take. We also may need to apply that effort for a lot longer than we first imagined we would. Yet, If we are in it to achieve success we may need to say, " None of this is to my liking, none of this is as I wish it would be but, Oh Well, I guess I will just need to resign myself to applying MUCH more effort for much longer!"
There is an old saying that I came across years ago in AA that addresses this point very bluntly and directly, "It takes what it takes." We often have to make far more of an effort then we plan to originally try to achieve what we are DETERMINED to achieve.I think most of us also learn, that the more demanding, exhausting and draining our efforts are, the more we have a reason to celebrate the ultimate success that we FINALLY acquire!
- Johnny -
Monday, November 29, 2010
Public Transportation vis-a-vis The Automobile
Spaciousness versus Crowding. Privacy Versus Invasions of Privacy. Orderliness versus needing to cope with anyone and potentially EVERYONE. Welcome to the differences between personal transportation and public transportation.
When you own a car and are the driver- You are both the owner-n- commander. You determine who rides in your vehicle and what behaviors are acceptable to you. You decide what can be brought into your car and what you will can and will refuse to allow be transported within your car. You dominate the mood and the atmosphere of your transportation. You decide when you will start off and you can take the routes most likely to get you most swiftly, pleasantly and efficiently to your destination.
However, Cars can be very expensive to maintain. We know that they are constantly depreciating in value! They must be fueled on a regular basis and expected. In many states, You pay property taxes on them. They are a target for thieves. In many large city, Parking is a continually annoying issues and many drivers see themselves as the victims of exorbitant parking rates. Road rage can make driving a more perilous activity and people often feel that their communities do not have ENOUGH roads and the ones that are there do not get them as smoothly and quickly as possible where they wish to go- they also feel that these roads are improperly and inadequately maintained!
Transit riders get the " leave the driving to us" advantage as they use buses and trains. They save wear and tear on any cars they do own.! They do not need to be troubled by parking concerns, They are using less gasoline and can be seen as people who respect the environment. They can rest and possibly even sleep as they are being transported as well as read.They can meet interesting people and use their cell phones, generally, without any risk.
Public Transportation seems to struggle mightily with staying on schedule. The routes are often all over the place and not usually at all direct. Personal Space is often infringed upon. You can also travel with strollers, shopping carts and people who seem to carry EVERYTHING they own onto the bus or train. You can also have someones loud and inappropriate telephone conversation imposed upon you! You can also by the buses stopping right after leaving a stop to pick up passengers who were not there when the bust JUST FINISHED boarding the properly waiting passengers. You can also be slowed down as driver tries to get people to pay their fares and re-explains to a passenger for the 16th time what bus they are riding and where the bus is going!The Bad hygiene or the too massive girth of the passenger who is pinning you against the wall as you "share"- LOL- Huh- a seat with him or her can sometimes make riding public transportation rather Danteesque.!
Right now, Far More Money is being invested in public transportation nationally than it is in building new roads and improving the ones we currently have. Riding public transit is, in effect, a minority activity in The US! Less than TEN!Percent of the US population regularly uses mass transit. Therefore, Many drivers feel it would be most justifiable to lower the federal support of public transportation and to divert those funds to our nation's roads.
I use Public Transportation because I cannot afford to do other wise. More and more of late, I wish I owned a car!
- Johnny -
When you own a car and are the driver- You are both the owner-n- commander. You determine who rides in your vehicle and what behaviors are acceptable to you. You decide what can be brought into your car and what you will can and will refuse to allow be transported within your car. You dominate the mood and the atmosphere of your transportation. You decide when you will start off and you can take the routes most likely to get you most swiftly, pleasantly and efficiently to your destination.
However, Cars can be very expensive to maintain. We know that they are constantly depreciating in value! They must be fueled on a regular basis and expected. In many states, You pay property taxes on them. They are a target for thieves. In many large city, Parking is a continually annoying issues and many drivers see themselves as the victims of exorbitant parking rates. Road rage can make driving a more perilous activity and people often feel that their communities do not have ENOUGH roads and the ones that are there do not get them as smoothly and quickly as possible where they wish to go- they also feel that these roads are improperly and inadequately maintained!
Transit riders get the " leave the driving to us" advantage as they use buses and trains. They save wear and tear on any cars they do own.! They do not need to be troubled by parking concerns, They are using less gasoline and can be seen as people who respect the environment. They can rest and possibly even sleep as they are being transported as well as read.They can meet interesting people and use their cell phones, generally, without any risk.
Public Transportation seems to struggle mightily with staying on schedule. The routes are often all over the place and not usually at all direct. Personal Space is often infringed upon. You can also travel with strollers, shopping carts and people who seem to carry EVERYTHING they own onto the bus or train. You can also have someones loud and inappropriate telephone conversation imposed upon you! You can also by the buses stopping right after leaving a stop to pick up passengers who were not there when the bust JUST FINISHED boarding the properly waiting passengers. You can also be slowed down as driver tries to get people to pay their fares and re-explains to a passenger for the 16th time what bus they are riding and where the bus is going!The Bad hygiene or the too massive girth of the passenger who is pinning you against the wall as you "share"- LOL- Huh- a seat with him or her can sometimes make riding public transportation rather Danteesque.!
Right now, Far More Money is being invested in public transportation nationally than it is in building new roads and improving the ones we currently have. Riding public transit is, in effect, a minority activity in The US! Less than TEN!Percent of the US population regularly uses mass transit. Therefore, Many drivers feel it would be most justifiable to lower the federal support of public transportation and to divert those funds to our nation's roads.
I use Public Transportation because I cannot afford to do other wise. More and more of late, I wish I owned a car!
- Johnny -
One Hundred and Sixty Nine Hours
I am not a trusting person-but I'm getting better and trusting and I keep pushing myself more and more to be more trusting, more of a teammate and worker among workers and more positively focused in developing mutually nurturing friendships.Dealing with years of abuse and bullying, as I've mentioned quite a bit in a number of earlier blogs help to frame an unsustainable and crippling mindset of, " How do you KNOW that you can trust him or her? How can you be CERTAIN that these SEEMINGLY good people wont turn on you?", I know it is pathetic and absurd but a year ago, this would have been a very sound analysis of what I THOUGHT about other people and how how I responded, too often,to them.
The 19th Century Fictional British Miser Ebenezer Scrooge, as we all know, developed a love of wealth and the security and insulation it would provide to him, It cost him love, family and eventually transformed him into a bitter and misanthropic man who thought that the poor deserved the misery that they were afflicted by and he thought, as well, that anyone who asked for people to donate m money to aid the poor were thieves who sought to gain donations to benefit no one but themselves.
The visit of 3 ghosts/ spirits and a look at how his life might logically end and the fact that his death might actually be seen as a source of PLEASURE to some caused him to abandon his soul-shrinking ways and become outgoing, generous and caring.
Late last year and earlier this year,The Greater Washington DC area was visited not by 3 spirits but by 60 inches of snow, an amount of snow far beyond our snow- removing abilities to cope with.We had a period in February where we had back to back blizzards. The maintenance staff of Orleans Village- the apartment complex I reside in, as were many of their peers in other complexes were sorely over matched by this onslaught.The walkway to my apartment and the sidewalks that would lead me out into the neighborhood had been transformed into an area absolutely unsafe to navigate upon on foot. To get out of the complex, I would have needed to walk across a downward sloping black -topped driveway. That also seemed to be, at that moment, a suicidal adventure.
This led to being confined to my apartment for a period of 169 hours- I had all that I needed except the presence of other human beings and the sound of human voices- I did not have a telephone at that point. This was fine at first. Yet as I learned, You can only sleep so much, spend so much time on the computer, play so many video games, read so many books and magazines and so on.After awhile I felt imprisoned and cut off, I actually became angry at the snow and ice and wanted a 75 degree day!
169 hours- is one hour longer than a week- This isolation against my will really showed me that conversation works best when you listen caringly to what the other person is saying- rather than just wait for the first moment of silence to interject your opinion yet again. It means you hang out with people not offer lame excuses to allow you to be by yourself once again. It means that you take seriously the concept of : living and letting others love", that you can have friends who disagree with you concerning social, political and EVEN moral issues.An ancient writer once recorded that " It is not good for a man to be alone>' Earlier this year this concept went from a "yeah sure" notion in my mind to one that I see as most valid! I need other people, I gain from other people thus I am seeing more clearly with EACH passing day that selfishness, isolating and turning my back on others because it might be difficult or demanding to care about them or be moved to act to do something FOR them is a poisonous and destructive way for me to live.My Birthday on November 16th and My Thanksgiving were marvelous days due to having people who matter to me choose to include me and make special efforts to surprise and delight me.
Those two snow storms were my 3 spectral visitors. I am a different and better person than I was 9 months ago. This period has truly been, in fits and starts and stumbles, to be sure, on my part- a period of significant renewal and rebirth. No man indeed is an island- and I make a very poor Gilligan! I still am far too selfish, whiney, complaining and self-obsessed and I'm working to become less so. I want to live the fullest possible life, I crave a life of continuing improvement and that formula cannot come to be if the only people involved in making this come to pass are me, myself and I!
God, I guess I actually am THANKFUL today for those blizzards!!! - Wink and LOL!
- Johnny -
The 19th Century Fictional British Miser Ebenezer Scrooge, as we all know, developed a love of wealth and the security and insulation it would provide to him, It cost him love, family and eventually transformed him into a bitter and misanthropic man who thought that the poor deserved the misery that they were afflicted by and he thought, as well, that anyone who asked for people to donate m money to aid the poor were thieves who sought to gain donations to benefit no one but themselves.
The visit of 3 ghosts/ spirits and a look at how his life might logically end and the fact that his death might actually be seen as a source of PLEASURE to some caused him to abandon his soul-shrinking ways and become outgoing, generous and caring.
Late last year and earlier this year,The Greater Washington DC area was visited not by 3 spirits but by 60 inches of snow, an amount of snow far beyond our snow- removing abilities to cope with.We had a period in February where we had back to back blizzards. The maintenance staff of Orleans Village- the apartment complex I reside in, as were many of their peers in other complexes were sorely over matched by this onslaught.The walkway to my apartment and the sidewalks that would lead me out into the neighborhood had been transformed into an area absolutely unsafe to navigate upon on foot. To get out of the complex, I would have needed to walk across a downward sloping black -topped driveway. That also seemed to be, at that moment, a suicidal adventure.
This led to being confined to my apartment for a period of 169 hours- I had all that I needed except the presence of other human beings and the sound of human voices- I did not have a telephone at that point. This was fine at first. Yet as I learned, You can only sleep so much, spend so much time on the computer, play so many video games, read so many books and magazines and so on.After awhile I felt imprisoned and cut off, I actually became angry at the snow and ice and wanted a 75 degree day!
169 hours- is one hour longer than a week- This isolation against my will really showed me that conversation works best when you listen caringly to what the other person is saying- rather than just wait for the first moment of silence to interject your opinion yet again. It means you hang out with people not offer lame excuses to allow you to be by yourself once again. It means that you take seriously the concept of : living and letting others love", that you can have friends who disagree with you concerning social, political and EVEN moral issues.An ancient writer once recorded that " It is not good for a man to be alone>' Earlier this year this concept went from a "yeah sure" notion in my mind to one that I see as most valid! I need other people, I gain from other people thus I am seeing more clearly with EACH passing day that selfishness, isolating and turning my back on others because it might be difficult or demanding to care about them or be moved to act to do something FOR them is a poisonous and destructive way for me to live.My Birthday on November 16th and My Thanksgiving were marvelous days due to having people who matter to me choose to include me and make special efforts to surprise and delight me.
Those two snow storms were my 3 spectral visitors. I am a different and better person than I was 9 months ago. This period has truly been, in fits and starts and stumbles, to be sure, on my part- a period of significant renewal and rebirth. No man indeed is an island- and I make a very poor Gilligan! I still am far too selfish, whiney, complaining and self-obsessed and I'm working to become less so. I want to live the fullest possible life, I crave a life of continuing improvement and that formula cannot come to be if the only people involved in making this come to pass are me, myself and I!
God, I guess I actually am THANKFUL today for those blizzards!!! - Wink and LOL!
- Johnny -
Sunday, November 28, 2010
More Blessed to Give!
A challenge to all of us- I know that most of us are likely to buy fewer presents during THIS holiday season and thus fewer people will receive presents from me. That saddens me, I'd like to give more - I ABSOLUTELY WOULD-but I also do not see that anyone gains by me having a negative balance in my checking account.
What I think I will do this tear is take more time and effort that to purchase gifts that will truly delight and please the ones who I present these gifts to! Sometimes we do need to be more thoughtful and intentional in what we do to insure that our efforts will bring about the maximum possible joy.
- Johnny-
What I think I will do this tear is take more time and effort that to purchase gifts that will truly delight and please the ones who I present these gifts to! Sometimes we do need to be more thoughtful and intentional in what we do to insure that our efforts will bring about the maximum possible joy.
- Johnny-
Is Monday, November 29th, 2010 likely to be a Stumbling Block to you?
A school teacher Friend of mine said this after church today, " There are still 19 School Days until I get to Winter Break! I want it here now!"
It seems that he will likely see tomorrow as a speed bump, slowing down his progress to where he wants to be at this instance.Yet, Days that we see as a problem, a drain and an interference in the way we want things to be is not likely a day that we will work to make as good as it can possibly be.
Therefore ask yourself this, "What will tomorrow tomorrow be like if it is seen as a problem to get beyond rather than a period of time to appreciate and value"?
- Johnny -
It seems that he will likely see tomorrow as a speed bump, slowing down his progress to where he wants to be at this instance.Yet, Days that we see as a problem, a drain and an interference in the way we want things to be is not likely a day that we will work to make as good as it can possibly be.
Therefore ask yourself this, "What will tomorrow tomorrow be like if it is seen as a problem to get beyond rather than a period of time to appreciate and value"?
- Johnny -
A Tax Trinity
I was listening to a weekend financial program on WMAL Radio- Broadcasting in the Greater Washington DC Locale- a few hours ago. The host was dealing with answering questions- pro and con on maintaning the Bush Tax Cuts for the Wealthiest Americans, Some say these are needed for the funding of and investing in businesses and for strengthening the stock and bond markets. Some people say these cuts just enrich a relatively few and do not actually lead to any benefit to businesses or the financial markets.
The substitute host- subbing for John Brinker- then mentioned the cuts that the middle and lower classes yearn for- Lower Pay Check Connected Taxes, Lower Sales Taxes and Lower Property Taxes. They want more power to control their money- starting with getting to have more of it as a result of cashing their paycheck- they also want getting raises and bonus to be more likely in the future. They believe that lower pay roll taxes will mean better benefits and better pay- pay they can control via the quality of the work they perform.They will produce a better product for their employers to sell, they will actually have a strong motivation to provide that quality and difference making labor.
The sales taxes are a drain on shopping and business enhancement. One indicator of this is how well the Dollar Stores are doing in the waning days of 2010. We usually think of Dollar Stores as place where we have the opportunity to enrich the People's Republic of China. We buy in bulk cheaply made products- produced under JUST about slave labor conditions. There is a great deal of truth to this- yet there is more going on here that is fueling why people shop there.
We also see the results of over production at work here. We are buying items at low prices that would otherwise be gathering dusts. The third factor is that people will but products they want at the lowest possible prices- we have a societal concencus, it seems that ONE DOLLAR is an acceptable and reasonable price! American Businessmen are all getting the lesson that the car companies have truly gotten in the last 26 months- We can ONLY stay in business AND return to profitability if we sell a well-made product, that is attractive, appealing and enticing at the LOWEST possible price the company can sanely afford to sell that car, truck or van for.People, even ion a dire economy, will, all other things will spend money on products that they consider to be so worth what they spend to purchase it.
The last part of the trinity is real estate taxes!People, over a nearly 20 year period decided to make their homes an investment a cash cow and a strong source for collateral to use for borrowing. About the last thing that these homes were considered to be was- a residence, a dwelling place, a home!That has changed since the late Summer of 2008! Now, People are taking care to more zealously, as they can afford to, to properly maintain and repair their homes.
Most people want their real estate taxes to actually be realistically connected to the price that someone would ACTUALLY pay for their home should they decide to sell it! They also want to actually be able to buy a new house that they will ACTUALLY enjoy living in.! To them, It is unreasonable to tax their home and their property at inflated values that they could not possibly sell their homes and property for.
Lower Pay Roll/ Pay Check connected Taxes, Lower Sales Taxes and Lower and Better Adjusted Property Taxes, Hmmmm, Perhaps President Obama SHOULD CONSIDER challenging Congress to write up and PASS Tax Legislation that will address these desired tax policy alterations.Legislation that he will PROMISE the nation that he will sign as SOON as it reaches his OVAL OFFICE desk!
- Johnny-
The substitute host- subbing for John Brinker- then mentioned the cuts that the middle and lower classes yearn for- Lower Pay Check Connected Taxes, Lower Sales Taxes and Lower Property Taxes. They want more power to control their money- starting with getting to have more of it as a result of cashing their paycheck- they also want getting raises and bonus to be more likely in the future. They believe that lower pay roll taxes will mean better benefits and better pay- pay they can control via the quality of the work they perform.They will produce a better product for their employers to sell, they will actually have a strong motivation to provide that quality and difference making labor.
The sales taxes are a drain on shopping and business enhancement. One indicator of this is how well the Dollar Stores are doing in the waning days of 2010. We usually think of Dollar Stores as place where we have the opportunity to enrich the People's Republic of China. We buy in bulk cheaply made products- produced under JUST about slave labor conditions. There is a great deal of truth to this- yet there is more going on here that is fueling why people shop there.
We also see the results of over production at work here. We are buying items at low prices that would otherwise be gathering dusts. The third factor is that people will but products they want at the lowest possible prices- we have a societal concencus, it seems that ONE DOLLAR is an acceptable and reasonable price! American Businessmen are all getting the lesson that the car companies have truly gotten in the last 26 months- We can ONLY stay in business AND return to profitability if we sell a well-made product, that is attractive, appealing and enticing at the LOWEST possible price the company can sanely afford to sell that car, truck or van for.People, even ion a dire economy, will, all other things will spend money on products that they consider to be so worth what they spend to purchase it.
The last part of the trinity is real estate taxes!People, over a nearly 20 year period decided to make their homes an investment a cash cow and a strong source for collateral to use for borrowing. About the last thing that these homes were considered to be was- a residence, a dwelling place, a home!That has changed since the late Summer of 2008! Now, People are taking care to more zealously, as they can afford to, to properly maintain and repair their homes.
Most people want their real estate taxes to actually be realistically connected to the price that someone would ACTUALLY pay for their home should they decide to sell it! They also want to actually be able to buy a new house that they will ACTUALLY enjoy living in.! To them, It is unreasonable to tax their home and their property at inflated values that they could not possibly sell their homes and property for.
Lower Pay Roll/ Pay Check connected Taxes, Lower Sales Taxes and Lower and Better Adjusted Property Taxes, Hmmmm, Perhaps President Obama SHOULD CONSIDER challenging Congress to write up and PASS Tax Legislation that will address these desired tax policy alterations.Legislation that he will PROMISE the nation that he will sign as SOON as it reaches his OVAL OFFICE desk!
- Johnny-
The World of 400 years ago was a tough one for a man or woman to survive in.People, no matter what their class, status or income dealt with a life expectancy of somewhere between 45 and 50 years. That meant, effectively that someone in their MID! TWENTIES! could properly be considered middle aged. Someone my age currently- 56- rather elderly!
There was not a theory of disease to guide the medical community that was still not to come to be until over 200!!! years in the future! Therefore medical practitioners did not see a need to wash their hands , as a matter of fact a doctor working on with multiple patients needing his urgent attention COULD rush from patient to patient without any thought of cleansing and decontaminating themselves. Bleeding of patients, to establish a healthy blood balance was considered to be a life- saving procedure. When George Washington died in 1799. he was being treated for a severe throat infection. His doctors bled him-.Therefore, The proximate/ most immediate cause of Our First President was blood loss. George Washington Was wealthy, prominent and considered to be powerful- this is the medical treatment he was accorded- how do you think someoe seen as "lesser than he" would have been treated.
The socially well connected people of the Early 17th Century did not ALWAYS have money but they had status that they flaunted energetically. In 2010, A Gentleman is someone who is polite, dignified and proper.In 1610,A Gentleman was someone who did not work, it was vital to them that they did no manual labor whatsoever. These men were often the 4th and 5th born children of their families, they had the cool name but were not likely to inherit any wealth or land. Therefore, They came to places like Virginia in order to find wealth- gold- which would then allow them to return to Europe and live well.
Now, These gentlemen WOULD did and tire themselves out to find Gold. They would not see that as a negative thing because they would be able to live more prominently as a gentleman once they were wealthier. However, The earliest settlers of the colony of Virginia had to build up from scratch- they needed to find a good water supply and build shelter for themselves. Many of us remember that John Smith told the Jamestown colonists that " He who does not work shall not eat". this was a challenge to THE GENTLEMEN.If they did nothing to provide for the survival of the colony they would not gain access to wehat they had to have to survive.
Survival was tough at Jamestown, The water supply was doug too close to the latrines and rains created contaminated water. They did not grow enough food or build sufficient enough shelter. The Indians helped them to limp along- with a 50 % death toll through the winters of 1607 -1608 and 1608-1609. The colonists were not wise- they often antagonized the Indians who were part of their survival strategy. There were 500 colonists living in Jamestown at the beginning of the Winter of 1609-1610, by Spring there were only 50 on the brink of death colonists living in Jamestown. Brutal weather, starvation and disease ravaged the colony that winter. The colonists actually decided to all return to England at that point.They actually were on a ship on heading out before they encountered ships with sufficient supplies and enough healthy men commiteed to work hard and well.
It was a different age, an age where what people had lived by for centuries mattered more than seeking better and more workable solutions. An example of this is found in the name of a tropical disease -Malaria. We know that Malaria was known of in the days of The Roman Empire. The best medical and scientific minds of Europe in the years before the year 500 thought this sickness was caused by foul air, The very name tells us this - Mal ( Bad/ Very Negative and Displeasing) and Aria (Air). What was believed by the best minds in year 210 was also held to be true in 719, 1210 and yes, 1610! We know that does not hold true in our time- the most mature and intelligent people do not hold on to ideas that are very old and harmful- obviously harmful to them!
So, If we had a Time Machine ready to go , Would you be willing to spend months, years or decades living in the 1600's?
There was not a theory of disease to guide the medical community that was still not to come to be until over 200!!! years in the future! Therefore medical practitioners did not see a need to wash their hands , as a matter of fact a doctor working on with multiple patients needing his urgent attention COULD rush from patient to patient without any thought of cleansing and decontaminating themselves. Bleeding of patients, to establish a healthy blood balance was considered to be a life- saving procedure. When George Washington died in 1799. he was being treated for a severe throat infection. His doctors bled him-.Therefore, The proximate/ most immediate cause of Our First President was blood loss. George Washington Was wealthy, prominent and considered to be powerful- this is the medical treatment he was accorded- how do you think someoe seen as "lesser than he" would have been treated.
The socially well connected people of the Early 17th Century did not ALWAYS have money but they had status that they flaunted energetically. In 2010, A Gentleman is someone who is polite, dignified and proper.In 1610,A Gentleman was someone who did not work, it was vital to them that they did no manual labor whatsoever. These men were often the 4th and 5th born children of their families, they had the cool name but were not likely to inherit any wealth or land. Therefore, They came to places like Virginia in order to find wealth- gold- which would then allow them to return to Europe and live well.
Now, These gentlemen WOULD did and tire themselves out to find Gold. They would not see that as a negative thing because they would be able to live more prominently as a gentleman once they were wealthier. However, The earliest settlers of the colony of Virginia had to build up from scratch- they needed to find a good water supply and build shelter for themselves. Many of us remember that John Smith told the Jamestown colonists that " He who does not work shall not eat". this was a challenge to THE GENTLEMEN.If they did nothing to provide for the survival of the colony they would not gain access to wehat they had to have to survive.
Survival was tough at Jamestown, The water supply was doug too close to the latrines and rains created contaminated water. They did not grow enough food or build sufficient enough shelter. The Indians helped them to limp along- with a 50 % death toll through the winters of 1607 -1608 and 1608-1609. The colonists were not wise- they often antagonized the Indians who were part of their survival strategy. There were 500 colonists living in Jamestown at the beginning of the Winter of 1609-1610, by Spring there were only 50 on the brink of death colonists living in Jamestown. Brutal weather, starvation and disease ravaged the colony that winter. The colonists actually decided to all return to England at that point.They actually were on a ship on heading out before they encountered ships with sufficient supplies and enough healthy men commiteed to work hard and well.
It was a different age, an age where what people had lived by for centuries mattered more than seeking better and more workable solutions. An example of this is found in the name of a tropical disease -Malaria. We know that Malaria was known of in the days of The Roman Empire. The best medical and scientific minds of Europe in the years before the year 500 thought this sickness was caused by foul air, The very name tells us this - Mal ( Bad/ Very Negative and Displeasing) and Aria (Air). What was believed by the best minds in year 210 was also held to be true in 719, 1210 and yes, 1610! We know that does not hold true in our time- the most mature and intelligent people do not hold on to ideas that are very old and harmful- obviously harmful to them!
So, If we had a Time Machine ready to go , Would you be willing to spend months, years or decades living in the 1600's?
" Do you understand what is important to me?"
" Do you have the slightest clue what my Monday will be like?" People who are struggling to get through from day to day- and who have doubts nearly everyday as to whether or not they can make it can be very trying to be around. They may seem frustrating, negative and exhausting to cope with! You may feel used up and worn out after each encounter with them.
I will never tell anyone that is is their job to be giving of their time and resources without limit or end. That stance makes no sense at all.Yet, Most of us know people who want to be troubled or involved by no one. They feel as if struggling people, those who are in need and seem to often "run on empty", will give than some type of fatal disease if they spend any time around those who seem to crawl slowly and with difficulty from day to day!
Some people expect that those who are hurting and lost can turn their lives around in a nano-instance. All they need to do is- choose to do so. Yet, Old habits die hard and all people are inclined, under stress to do that which seems , to them, to be what is easiest to do. We also know that it takes 21 to 23 days of persistent effort to either establish or free onesself from a habit.
Thus, It can often be good to ask that some one have or be willing to express an idea to change. Then, It is good to make an agreement that they simply do something small and easy that you both agree that they SHOULD be able to do. You then ask them to do that on that day. You also allow them some grace, if they do not fulfill that commitment that day, you discuss the matter with them, see if they need a stronger resolve and work to have them in a situation that will be the most likely to lead them to success. However, Remind them that they must be honest- do not permit them to offer excuses- tell them that you prefer honesty, explanations and developing a better plan that is MORE likely to lead to success.
A sense of commitment that is growing stronger and looking back and seeing that success is leaving footprints in their life does help people to grow stronger and more effective. The idea is to ask that people be realistic - If they say that they can do something that will demand little or nothing of him or her then tell them that you know they can demand more of themselves and that you believe that they will benefit from doing more.
The idea is to keep them on a path of fulfillment, accomplishment, personal grroth and development and a sense of self-love and self-approval that is based on measureable effort and progress.Accepting that progress will be slow and that kindness and patience will be needed from you is very acceptable. Being conned by someone who does little or nothing as a life style and always seems to offer an excuse or a "The Universe hates me" story is someone you can leave to suffer because that is, in truth, what they have decided to do!
I will never tell anyone that is is their job to be giving of their time and resources without limit or end. That stance makes no sense at all.Yet, Most of us know people who want to be troubled or involved by no one. They feel as if struggling people, those who are in need and seem to often "run on empty", will give than some type of fatal disease if they spend any time around those who seem to crawl slowly and with difficulty from day to day!
Some people expect that those who are hurting and lost can turn their lives around in a nano-instance. All they need to do is- choose to do so. Yet, Old habits die hard and all people are inclined, under stress to do that which seems , to them, to be what is easiest to do. We also know that it takes 21 to 23 days of persistent effort to either establish or free onesself from a habit.
Thus, It can often be good to ask that some one have or be willing to express an idea to change. Then, It is good to make an agreement that they simply do something small and easy that you both agree that they SHOULD be able to do. You then ask them to do that on that day. You also allow them some grace, if they do not fulfill that commitment that day, you discuss the matter with them, see if they need a stronger resolve and work to have them in a situation that will be the most likely to lead them to success. However, Remind them that they must be honest- do not permit them to offer excuses- tell them that you prefer honesty, explanations and developing a better plan that is MORE likely to lead to success.
A sense of commitment that is growing stronger and looking back and seeing that success is leaving footprints in their life does help people to grow stronger and more effective. The idea is to ask that people be realistic - If they say that they can do something that will demand little or nothing of him or her then tell them that you know they can demand more of themselves and that you believe that they will benefit from doing more.
The idea is to keep them on a path of fulfillment, accomplishment, personal grroth and development and a sense of self-love and self-approval that is based on measureable effort and progress.Accepting that progress will be slow and that kindness and patience will be needed from you is very acceptable. Being conned by someone who does little or nothing as a life style and always seems to offer an excuse or a "The Universe hates me" story is someone you can leave to suffer because that is, in truth, what they have decided to do!
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Only the Daring need stitches
No one gets stitches when they sit in a chair, cross-legged ,and hunt and pecks out a message on a Saturday night. No one gets stitches when they sit in a barca lounger and drink beers as he/she watches their favorite team play football. Reading a great book for hours at a time will never lead to a need to a trip to any emergency room. I'm not saying that any one of these activities is a bad activity- far from it- but each of these is an activity that does not require the partaker to be active. They can be properly described as sedentary activities.
President Obama need to be given some medical attention on Friday, November 26th. He was involved in a strenuous basketball game and he took a hard shot to the lip, this injury required 17 stitches. Our President is athletic and active! If you expect this to be a political commentary- you are only going to be partially correct! The political commentary here is going to be a bi-partisan embraceable notion. That all of us gain when we get out of our comfort zone, get active, be as physical as possible and above all take risks!
I was homeless at one point, as I alluded to at one point. In the Fall of 2003, I had to fight off notions that my life had fallen into the pits and could not possibly get better. As a matter of fact during some of those nights, 6 years ago, I spent night either walking endlessly or trying-fitfully to sleep- outside- and actually believing that things were only going to get worse!
Through many difficult and soul-wrenching days, Things gradually improved. I eventually lived in an apartment in Reston, Virginia. I now live in an apartment by myself in an apartment in Alexandria, Virginia. I do not always value this dwelling place as I should UNTIL I realize that this is better. I honestly MUST state that I'd like my life to be BETTER than it is now. However, My sanity AND my conscience demand that I realize that my life HAS been much worse at times in the past!
I know, I've been taught and living life one day at a time has taught me that improving my life REQUIRES that I be intensely committed and dedicated to improving it. I was complaining to 3 friend this summer on a Thursday Night at Church. A 20 something man said, "I know something that will make your life better- Do ONE push up a day." I scoffed and mocked- " One push up a day, What will that change!" . He mocked me further, " I guess that is just too hard for you?! I dare you - ONE PUSH UP A DAY!" So, a few days later, I did that one pushup. I now average between 50 to 150 pushups a day. I do have better body definition that I had in July at present and my weight has dropped by a few pounds. I'm also now seeing some success in my being calmer after making a deliberate effort to cut back on my coffee drinking.
I'm not a big fan of Our President, Yet, I very much admire and am impressed by his commitment to being physically active. Nothing plus nothing will always equal nothing.So, Today, I went to a Toastmasters meeting, had a brief session on my treadmill, did some pushups and went for a walk. Small????, Yes!!!!!! Do I need to do more????? Yes!!!!! All of this is clearly true. However, I know I can do more, I am confident I canm because I am NOW doing more than I have been in recent history.
Mr. President, I'm sorry you needed stitches but I admire your willingness to put yourself AT RISK in order to play basketball as well as you do! We all can benefit by following your example- Looking at what we do well, decide that it IS possible to do that better, to noticably and steadily make a commitment to improve- and then ,resolutely, get into action in order to make it be so!
- Johnny -
President Obama need to be given some medical attention on Friday, November 26th. He was involved in a strenuous basketball game and he took a hard shot to the lip, this injury required 17 stitches. Our President is athletic and active! If you expect this to be a political commentary- you are only going to be partially correct! The political commentary here is going to be a bi-partisan embraceable notion. That all of us gain when we get out of our comfort zone, get active, be as physical as possible and above all take risks!
I was homeless at one point, as I alluded to at one point. In the Fall of 2003, I had to fight off notions that my life had fallen into the pits and could not possibly get better. As a matter of fact during some of those nights, 6 years ago, I spent night either walking endlessly or trying-fitfully to sleep- outside- and actually believing that things were only going to get worse!
Through many difficult and soul-wrenching days, Things gradually improved. I eventually lived in an apartment in Reston, Virginia. I now live in an apartment by myself in an apartment in Alexandria, Virginia. I do not always value this dwelling place as I should UNTIL I realize that this is better. I honestly MUST state that I'd like my life to be BETTER than it is now. However, My sanity AND my conscience demand that I realize that my life HAS been much worse at times in the past!
I know, I've been taught and living life one day at a time has taught me that improving my life REQUIRES that I be intensely committed and dedicated to improving it. I was complaining to 3 friend this summer on a Thursday Night at Church. A 20 something man said, "I know something that will make your life better- Do ONE push up a day." I scoffed and mocked- " One push up a day, What will that change!" . He mocked me further, " I guess that is just too hard for you?! I dare you - ONE PUSH UP A DAY!" So, a few days later, I did that one pushup. I now average between 50 to 150 pushups a day. I do have better body definition that I had in July at present and my weight has dropped by a few pounds. I'm also now seeing some success in my being calmer after making a deliberate effort to cut back on my coffee drinking.
I'm not a big fan of Our President, Yet, I very much admire and am impressed by his commitment to being physically active. Nothing plus nothing will always equal nothing.So, Today, I went to a Toastmasters meeting, had a brief session on my treadmill, did some pushups and went for a walk. Small????, Yes!!!!!! Do I need to do more????? Yes!!!!! All of this is clearly true. However, I know I can do more, I am confident I canm because I am NOW doing more than I have been in recent history.
Mr. President, I'm sorry you needed stitches but I admire your willingness to put yourself AT RISK in order to play basketball as well as you do! We all can benefit by following your example- Looking at what we do well, decide that it IS possible to do that better, to noticably and steadily make a commitment to improve- and then ,resolutely, get into action in order to make it be so!
- Johnny -
Indoor Football in the Rain!
For several years, I served as substitute teacher in various Arlington County and Fairfax County Public Schools. One Spring morning, I was asked to serve as a 3rd Grade Instructor at Vienna Virginia's Louise Archer Elementary.
As I lived in Vienna at that time, I relished getting an assignment HOPEFULLY within walking distance! It was,barely so. In Fairfax County,The schools tend to be buried- the OPERATIVE word in this sentence- deep within neighborhoods, by and large rather than on or close to main roads.
So, After a healthy and VIGOROUS walk, I arrived at Archer School. I reported in to the Main office and after signing in was directed to navigate through the school to the New Wing. After I got to the proper classroom, I looked at the lesson plan provided to me by the teacher of that class, I was taken, at one with how demanding it was.
As the FIRST student entered the room a few minutes later, I learned that all of the classes in this part of the school were gifted and talented classes, one per grade. I'd learned years ago that, while it is good to follow the lesson plan as closely as possible, that a substitute teacher always served as an "X Factor" in the room. His or her presence there means the dynamic within the room CAN NOT be as it normally would be.
I encountered , early on, the inevitable child, in this case a boy, who was not pleased because I " am not teaching EXACTLY as his teacher teaches! I thought of a way to navigate through that- something I did for the first time there and then used else where. I asked, :" Does anyone remember their Kindergarten teacher?" Every hand went up. "Now, Did your kindergarten teacher teach exactly the same way your First Grade Teacher ?" I had many puzzled looks but some kids started to smile, they go it. I then asked them to compare their First grade Teacher to their Second Grade Teacher and last year's teacher to this year's teacher. By then, All of them had gotten my point. I , then flattered them a little bit, " The most intelligent and mature students love change and differences and get excited as they figure out how to make that difference work best for them!
After that, The morning went by in a quick way- it was smooth and highly pleasant. Yet, Throughout the morning the sky started clouding up and it become very windy. Lunch arrived and the weather held off- just barely long enough to get through lunch.
I noticed that at 2:00 the students were scheduled to have a Twenty minute Recess. I knew, clearly, that this recess was not going to occur outside. An idea suddenly occurred to me, One that I thought these kids would thrill to- if the concept were properly "marketed " to them.
As 10 after 2 came around, I saw the students get out of their desks to get games. I asked them to stop and go back to their seats. They did so, with some grumbling and whining! " This isn't fair, This is our recess" one girl scoldingly told me. I assured them that I KNEW it is recess time. I told them that we were going to play football. This caught them unprepared.
I quickly divided them into 3 teams- offense, defense and referees. I gave the "ball" to the offense and then explained the game. The team with the ball is on the 50 yard line.There are now 2 minutes left in the Fourth Quarter. The Team with the ball is losing by 4 points. If the offense scores, They win. If the defense stops them, they win. You both tell your plays- the referees tell me the outcome and how much time is NOW left on the clock.
They took to it- passionately. When the team with the ball had trouble deciding their plays, One of the boys asked a girl classmate to run the offense. He later told me that her plays would make sense and she would be able to explain the plays extremely clearly. The defense was not as organized at first and the Offense was given a 15 yard completed pass. The defense went then to a similar plan they chose a boy AND a girl as their "deciders"- I believe their theory was of the two of them AGREED- it HAD to be a super play.
Football had become a negotiation simulation. An exercise in team work, a mini- exercise in discussiion and debate.I heard a number of them say " This is cool, This is really fun". The game ended when the offense was stopped on the one yard line at the 0:00 mark. The offense tried- in my opinion- a too complicated play. It involved a lot of running around and tricks- The Defense sinply lined up at the one- with two players in the endzone in case of a pass and stuffed their opponent.
It was a fascinating adventure. I think that those THEN Third Graders saw football and working with other kids to get GREAT things done in a far different way after completing that recess indoor "Football Game"!
- Johnny -
As I lived in Vienna at that time, I relished getting an assignment HOPEFULLY within walking distance! It was,barely so. In Fairfax County,The schools tend to be buried- the OPERATIVE word in this sentence- deep within neighborhoods, by and large rather than on or close to main roads.
So, After a healthy and VIGOROUS walk, I arrived at Archer School. I reported in to the Main office and after signing in was directed to navigate through the school to the New Wing. After I got to the proper classroom, I looked at the lesson plan provided to me by the teacher of that class, I was taken, at one with how demanding it was.
As the FIRST student entered the room a few minutes later, I learned that all of the classes in this part of the school were gifted and talented classes, one per grade. I'd learned years ago that, while it is good to follow the lesson plan as closely as possible, that a substitute teacher always served as an "X Factor" in the room. His or her presence there means the dynamic within the room CAN NOT be as it normally would be.
I encountered , early on, the inevitable child, in this case a boy, who was not pleased because I " am not teaching EXACTLY as his teacher teaches! I thought of a way to navigate through that- something I did for the first time there and then used else where. I asked, :" Does anyone remember their Kindergarten teacher?" Every hand went up. "Now, Did your kindergarten teacher teach exactly the same way your First Grade Teacher ?" I had many puzzled looks but some kids started to smile, they go it. I then asked them to compare their First grade Teacher to their Second Grade Teacher and last year's teacher to this year's teacher. By then, All of them had gotten my point. I , then flattered them a little bit, " The most intelligent and mature students love change and differences and get excited as they figure out how to make that difference work best for them!
After that, The morning went by in a quick way- it was smooth and highly pleasant. Yet, Throughout the morning the sky started clouding up and it become very windy. Lunch arrived and the weather held off- just barely long enough to get through lunch.
I noticed that at 2:00 the students were scheduled to have a Twenty minute Recess. I knew, clearly, that this recess was not going to occur outside. An idea suddenly occurred to me, One that I thought these kids would thrill to- if the concept were properly "marketed " to them.
As 10 after 2 came around, I saw the students get out of their desks to get games. I asked them to stop and go back to their seats. They did so, with some grumbling and whining! " This isn't fair, This is our recess" one girl scoldingly told me. I assured them that I KNEW it is recess time. I told them that we were going to play football. This caught them unprepared.
I quickly divided them into 3 teams- offense, defense and referees. I gave the "ball" to the offense and then explained the game. The team with the ball is on the 50 yard line.There are now 2 minutes left in the Fourth Quarter. The Team with the ball is losing by 4 points. If the offense scores, They win. If the defense stops them, they win. You both tell your plays- the referees tell me the outcome and how much time is NOW left on the clock.
They took to it- passionately. When the team with the ball had trouble deciding their plays, One of the boys asked a girl classmate to run the offense. He later told me that her plays would make sense and she would be able to explain the plays extremely clearly. The defense was not as organized at first and the Offense was given a 15 yard completed pass. The defense went then to a similar plan they chose a boy AND a girl as their "deciders"- I believe their theory was of the two of them AGREED- it HAD to be a super play.
Football had become a negotiation simulation. An exercise in team work, a mini- exercise in discussiion and debate.I heard a number of them say " This is cool, This is really fun". The game ended when the offense was stopped on the one yard line at the 0:00 mark. The offense tried- in my opinion- a too complicated play. It involved a lot of running around and tricks- The Defense sinply lined up at the one- with two players in the endzone in case of a pass and stuffed their opponent.
It was a fascinating adventure. I think that those THEN Third Graders saw football and working with other kids to get GREAT things done in a far different way after completing that recess indoor "Football Game"!
- Johnny -
Friday, November 26, 2010
Stifle - A 1970's word that needs to be kept there and not brought forward.
Stifle-a word that was very prominently present in and throughout The 1970's. The word means to cut off or to limit, to ask someone to hold back and to be a self-censor! If you watched the TV Show All in The Family it is a word often Spoken by Archie Bunker- who was played by Carroll O'Connor.
Archie often said this to order his wife Edith - played by Jean Stapleton- to say nothing that he did NOT agree with or wish to hear. One of the elaborate jokes of the CBS series is that Edith still managed to get out what she had to say despite being told repeatedly to "stifle" as she managed to express herself fully!
In 2010, We see stifling as a negative, as something it is just wrong to try to impose upon others! We may argue with others and not at all want to hear what they have to say, but we do not believe as we , as a society once did that we can simply, because that is how we wish it to be, order people to be silent.
I am, as I have noted, very much of a traditionalist and a conservative. Yet, I do so that living in the 2010's offers some better options that living in the 1970's did!
Archie often said this to order his wife Edith - played by Jean Stapleton- to say nothing that he did NOT agree with or wish to hear. One of the elaborate jokes of the CBS series is that Edith still managed to get out what she had to say despite being told repeatedly to "stifle" as she managed to express herself fully!
In 2010, We see stifling as a negative, as something it is just wrong to try to impose upon others! We may argue with others and not at all want to hear what they have to say, but we do not believe as we , as a society once did that we can simply, because that is how we wish it to be, order people to be silent.
I am, as I have noted, very much of a traditionalist and a conservative. Yet, I do so that living in the 2010's offers some better options that living in the 1970's did!
How would you like to tweak yourself?
I'd love to be braver, more outspoken and confident! I'd like to just be able to just my chin out more often- a la Franklin Delano Roosevelt! I do think it would be most outstanding to say- " I know who I am and I know what I believe and stand for" , expressing those ideas with an Martin Luther attitude- " Here I stand, I can do no other!"
Yet, I know I'm too often timid, equivocal and far too defensive! This is not good for me, I gain nothing at all and lose quite a lot including massive damage to my self-respect by being this way! Now , even as I type this, There is nothing to be gained by being belligerent, nasty, antagonistic, contrary, combative and negative just to be so. It is also foolish to defend ideas that are unreasonable, silly, goofy and just plain incorrect and wrong.
However, To be resolute and determined, steadfast and justifiably unyielding is a GREAT way to be. One thing I'm doing a GREAT deal of lately is re-examining and soul-searching. One way to make sure that I do not easily retreat from living by what I am NOW typing is the fact that I link MOST of these entries to My FACE BOOK page so others are able to hold me accountable for what I put forth!
A More Resolute and Steely Determined Johnny? Let it be, Dear Lord, Let it be!
- Johnny-
Yet, I know I'm too often timid, equivocal and far too defensive! This is not good for me, I gain nothing at all and lose quite a lot including massive damage to my self-respect by being this way! Now , even as I type this, There is nothing to be gained by being belligerent, nasty, antagonistic, contrary, combative and negative just to be so. It is also foolish to defend ideas that are unreasonable, silly, goofy and just plain incorrect and wrong.
However, To be resolute and determined, steadfast and justifiably unyielding is a GREAT way to be. One thing I'm doing a GREAT deal of lately is re-examining and soul-searching. One way to make sure that I do not easily retreat from living by what I am NOW typing is the fact that I link MOST of these entries to My FACE BOOK page so others are able to hold me accountable for what I put forth!
A More Resolute and Steely Determined Johnny? Let it be, Dear Lord, Let it be!
- Johnny-
Maybe this type of "Idol Worship" is a very limited time phenomena?
Fox TV's Rating Megatron has long been the show "American Idol"! Yet, As a New Idol Seasons will commence in January people are commenting how becoming The NEXT AMERICAN IDOL is less and less a guarantee that someone will truly become a breakout star with a true and deep future as a success performer.
I will admit to NOT watching the show on any consistent basis. Yet, You hear of people coming up with schemes to flood the telephone lines once they are opened for voting! This does seem to violate the basic principle of one person , one vote per each election.
You also often hear that the contestants with the most talent are often voted off TOO early thus meaning that the finalists are not truly the two best people who were involved in the competition. So, If the winners are not successful as performers after becoming The NEXT American Idol -well they, in all honesty just were not truly impressive.
This does make you wonder - Should the Powers That BE behind AI compensate for how the voting is?You can power protect American Idol by having the MOST Talented Individuals compete against the least talented competitors. Or, You can have a Type of "Electoral College"- Have a separate jury of Musical Experts to amileorate any " bizarre and inexplicable voting" by the phoning-in voters?
Now, None of this matters if we accept the concept that AI is what it is AND the votes are as they turn out to be and whoever gets the most vote in the Final Round is ipso facto THE AMERICAN IDOL! However, If it is to be a talent contest with the most Talented ONE becoming the NEXT American Idol, then a sense of tinkering effectively and deciding to make sure that the talent is best showcased is needed!
- Johnny -
I will admit to NOT watching the show on any consistent basis. Yet, You hear of people coming up with schemes to flood the telephone lines once they are opened for voting! This does seem to violate the basic principle of one person , one vote per each election.
You also often hear that the contestants with the most talent are often voted off TOO early thus meaning that the finalists are not truly the two best people who were involved in the competition. So, If the winners are not successful as performers after becoming The NEXT American Idol -well they, in all honesty just were not truly impressive.
This does make you wonder - Should the Powers That BE behind AI compensate for how the voting is?You can power protect American Idol by having the MOST Talented Individuals compete against the least talented competitors. Or, You can have a Type of "Electoral College"- Have a separate jury of Musical Experts to amileorate any " bizarre and inexplicable voting" by the phoning-in voters?
Now, None of this matters if we accept the concept that AI is what it is AND the votes are as they turn out to be and whoever gets the most vote in the Final Round is ipso facto THE AMERICAN IDOL! However, If it is to be a talent contest with the most Talented ONE becoming the NEXT American Idol, then a sense of tinkering effectively and deciding to make sure that the talent is best showcased is needed!
- Johnny -
How will you and I decide to celebrate Christmas?
While it is very true that The OFFICIAL Christmas Season- Marketing and Commercially-Wise- stretches from the First second of November to the last second of the First of January, Most of us do not actually LIVE this way. While the shopping entities do try to tell us to act NOW, Most of us act prudently and decide that our priorities and actions are not going to be dominated by and controlled by those who solely are interested in getting us to part with our money.
As I type this, it is now 3:25 EDT on Friday, November 26th,2010, one day less than a calendar month BEFORE Christmas.I know, while I am excited about the time of the year, I also know that there are somethings that I do today that I would STILL do if today were the 26th of April!
It would be very proper and fitting if the time between November 26th to and through each second of November 30th as POST -THANKSGIVING! I know I will profit if I ask myself this one simple question: Why do I want to celebrate and fully enter into THIS Christmas, Saturday, December 25th, 2010! You may be prompted to ask, " Johnny, Every year has a December 25th! We call EVERY December 25th Christmas- that simply is reality- The Way It Is- so why is it significant to consider whether or not you should celebrate T!-H!-I!- S! Christmas.". I know I ask similar questions when I feel that someone is throwing me a curve or challenging me to think wayyyyyyyyyyy outside the box!
Let's start with a basic ---- Calendar wise there have been more than 2,000 25ths of December since that FIRST ONE transpired. MANY Christian scholars acknowledge that it is not likely that a baby named Jesus/ Yeshua- in Hebrew- was born on the 25th of December. The actual holiday started as a morphing of a Roman Holiday - Sol Invictus - into a Christian Special Day or HOLY DAY (Holiday). Holy means set apart or recognized as specially dedicated to! So, In the Strictest sense, Christmas is not truly a Birthday- not in the usual sense that you and I think of Birthdays. It is something more- it is a way of stating - something radically special that makes a special and on-going difference happened that we wish to remember and still currently mark as highly significant TODAY! Those who set this day up as a HOLY DAY also did so to declare that it was their desire/ most ardent wish that people many years in this future would also see this day as a HOLY DAY that they would wish to enter into!
Now if I stop here, I must admit that my prime motivation is to do something similar to what many people did in the years 1908, 1672, 1154 or even in 629. This is , indeed, a valid reason to celebrate Christmas but if this is MY reason for celebrating then it is most likely that I am saying that, "I celebrate this day because it is a part of history, this does not necessarily mean that I am really invested in this day." I am a November birthday boy and for reasons important to me I celebrate Novembers as my Birth month, just because I've done so this year and in past years and just because I am likely to do so, all things being equal , a YEAR from now does not at all mean that November is seen the same way by anyone else!
I do find it most interesting that many Born -Again Christians, Nominal Christians, People who follow other Faiths and those who call themselves agnostics and atheists consider December 25th and this TIME of the year to be different and MORE noteworthy than other portions of the year.While other Faiths have special times of the year such as Ramadan and The Jewish Day of Atonement and The Jewish New Year, This long focus and season around one day is unique in The Western/ Christian Oriented world.
If you think about this further, we do honor special days and even vacation but not for a calendar month or more but we do not TRULY begin to celebrate Dr. King Day in Mid- December. We do not focus intently on the Fourth of July in early June. Nor are most of us 98% ready to begin to greet Trick or Treaters on the last day of September!
Now, I do think it is valid that a number of people see December 25th as as commemoration of a special birth, The birth of the one who came to save us from our sins and allow us to be in a positive and growing relationship with God. These people also believe in the Trinity- a belief that states that The Father, The Son born as a human and still fully God and The Holy Spirit as being Three- in One- distinct but no less God than the other part of the Trinity! The Baby born in Bethlehem Epathra grew up, they believe, taught about what people need to do to live rightly and healed and performed other miracles. They also believe in the Events connected To Good Friday and Easter Sunday- that He died on the Cross for the Sins of The World and that He rose from the Dead on Easter Sunday- never more again to die and, thus, is very much alive and reigning
Yet, I still ask myself , " Why choose to celebrate and plunge into THIS CHRISTMAS SEASON and Day 2010?" I think it is useless to do so simply because of tradition. I know that there are things that I did passionately and committedly and joyfully/happily in 1995 that I would not spend 6 minutes thinking about today!, I believe this to true for all of us.
So, This late November and December , I will look at what I do to practice my Christian Faith on a continual basis. I will also ask " Why do I do what I do?", "Why is it valuable and vital to me?" I will also ask myself " who do I care about? Who am I willingly committed to and why am I committed to them?" I also want to spend time asking myself, " What do I believe about Jesus?" I am a history teacher by background and I really enjoy delving into apologetics, this is a good time of the year to do so again!
So, I do expect that I will plunge willingly and enthusiastically into THIS 2010 Christmas Season! I do know I will work toward making this a time that I gain sustenance and empowerment from! I do not know how this will fully spin out and what I will think about This Christmas Season once it is a historical memory, yet, I know what I desire NOW and what I yearn to challenge myself to do in the immediate days now before me!
For most of us, We need to think, intended, decide, commit and promise before a wish and a desire metamorphs into a fact and a demonstrated to all reality! I know I have friends reading this Feel Free to ask me how I'm living out what I've typed today I do have a feeling that this is going to be a dynamic and positively challenging and invigorating end of 2010!
- Johnny -
As I type this, it is now 3:25 EDT on Friday, November 26th,2010, one day less than a calendar month BEFORE Christmas.I know, while I am excited about the time of the year, I also know that there are somethings that I do today that I would STILL do if today were the 26th of April!
It would be very proper and fitting if the time between November 26th to and through each second of November 30th as POST -THANKSGIVING! I know I will profit if I ask myself this one simple question: Why do I want to celebrate and fully enter into THIS Christmas, Saturday, December 25th, 2010! You may be prompted to ask, " Johnny, Every year has a December 25th! We call EVERY December 25th Christmas- that simply is reality- The Way It Is- so why is it significant to consider whether or not you should celebrate T!-H!-I!- S! Christmas.". I know I ask similar questions when I feel that someone is throwing me a curve or challenging me to think wayyyyyyyyyyy outside the box!
Let's start with a basic ---- Calendar wise there have been more than 2,000 25ths of December since that FIRST ONE transpired. MANY Christian scholars acknowledge that it is not likely that a baby named Jesus/ Yeshua- in Hebrew- was born on the 25th of December. The actual holiday started as a morphing of a Roman Holiday - Sol Invictus - into a Christian Special Day or HOLY DAY (Holiday). Holy means set apart or recognized as specially dedicated to! So, In the Strictest sense, Christmas is not truly a Birthday- not in the usual sense that you and I think of Birthdays. It is something more- it is a way of stating - something radically special that makes a special and on-going difference happened that we wish to remember and still currently mark as highly significant TODAY! Those who set this day up as a HOLY DAY also did so to declare that it was their desire/ most ardent wish that people many years in this future would also see this day as a HOLY DAY that they would wish to enter into!
Now if I stop here, I must admit that my prime motivation is to do something similar to what many people did in the years 1908, 1672, 1154 or even in 629. This is , indeed, a valid reason to celebrate Christmas but if this is MY reason for celebrating then it is most likely that I am saying that, "I celebrate this day because it is a part of history, this does not necessarily mean that I am really invested in this day." I am a November birthday boy and for reasons important to me I celebrate Novembers as my Birth month, just because I've done so this year and in past years and just because I am likely to do so, all things being equal , a YEAR from now does not at all mean that November is seen the same way by anyone else!
I do find it most interesting that many Born -Again Christians, Nominal Christians, People who follow other Faiths and those who call themselves agnostics and atheists consider December 25th and this TIME of the year to be different and MORE noteworthy than other portions of the year.While other Faiths have special times of the year such as Ramadan and The Jewish Day of Atonement and The Jewish New Year, This long focus and season around one day is unique in The Western/ Christian Oriented world.
If you think about this further, we do honor special days and even vacation but not for a calendar month or more but we do not TRULY begin to celebrate Dr. King Day in Mid- December. We do not focus intently on the Fourth of July in early June. Nor are most of us 98% ready to begin to greet Trick or Treaters on the last day of September!
Now, I do think it is valid that a number of people see December 25th as as commemoration of a special birth, The birth of the one who came to save us from our sins and allow us to be in a positive and growing relationship with God. These people also believe in the Trinity- a belief that states that The Father, The Son born as a human and still fully God and The Holy Spirit as being Three- in One- distinct but no less God than the other part of the Trinity! The Baby born in Bethlehem Epathra grew up, they believe, taught about what people need to do to live rightly and healed and performed other miracles. They also believe in the Events connected To Good Friday and Easter Sunday- that He died on the Cross for the Sins of The World and that He rose from the Dead on Easter Sunday- never more again to die and, thus, is very much alive and reigning
Yet, I still ask myself , " Why choose to celebrate and plunge into THIS CHRISTMAS SEASON and Day 2010?" I think it is useless to do so simply because of tradition. I know that there are things that I did passionately and committedly and joyfully/happily in 1995 that I would not spend 6 minutes thinking about today!, I believe this to true for all of us.
So, This late November and December , I will look at what I do to practice my Christian Faith on a continual basis. I will also ask " Why do I do what I do?", "Why is it valuable and vital to me?" I will also ask myself " who do I care about? Who am I willingly committed to and why am I committed to them?" I also want to spend time asking myself, " What do I believe about Jesus?" I am a history teacher by background and I really enjoy delving into apologetics, this is a good time of the year to do so again!
So, I do expect that I will plunge willingly and enthusiastically into THIS 2010 Christmas Season! I do know I will work toward making this a time that I gain sustenance and empowerment from! I do not know how this will fully spin out and what I will think about This Christmas Season once it is a historical memory, yet, I know what I desire NOW and what I yearn to challenge myself to do in the immediate days now before me!
For most of us, We need to think, intended, decide, commit and promise before a wish and a desire metamorphs into a fact and a demonstrated to all reality! I know I have friends reading this Feel Free to ask me how I'm living out what I've typed today I do have a feeling that this is going to be a dynamic and positively challenging and invigorating end of 2010!
- Johnny -
Setting Up a MONTHLY Day of Thanksgiving
Busy people who easily lose track of days, events and circumstances can forget all too easily how they have been blessed in times past. The idea of being militantly focused on getting done today what must be done today works very well but it can cause us to lose track of times gone by. As a simple test of this, It is easy for us to remember what we were grateful yesterday! However, Are you honestly able to say that you ARE as grateful today as you were yesterday? My own answer to that is- " I am less grateful today than I was yesterday on THANKSGIVING DAY!"
I 've decided to try an experiment that I believe will make a difference in my life throughout the entirety of 2011! I've decided to make the last Thursday of EACH month of that year a Thanksgiving Day. This means that I will have 11 Days of Thanksgiving- I'm adding in the LAST Thursday of December 2010 to this effort-
between now and November 26th, 2011.
No one knows the future and I have no way to know EXACTLY what my life will be like- or even if I will be alive- on Thanksgiving Day 2011- but being Thankful seems to heal even the worst injuries of life. Therefore, I can confidently state that my 2011 will be a better year if I will follow through on this plan!
I do believe that self- talk combined with self-action will make a noticable difference. I shall look forward to finding out whether I shall be proven correct!
- Johnny -
I 've decided to try an experiment that I believe will make a difference in my life throughout the entirety of 2011! I've decided to make the last Thursday of EACH month of that year a Thanksgiving Day. This means that I will have 11 Days of Thanksgiving- I'm adding in the LAST Thursday of December 2010 to this effort-
between now and November 26th, 2011.
No one knows the future and I have no way to know EXACTLY what my life will be like- or even if I will be alive- on Thanksgiving Day 2011- but being Thankful seems to heal even the worst injuries of life. Therefore, I can confidently state that my 2011 will be a better year if I will follow through on this plan!
I do believe that self- talk combined with self-action will make a noticable difference. I shall look forward to finding out whether I shall be proven correct!
- Johnny -
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Why The Predators TRULY can NEVER win !
I've known bullies. People who feel that a punch, a kick, a nasty word, a shove,a glare a sneer, or flooding you persistently with destructive attitudes will keep you beneath them , I've known FAR too many of them in my time. I went to school with many, they ride the buses, they are alive and well in the mental health system! Having been raised by two- Mommy and Daddy Dearest- means I have a life-long awareness of such people.
What are they intent upon ? Keeping good things from occurring, allowing dreams to come true, preventing people from experiencing their own talents, creativity, power, influence and authority! They are the enemies of the future, of progress, of vision and the power of commitment and persistence! It mocks and ridicules any idea of practicing and following stubborn and unyielding efforts towards a better day and a better life!
Think of people who often are preyed upon by Bullies and often eventually become the challengers, the opponents and the most intense enemies of bullies and predators- teachers, scientists, pastors, counselors, therapists of all kinds.If you do a lot of reading terrorists and criminals are also often described as , you will THEN realize that such men and women are also OFTEN refered to as bullies!
Bullies seek to keep people down, afraid and intimidated. They want people to be afraid of making connections and being excellent. They want their victims to see themselves as nothings, who matter to no one and who have nothing to offer to anyone that anyone would ever desire or appreciate.
Yet, Thee truest winners and the people who inspire others are the ones that say ," I'm going to be my best and I'm going to demand excellence in practice within my life whether you!!!! like it or not!"
I've learned that when I teach and when I write I'm defying every bully who tried to crush me. I get that every time I give a speech both in Toastmasters and in other places that I tell the bullies, " I know that I have something to say that I know that people want to listen to". When a bat flew through a window and into the study of his vast mansion, It inspired the young Bruce Wayne, It shaped his career, " Criminals are a superstitious, cowardly lot, I shall become a Bat!" To paraphrase Bob Kane, who wrote the VERY first Batman story in 1939, " Bullies are a superstitious cowardly lot, I shall become everything that I possibly can become!
The Bullies lose each and every time I say ," I know I am able" and then go out and accomplish and achieve to the fullest extent that I am able to do so! Living to value yourself, to care about others and to push yourself to reach everything that you are capable of attaining is a sure and absolute victory over any and every bully that you have dealt with or will ever deal with! Live today not in worry but in a spirit of joyful expectation, it will make your day soooo much better!
- Johnny -
What are they intent upon ? Keeping good things from occurring, allowing dreams to come true, preventing people from experiencing their own talents, creativity, power, influence and authority! They are the enemies of the future, of progress, of vision and the power of commitment and persistence! It mocks and ridicules any idea of practicing and following stubborn and unyielding efforts towards a better day and a better life!
Think of people who often are preyed upon by Bullies and often eventually become the challengers, the opponents and the most intense enemies of bullies and predators- teachers, scientists, pastors, counselors, therapists of all kinds.If you do a lot of reading terrorists and criminals are also often described as , you will THEN realize that such men and women are also OFTEN refered to as bullies!
Bullies seek to keep people down, afraid and intimidated. They want people to be afraid of making connections and being excellent. They want their victims to see themselves as nothings, who matter to no one and who have nothing to offer to anyone that anyone would ever desire or appreciate.
Yet, Thee truest winners and the people who inspire others are the ones that say ," I'm going to be my best and I'm going to demand excellence in practice within my life whether you!!!! like it or not!"
I've learned that when I teach and when I write I'm defying every bully who tried to crush me. I get that every time I give a speech both in Toastmasters and in other places that I tell the bullies, " I know that I have something to say that I know that people want to listen to". When a bat flew through a window and into the study of his vast mansion, It inspired the young Bruce Wayne, It shaped his career, " Criminals are a superstitious, cowardly lot, I shall become a Bat!" To paraphrase Bob Kane, who wrote the VERY first Batman story in 1939, " Bullies are a superstitious cowardly lot, I shall become everything that I possibly can become!
The Bullies lose each and every time I say ," I know I am able" and then go out and accomplish and achieve to the fullest extent that I am able to do so! Living to value yourself, to care about others and to push yourself to reach everything that you are capable of attaining is a sure and absolute victory over any and every bully that you have dealt with or will ever deal with! Live today not in worry but in a spirit of joyful expectation, it will make your day soooo much better!
- Johnny -
The Needed and Vital Perspective.
" This is what I wish - However, That does not mean that my thinking is best or that I'm doing my BEST thinking at THIS PARTICULAR MOMENT." I do NOT sit AT ALL WELL with this concept. I'd rather have a resolution that says, " This is what I want. I will accept nothing at all else. So, NOW, How Do I make this happen?"
I am really torn because I'm losing track, clearly of the importance of Delayed Gratification?! I was told, years ago,that God is far more concerned with my holiness and character than my happiness. That means also that it is better to become the type of person who will live well and be a blessing to others for years to come rather than someone who is living what, in his opinion is A GREAT LIFE TODAY.
Lord, As any intelligent adult I know that having a bright and shiny penny this very second is far less to be desired than working hard and toiling and struggling NOW in order to gain a MILLION dollars. If today isn't all I want it to be , let me see it as a snippet along the way to gaining what I will long enjoy, cherish and celebrate for year upon year at some point in the future!
- Johnny -
I am really torn because I'm losing track, clearly of the importance of Delayed Gratification?! I was told, years ago,that God is far more concerned with my holiness and character than my happiness. That means also that it is better to become the type of person who will live well and be a blessing to others for years to come rather than someone who is living what, in his opinion is A GREAT LIFE TODAY.
Lord, As any intelligent adult I know that having a bright and shiny penny this very second is far less to be desired than working hard and toiling and struggling NOW in order to gain a MILLION dollars. If today isn't all I want it to be , let me see it as a snippet along the way to gaining what I will long enjoy, cherish and celebrate for year upon year at some point in the future!
- Johnny -
The Desire for Tradition on THIS Thanksgiving Day!
It doesn't usually strike me as bluntly as this!!! As I type this I'm very much reminded that while this will be a GREAT Thanksgiving day and while I an a blessed man, this day, to me, is a bit off-target, is just not as I would have it be! As I am a 56 year old- Today, I hate typing this, Conservative Republican rather TRADITIONAL American, I will admit that today is not Thanksgiving as I wish it to be for me!
I was reminded of this as I saw that a friend on Facebook changed his status YESTERDAY to in a relationship. I do celebrate with him his blessing- his improved fortune. Yet, It reminds me that I do believe that this should also be true of me- that TODAY, I want to be a family man, a husband or, at very least, I want to be in a secure and growing relationship. Being a very disconnected- as I see it today- and unmarried man, is just not my status as I desire it to be today! This, like Christmas is a Family Holiday!!!! I have loving Church friends and I will participate in a Church Potluck at a home of a couple with Children, I do realize that this is an event set up for those not connected and rather with out. This Thanksgiving will be the FIRST one since 2005 that I will be with other people! Yes, This is a great improvement! However, It is not a Christmas with a wife and children or with a significant other and her family or even just a cozy Thanksgiving with a significant others. It is a better day- absolutely- but on a grading scale it is an 80- good and most certainly passing but just not...
Yesterday, for entertainment and to escape my awareness, for a short while, of what I have typed above, I rented a Great Movie from A Red Box Location at a Nearby Shoppers- Grownups- a great movie that I thoroughly enjoyed.. I am going to be a part of a Pot Luck celebration Of Thanksgiving in a few Hours in Springfield, Virginia and I was up early to make sure I returned the movie in plenty of time. I really try to avoid any possibility of late fees whenever possible.
I ,then, stopped off at The local Mickey D's for coffee. Over the last 2 weeks, I've made a conscious effort to greatly reduce my coffee consumption and getting a cup of coffee from a restaurant makes it more likely that I will just have one cup. There is a 24 hour Diner in the same block- but that means sitting down and I was on the move and there would be a greater likelihood that I would permit myself a second cup.
I admit, I did go into the Mc Donald's a bit grudgingly. A part of me wished that Mc Donald's was closed for the Holiday as would have been true up to a few years ago. I could say a lot of what bothered me about the McDonald's setting today but lets say it was, to me, a 180 degrees away from any of my notions of a Traditional Thanksgiving. !
So, As I can't control people, place and things, truly nothing save myself, What do I with all of this? I guess I thank God for what I have rather than what I want! I also tell myself that If I want a Traditional Thanksgiving in 2011 and beyond, The person I see in the mirror needs to work harder, better, smarter and wiser to make that a possibility!
Yet, It will be hard today not to be a bit melancholy for a Thanksgiving that is just not truly as I wanna have it be. So, I accept and celebrate life on life's turns and today as it simply shall unfold! Yet, In my way of thinking it seems,My Thanksgiving 2010 is a Brian Wilson Thanksgiving, "Wouldn't it be nice... ? " !!!!!!
PS . - I just heard from a woman who spend the first part of this year telling me that she wanted to start a new life with a fresh start --- with me!---- a short while ago. She TODAY told me that she has returned to her Old boy friend who she will be with FOREVER! She also told me that I would never hear from her again and she thanked me for understanding.
For the record, she, in February , told a friend that she found me to be really handsome. She encouraged this friend to tell me she wanted to get to know me! Oh Well!
I STILL believe that This Thanksgiving is going to be a good and blessed day! I , in all honestly MUST confess That I believe, at the same time that THIS day is going to be SAND PAPER rough to get through!
- Johnny -
I was reminded of this as I saw that a friend on Facebook changed his status YESTERDAY to in a relationship. I do celebrate with him his blessing- his improved fortune. Yet, It reminds me that I do believe that this should also be true of me- that TODAY, I want to be a family man, a husband or, at very least, I want to be in a secure and growing relationship. Being a very disconnected- as I see it today- and unmarried man, is just not my status as I desire it to be today! This, like Christmas is a Family Holiday!!!! I have loving Church friends and I will participate in a Church Potluck at a home of a couple with Children, I do realize that this is an event set up for those not connected and rather with out. This Thanksgiving will be the FIRST one since 2005 that I will be with other people! Yes, This is a great improvement! However, It is not a Christmas with a wife and children or with a significant other and her family or even just a cozy Thanksgiving with a significant others. It is a better day- absolutely- but on a grading scale it is an 80- good and most certainly passing but just not...
Yesterday, for entertainment and to escape my awareness, for a short while, of what I have typed above, I rented a Great Movie from A Red Box Location at a Nearby Shoppers- Grownups- a great movie that I thoroughly enjoyed.. I am going to be a part of a Pot Luck celebration Of Thanksgiving in a few Hours in Springfield, Virginia and I was up early to make sure I returned the movie in plenty of time. I really try to avoid any possibility of late fees whenever possible.
I ,then, stopped off at The local Mickey D's for coffee. Over the last 2 weeks, I've made a conscious effort to greatly reduce my coffee consumption and getting a cup of coffee from a restaurant makes it more likely that I will just have one cup. There is a 24 hour Diner in the same block- but that means sitting down and I was on the move and there would be a greater likelihood that I would permit myself a second cup.
I admit, I did go into the Mc Donald's a bit grudgingly. A part of me wished that Mc Donald's was closed for the Holiday as would have been true up to a few years ago. I could say a lot of what bothered me about the McDonald's setting today but lets say it was, to me, a 180 degrees away from any of my notions of a Traditional Thanksgiving. !
So, As I can't control people, place and things, truly nothing save myself, What do I with all of this? I guess I thank God for what I have rather than what I want! I also tell myself that If I want a Traditional Thanksgiving in 2011 and beyond, The person I see in the mirror needs to work harder, better, smarter and wiser to make that a possibility!
Yet, It will be hard today not to be a bit melancholy for a Thanksgiving that is just not truly as I wanna have it be. So, I accept and celebrate life on life's turns and today as it simply shall unfold! Yet, In my way of thinking it seems,My Thanksgiving 2010 is a Brian Wilson Thanksgiving, "Wouldn't it be nice... ? " !!!!!!
PS . - I just heard from a woman who spend the first part of this year telling me that she wanted to start a new life with a fresh start --- with me!---- a short while ago. She TODAY told me that she has returned to her Old boy friend who she will be with FOREVER! She also told me that I would never hear from her again and she thanked me for understanding.
For the record, she, in February , told a friend that she found me to be really handsome. She encouraged this friend to tell me she wanted to get to know me! Oh Well!
I STILL believe that This Thanksgiving is going to be a good and blessed day! I , in all honestly MUST confess That I believe, at the same time that THIS day is going to be SAND PAPER rough to get through!
- Johnny -
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
On Thanksgiving Day
I can't, We can and the more we do with and for each other willingly and caringly the more we all become. If I can remember this, I will become less selfish and pre-occupied.
If we can focus on this, We will deal with fewer true strangers and gain more real, committed and fast friends!
Happy Thanksgiving 2010!
- Johnny -
If we can focus on this, We will deal with fewer true strangers and gain more real, committed and fast friends!
Happy Thanksgiving 2010!
- Johnny -
The Little Bit that seems to have made a lot of Difference
It is said the Northerners and Southerners- particularly deep and old school southerners - shop VERY differently. Northerners want to go in- pick what we want- pay for it and move on. We are said to want no dealings with people, that we wish to pay and be gone! The Old School/ traditional Southern Style is to make shopping more of a social occasion. You chat, you ask people how they are and listen to and actually care about what they tell you.
I really do not like where I live, it seems to be inconvenient to get to and the parking is somewhat of a nightmarish mess. The maintenance staff here is not punctual, seem to be rather underpaid and often need multiple efforts to get things repaired - more or less!
I am a Yankee- both by baseball fan rooting and birth- I grew up in The Southwestern Bronx. I can easily be curt and cut and dried.. This is something that, over the last year or so, that I am noticeably working to overcome.
I've had success in this as was demonstrated today as I shopped at a near by shopping mall. Even though it was slower, I chose a line that was being cashiered by a woman named Diana, I really do not like Shoppers but Diana is a very pleasant lady who smiles at each customer and usually has a kind word for each customer. I stood behind a woman who seemed to take forever to get through the line to tell Diana how I am blessed by the way she deals with me. That seemed to touch her. I complemented her manager as well and Diana called her over to tell her what I shared with her!
Before I left The Shoppers,I rented a Movie - Grownups - from the Redbox there. I was a bit anxious- I thought I might have a problem with my PS2 as my player seemed to have a problem playing Redbox movies through. With that on my mind, I stopped at The Gamespot Store on the other side of the mall. I told Nina, an employeee there I often chat with about my concern. She said it was most likely the discs being scratched or damaged more than a failure of my PS2. I showed her the disc and she examined it and said it looked like it was in PRETTY good shape. However, She sprayed a little Windex on the disc and then very gently wiped it with a towel.. She then put something that she poured out of a small bottle on the disc.
It was, again, an advantage of being more willing to get to know the people at a store rather than just asking them about products and asking them to scan them! People are people and being friendly does give you a great benefit.
I was told years ago that it is best to "Bloom Where You Are Planted". I am glad and grateful that I finally decided, to a still too limited degree, to place this concept into practice!
- Johnny -
I really do not like where I live, it seems to be inconvenient to get to and the parking is somewhat of a nightmarish mess. The maintenance staff here is not punctual, seem to be rather underpaid and often need multiple efforts to get things repaired - more or less!
I am a Yankee- both by baseball fan rooting and birth- I grew up in The Southwestern Bronx. I can easily be curt and cut and dried.. This is something that, over the last year or so, that I am noticeably working to overcome.
I've had success in this as was demonstrated today as I shopped at a near by shopping mall. Even though it was slower, I chose a line that was being cashiered by a woman named Diana, I really do not like Shoppers but Diana is a very pleasant lady who smiles at each customer and usually has a kind word for each customer. I stood behind a woman who seemed to take forever to get through the line to tell Diana how I am blessed by the way she deals with me. That seemed to touch her. I complemented her manager as well and Diana called her over to tell her what I shared with her!
Before I left The Shoppers,I rented a Movie - Grownups - from the Redbox there. I was a bit anxious- I thought I might have a problem with my PS2 as my player seemed to have a problem playing Redbox movies through. With that on my mind, I stopped at The Gamespot Store on the other side of the mall. I told Nina, an employeee there I often chat with about my concern. She said it was most likely the discs being scratched or damaged more than a failure of my PS2. I showed her the disc and she examined it and said it looked like it was in PRETTY good shape. However, She sprayed a little Windex on the disc and then very gently wiped it with a towel.. She then put something that she poured out of a small bottle on the disc.
It was, again, an advantage of being more willing to get to know the people at a store rather than just asking them about products and asking them to scan them! People are people and being friendly does give you a great benefit.
I was told years ago that it is best to "Bloom Where You Are Planted". I am glad and grateful that I finally decided, to a still too limited degree, to place this concept into practice!
- Johnny -
Public Health ?
There are two people who I encounter who I will admit that I'd rather not! One is an older woman who has a history of picking at sores and scratches until she bleeds. I've seen her, on numerous occasions, wipe that blood on tables, on bus shelters on on the walls of buses. I do not know her beyond that. I do not know if she carries any infectious diseases- anything that is blood-borne. I can also say that I do NOT know that she doesn't.
I know, for example, that in the Public Schools , one drop of blood and one trace of vomit or other bodily fluids or solid wastes is considered to be a hazmat situation. The room will not only be cleaned , it will be sanitized and the teacher in the room and his or her students will be evacuated to another location within the school. These standards are haphazardly and lackadaisically applied in other public venues and circumstances and in public areas of private facilities!
I once mentioned her to a policeman and he knew of her as she lived in a small town in Northern Virginia. She said that a judge had ruled that she was not to be interfered with- that her rights could not beviolated. The upshot- If you know about her, You are wise to give her a wide birth, that will keep you safe.
Yet, Does everyone who rides on the bus know about he?. If she gets off the bus 15 minutes before someone else does, How does that person know whether the seat he or she now sits on is contaminated, whether the wall that their 5 year old son or daughter touches is a health hazard? The woman is protected, safe guarded , self-esteem guaranteed and can tell you that " You will leave me alone or Else!" but the rest of us????? I've also seen her at Starbucks.
I live within walking distance of a 7-11 and a Mickey D's, a homeless man, frequents both of them. He wears the same clothes for days and weeks at a time. His Body Odor is impossible to ignore and the odor also indicates that he is stained by human wastes. As in the woman, No authority will deny him access to food establishments. He often sits in the Mickey D and sleeps. You do wonder how you can expect people to be willing to eat with such an odorous atmosphere around them. Again, There are clear health issues afoot.
You do wonder if it would be acceptable to tell this man and woman that they may, of course, be customers at Mc D's, 7-11 or Starbucks but they will need to make " To Go" orders. I believe that they could state that they have a responsibility to the health, safety and even comfort of ALL of the customers at their establishment. It seems wrong to allow people to force unacceptable and potentially dangerous conditions upon any and all who are in CLOSE or Nearby proximity to others.
I do believe in the individual- but people who are imposing an unreasonable and unacceptable burden upon every other individual near them. If the man or women is capable of doing something from being an intolerable presence among others, they need to be individually CHALLENGED to do what it takes to make that change come to pass. If an individual is incapable of doing anything about their fouling of the environment for anyone they encounter then institutionalization is likely what would be kindest for that individual and for those around them. I also believe that these individuals should be accorded the kindest and most humane POSSIBLE treatment if ,sadly and regrettably, Institutionalization is what is best for them. This man or woman is likely to gain a better life institutionalized than dealing with the ire of those who are repelled and repulsed by their health habits or lack of acceptable personal maintenance.
Sometimes, We have to wonder if some people are more favored than others. Yes. I know it can be argued that the man and woman are living a ghastly life- I'd be inclined to agree with you! Yet, Does debasing the quality of life for all that they are in close quarters with really address and correct anything?
I know, for example, that in the Public Schools , one drop of blood and one trace of vomit or other bodily fluids or solid wastes is considered to be a hazmat situation. The room will not only be cleaned , it will be sanitized and the teacher in the room and his or her students will be evacuated to another location within the school. These standards are haphazardly and lackadaisically applied in other public venues and circumstances and in public areas of private facilities!
I once mentioned her to a policeman and he knew of her as she lived in a small town in Northern Virginia. She said that a judge had ruled that she was not to be interfered with- that her rights could not beviolated. The upshot- If you know about her, You are wise to give her a wide birth, that will keep you safe.
Yet, Does everyone who rides on the bus know about he?. If she gets off the bus 15 minutes before someone else does, How does that person know whether the seat he or she now sits on is contaminated, whether the wall that their 5 year old son or daughter touches is a health hazard? The woman is protected, safe guarded , self-esteem guaranteed and can tell you that " You will leave me alone or Else!" but the rest of us????? I've also seen her at Starbucks.
I live within walking distance of a 7-11 and a Mickey D's, a homeless man, frequents both of them. He wears the same clothes for days and weeks at a time. His Body Odor is impossible to ignore and the odor also indicates that he is stained by human wastes. As in the woman, No authority will deny him access to food establishments. He often sits in the Mickey D and sleeps. You do wonder how you can expect people to be willing to eat with such an odorous atmosphere around them. Again, There are clear health issues afoot.
You do wonder if it would be acceptable to tell this man and woman that they may, of course, be customers at Mc D's, 7-11 or Starbucks but they will need to make " To Go" orders. I believe that they could state that they have a responsibility to the health, safety and even comfort of ALL of the customers at their establishment. It seems wrong to allow people to force unacceptable and potentially dangerous conditions upon any and all who are in CLOSE or Nearby proximity to others.
I do believe in the individual- but people who are imposing an unreasonable and unacceptable burden upon every other individual near them. If the man or women is capable of doing something from being an intolerable presence among others, they need to be individually CHALLENGED to do what it takes to make that change come to pass. If an individual is incapable of doing anything about their fouling of the environment for anyone they encounter then institutionalization is likely what would be kindest for that individual and for those around them. I also believe that these individuals should be accorded the kindest and most humane POSSIBLE treatment if ,sadly and regrettably, Institutionalization is what is best for them. This man or woman is likely to gain a better life institutionalized than dealing with the ire of those who are repelled and repulsed by their health habits or lack of acceptable personal maintenance.
Sometimes, We have to wonder if some people are more favored than others. Yes. I know it can be argued that the man and woman are living a ghastly life- I'd be inclined to agree with you! Yet, Does debasing the quality of life for all that they are in close quarters with really address and correct anything?
Holiday Giveaways
Toy Drives, Food Drives, Clothing Donations- One of the most endearing part of the Holiday Season is being kind and generous to our poorest citizens. This is one of the reasons that people look forward to the arrival of November and December each and every year. Some will argue that this deep and powerful concern for the poor should be the case all year long.It is hard to argue against this noble thought. Yet, It can be argued that a caring and giving season that lasts for 1/6th of a year is , after all, MUCH!!!! better than no such season existing at all.
Those of you who see my Facebook page will know that I brought up a current dispute between Giant Foods and The Former Mayor of The City of Washington DC, Marion Barry. Mr. Barry hosts an annual Thanksgiving Turkey Give Away every year in the Anacostia Section of the City. Barry ordered 2,000 Turkeys from Giant - the Total Bill for this - TWENTY SIX THOUSAND DOLLARS! Barry told Giant that he had 16,000 Dollars on hand and he asked them to deliver all 2,000 turkeys and that he would get them the remaining 9,000 Dollars. Giant's response- We will Deliver SIXTEEN THOUSAND DOLLARS worth of Turkeys!
Barry said that his give away cause has already turned away 200 people. He also reminds us that Giant is a mutibillion dollar corporation that needs to demonstrate MORE concern for the needs of the destitute.The counter-argument is that both parties KNEW that there was an agreement for Giant to sell THESE turkeys and not donate them. The price of 26,000 Dollars was know by and agreed upon by both parties as well and thus- A DEAL IS!!!! A DEAL!
We'd all feel warm and fuzzy if the very wealthy simply donated tremendously desirable gifts to the poorest among us. We'd enjoy knowing that these were TOTALLY love and generosity gifts. Yet. We know that charities make deals with large corporations to secure donations for each and every Holiday Season. Sometimes, not as commonly as we would like , companies make generous and anonymous donations to charitable organizations. Other times, The Company may provide their products at reduced price. It also might be that the Company says - You will need to buy these items from us as anyone else would - AT FULL PRICE. This is simply reality. The negotiations between companies and charities does not start in November, they are done months earlier sometimes as early as days or a few weeks after the last Christmas has passed.
It can feel REALLY Great to say, " You have so much, Why don't you just give. That is what a truly!!!! good and caring person would do!!!". I hate to break this to you but, if you really believe this , You ARE a major control FREAK! Remember, The only person that anyone has any say over is the person that we see in the mirror! So, Yes, It is great that people are generous and bighearted! The more it occurs the more we are all blessed and truly enriched. Yet, People have the RIGHT to choose to be generous or not generous. I also believe that any sense that others MUST be MORE generous may be a sign that the person saying this may be the one that truly needs to be more bighearted and generous!
Putting what you believe on others as a MUST for them is really misguided ! Living as you believe is right is always admirable! Ordering other people to live as you insist they must live is obnoxious and dictatorial!
A Very Happy Thanksgiving to each of you, unless- wink- you've made other plans!
- Johnny -
Those of you who see my Facebook page will know that I brought up a current dispute between Giant Foods and The Former Mayor of The City of Washington DC, Marion Barry. Mr. Barry hosts an annual Thanksgiving Turkey Give Away every year in the Anacostia Section of the City. Barry ordered 2,000 Turkeys from Giant - the Total Bill for this - TWENTY SIX THOUSAND DOLLARS! Barry told Giant that he had 16,000 Dollars on hand and he asked them to deliver all 2,000 turkeys and that he would get them the remaining 9,000 Dollars. Giant's response- We will Deliver SIXTEEN THOUSAND DOLLARS worth of Turkeys!
Barry said that his give away cause has already turned away 200 people. He also reminds us that Giant is a mutibillion dollar corporation that needs to demonstrate MORE concern for the needs of the destitute.The counter-argument is that both parties KNEW that there was an agreement for Giant to sell THESE turkeys and not donate them. The price of 26,000 Dollars was know by and agreed upon by both parties as well and thus- A DEAL IS!!!! A DEAL!
We'd all feel warm and fuzzy if the very wealthy simply donated tremendously desirable gifts to the poorest among us. We'd enjoy knowing that these were TOTALLY love and generosity gifts. Yet. We know that charities make deals with large corporations to secure donations for each and every Holiday Season. Sometimes, not as commonly as we would like , companies make generous and anonymous donations to charitable organizations. Other times, The Company may provide their products at reduced price. It also might be that the Company says - You will need to buy these items from us as anyone else would - AT FULL PRICE. This is simply reality. The negotiations between companies and charities does not start in November, they are done months earlier sometimes as early as days or a few weeks after the last Christmas has passed.
It can feel REALLY Great to say, " You have so much, Why don't you just give. That is what a truly!!!! good and caring person would do!!!". I hate to break this to you but, if you really believe this , You ARE a major control FREAK! Remember, The only person that anyone has any say over is the person that we see in the mirror! So, Yes, It is great that people are generous and bighearted! The more it occurs the more we are all blessed and truly enriched. Yet, People have the RIGHT to choose to be generous or not generous. I also believe that any sense that others MUST be MORE generous may be a sign that the person saying this may be the one that truly needs to be more bighearted and generous!
Putting what you believe on others as a MUST for them is really misguided ! Living as you believe is right is always admirable! Ordering other people to live as you insist they must live is obnoxious and dictatorial!
A Very Happy Thanksgiving to each of you, unless- wink- you've made other plans!
- Johnny -
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Profiling Johnny
I, Johnny Rodriguez, 56, of Alexandria, Va could be considered, by some worthy of profiling. My Favorite Author, currently, is Harry Turtledove. He is a writer of Alternative History Novel.. I bought, at The Tysons Corner Barnes And Nobles, a copy of one of his novels published in 2008. The Book entitled The Man with The Iron Heart focuses on an active Nazi Resistance springing up in Germany right after the Spring 1945 surrender. This movement, The Werewolves, is based upon an effort that, in reality was tried and was not very effective due to poor planning, poor preparation and a lack of resources.
In This Alternative World, The Assassination of SS Obergruppenfurher Reinhard Heydrich in 1942 by Czech Resistance Fighters was NOT successful. This leads to full scale guerrilla war erupting against The US, Russia, England and France immediately after the Final Surrender.
Reading this book in public COULD get me profiled for a number of reasons. There is a picture of Reichsprotektor Heydrich on the cover of this book! Thus, I could be profiled as a Pro-Nazi. This plot , according to Turtledove, was inspired by the Iraqi resistance of the last decade- so I could be considered pro-resistance or perhaps EVEN pro-Iraqi!
Reading has, in some circles, been an suspect activity since September of 2001! The Patriot Act allows for the Library records to be examined by law enforcement and intelligence agencies. This is profiling as it is a way of deciding that what you read equates to who you support and what your intentions are!
The more realistic among us know that many fellow Americans see profiling as acceptable. When a woman carefully clutches her purse, she is saying, effectively, that she has a reason to suspect the man who just sat next to her. When we decide to not shop at a Dollar Store, We may just be profiling it for having cheap and low quality goods.When we choose to avoid traveling through certain neighborhoods, then , we are profiling the residence of that neighborhood.
In a time of war, It is good to disrupt,harass and make life miserable for your enemies. It is usually wise for a nation not to unneedfully disrupt, harass and add stress and misery to the lives of your own civilians. So, Do we need to re-think our current policies- maybe?
- Johnny-
In This Alternative World, The Assassination of SS Obergruppenfurher Reinhard Heydrich in 1942 by Czech Resistance Fighters was NOT successful. This leads to full scale guerrilla war erupting against The US, Russia, England and France immediately after the Final Surrender.
Reading this book in public COULD get me profiled for a number of reasons. There is a picture of Reichsprotektor Heydrich on the cover of this book! Thus, I could be profiled as a Pro-Nazi. This plot , according to Turtledove, was inspired by the Iraqi resistance of the last decade- so I could be considered pro-resistance or perhaps EVEN pro-Iraqi!
Reading has, in some circles, been an suspect activity since September of 2001! The Patriot Act allows for the Library records to be examined by law enforcement and intelligence agencies. This is profiling as it is a way of deciding that what you read equates to who you support and what your intentions are!
The more realistic among us know that many fellow Americans see profiling as acceptable. When a woman carefully clutches her purse, she is saying, effectively, that she has a reason to suspect the man who just sat next to her. When we decide to not shop at a Dollar Store, We may just be profiling it for having cheap and low quality goods.When we choose to avoid traveling through certain neighborhoods, then , we are profiling the residence of that neighborhood.
In a time of war, It is good to disrupt,harass and make life miserable for your enemies. It is usually wise for a nation not to unneedfully disrupt, harass and add stress and misery to the lives of your own civilians. So, Do we need to re-think our current policies- maybe?
- Johnny-
I'd rather be someone else!
Have you ever thought, " I REALLY do not like AT ALL who I am. I'd be MUCH happier if I were someone else." My hand goes up as I have thought this at many different junctures of my life. Perhaps, then, it is POSSIBLE that YOU have as well.
Whenever WE think this, it would be helpful to remember that most human beings work hard to make sure that they look as good as possible. The Bible also reminds us of a true and undeniable fact that - There is nothing that has befallen you except that which is common unto man. Thus, We all have bad days, we all are subject to illnesses, bad jobs and employers can be found in many parts of the world and so forth!
So, The person that you wish you were rather than you MAY have circumstances that plague them that you would wish to have NOTHING AT ALL to do with. Even more interestingly/ humorously,You may be observed by someone else who'd prefer to be you rather than him or herself! LOL!
So, If you are wishing that you were anyone else but you, Are you TRULY certain that you'd want that wish to be made into reality?
Whenever WE think this, it would be helpful to remember that most human beings work hard to make sure that they look as good as possible. The Bible also reminds us of a true and undeniable fact that - There is nothing that has befallen you except that which is common unto man. Thus, We all have bad days, we all are subject to illnesses, bad jobs and employers can be found in many parts of the world and so forth!
So, The person that you wish you were rather than you MAY have circumstances that plague them that you would wish to have NOTHING AT ALL to do with. Even more interestingly/ humorously,You may be observed by someone else who'd prefer to be you rather than him or herself! LOL!
So, If you are wishing that you were anyone else but you, Are you TRULY certain that you'd want that wish to be made into reality?
Monday, November 22, 2010
Only a Friend or a Relative would dare treat you this way!
We are on guard with our enemies. We hold those who we know do not think much of us on a short leash and we are quick to call them on their words and actions- to tell them boldly what we will accept and what we will not accept!
Yet, We all know of the domestic abuse that is too often visited upon people in intimate and committed relationships. I'm starting to wonder if there isn't an equivalent that occurs within friendships. Do friends presume that other friends will put up with ANYTHING they choose to dish out to them because, after all, what other choices do they have, where else can he or she do?
People are in friendships where the relationship is not on an even plain! Some people are very good at befriending people who have less resources and live far more limited lives than they do! Some people, I cannot deny, really extend themselves for their friends and truly are just about "saintly: in what they do to support their friend! They may go to lengths to help their friends that others would find "extraordinary", that would cause others to say "I'd NEVER go that far to help anyone that I'm not married to or is a family member."
ON this Thanksgiving Week, Such people should be thanked often for being so willing to give to another! Having typed this, however, If this same amazing person treats that friend rudely, at times. if they say condescending things to that man or woman, Does that make their comments and attitudes acceptable. doesn't that reduce the other person to a semi-property status? Does that mean we develop a status of " If you accept the support/ help,. You accept ANY WAY!!! that you are treated" ? Not if we do value person hood and individuality. Some of the most dependent people in the US look askance at receiving help from any one else but the government because they do not wish to be given an attitude along with the help! I do think that such people are likely to need to develop more humility and gratitude. However, I also am of the opinion that you help people best with a relationship and an attitude that is perceived to be punitive and judgemental is likely to prevent any relationship from starting!
I do get a lot of help from a friend very much like the person I described above. She has truly crushed my self-esteem and humiliated me at times. I've spoken up against it , at times. and I've suffered in silence at many other times. The Fault in this lies actually not in my friend or in my stars but within me. When you limit your contacts with people, You find yourself MORE likely to be abused- actually you are in a status of volunteering to be abused!
So, I know that I MUST become more independent, more willing to drop my guard and connect better with others and , while I hate typing this, more willing to simply do without! These lessons have become very clear to me within the last few months. My friend is not right to lash me with harsh words and corrosive attitudes! I
need to put myself into a position and allow myself to live in a way that will not allow myself to find such treatment to be accepted!
- Johnny -
Yet, We all know of the domestic abuse that is too often visited upon people in intimate and committed relationships. I'm starting to wonder if there isn't an equivalent that occurs within friendships. Do friends presume that other friends will put up with ANYTHING they choose to dish out to them because, after all, what other choices do they have, where else can he or she do?
People are in friendships where the relationship is not on an even plain! Some people are very good at befriending people who have less resources and live far more limited lives than they do! Some people, I cannot deny, really extend themselves for their friends and truly are just about "saintly: in what they do to support their friend! They may go to lengths to help their friends that others would find "extraordinary", that would cause others to say "I'd NEVER go that far to help anyone that I'm not married to or is a family member."
ON this Thanksgiving Week, Such people should be thanked often for being so willing to give to another! Having typed this, however, If this same amazing person treats that friend rudely, at times. if they say condescending things to that man or woman, Does that make their comments and attitudes acceptable. doesn't that reduce the other person to a semi-property status? Does that mean we develop a status of " If you accept the support/ help,. You accept ANY WAY!!! that you are treated" ? Not if we do value person hood and individuality. Some of the most dependent people in the US look askance at receiving help from any one else but the government because they do not wish to be given an attitude along with the help! I do think that such people are likely to need to develop more humility and gratitude. However, I also am of the opinion that you help people best with a relationship and an attitude that is perceived to be punitive and judgemental is likely to prevent any relationship from starting!
I do get a lot of help from a friend very much like the person I described above. She has truly crushed my self-esteem and humiliated me at times. I've spoken up against it , at times. and I've suffered in silence at many other times. The Fault in this lies actually not in my friend or in my stars but within me. When you limit your contacts with people, You find yourself MORE likely to be abused- actually you are in a status of volunteering to be abused!
So, I know that I MUST become more independent, more willing to drop my guard and connect better with others and , while I hate typing this, more willing to simply do without! These lessons have become very clear to me within the last few months. My friend is not right to lash me with harsh words and corrosive attitudes! I
need to put myself into a position and allow myself to live in a way that will not allow myself to find such treatment to be accepted!
- Johnny -
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Not REALLY a Hallmark Holiday!
We American are a very sentimental people who race to and through everything and anything. We very much treat our Holidays in this fashion We build up and promote, motivate and excite ourselves for their coming Yet, One second after the midnight, We consign them to the back of the closet. The favored child is sent back to the end of the line to wait for their TURN to come around again. We can describe the whole phenomena as, " You're over and it is time to move on IMMEDIATELY!"
Thanksgiving is NOT a holiday that really can be dealt with in a 21st Century American Fashion in any smooth and comfortable way. It really is not a holiday designed for a greeting card response.Gratitude and Caring and Appreciation are values that must ferment in order to truly affect us in a profound and life-changing manner! The people we honor with praise and the MOST profound Thanksgiving sentiments are people, overall, that we spend time with, that we observe over time.These are the patient teachers, the one who see seeing people reach their fullest potential as their greatest life's passion. You can't truly confine such people to a few days of the ELEVENTH Month of any given year!
Yet, We are Indeed the people of racing to, racing through and racing beyond. As we watch Thursday Morning's Parades and Thursday Afternoon, Evening And Nights Football Games, We will see many commercials about Midnight Sales on Black Friday. As you think about this, I'd like to recommend that sometime this week you have a heart-felt and endearing conversation with Someone who has profoundly blessed you, made you the person, in a positive that you are today! These are the Heroes of This Season and we all become stronger and more heroic when we remember that and them!
Blogs are written by fools like me, It is only God that can flood blessings into our lives by the special person who chose and still to choose to want us to be the best that we can POSSIBLY become!
- Johnny -
Thanksgiving is NOT a holiday that really can be dealt with in a 21st Century American Fashion in any smooth and comfortable way. It really is not a holiday designed for a greeting card response.Gratitude and Caring and Appreciation are values that must ferment in order to truly affect us in a profound and life-changing manner! The people we honor with praise and the MOST profound Thanksgiving sentiments are people, overall, that we spend time with, that we observe over time.These are the patient teachers, the one who see seeing people reach their fullest potential as their greatest life's passion. You can't truly confine such people to a few days of the ELEVENTH Month of any given year!
Yet, We are Indeed the people of racing to, racing through and racing beyond. As we watch Thursday Morning's Parades and Thursday Afternoon, Evening And Nights Football Games, We will see many commercials about Midnight Sales on Black Friday. As you think about this, I'd like to recommend that sometime this week you have a heart-felt and endearing conversation with Someone who has profoundly blessed you, made you the person, in a positive that you are today! These are the Heroes of This Season and we all become stronger and more heroic when we remember that and them!
Blogs are written by fools like me, It is only God that can flood blessings into our lives by the special person who chose and still to choose to want us to be the best that we can POSSIBLY become!
- Johnny -
The Celebration Sunday
I, who like great celebrations!!!!!, really enjoyed THIS!!! Sunday. My birthday is now past- The 16th - but I was pleasantly ambushed at church today! A law enforcement backround husband and wife - He- a Sheriiff's Deputy and She -Retired Secret Service and their 3 children brought red, white and blue Dunkin' Doughnuts Cup Cakes to fete me !
The two oldest children , both girls, picked out a Superman Birthday Balloon for me. The Younger of the 2, a 12 year old pinned the balloon, to the heavy pullover shirt that I wore today. I can be very thin-skinned and HYPER!- SELF Concious but today- not. She told me that I need to "wear that balloon all day long" and I proudly complied!
I enjoyed as great lunch and I actually hang out with a group of people at an Arlington Institution- a Place Called the Carpool. A Former auto dealership converted into a pool hall and a Sports Bar! That also helped to view today into a true festival of all-out fun for me! Being at home all of Sunday afternoon whether on the 'puter or taking naps does not add to anyone's skills in the arenas of winning friends and influencing people!
I do feel very alone at times, as if there is one inhabitant of our blue-green Planet Earth- moi! I guess I think have a happy, fun , exciting and in love with life significant other is a right of living in THE USA! Yet, I am learning that enjoying of life by appreciating who you are and how you respond to people as I OBSERVE and STUDY how they respond to me is vital, I have discovered, to being comfortable and poised in many and various situation. I also am SLOWLY getting that life isn't designed to fulfill my demands!
Today was just a fun, enjoyable and positive day! I'm actually going to spend a Thanksgiving Day for the First time in 4 years with someone other than my usual Thanksgiving Trio- Me, Myself and I ! I am MAJORLY looking forward to Thursday!
The two oldest children , both girls, picked out a Superman Birthday Balloon for me. The Younger of the 2, a 12 year old pinned the balloon, to the heavy pullover shirt that I wore today. I can be very thin-skinned and HYPER!- SELF Concious but today- not. She told me that I need to "wear that balloon all day long" and I proudly complied!
I enjoyed as great lunch and I actually hang out with a group of people at an Arlington Institution- a Place Called the Carpool. A Former auto dealership converted into a pool hall and a Sports Bar! That also helped to view today into a true festival of all-out fun for me! Being at home all of Sunday afternoon whether on the 'puter or taking naps does not add to anyone's skills in the arenas of winning friends and influencing people!
I do feel very alone at times, as if there is one inhabitant of our blue-green Planet Earth- moi! I guess I think have a happy, fun , exciting and in love with life significant other is a right of living in THE USA! Yet, I am learning that enjoying of life by appreciating who you are and how you respond to people as I OBSERVE and STUDY how they respond to me is vital, I have discovered, to being comfortable and poised in many and various situation. I also am SLOWLY getting that life isn't designed to fulfill my demands!
Today was just a fun, enjoyable and positive day! I'm actually going to spend a Thanksgiving Day for the First time in 4 years with someone other than my usual Thanksgiving Trio- Me, Myself and I ! I am MAJORLY looking forward to Thursday!
Saturday, November 20, 2010
I'd love to have ...
A bright and clever person who is sitting nearby and smiling at me as I type this.
A caring she who tells me, " I really love being with you" ,as she gives me a big hug!!!!
An adorable lady who winks at me as she says, " Wow, This Thursday will be our First Thanksgiving together!"
" Because you respect me and delight me!" be her answer when I ask her why she wants to be around me!
" Johnny, You really are special to me" said softly to me as she pulls her chair to sit right next to me!
Yet, It is 22:09 on a Saturday night in late November as I sit in a chilly apartment in Alexandria, Va as I type this.
It is just me, alone, again! I guess it needs to be acceptable, because, like it or NOT, that is simply as it is!
- Johnny -
A caring she who tells me, " I really love being with you" ,as she gives me a big hug!!!!
An adorable lady who winks at me as she says, " Wow, This Thursday will be our First Thanksgiving together!"
" Because you respect me and delight me!" be her answer when I ask her why she wants to be around me!
" Johnny, You really are special to me" said softly to me as she pulls her chair to sit right next to me!
Yet, It is 22:09 on a Saturday night in late November as I sit in a chilly apartment in Alexandria, Va as I type this.
It is just me, alone, again! I guess it needs to be acceptable, because, like it or NOT, that is simply as it is!
- Johnny -
Is this Bias and Hate?
You are riding on a bus and you see someone, young and pretty, a true head turner walk up angrily toward someone on her cellphone. She gets in her face, " You are nothing!!!! You're fat, stupid and ugly - A Total Nottie"! If you witnessed that, You'd likely think, " Wow, This is pretty low and classless!"
Now, Suppose this young woman was noticed by the woman on the phone the moment she entered the bus! the women on the phone says, " You should see the chick who just got on the bus. She couldn't wear ant less and show anymore! We all know why the guys want to be around her!" Now imagine the young women confronting the woman on the cell phone, Has your perspective on this event now changed? Do you have a changed opinion of the young woman's comments concerning the woman talking on her cellphone?
On another bus, Four young men are riding in the back. These four young men are Hispanics. They are speaking extremely loudly. A well- dressed man maybe 10 years older than they are gets in their faces, " I guess where ever you came from sends their garbage to America.You want to be all loud and intimidating. Are you here legally, any of you! Sit here and keep your ignorant mouths closed!"
You might think , " What a nasty trouble maker. Sounds like he is just a pure hater. I hope he gets the butt-kicking that he's asking for!" However, The 4 Young men had been saying, " I hate gays, What kind of a country let's people like them behave like they do!" or had kept stating that everything and everyone they didn't have a good opinion for is just "so gay!"
The somewhat older person simply got tired of listening to it. He , himself, is gay and in his opinion is inclined to challenge anyone who feels free to say obnoxious and hateful things about gays! Does that change your opinion of this man being a "pure hater"?
When we view people as simply categories, Such situations can be very confusing and dreadfully complex ! When we look at people as people and view situations within their fuller contexts, We are likely to come to
different conclusions!
Now, Suppose this young woman was noticed by the woman on the phone the moment she entered the bus! the women on the phone says, " You should see the chick who just got on the bus. She couldn't wear ant less and show anymore! We all know why the guys want to be around her!" Now imagine the young women confronting the woman on the cell phone, Has your perspective on this event now changed? Do you have a changed opinion of the young woman's comments concerning the woman talking on her cellphone?
On another bus, Four young men are riding in the back. These four young men are Hispanics. They are speaking extremely loudly. A well- dressed man maybe 10 years older than they are gets in their faces, " I guess where ever you came from sends their garbage to America.You want to be all loud and intimidating. Are you here legally, any of you! Sit here and keep your ignorant mouths closed!"
You might think , " What a nasty trouble maker. Sounds like he is just a pure hater. I hope he gets the butt-kicking that he's asking for!" However, The 4 Young men had been saying, " I hate gays, What kind of a country let's people like them behave like they do!" or had kept stating that everything and everyone they didn't have a good opinion for is just "so gay!"
The somewhat older person simply got tired of listening to it. He , himself, is gay and in his opinion is inclined to challenge anyone who feels free to say obnoxious and hateful things about gays! Does that change your opinion of this man being a "pure hater"?
When we view people as simply categories, Such situations can be very confusing and dreadfully complex ! When we look at people as people and view situations within their fuller contexts, We are likely to come to
different conclusions!
Friday, November 19, 2010
Getting The Spirit!
I think I'm going to plan to listen to some Traditional Holiday Music in this late November Tide and throughout December. Some of it- yes- is a bit corny and impossibly insipid. Yet, Some of us really tutors us to look differently at ourselves and beyond ourselves and see that we CAN be better than we currently are!
Having a Mid- November birthday disposes me to have a special sentiment for the last 2 months of the year. Yet, The frost , harshness and coolness- in many ways- of January will be here soon enough for all of us! So, Today and in the near term, I am choosing to enjoy the Season and all it suggests to me that I can be and become!
- Johnny -
Having a Mid- November birthday disposes me to have a special sentiment for the last 2 months of the year. Yet, The frost , harshness and coolness- in many ways- of January will be here soon enough for all of us! So, Today and in the near term, I am choosing to enjoy the Season and all it suggests to me that I can be and become!
- Johnny -
He is such an obvious MORAN!
I know I violated my rule on Ad Hominem attacks, however this one can be minorly justified! James Moran, for inexplicable and illogical reasons, was recently re-elected to a seat in The US House of Representatives. This man is a bully, rude, loud, aggressive, has poor impulse control and is brutish and thuggish!
In the midst of all the complaints that TSA airport searches are becoming akin to sexual assaults, Mr. Moran offered the following insight, " If anyone wants to feel me up at the airport as I'm boarding a plane, that is fine with me. If you need to see me without my clothes , go ahead!"
Moran is a textbook definition of - " I am as dense and clueless and out of touch as I can possibly be."!!!! Remember how our system of government is structured, Mr. Moran is a FEDERAL REPRESENTATIVE. He is to be sensitive to and reflect and present the views of all of the people within his district! Based on his current comments, The only way he can be considered appropriate and acceptable is if the people of his district are as sanguine and as blase about current TSA search procedures as he is! I know that Representative Moran spoke off- the- cuff and just gave us his opinion, However, Based on this opinion, How do you think that he is HIGHLY LIKELY to respond to any complaints made about TSA search procedures made by the residents of his congressional districts? How is this "distinguished gentleman" likely to respond to any hearings held on The Hill concerning TSA procedures?
We do use the term " Fit to Serve" when we speak of those who govern us! Is Jim Moran truly " Fit to serve"? I think you clearly know my opinion- I voted for Patrick Murray!
- Johnny -
In the midst of all the complaints that TSA airport searches are becoming akin to sexual assaults, Mr. Moran offered the following insight, " If anyone wants to feel me up at the airport as I'm boarding a plane, that is fine with me. If you need to see me without my clothes , go ahead!"
Moran is a textbook definition of - " I am as dense and clueless and out of touch as I can possibly be."!!!! Remember how our system of government is structured, Mr. Moran is a FEDERAL REPRESENTATIVE. He is to be sensitive to and reflect and present the views of all of the people within his district! Based on his current comments, The only way he can be considered appropriate and acceptable is if the people of his district are as sanguine and as blase about current TSA search procedures as he is! I know that Representative Moran spoke off- the- cuff and just gave us his opinion, However, Based on this opinion, How do you think that he is HIGHLY LIKELY to respond to any complaints made about TSA search procedures made by the residents of his congressional districts? How is this "distinguished gentleman" likely to respond to any hearings held on The Hill concerning TSA procedures?
We do use the term " Fit to Serve" when we speak of those who govern us! Is Jim Moran truly " Fit to serve"? I think you clearly know my opinion- I voted for Patrick Murray!
- Johnny -
Someone has violated a rule so....
I find it interesting that both in Government and Private companies tend to apply what I call the "someone therefore everyone" rule. You set a policy and then a person or several persons violate the rule and soon you learn that- " Someone did "X" therefore we will no longer offer or provide "Y" to anyone!"
I have long wondered why the response is not, " We will investigate to see WHO violated the rule or the policy,When we discern who the men or women were that violated the rule then we will ban him or her from the offered service!". This seems to me to be an intelligent , reasonable and correct way to deal with the situation!
Why is this policy often implemented? If you force someone to justify these actions we are told " It is hurtful to single people out. We could offend them. So, This way , We stop the violation and no one person feels humiliated!" It may just be me- but I think it is totally ACCEPTABLE for those who choose to do wrong to be humiliated! It would bother me, if the truth be told, that due to MY SELFISHNESS, many people could no longer enjoy something that we all had benefited from!
Blanket Solutions and a fear of offending those who merit being offended, Not at all a good team!
- Johnny -
I have long wondered why the response is not, " We will investigate to see WHO violated the rule or the policy,When we discern who the men or women were that violated the rule then we will ban him or her from the offered service!". This seems to me to be an intelligent , reasonable and correct way to deal with the situation!
Why is this policy often implemented? If you force someone to justify these actions we are told " It is hurtful to single people out. We could offend them. So, This way , We stop the violation and no one person feels humiliated!" It may just be me- but I think it is totally ACCEPTABLE for those who choose to do wrong to be humiliated! It would bother me, if the truth be told, that due to MY SELFISHNESS, many people could no longer enjoy something that we all had benefited from!
Blanket Solutions and a fear of offending those who merit being offended, Not at all a good team!
- Johnny -
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Jor-El ' s Prayer
The Mother throws herself over her nearly year and a half year old son. The shaking has been horrendous all day , it has been growing worse day by day for months but this is as bad as she could ever imagine. "Kal-El , Kal- El, How much longer can our doomed world endure? How much longer can any of us endure?"
In the large central laboratory that dominates their vast home, Her husband and Krypton's brightest scientist is pre-occupied with his greatest and, most likely project, a small but very sophisticated space ship, one capable of warp-navigation and one which will take the boy to a planet where he will thrive.
Krypton and its' mega advanced civilization will soon be atomized as the growing pressures within its' core will turn it, effectively, into a bomb. Jor-El feverishly and unrelentingly continues at his task. Atest launch using Kal-El's pet dog went awry, causing the pet to become Lost in Space.
" Lara, Dearest, We have so little time! There is a navigational problem I can't seem to correct. If I don't fix it, Our Kal-El will either never leave our world or become lost as Krypto now is!! !". A another violent quake shook, Jor-El swiftly pulled his son from the floor before a large segment of the ceiling nearly struck him!
With Alarm, Jor-El quickly examined some vital sensors, " Lara, I neee to load him into the rocket now. That last jolt is the death blow. Our world will be gone in minutes." " Jor- El, You said you aren't ready!" " If I do not act, All 3 of us die with our world!"
Jor- El grasps the son he so loves, and places him within his ark! He quickly tries to reduce the last of his preparation!" " It's working it's powering up, I f I can only now gain..." Then the nightmare last jolt, the jolt that Jor-El had been racing against strikes., " No, Not now, I need more time, I don't have it but I need it."
Lara's eyes fill with tears and look away, so that she will avoid any possibility of seeing her husband and son
die! Jor- El, The Man of Science and Technology and Logic. look now straight upward, " If there is anything beyond me, greater than I , I ask for help. Please let my son live. Please!"
Jor-El was enveloped ,for a brief moment, by peace and a word that his ears could not decipher but that his spirit thrilled over! The crumbling of the world suddenly------------------- ceased ! Jor- El took a deep breathe, " Lara, Krypton should be gone, but we are here!" Jor-El fingers now worked with a supernatural dexterity, " That's it, Lara. We're ready".The two parents looked in on their son, within the rocket for the last time, and both tenderly kissed the rocket.
Setting himself fully up right, Jor-El grasped Lara's hand and pushed the launch button. The spacecraft leapt to life and spend away from the family home. The quaking started again. Jor-El watched tensely, Kal-El would not be fully safe until he reached the space warp it had been aimed at. , " 3, 2, 1! Yes, He's in- He's safe Lara, He's on his way to Earth!"
" Thank you, Greater One, Please guard our son!!!. I commit myself .." Jorel looked down and saw Lara nodding in agreement, " and my dear wife Lara to your provision" There was one last explosion and Jor-ElL, Lara and 8 Billion people were turned to dust.
A Mighty Hero, with a magnificent " S" on his chest ,proudly flies over our world as its' guardian and protector. Once, Due to the will of The One beyond all limits. A vulnerable boy was permitted entry into a new and wonderful life. The same life that any of us, minus Super Powers- can enjoy!
In the large central laboratory that dominates their vast home, Her husband and Krypton's brightest scientist is pre-occupied with his greatest and, most likely project, a small but very sophisticated space ship, one capable of warp-navigation and one which will take the boy to a planet where he will thrive.
Krypton and its' mega advanced civilization will soon be atomized as the growing pressures within its' core will turn it, effectively, into a bomb. Jor-El feverishly and unrelentingly continues at his task. Atest launch using Kal-El's pet dog went awry, causing the pet to become Lost in Space.
" Lara, Dearest, We have so little time! There is a navigational problem I can't seem to correct. If I don't fix it, Our Kal-El will either never leave our world or become lost as Krypto now is!! !". A another violent quake shook, Jor-El swiftly pulled his son from the floor before a large segment of the ceiling nearly struck him!
With Alarm, Jor-El quickly examined some vital sensors, " Lara, I neee to load him into the rocket now. That last jolt is the death blow. Our world will be gone in minutes." " Jor- El, You said you aren't ready!" " If I do not act, All 3 of us die with our world!"
Jor- El grasps the son he so loves, and places him within his ark! He quickly tries to reduce the last of his preparation!" " It's working it's powering up, I f I can only now gain..." Then the nightmare last jolt, the jolt that Jor-El had been racing against strikes., " No, Not now, I need more time, I don't have it but I need it."
Lara's eyes fill with tears and look away, so that she will avoid any possibility of seeing her husband and son
die! Jor- El, The Man of Science and Technology and Logic. look now straight upward, " If there is anything beyond me, greater than I , I ask for help. Please let my son live. Please!"
Jor-El was enveloped ,for a brief moment, by peace and a word that his ears could not decipher but that his spirit thrilled over! The crumbling of the world suddenly------------------- ceased ! Jor- El took a deep breathe, " Lara, Krypton should be gone, but we are here!" Jor-El fingers now worked with a supernatural dexterity, " That's it, Lara. We're ready".The two parents looked in on their son, within the rocket for the last time, and both tenderly kissed the rocket.
Setting himself fully up right, Jor-El grasped Lara's hand and pushed the launch button. The spacecraft leapt to life and spend away from the family home. The quaking started again. Jor-El watched tensely, Kal-El would not be fully safe until he reached the space warp it had been aimed at. , " 3, 2, 1! Yes, He's in- He's safe Lara, He's on his way to Earth!"
" Thank you, Greater One, Please guard our son!!!. I commit myself .." Jorel looked down and saw Lara nodding in agreement, " and my dear wife Lara to your provision" There was one last explosion and Jor-ElL, Lara and 8 Billion people were turned to dust.
A Mighty Hero, with a magnificent " S" on his chest ,proudly flies over our world as its' guardian and protector. Once, Due to the will of The One beyond all limits. A vulnerable boy was permitted entry into a new and wonderful life. The same life that any of us, minus Super Powers- can enjoy!
The Quarter at Ballston Commons Mall.
As I was preparing to exit The Ballston Commons Mall in Arlington, Virginia last night , I noticed a portion of a Salvation Army Kettle Display. What first brought it to my attention was the Salvation Army's motto/logo, ""Doing The Most Good" on a portion of the stand. It was leaning against a barrier sans the trademark Red Kettle. No Army member was attending it!
There was a flat area embedded within the tripod, creating its' center. I placed a quarter there, hoping, perhaps naively that whoever would come for that stand would also see THAT quarter! Now, There is a 99.3% chance that someone passing by noted that quarter and simply snagged it. To use a street phrase that I am NOT normally fond of, That is ON them and not really my problem if someone did that!
The idea again , as I've stated repeatedly that was a free will offering, something that I chose to provide. It is a small amount but my means are CURRENTLY very limited! About 25 minutes later, I exited the East Falls Church Metro Station and I saw a young man with an artificial leg holding a sign that simply state"Homeless". I gave him 40 cents and I apologized to him for not, at this time, being able to do more.
I know 65 cents- petty, insufficient and meaningless in any scheme of things. Yet, Aren't we often told no matter how much we pay in taxes we really should be paying MORE because what we pay is vastly insufficient to meet the needs of our poorest and most under-provided for citizens?
The Salvation Army works on a philosophy of- We will work with you to improve your lives. Self- Image based on an improving life is one of their strongest motivating concepts. I was moved by the young man and while admittingly scanty, I gave because I was moved by his circumstance! So, What is the best way to address need? How do we learn to care or does the government address that issue in a superior fashion to anything that "We The People" or We, The INDIVIDUAL American" do or can POSSIBLY do?
- Johnny -
There was a flat area embedded within the tripod, creating its' center. I placed a quarter there, hoping, perhaps naively that whoever would come for that stand would also see THAT quarter! Now, There is a 99.3% chance that someone passing by noted that quarter and simply snagged it. To use a street phrase that I am NOT normally fond of, That is ON them and not really my problem if someone did that!
The idea again , as I've stated repeatedly that was a free will offering, something that I chose to provide. It is a small amount but my means are CURRENTLY very limited! About 25 minutes later, I exited the East Falls Church Metro Station and I saw a young man with an artificial leg holding a sign that simply state"Homeless". I gave him 40 cents and I apologized to him for not, at this time, being able to do more.
I know 65 cents- petty, insufficient and meaningless in any scheme of things. Yet, Aren't we often told no matter how much we pay in taxes we really should be paying MORE because what we pay is vastly insufficient to meet the needs of our poorest and most under-provided for citizens?
The Salvation Army works on a philosophy of- We will work with you to improve your lives. Self- Image based on an improving life is one of their strongest motivating concepts. I was moved by the young man and while admittingly scanty, I gave because I was moved by his circumstance! So, What is the best way to address need? How do we learn to care or does the government address that issue in a superior fashion to anything that "We The People" or We, The INDIVIDUAL American" do or can POSSIBLY do?
- Johnny -
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
T rust - I will allow my best instincts to govern what I say and do. I will live by what I know to moral, right, honorable and trust worthy.
O riginal -I am truly me and there is no one else truly and exactly like me. I will enjoy that and celebrate that throughout all of this day that I am NOW within!
D ivinity - I am not alone. I am a steward of my life and all that I've been blessed with. God is my source. It is he that allows me to make sense and allows me to make sense of ALL that is!
A lert - I will be seeking to enjoy life as it is. I will seek and search throughout this day to see what its' amazing bounty has for me.
Y earn - I realize that today, while it is where I reside RIGHT now, is not the sum of my life! I have a past and I will have a future! I will seek to make today an energizing base for what is to come.
Praise God that I have today!
O riginal -I am truly me and there is no one else truly and exactly like me. I will enjoy that and celebrate that throughout all of this day that I am NOW within!
D ivinity - I am not alone. I am a steward of my life and all that I've been blessed with. God is my source. It is he that allows me to make sense and allows me to make sense of ALL that is!
A lert - I will be seeking to enjoy life as it is. I will seek and search throughout this day to see what its' amazing bounty has for me.
Y earn - I realize that today, while it is where I reside RIGHT now, is not the sum of my life! I have a past and I will have a future! I will seek to make today an energizing base for what is to come.
Praise God that I have today!
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
It is good to have a social safety net- provided by our tax funded social service workers -- to make sure the needs of those who must have assistance get met!
Yet, The only smiling and sympathetically connected social contact some people can routinely rely upon is from a case manager, a social worker, a therapist or a psychiatrist. They may go to a Tax supported social center as well. Many of us think it well that such people who seem to have NO OTHER options can AT LEAST have people just like themselves to relate to.
Perhaps it is just me, but that seems rather cold, dismissive and inhumane. I do think we should have fewer taxes and perhaps significantly fewer government programs. If that is ever to occur in our future, More individuals will need to step up and get involved in and with, befriend, care about and become intimately involved with those who are presently seen to be in the most desperate need of "safety net" provisions!
When we tell people, " Go to the Government to meet your needs, wants and desires because they can't tell you know!" then we are telling them that you are not of us, you are not like us, you have no connection to us and you are truly and distinctively other than us!" We thus, in effect tell them that, at best, they are a Governmental Responsibility- at worse that they are merely and solely GOVERNMENT Property- still a human being but in a lesser class than those who do not need such assistance to "make it"!
Ouch, People need to be given hope, they need to be shown and practically and realistically convinced that they have the capacity and ability to improve the present and future quality of their lives by and through their own ingenuity and efforts! Some will need to gain as great deal of ardent, steady, dependable and reliable convincing to be able to see, understand accept and start acting in that belief! Hard Core conservatives argue about the dangers of creating a large and growing dependent class! I believe they are right to preach this concern. However, Are we willing to invest blood, sweet, tears, genuine good will, compassion and patience in order to free those now far too dependent from their adapted and embedded and perceived limitations!
To have the freedom to pay lower taxes, Each one of us may find that we MUST give more of ourselves!
Yet, The only smiling and sympathetically connected social contact some people can routinely rely upon is from a case manager, a social worker, a therapist or a psychiatrist. They may go to a Tax supported social center as well. Many of us think it well that such people who seem to have NO OTHER options can AT LEAST have people just like themselves to relate to.
Perhaps it is just me, but that seems rather cold, dismissive and inhumane. I do think we should have fewer taxes and perhaps significantly fewer government programs. If that is ever to occur in our future, More individuals will need to step up and get involved in and with, befriend, care about and become intimately involved with those who are presently seen to be in the most desperate need of "safety net" provisions!
When we tell people, " Go to the Government to meet your needs, wants and desires because they can't tell you know!" then we are telling them that you are not of us, you are not like us, you have no connection to us and you are truly and distinctively other than us!" We thus, in effect tell them that, at best, they are a Governmental Responsibility- at worse that they are merely and solely GOVERNMENT Property- still a human being but in a lesser class than those who do not need such assistance to "make it"!
Ouch, People need to be given hope, they need to be shown and practically and realistically convinced that they have the capacity and ability to improve the present and future quality of their lives by and through their own ingenuity and efforts! Some will need to gain as great deal of ardent, steady, dependable and reliable convincing to be able to see, understand accept and start acting in that belief! Hard Core conservatives argue about the dangers of creating a large and growing dependent class! I believe they are right to preach this concern. However, Are we willing to invest blood, sweet, tears, genuine good will, compassion and patience in order to free those now far too dependent from their adapted and embedded and perceived limitations!
To have the freedom to pay lower taxes, Each one of us may find that we MUST give more of ourselves!
Do Adults play "Peek - A- Boo" in a Real and Practical Sense?
" Of Course not!!!", You may think as indignation and outrage wells up within you as you consider this very notion??!! Yet, We are all self-proclaimed very busy people with a myriad of things, a constantly changing kaleidoscope of people , place and things to consider!
We all have people, places, things and events and circumstances that occupy, direct and prioritize our plans- our thoughts, words and actions. Some of us are blessed to be connected to a good many people, place and things- projects, ambitions, commitments, goals and missions that occupy the waking ours of our lives! Some live very narrow lives and the only people we regularly interact with often and in any significant detail just may simply be- me ,myself and I!
I mentioned Peek - A- Boo at the outset of this blog! This is a game that babies enjoy because we know, at their stage of development that people CEASE to EXIST once they no longer see them. Therefore, Peek- A-Boo is a form of magic to babies- we "disappear" when he or she does not see us and appear again when they DO see us!
Yet, We all tend to, too often and far too easily see people as obstacles that we must navigate around and not be slowed down by as we go from our self-anointed Point A to B. If we are not careful, Having contact with these individuals can be viewed by us as little more than a nuisance speed bump! Unless we are careful, We can easily forget these people exist once they are no longer within any part of our field of vision. This is our ADULT version of " Peek-A-Boo!"
I submit to further make my point., a phrase that we often say to other people. This phrase implies that we really are invested in the person that we are speaking to and that their well-being and life -couse matter to us deeply.This often said- only a quadrill9ion times a day is - "How are you?" Yet, We , too easily reduce it to a thoughtless, meaningless, passionless and totally insignificant triviality. We excuse ourselves by telling ourselves and others that we say it as a quick greeting as a common pleasantry. Yet, Does that excuse us because we choose to drain the life out of what should be a very meaningful question?
Another statement similiar to the first is this one " What do you want or What do you want to do"? We often say this to someone we wish to hurry along or to someone we feel is scattered and not purposeful! Yet, This can also be a statement that someone can respond to by talking about his or her dreams, visions or intentions. They just might say somethings that can dramatically, in theory, change the lives of many.
It is said that Walt Disney stood on the land in Anaheim, California that he had purchased to build Disney land on. He stood there and talked about the lay out of the park, the rides, the attractions that he KNEW he would build there. So, he literally spoke Disneyland into full and prosperous existence before one shovel of earth had been moved. If someone had mistaken Mr. Disney for an idler and asked him "What he planned to do": -- imagine how they would have reacted as Walt Disney told them FULLY what he was thinking!.
Our words are important, valuable and significant Perhaps we should spend more time thinking of what we are going to say before we say it!
- Johnny -
We all have people, places, things and events and circumstances that occupy, direct and prioritize our plans- our thoughts, words and actions. Some of us are blessed to be connected to a good many people, place and things- projects, ambitions, commitments, goals and missions that occupy the waking ours of our lives! Some live very narrow lives and the only people we regularly interact with often and in any significant detail just may simply be- me ,myself and I!
I mentioned Peek - A- Boo at the outset of this blog! This is a game that babies enjoy because we know, at their stage of development that people CEASE to EXIST once they no longer see them. Therefore, Peek- A-Boo is a form of magic to babies- we "disappear" when he or she does not see us and appear again when they DO see us!
Yet, We all tend to, too often and far too easily see people as obstacles that we must navigate around and not be slowed down by as we go from our self-anointed Point A to B. If we are not careful, Having contact with these individuals can be viewed by us as little more than a nuisance speed bump! Unless we are careful, We can easily forget these people exist once they are no longer within any part of our field of vision. This is our ADULT version of " Peek-A-Boo!"
I submit to further make my point., a phrase that we often say to other people. This phrase implies that we really are invested in the person that we are speaking to and that their well-being and life -couse matter to us deeply.This often said- only a quadrill9ion times a day is - "How are you?" Yet, We , too easily reduce it to a thoughtless, meaningless, passionless and totally insignificant triviality. We excuse ourselves by telling ourselves and others that we say it as a quick greeting as a common pleasantry. Yet, Does that excuse us because we choose to drain the life out of what should be a very meaningful question?
Another statement similiar to the first is this one " What do you want or What do you want to do"? We often say this to someone we wish to hurry along or to someone we feel is scattered and not purposeful! Yet, This can also be a statement that someone can respond to by talking about his or her dreams, visions or intentions. They just might say somethings that can dramatically, in theory, change the lives of many.
It is said that Walt Disney stood on the land in Anaheim, California that he had purchased to build Disney land on. He stood there and talked about the lay out of the park, the rides, the attractions that he KNEW he would build there. So, he literally spoke Disneyland into full and prosperous existence before one shovel of earth had been moved. If someone had mistaken Mr. Disney for an idler and asked him "What he planned to do": -- imagine how they would have reacted as Walt Disney told them FULLY what he was thinking!.
Our words are important, valuable and significant Perhaps we should spend more time thinking of what we are going to say before we say it!
- Johnny -
Monday, November 15, 2010
Do we steadily lose IQ points?
According to Microsoft, We lose 10 points on our IQ's when we multi-task! A lot of Mental Health experts claim that we operate best when we do something onemindfully, being fully and solely focused upon it until we complete it.
While I like to think that I multi-task well, I'm not at all certain that I do! So, Maybe one mindfully is the better path for me.
While I like to think that I multi-task well, I'm not at all certain that I do! So, Maybe one mindfully is the better path for me.
August 28th, 1963 -------------- The Two Halves
I listened to a very interesting commentary about the History Channel's careful analysis of Dr. Martin Luther King's " I Had a Dream " Speech.The analyst makes his point based on the differences between the First and Second Half of the Famed Lincoln Memorial Address!
Dr. King is a true scholar and a first-rate writer. All of his speech is masterfully prepared! What our attention is drawn to is that Dr. King pretty much read his script word for word and his eye contact was largely downward focus ,he did not make much eye contact with the large crowd before them. He and the crowd were at a bit of a disconnect.
However, In the second portion of the speech, Dr. King begins to expand upon THE DREAM.. At that point, He makes only scant eye-contact with his texts. He is speaking from his heart and his words are eloquently set on fire by his passions! The crowd is animated and becomes more and more enthralled as Doctor King expounds upon the Dream. He is giving them all- and himself as well- something worth being focused upon, something worth fighting for and certainly something worth dying for!
Great scripts can entertain the mind and tickle the intellect. They can be great to ponder and reflect upon and cause the mind to comfortably and sedately say "Hmmm". Fiery words, that are truth fueled and speak of that which no one can deny can and likely will change history!
- Johnny -
Dr. King is a true scholar and a first-rate writer. All of his speech is masterfully prepared! What our attention is drawn to is that Dr. King pretty much read his script word for word and his eye contact was largely downward focus ,he did not make much eye contact with the large crowd before them. He and the crowd were at a bit of a disconnect.
However, In the second portion of the speech, Dr. King begins to expand upon THE DREAM.. At that point, He makes only scant eye-contact with his texts. He is speaking from his heart and his words are eloquently set on fire by his passions! The crowd is animated and becomes more and more enthralled as Doctor King expounds upon the Dream. He is giving them all- and himself as well- something worth being focused upon, something worth fighting for and certainly something worth dying for!
Great scripts can entertain the mind and tickle the intellect. They can be great to ponder and reflect upon and cause the mind to comfortably and sedately say "Hmmm". Fiery words, that are truth fueled and speak of that which no one can deny can and likely will change history!
- Johnny -
Just a Day!
Each 24 hours is really an empty space that is provided to us! We can mope in a corner and then say "The day REALLY!!!! suc*ed" Yet, If we did nothing or little with the day, then it would be FAR more fair to say , " Today, I really!!! suc*ed".
A few month after he retired, the Yankees in the Spring of 1969 had a Mickey Mantle Day. Mickey was lavished with gifts and the crowd cheered and cheered and cheered.. Mickey, during his remarks made this comment, " I've often wondered how a dying man could stand here and say " Today, I am the luckiest man on Earth". Well, Today, I know just how Lou Gehrig felt!"
Lou Gehrig in 1939 and Mickey Mantle in 1969 both saw the value of an individual day.
A few month after he retired, the Yankees in the Spring of 1969 had a Mickey Mantle Day. Mickey was lavished with gifts and the crowd cheered and cheered and cheered.. Mickey, during his remarks made this comment, " I've often wondered how a dying man could stand here and say " Today, I am the luckiest man on Earth". Well, Today, I know just how Lou Gehrig felt!"
Lou Gehrig in 1939 and Mickey Mantle in 1969 both saw the value of an individual day.
The Ultimate Hot Potato ---- Khalid Sheik Mohammed
The Mastermind of 9/ 11! The man who submitted a guilty plea at Guantanamo and asked for the death penalty! The Obama Administration declared that the proceedings at Guantanamo were immoral and compared them to the Gulags!
The Attorney General, Eric Holder. at the end of last year said that Mr. Mohammed would be tried in a FederalCourt in Southern Manhattan. That decision was with drawn when leading New York Politicians of all parties told the administration " Absolutely not!"
We have been told that Guantanamo or any TYPE of Military TRIBUNAL is NOT acceptable. So, What do we do now. The WhiteHouse is now saying that " any decision on the fate and disposition of Khalid Sheik Mohammed will come from the NEXT President"!
So, If it is possible that no decision will prove to be acceptable, That the best, but perhaps still flawed answer,would have been to execute The Sheik years ago!
The Attorney General, Eric Holder. at the end of last year said that Mr. Mohammed would be tried in a FederalCourt in Southern Manhattan. That decision was with drawn when leading New York Politicians of all parties told the administration " Absolutely not!"
We have been told that Guantanamo or any TYPE of Military TRIBUNAL is NOT acceptable. So, What do we do now. The WhiteHouse is now saying that " any decision on the fate and disposition of Khalid Sheik Mohammed will come from the NEXT President"!
So, If it is possible that no decision will prove to be acceptable, That the best, but perhaps still flawed answer,would have been to execute The Sheik years ago!
Sunday, November 14, 2010
The Silliness Cure!
There is a great remedy to tackle depression and self- pity. That is silliness. When we get involved in genuine laughter- laughing at our own foibles that are truly not genuinely able to be taken seriously or laughing with those who are spontaneously loving life- we come out of ourselves and truly FEEL!!!! better.
During Church play practice earlier today, I saw a 5 year old girl pretending to be a dog- I could not help but let go of what was pre-occupying myself and laugh- a hardy and empowering laugh. especially when she nudged my hand with her nose.
I then saw a 4 year old bend herself in half and maintain a conversation while in that position- her head was elevated and her toes were touching the back of her head.We were amazed, she was non-plussed and enjoying the reactions she saw on our faces!
True silliness can heal and tickle the spirit!
During Church play practice earlier today, I saw a 5 year old girl pretending to be a dog- I could not help but let go of what was pre-occupying myself and laugh- a hardy and empowering laugh. especially when she nudged my hand with her nose.
I then saw a 4 year old bend herself in half and maintain a conversation while in that position- her head was elevated and her toes were touching the back of her head.We were amazed, she was non-plussed and enjoying the reactions she saw on our faces!
True silliness can heal and tickle the spirit!
Seeking Stability
There is no time of the year, season , event or moments that can claim "great insurance ", conditions of life are very much like the weather in flux and changing.
Tuesday, This Tuesday, is my 56th Birthday. I've been troubled a bit by blurred vision in my right eye and my blood pressure is rather up! I'd like to say and my anxiety and depression have conspired to charge me up to think this is simply " an acceptable time for all of this!". Is there a guide for an acceptable time of the year for such situations!
Life happens to us all- but people in all conditions and situations- allow themselves joy, a smile and moments of happiness. i can allow that to be how I will treat November 16th- no matter what!
- Johnny -
Tuesday, This Tuesday, is my 56th Birthday. I've been troubled a bit by blurred vision in my right eye and my blood pressure is rather up! I'd like to say and my anxiety and depression have conspired to charge me up to think this is simply " an acceptable time for all of this!". Is there a guide for an acceptable time of the year for such situations!
Life happens to us all- but people in all conditions and situations- allow themselves joy, a smile and moments of happiness. i can allow that to be how I will treat November 16th- no matter what!
- Johnny -
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