You have read of my discussion of the 18 month Prime Directive that I'm largely parttnering through my church. It looks like even before the start of this program- I'm going to need to make adjustments that I did not anticipate.
The great news- truly- is I am going from 2 tutoring session to 4! This will mean a small but noticable steady increase in my income. However, as I'm dependent on public transportation this means that my schedule and my ability to get to critical points will become somewhat distended.
One of the critical factors in my 18 Month program to remake myself through meeting goals and following instruction better and learning that " no" is not my first response when things get difficult, demanding or comp-licated is working under the leadership of a mentor and a 3 person board of directors. The 3 people will work with me to set goals that are attainable, worth pursuing and that will allow me to steadily to become a better and simply more desireable person
The mentor is the person who will be serving to keep me focused and accountable. He or she will also serve to help to challenge me when I lapse into old " negative and non-beneficial behavoirs". One idea was to be in a Bible Study group being led by the MENTOR. This way the mentor can observe me in group setting to note how I respond in group interaction proceedings.
The issue is that the likely Bible Study Night will be Tuesday. I am dependent on Public Transportation this it may be more difficult to get to the study than I previously anticipated
So, My set point /default position might well become, if I lapse into old behaviors, would be to " throw up my hands" and say " see things are getting too complicated and out-of-control" already.
So, Now , I need to figure out how to ford this reiver that I've just entered into. I didn't plan on the currents changing THIS RAPIDLY!
- Johnny-
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Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
The Rule Of The Unexpected Threes - Earthquake, Hurricane and ????
Today, One E-Mail totally re-arranged my week. It just shows to me that the plans we fancy as " being" set in stone- are often not. Earthquakes, Hurricanes and e'en unexpected E-Mails do not consult you as to whether you welcome them or not.
- Johnny-
- Johnny-
Monday, August 29, 2011
Some Christian are just too rigid, too set in their ways and are only able to see God within the confines of very narrow blinders. How much is The God of such people limited, stilted and lacking in vitaliy, purposefulness, eminence and power?
Every one who worships God worships a limited God and a created construct! God is real- He is all that He is- unlimited and unimaginable, truly impossible to adequately and suitably portray.
I attended a service tonight of Frontline. A Monday Night Ministry sponsored by The McLean Bible Church. It was a service largely conducted for 20 somethings. I'm 56 and enjoyed it. God seems to be asking me , of late, to keep, being willing to enjoy Him as He shows Himself in varied setting and circumstances.
A limitless and All- Creative God will never be limited in how He chooses to present and reveal Himself!
Every one who worships God worships a limited God and a created construct! God is real- He is all that He is- unlimited and unimaginable, truly impossible to adequately and suitably portray.
I attended a service tonight of Frontline. A Monday Night Ministry sponsored by The McLean Bible Church. It was a service largely conducted for 20 somethings. I'm 56 and enjoyed it. God seems to be asking me , of late, to keep, being willing to enjoy Him as He shows Himself in varied setting and circumstances.
A limitless and All- Creative God will never be limited in how He chooses to present and reveal Himself!
Breathing and Meditating
Always needing to be busy and in motion, accounting well for every second and making everything you do purposeful may JUST be a sign that you lack perspective and take yourself far too!!!! seriously. There is time to pause... to breathe... and... YES!!!!.... to meditate!
The Wisdom of Yoda
" Do or No Do, There is no such thing as try!" I know that I spend a lot of my day convincing myself to get into action or trying to convince myself that what I am preparing myself to do will be worthwhile, that I will be successful in my effort and that what I do will bless others and will be appreciated by them.
This means a lot of my day is wasteful. The trying means that I spend a lot of time convincing myself to act and far too little time achieving. I also am clearly not willing to work with others and be a part of a team- knowing that being committed to do MY part adds to the quality of the whole.I also am far too involved in being a perpetual people pleaser.
This week, I'm going to focus on getting into action and not worry about "trying".
- Johnny -
This means a lot of my day is wasteful. The trying means that I spend a lot of time convincing myself to act and far too little time achieving. I also am clearly not willing to work with others and be a part of a team- knowing that being committed to do MY part adds to the quality of the whole.I also am far too involved in being a perpetual people pleaser.
This week, I'm going to focus on getting into action and not worry about "trying".
- Johnny -
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Lord. Thank you for clarity of thought
and seeing that just wanting things to go my way can create conditions that are quite ugly and most undesirable!
Patience and Grace Uber Alles !
Dealing with an earthquakes and being lashed by a hurricane can be rather unnerving! I guess I'd been trying to ignore it and pretend that it was not affecting me, As I look back on this late Sunday night, I see that was foolish.
I live with a diagnosis of PTSD from the child abuse that I was once subjected to. This means that I'm prone to depression and I can be very vulnerable to lapsing into reacting to trying situation with a high level of anxiety.
I did not react well when my Friday night Toastmaster Club meeting was held at a Starbucks rather than ion our professional and perfect to present in professional meeting room.We wound up getting locked out of that space.
Yesterday, I wound up being very prickly at My Saturday Morning Toastmasters Meeting. The carefully prepared intro to my speech was not brought to the meeting by The Toastmaster of The Day. This offended me and I insisted that I had sent it, I deeply resented that I had to hand write my intro to replace the one that I had carefully crafted 2 days earlier. I decried the lack of professionalism being displayed. I also snapped at several friends during the meeting.
I did not go to church this AM and slept in 'til very late. I'd lost power over night. I went out to shop and I was very quick to tell off people for shopping in a slow and cumbersome way and just being annoying when I wished to not be annoyed any further.
Yet, Such is life. I am not the King of the Universe and functioning to please me is not the order that it must always obey! God is very patient and has shown me great grace- through salvation and far beyond this- continuously- actually from glory unto glory! So, Perhaps, It would be best if I took more deep breaths, decided to show that I understand the power of patience and grace and be more willing to extend far more patience and grace in my dealings with others.
- Johnny-
I live with a diagnosis of PTSD from the child abuse that I was once subjected to. This means that I'm prone to depression and I can be very vulnerable to lapsing into reacting to trying situation with a high level of anxiety.
I did not react well when my Friday night Toastmaster Club meeting was held at a Starbucks rather than ion our professional and perfect to present in professional meeting room.We wound up getting locked out of that space.
Yesterday, I wound up being very prickly at My Saturday Morning Toastmasters Meeting. The carefully prepared intro to my speech was not brought to the meeting by The Toastmaster of The Day. This offended me and I insisted that I had sent it, I deeply resented that I had to hand write my intro to replace the one that I had carefully crafted 2 days earlier. I decried the lack of professionalism being displayed. I also snapped at several friends during the meeting.
I did not go to church this AM and slept in 'til very late. I'd lost power over night. I went out to shop and I was very quick to tell off people for shopping in a slow and cumbersome way and just being annoying when I wished to not be annoyed any further.
Yet, Such is life. I am not the King of the Universe and functioning to please me is not the order that it must always obey! God is very patient and has shown me great grace- through salvation and far beyond this- continuously- actually from glory unto glory! So, Perhaps, It would be best if I took more deep breaths, decided to show that I understand the power of patience and grace and be more willing to extend far more patience and grace in my dealings with others.
- Johnny-
Saturday, August 27, 2011
There are just days when...
you know that you have to hold serve. It may be Irene but I've struggled mightily all day. Just have been totally off- rhythm.
Today shall pass!
Today shall pass!
Friday, August 26, 2011
This is The 2/3rds of a Rock Group week in the Far Eastern US
We've dealt clearly with The Earth and we are racing towards an encounter with The Wind! As far as I know,We have no scheduled appointments with Fire!
" I don't like change"
You would think that a very conservative, wealthy and rather elderly person would be the MOST likely person to offer this opinion. An 11 year old boys told me this a short time ago. He is bright, talented and clever. he is from a family with significant means. He lives in a great neighborhood and two very involved and invested in him parents who are most devoted to him.
This boy has EVERY possible reason to see the present as marvelous and to believe that his future will be both very kind to him and very positive. Yet, He dislikes change and wants no part of it. He says things are great has they are now and he has no problem with having them remain EXACTLY as they are RIGHT NOW.
I do have a theory that those who feel that change will disturb their lives,likely severely disrupt, diadvantage or injure them have legitimate reasons to resist, dfy, challenge and not be accepting of change. Yet, Charles seems to not have any clear reason to see change as an untrustworthy opponent or an enemy!
And yet... He does!
- Johnny-
This boy has EVERY possible reason to see the present as marvelous and to believe that his future will be both very kind to him and very positive. Yet, He dislikes change and wants no part of it. He says things are great has they are now and he has no problem with having them remain EXACTLY as they are RIGHT NOW.
I do have a theory that those who feel that change will disturb their lives,likely severely disrupt, diadvantage or injure them have legitimate reasons to resist, dfy, challenge and not be accepting of change. Yet, Charles seems to not have any clear reason to see change as an untrustworthy opponent or an enemy!
And yet... He does!
- Johnny-
Thursday, August 25, 2011
The Desire
Being polite- Saying hello to clerks. chatting with baristas at Starbucks and asking people how they are doing seem to be common courtiesies that can easily extended to anyone. Yesa, They are a choice- some people ADAPT this as a constant practice and others cosse to foergo behaving this way.
I understand that people will say that poverty, rwretched education systems and just not having good mentors and models explain we some people proudly and most defiantly live an " It's On, In your Face, Intimidating, Harsh, Cold and Provocative/"
My own mother told me that being polite, chatty friendly and open " is how the wealthy and and the spoiled live" we are REAL people we live plain and basic not fancy. My Father used to say only " Republicans and The JEWS" live that way, the rest of us live the way we hafta live.
My parents were resentfully and proudly poor, They wore it as a militant badge of honor! My sister has adapted this same way of living as well. I just never saw that there was anything to considering that way of living as being any more than mindlessly and soulessly letting your life be controlled and dictated to by the " LOWEST COMMON DENOMINATOR" yuck.
I was beaten often for being intelligent and well-spoken. At one point, during my childhood, Our bathtub was in the kitchen and there was no shower available. I was only allowed to change my underwear and socks once a week and punished for not keeping them pristinely clean.
I've paid a price for living this way but I saw as a maturing person that no decent human being should see living this waty as acceptable. I shed most of that, THANK GOD, and I'm now working through dealing with how that way of being raised affected my emotions, intellect and my spirituality.
In AA and other allied programs stress that desaire is neccessary to bring about beneficial and lasting change. I believe that a DESIRe for better caused a Bronx teenager to attend college in Frostburg, Maryland! It is now causing me to willing enter into an intense 21 Month period that , I believe, shall bring about a splendid renaissance and metamophis in my life.
Desire can bring about splendid improvement. People who live in pervasive squalar, who want pevasive squalor for other and who seek the help of others to perserve them in squalor CLEARLY have ZERO! desire to do better and become better.
How wretchedly and catastrophically pathetic!
- Johnny -
I understand that people will say that poverty, rwretched education systems and just not having good mentors and models explain we some people proudly and most defiantly live an " It's On, In your Face, Intimidating, Harsh, Cold and Provocative/"
My own mother told me that being polite, chatty friendly and open " is how the wealthy and and the spoiled live" we are REAL people we live plain and basic not fancy. My Father used to say only " Republicans and The JEWS" live that way, the rest of us live the way we hafta live.
My parents were resentfully and proudly poor, They wore it as a militant badge of honor! My sister has adapted this same way of living as well. I just never saw that there was anything to considering that way of living as being any more than mindlessly and soulessly letting your life be controlled and dictated to by the " LOWEST COMMON DENOMINATOR" yuck.
I was beaten often for being intelligent and well-spoken. At one point, during my childhood, Our bathtub was in the kitchen and there was no shower available. I was only allowed to change my underwear and socks once a week and punished for not keeping them pristinely clean.
I've paid a price for living this way but I saw as a maturing person that no decent human being should see living this waty as acceptable. I shed most of that, THANK GOD, and I'm now working through dealing with how that way of being raised affected my emotions, intellect and my spirituality.
In AA and other allied programs stress that desaire is neccessary to bring about beneficial and lasting change. I believe that a DESIRe for better caused a Bronx teenager to attend college in Frostburg, Maryland! It is now causing me to willing enter into an intense 21 Month period that , I believe, shall bring about a splendid renaissance and metamophis in my life.
Desire can bring about splendid improvement. People who live in pervasive squalar, who want pevasive squalor for other and who seek the help of others to perserve them in squalor CLEARLY have ZERO! desire to do better and become better.
How wretchedly and catastrophically pathetic!
- Johnny -
Kleptocracy - Really?
That, to me is an absurd term of political posturing. It is one thing to say that those who disagree with me politically are misinformed, naive and impractical- that they do not see things as they TRULy and practically are.
I will at some point , here on my blog ask to people really think about or learn anyhing about the people that they vote for- but that time has not YET arrived.
However, back to my primary point, Does any one really believe that we elect people to run a government based on THIEVERY. The term Kleptocrat is being bandied around a good bit currently. I strongly disagree with how you govern America is quite different from saying I Know that you are dishonest and untrustworthy and you plan to govern by stealing is quite another thing. Unless you can prove it, Please do not say it or write it!
- Johnny -
I will at some point , here on my blog ask to people really think about or learn anyhing about the people that they vote for- but that time has not YET arrived.
However, back to my primary point, Does any one really believe that we elect people to run a government based on THIEVERY. The term Kleptocrat is being bandied around a good bit currently. I strongly disagree with how you govern America is quite different from saying I Know that you are dishonest and untrustworthy and you plan to govern by stealing is quite another thing. Unless you can prove it, Please do not say it or write it!
- Johnny -
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
The Value of " The Peace"
There was once a time in Our US of A where people considered maintaining The " Public Peace" was considered a valuable thing to do and in the best interests of all concerned.
Once upon there was a widely enforced law known as " Disturbing The Peace". This covered unlawful assembly that is viewed as disturbing the public tranquility . Complaints about noise levels in a neighborhood or in an apartment building would also be covered, traditionally, by disturbing the peace provisions. These laws can also be used to cover disruptions of the proper order or creating an irritation, Challenging people to fight or using foul language to provoke a fight can also be seen as a violation.
Not having to listen to course and loud conversations and arguments when I'm on a walk, stopping at Mc Donalds for a brief meal or riding on as bus would be much to my liking. Having being outside and out in around in calmer and more genteel settings I think would be a great boon to all of us.
Do we really have a better world due to those laws being rarely enforced?
Once upon there was a widely enforced law known as " Disturbing The Peace". This covered unlawful assembly that is viewed as disturbing the public tranquility . Complaints about noise levels in a neighborhood or in an apartment building would also be covered, traditionally, by disturbing the peace provisions. These laws can also be used to cover disruptions of the proper order or creating an irritation, Challenging people to fight or using foul language to provoke a fight can also be seen as a violation.
Not having to listen to course and loud conversations and arguments when I'm on a walk, stopping at Mc Donalds for a brief meal or riding on as bus would be much to my liking. Having being outside and out in around in calmer and more genteel settings I think would be a great boon to all of us.
Do we really have a better world due to those laws being rarely enforced?
Dr. Martin Luther King is, justifiably consider by some to be an true American Saint. A man of vision and limitless courage who gave his life in a fight to demand that our society live up to the idea that " All Men are Created Equal."
This Sunday will be the 48Th Anniversary of Dr. King's "I Had Dream Speech " delivered in front of the Lincoln Memorial. This Sunday is the Day when the Dr. King Memorial on this Same National Mall will be dedicated.
The Mammoth Statue of Dr. King, which in the Centerpiece of this Memorial Memorial was created by a renouned artist who is a Chinese National. Some critics of the statue feel that Dr. King's face, as it is rendered in this statue is Asian in apperarance.
I know that representing pople as they are and wear, is vital when you are honoring and celebrating them. Therefore, It would seem to be vital that all can look at a statue of Dr. King and see him as they look at the statue as he would have appeared to be when he was alive. Some critics also believe that it would have been more credible to have a n American Born Black Man or Woman design and create this memorial to this American Born Black Hero!
Is this merely extreme whining and nit picking? Or, Is this critique worthy of sober analysis and serious consideration in YOUR opinion!
This Sunday will be the 48Th Anniversary of Dr. King's "I Had Dream Speech " delivered in front of the Lincoln Memorial. This Sunday is the Day when the Dr. King Memorial on this Same National Mall will be dedicated.
The Mammoth Statue of Dr. King, which in the Centerpiece of this Memorial Memorial was created by a renouned artist who is a Chinese National. Some critics of the statue feel that Dr. King's face, as it is rendered in this statue is Asian in apperarance.
I know that representing pople as they are and wear, is vital when you are honoring and celebrating them. Therefore, It would seem to be vital that all can look at a statue of Dr. King and see him as they look at the statue as he would have appeared to be when he was alive. Some critics also believe that it would have been more credible to have a n American Born Black Man or Woman design and create this memorial to this American Born Black Hero!
Is this merely extreme whining and nit picking? Or, Is this critique worthy of sober analysis and serious consideration in YOUR opinion!
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
A Church Gathering at a Brewery.
I wondered, after the Earthquake, if everyone In The Greater DC area would hide. We all know that DC people are seen as the World's Foremost Weather Wimps.
I needed to keep a commitment that I made on Sunday - to attend a Men's Discussion Group to be held at The Rock Bottom Brewery - an establishment embedded in Arlington's Ballston Commons Mall.
All really worked out well- Not knowing whether this group would be cancelled due to Shaking, Rattling and Rolling , So, I ventured out. Metro was on time and pleasant to ride- no grief at all to comment upon concerning the 2 Metro Buses I took to get to the Ballston Mall - a miracle in and of itself.
I got to the Brewery and the group was just getting started. It was great- We talked about a friend's ride to NYC to support a 9-11 Widow. Of another man's vacation with his wife and two sons at New York's Lake George Region. We spoke about Baseball and Football. It was a 2 hour mini vacation for me. I needed that and I so revel in being blessed to be a part of that! THANK!!!!!! YOU!!!!!!, LORD!!!!!!
- Johnny -
I needed to keep a commitment that I made on Sunday - to attend a Men's Discussion Group to be held at The Rock Bottom Brewery - an establishment embedded in Arlington's Ballston Commons Mall.
All really worked out well- Not knowing whether this group would be cancelled due to Shaking, Rattling and Rolling , So, I ventured out. Metro was on time and pleasant to ride- no grief at all to comment upon concerning the 2 Metro Buses I took to get to the Ballston Mall - a miracle in and of itself.
I got to the Brewery and the group was just getting started. It was great- We talked about a friend's ride to NYC to support a 9-11 Widow. Of another man's vacation with his wife and two sons at New York's Lake George Region. We spoke about Baseball and Football. It was a 2 hour mini vacation for me. I needed that and I so revel in being blessed to be a part of that! THANK!!!!!! YOU!!!!!!, LORD!!!!!!
- Johnny -
A Suddenly NOT ordinary Late August Tuesday in Northern Virginia.
I was in the midst of working- tutoring a nine year old boy when the Earthquake struck,. The room went up and down the lights flickered and a projector in the ceiling shook a bit.
In 2 seconds, it was over! I continued my lesson and outside of a brief exchange of " What was thats?" with my student---- all went on as planned!
I know that I'm easily rattled but, oddly, the earthquake did NOT rattle and disrupt me! Very! Strange!
In 2 seconds, it was over! I continued my lesson and outside of a brief exchange of " What was thats?" with my student---- all went on as planned!
I know that I'm easily rattled but, oddly, the earthquake did NOT rattle and disrupt me! Very! Strange!
Monday, August 22, 2011
Sometimes A Twist ...
Changing your schedule can mean that certain planned activities will not be accomplished or will be delayed or just simply will never occur. Yet, Other things that were not planned are undertaken and come to be.
So, What did you create , move further along or get further involved in due to a decision to change you plan for the day ?!
So, What did you create , move further along or get further involved in due to a decision to change you plan for the day ?!
Ridding Our Society of Adhominem Arguments
Ad Hominem arguments are the favored response of the uneducated, the untroubling and those who seek to offend and cause trouble. I believe this to be true.
I remember being told in College by my Debating Coach, Dr. Mike Wallinger, that using ad hominem arguments is a debating competition would be grounds from being dismissed from the team.
I'd love to see that become a societal standard for Public Argument. What if our news media started to say. " He or She resorted to an Ad hominem argument. Once that occurred, We stopped listening. As all good people know, If you are prepared for the discussion and know how to argue properly the facts in dispute, There is no need to be insulting fascinating and crass!"
I remember being told in College by my Debating Coach, Dr. Mike Wallinger, that using ad hominem arguments is a debating competition would be grounds from being dismissed from the team.
I'd love to see that become a societal standard for Public Argument. What if our news media started to say. " He or She resorted to an Ad hominem argument. Once that occurred, We stopped listening. As all good people know, If you are prepared for the discussion and know how to argue properly the facts in dispute, There is no need to be insulting fascinating and crass!"
Sunday, August 21, 2011
A Public Transportation Tainted Sunday
I've been told that Sunday should be a rest and community- investing in and maturing relationships that you have establishing over time.
My Day at Grace Community Church was tainted and spoiled today due to using mismanaged, seldom on schedule and just not what I want to cope with Public Transportation to get to Church and back today. I cannot have a lower opinion of Public Transportation than I have right now. My wish is that every Sunday become a Public Transportation Free Day. My druther would be to use it only when I have no other choice and I need Sunday to be a Public Transportation is NOT an option Day.
I do not do well when just thrown among random people. I also find, quite often, that on DC Area Public Transportation that you wind up having to deal with people that you would often wish to avoid. I'm quite tired of uncivilized , very poorly educated screaming into the phones sitting anywhere close to me. I really do not wish to pay money to be slimed.
I almost put on My Church's FB Page Caring Christians do not let their Friends use Public Transportation To and From Church on Sundays! I decided not to because I felt that this would engender a hostile response. I am more than willing to use,reliable, pleasant and dependable public transportation-That is totally not Metro nor the other allied systems in the Inner DC Suburbs.
My Day at Grace Community Church was tainted and spoiled today due to using mismanaged, seldom on schedule and just not what I want to cope with Public Transportation to get to Church and back today. I cannot have a lower opinion of Public Transportation than I have right now. My wish is that every Sunday become a Public Transportation Free Day. My druther would be to use it only when I have no other choice and I need Sunday to be a Public Transportation is NOT an option Day.
I do not do well when just thrown among random people. I also find, quite often, that on DC Area Public Transportation that you wind up having to deal with people that you would often wish to avoid. I'm quite tired of uncivilized , very poorly educated screaming into the phones sitting anywhere close to me. I really do not wish to pay money to be slimed.
I almost put on My Church's FB Page Caring Christians do not let their Friends use Public Transportation To and From Church on Sundays! I decided not to because I felt that this would engender a hostile response. I am more than willing to use,reliable, pleasant and dependable public transportation-That is totally not Metro nor the other allied systems in the Inner DC Suburbs.
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Lost Devotional Regained!
What I wiped out due to frustration non Thursday night on my computer has NOw been fully rewritten, improved upon and sent out!
It looks like my Fall will center around tutoring.
I will have 3 boys that i will be tutoring regularly once September arrives. This will help me , I believe, to get some traction into my life.
Friday, August 19, 2011
First thing on a Saturday Morning....
I get ready to go to a Toastmaster meeting in Annandale- GUTS- that begins at 8AM every Saturday. What is the first thing you do once YOUR eyes are open each Saturday morning.
Rooting for a team still learning how to become their best!
people love a winner. When a team looks like they are heading for a championship, people are quick to jump on the BAND WAGON and declare that " I !!! AM!!! A!!! FAN!!"
Yet, Not many have a chance, in the greater scheme of things to be the best to be a champion. We know that people who are already the very best they possibly can be do not need teachers, tutors, mentors and coaches. These are people who see a need to improve and they are blessed to have those who want to work with them to help them become better
Praise to teachers , mentors, coaches and tutors. You help to better the lives of those who are truly willing to improve!
Yet, Not many have a chance, in the greater scheme of things to be the best to be a champion. We know that people who are already the very best they possibly can be do not need teachers, tutors, mentors and coaches. These are people who see a need to improve and they are blessed to have those who want to work with them to help them become better
Praise to teachers , mentors, coaches and tutors. You help to better the lives of those who are truly willing to improve!
The Devotion - The 2nd Try.
While it is still MOST!!!!!frustrating that hours of reading, research and typing turned out to be in VAIN when it all blinked out on me just 5 minutes away from completing it, The second effort at writing it is now under way.
By Personality, I really IMMENSELY prefer and desire to do things well and do them O!N!C!E and ONLY once, I'm acknowlwding that doing so this way would allow something of quality not to come into being.
So, While I truly do DISLIKE that I'm doing this, I've concluded that it is better todo this than not to do this and whine and sulk over it !
- Johnny -
By Personality, I really IMMENSELY prefer and desire to do things well and do them O!N!C!E and ONLY once, I'm acknowlwding that doing so this way would allow something of quality not to come into being.
So, While I truly do DISLIKE that I'm doing this, I've concluded that it is better todo this than not to do this and whine and sulk over it !
- Johnny -
Dave Ramsey and a Nine Year old Book Burner.
A Dad called up the national Dave Ramsey show on Thursday to tell Dave that his daughter was angered by one of his principles and decided to express her disapproval rasther potently.
She had been saving up for sometime to buy a doll house.She was dissatisfied with how long this was taking. She asked for a loan and was told' That is not how we do things."
It is clear that Dave Ramsey was regularly an item of discussion at that household. Later than day, The parents and the girl's siblings were outside and they saw smoke rising from the top of the chimney They ran inside and found one of Ramsey's book burning in the fireplace.
The Father focused on the girl being angry and frustrated with Dave Ramsey and expressing her protest by burning one of his books. He wondered what he could do to better explain to her what Ramsey was teaching and advocating.
Ramsey stridently maintained that what the girl did was NOT about him or anything he had written. He said it was obvious that she was out -of-control, undisciplined and disrespectful. It was also clear to himthat she had no respect for the property of others as indicated by burning the book.
The dad still wondered if he needed to better tell her why he was doing what he was doing. Ramsey focused on discipline. los of priviledges and insisting that she work to be able to finance the cost of the item that she destroyed.
Ramsey was focusing on the child's behavior, The parent was focusing on what caused the child to respond as she did! Which position are you MORE inclined to be in sync with?
She had been saving up for sometime to buy a doll house.She was dissatisfied with how long this was taking. She asked for a loan and was told' That is not how we do things."
It is clear that Dave Ramsey was regularly an item of discussion at that household. Later than day, The parents and the girl's siblings were outside and they saw smoke rising from the top of the chimney They ran inside and found one of Ramsey's book burning in the fireplace.
The Father focused on the girl being angry and frustrated with Dave Ramsey and expressing her protest by burning one of his books. He wondered what he could do to better explain to her what Ramsey was teaching and advocating.
Ramsey stridently maintained that what the girl did was NOT about him or anything he had written. He said it was obvious that she was out -of-control, undisciplined and disrespectful. It was also clear to himthat she had no respect for the property of others as indicated by burning the book.
The dad still wondered if he needed to better tell her why he was doing what he was doing. Ramsey focused on discipline. los of priviledges and insisting that she work to be able to finance the cost of the item that she destroyed.
Ramsey was focusing on the child's behavior, The parent was focusing on what caused the child to respond as she did! Which position are you MORE inclined to be in sync with?
Thursday, August 18, 2011
When you get frustrated over a typing mistake...
and then ,out of frustration, You wipe out , unintentionally but fully and COMPLETELY, something that you have worked on for hours throughout the week. You learn, at that point ,that you paid a very high price to express how frustrated you felt at that ONE moment.
You also think that if you had just taken a deep breath and walked away from the computer for a minute or 2, You would have finished what you were working on rather than facing what you now face, re-creating all that you wrote that VERY first time.
Arrrgggh, The Folly of inappropriately expressed frustration and the harms that it can bring about!
- Johnny -
You also think that if you had just taken a deep breath and walked away from the computer for a minute or 2, You would have finished what you were working on rather than facing what you now face, re-creating all that you wrote that VERY first time.
Arrrgggh, The Folly of inappropriately expressed frustration and the harms that it can bring about!
- Johnny -
Electronic Perfection
Yes, I am a gamer. I truly do NOT play the games well- but I do play them. My favorite category is the sports games. That is where the temptation to try to become perfect by creating an invincible team presents itself.
You try to build a roster of the best players in the sport The theory is that you should be invincible- you should NEVER lose a game. However, How well do YOU play, the game, What is your skill level and how much do you work to "up" your game?
Are you able to adapt and manage to be flexible and intuitive? The game systems are meant to adapt to your game level- so do you bring about that challenge increase earlier IF you are playing with your sports all-stars on one team.
The desire to be perfect - for even a small window of time- is very tempting and some of us find the chance to briefly attempt to play with that urge is irresistible.
You try to build a roster of the best players in the sport The theory is that you should be invincible- you should NEVER lose a game. However, How well do YOU play, the game, What is your skill level and how much do you work to "up" your game?
Are you able to adapt and manage to be flexible and intuitive? The game systems are meant to adapt to your game level- so do you bring about that challenge increase earlier IF you are playing with your sports all-stars on one team.
The desire to be perfect - for even a small window of time- is very tempting and some of us find the chance to briefly attempt to play with that urge is irresistible.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Am I being too harshly and starkly opinionated here?
I've learned THIS SUMMER that I possess FAR!!!! too many blinders that keep me from seeing myself as I truly am- as others see me and experience me?
So, Is looking At what I post on My Facebook Page and What I post here on my blog an e-equivalent to LISTENING TO someone scatch a black board with their nails
Please help Clueless Johnny get a clue get a clue if I desperately do need to gain one!
So, Is looking At what I post on My Facebook Page and What I post here on my blog an e-equivalent to LISTENING TO someone scatch a black board with their nails
Please help Clueless Johnny get a clue get a clue if I desperately do need to gain one!
I 'm a believer In The Lord Jesus and I need to be more about saying that here!
Jesus did teach, " If you are ashamed of me before men, I will be ashamed of you before My Father."
Me saying that I'm not ashamed of My Lord here in my apartment is simply NOT!!! GOOD!!! ENOUGH!! I need to be public and open in declaring this truth. On THIS Wednesday, I'm being faithful and DOING SO!
Me saying that I'm not ashamed of My Lord here in my apartment is simply NOT!!! GOOD!!! ENOUGH!! I need to be public and open in declaring this truth. On THIS Wednesday, I'm being faithful and DOING SO!
An Exterme and Emotionally Charged example does not engender a ...
good and beneficial instructive discussion.
On another site, I wanted to get a discussion goin on the subject as to what parents do when they feel that the schools that their son or daughter attend do not serve their son or daughter well. . How do you tell a school that they want them to do more to serve their child noticably better and more effectively?
I cited the case of a mother and son in Montgomery County, Maryland This woman, a 54 year old psychiatrist felt that her son, who is afflicted by autism and is overweight felt that her son was served both poorly and inadequately last year at his Middle School. Last year, He was in the Sixth Grade and was subjected to a great deal of severe mockery and bullying by some of his fellow students.
She decided that her son would fare better at a private school with a great reputation for serving young people such as her son. She applied to Montgomery County Public School system for Tuition Assistance to make this affordable for her. Her request was turned down. The schools maintained that they are quite able to provide properly and appropriately to serve her son well.
She challenged this response and was not able to reverse their decision. Earlier this month, She killed her son then committed suicide.
The issue of what parents demand of their public schools and how the school properly and rationally respond to the requests and demands of the parents of their students. I chose an example that was so stark that it made discussing these issues and concerns difficult. This was poor execution on my part.
- Johnny -
On another site, I wanted to get a discussion goin on the subject as to what parents do when they feel that the schools that their son or daughter attend do not serve their son or daughter well. . How do you tell a school that they want them to do more to serve their child noticably better and more effectively?
I cited the case of a mother and son in Montgomery County, Maryland This woman, a 54 year old psychiatrist felt that her son, who is afflicted by autism and is overweight felt that her son was served both poorly and inadequately last year at his Middle School. Last year, He was in the Sixth Grade and was subjected to a great deal of severe mockery and bullying by some of his fellow students.
She decided that her son would fare better at a private school with a great reputation for serving young people such as her son. She applied to Montgomery County Public School system for Tuition Assistance to make this affordable for her. Her request was turned down. The schools maintained that they are quite able to provide properly and appropriately to serve her son well.
She challenged this response and was not able to reverse their decision. Earlier this month, She killed her son then committed suicide.
The issue of what parents demand of their public schools and how the school properly and rationally respond to the requests and demands of the parents of their students. I chose an example that was so stark that it made discussing these issues and concerns difficult. This was poor execution on my part.
- Johnny -
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Do YOU need a teleprompter or a script?
I was asked to teach at the last minute at The Toastmaster Leadership Institute- a Training Program ran twice a year by Toastmasters- Tonight's program was held in Arlington, Virginia.
I was asked to train at the last minute- I'd arrived there to be of assistance to the Training and to deliver some fliers to promote a Spacial Program being held on August 25th by The Burgay Advanced Toastmasters.
I was not prepared to train and , I fumbled at first. Yet, As time went on, I discussed the natures of the offices, the advantages they accord the members holding those portfoloios and the demanding challenges that the man or woman holding those offices.
I overcame by remembering that I have 20 plus years invested in Toastmasters that I have a teaching background and that I.m considered a motivator!
Sometimes the message does not need to be presented flawlessly in a word-for word fashion. Being convincing, knowledgeable, caring and giving people answers, alternative and ideas to test and try out can make the difference! It clearly did tonight!
I was asked to train at the last minute- I'd arrived there to be of assistance to the Training and to deliver some fliers to promote a Spacial Program being held on August 25th by The Burgay Advanced Toastmasters.
I was not prepared to train and , I fumbled at first. Yet, As time went on, I discussed the natures of the offices, the advantages they accord the members holding those portfoloios and the demanding challenges that the man or woman holding those offices.
I overcame by remembering that I have 20 plus years invested in Toastmasters that I have a teaching background and that I.m considered a motivator!
Sometimes the message does not need to be presented flawlessly in a word-for word fashion. Being convincing, knowledgeable, caring and giving people answers, alternative and ideas to test and try out can make the difference! It clearly did tonight!
Being a Tutor really is an execise in growth for me.
I liked being a teacher , but I found that personal issues that I spent far too long to properly deal with, shipwrecked that. I learned the lesson that delaying and avoiding can do great harm to an individual.
I am now tutoring 3 boys. I find that I'm skilled in analyzing what a student needs and coming up with innovative and fun strategies that those I tutor seem to enjoy and that help them become more academically confident and proficient.
For years, I maintained that I could only work in rigid and self-protective ways that make life easier for me. I'm learning that I can do much better if I'm creative, flexible and willing to adjust myself to the need and the situation of THE MOMENT.
Even 6 months ago, I did not believe that I could function well operating in this manner! Yet, When you are willing to be flexible and truly yourself trusting that no matter what you can perform well as you give yourself a chance to do so then - you gain access to people and places and opportunities and options that you could, previously could scarcely imagine could exist!
Maybe, Just Maybe, My life can become more "E Ticket"!
I am now tutoring 3 boys. I find that I'm skilled in analyzing what a student needs and coming up with innovative and fun strategies that those I tutor seem to enjoy and that help them become more academically confident and proficient.
For years, I maintained that I could only work in rigid and self-protective ways that make life easier for me. I'm learning that I can do much better if I'm creative, flexible and willing to adjust myself to the need and the situation of THE MOMENT.
Even 6 months ago, I did not believe that I could function well operating in this manner! Yet, When you are willing to be flexible and truly yourself trusting that no matter what you can perform well as you give yourself a chance to do so then - you gain access to people and places and opportunities and options that you could, previously could scarcely imagine could exist!
Maybe, Just Maybe, My life can become more "E Ticket"!
When you are about to give up on a day...
Walking more blocks that you planned, getting inadequate instructions from Public Transportation websites, being drenched in perspiration before a crucial meeting. The kind of a day that makes you want to get angry with the Universe and scream out that I'm being treated FAR WORSE than I deserve.
Yet, In spite of this, I kept walking and perspiring. I finally got to a restaurant where I could make a telephone call- my cell phone did not cooperate.
I pressed on- in spite of- and now am the tutor of 2 boys in Annandale. That is good but it all came close to crushing me in futility and frustration.
What keep you going when it seems like you are wrestling with a tough, uncooperative and unfriendly day ?
Yet, In spite of this, I kept walking and perspiring. I finally got to a restaurant where I could make a telephone call- my cell phone did not cooperate.
I pressed on- in spite of- and now am the tutor of 2 boys in Annandale. That is good but it all came close to crushing me in futility and frustration.
What keep you going when it seems like you are wrestling with a tough, uncooperative and unfriendly day ?
Monday, August 15, 2011
An Unexpected Monday
I do not like to go to see a Doctor. Today was a check-up that went very well.
Afterwards, I went to an Annandale, Va Coffee Shop- Beanetics. I learned about the roasting temperature of Coffee- 400 Degrees. I tried some marvelous iced coffee and had a glorious discussion about New York City Baseball.
Not at all what I thought my late Monday morning would be like.
Afterwards, I went to an Annandale, Va Coffee Shop- Beanetics. I learned about the roasting temperature of Coffee- 400 Degrees. I tried some marvelous iced coffee and had a glorious discussion about New York City Baseball.
Not at all what I thought my late Monday morning would be like.
Sunday, August 14, 2011
As summer starts to fade a bit...
What will your best members of The Summer of 2011 be? Mine, most likely will be my Mexican Mission Adventure of Last Month!
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Madden and Kal-El.
In case anyone assumes I'm a mature adult. I was getting frustrated while playing Madden.I put on The Superman Movie Music and the plays suddenly worked- it was fun to drive The Baltimore Ravens down the field for a Touchdown!
If growing up means it would be benath my dignity to climb a tree, I won't grow-up, never grow up, Not ME!
If growing up means it would be benath my dignity to climb a tree, I won't grow-up, never grow up, Not ME!
Repecting People!
You do not have to like someone to know that it is wrong to assault someone! You do not need to respect or desire to honor the way someone who thinks or behaves in order to know that it is wrong to attack them.
Mature and caring voices need to be raised at times. Being an actively practicing thug benefits not ONE HUMAN BEING ANYWHERE!
Mature and caring voices need to be raised at times. Being an actively practicing thug benefits not ONE HUMAN BEING ANYWHERE!
The FIVE Hundreth Entry on THIS Blog!
There are problems from loving History and having been, once upon a time, a History Teacher.You note every landmark.
I wondered if I'd be able to write a year's worth of entries in a calendar year when I first started this last October 4th. Now, in 9 days over 10 months , I am writing the 500Th Entry.
No great thoughts today. I won a ribbon today as The Best Speaker at A Toastmaster Meeting earlier Today. I felt I stumbled through the speech and did not do my very best. Yet, I won. I guess that I'm seeing that trying over and over to do the next right things can still allow you to gain and profit even when you are not, in your own opinion, doing your best at THAT moment.
As Mister Spock might opine, "Fascinating".
I wondered if I'd be able to write a year's worth of entries in a calendar year when I first started this last October 4th. Now, in 9 days over 10 months , I am writing the 500Th Entry.
No great thoughts today. I won a ribbon today as The Best Speaker at A Toastmaster Meeting earlier Today. I felt I stumbled through the speech and did not do my very best. Yet, I won. I guess that I'm seeing that trying over and over to do the next right things can still allow you to gain and profit even when you are not, in your own opinion, doing your best at THAT moment.
As Mister Spock might opine, "Fascinating".
Friday, August 12, 2011
Truth - Not workable as a RELATIVITY PRINCIPAL.
Ronald Reagan liked to say that "Facts are Stubborn things". People tend to freak out when you speak or write or tap on the keys about TRUTH. Over the last 50 or so years, People have become very comfortable with the idea that truth depends upon perspective and what you are willing to accept, what you feel "works well FOR!!! YOU!!!
That is very Politically Correct, it is a great sentiment to sell pretty posters and Hallmark Cards. It allows authors who expound those principles to dominate the New York Times best seller list. However, It is a rather vapid principle, a principle that does not work realistically.
Whether you believe gravity works or not, It does, Whether you believe that it is now Summer in the United States or not now, It is! Whether you believe the NFL Season will start in Early September, It will. Truth can be measured, tested and can be reliably tested and trusted to be authentic.
I am a Christian. I have stated this before on this blog, I believe there is a Man who is Truth and that we can live Truthfully and reliably by depending upon Him, That man is Jesus Christ- I believe He is Fully Human and Fully God.People saw Him die and come back from the Grave. People saw Him eat after He died. They saw the wounds inflicted upon Him due to the wounds He suffered while being crucified. I do believe that more than 500 people served as witnesses to the RESURRECTED Jesus.
I do believe that You can trust in and rely upon the love and support of a Man who is willing to die for you. I believe that Jesus died for me. I believe that I can rely upon the power, authority and authenticity of a GodMAN who can conquer the grave. Jesus conquered The Grave. I believe that He IS THE Truth and I believe that I can know the truth and what is true.
- Johnny -
That is very Politically Correct, it is a great sentiment to sell pretty posters and Hallmark Cards. It allows authors who expound those principles to dominate the New York Times best seller list. However, It is a rather vapid principle, a principle that does not work realistically.
Whether you believe gravity works or not, It does, Whether you believe that it is now Summer in the United States or not now, It is! Whether you believe the NFL Season will start in Early September, It will. Truth can be measured, tested and can be reliably tested and trusted to be authentic.
I am a Christian. I have stated this before on this blog, I believe there is a Man who is Truth and that we can live Truthfully and reliably by depending upon Him, That man is Jesus Christ- I believe He is Fully Human and Fully God.People saw Him die and come back from the Grave. People saw Him eat after He died. They saw the wounds inflicted upon Him due to the wounds He suffered while being crucified. I do believe that more than 500 people served as witnesses to the RESURRECTED Jesus.
I do believe that You can trust in and rely upon the love and support of a Man who is willing to die for you. I believe that Jesus died for me. I believe that I can rely upon the power, authority and authenticity of a GodMAN who can conquer the grave. Jesus conquered The Grave. I believe that He IS THE Truth and I believe that I can know the truth and what is true.
- Johnny -
Thursday, August 11, 2011
12:23 AM. Friday, August 13TH, 2011!
I feel tired and my eyes are a tad red. However, I'm alive and, at this moment,my brain is very creative and wants to play, This all tells me that there are far worse things to be than very tired at this moment!
You can be exhausted because...
you've acted wastefully, run amok and acted wastefully and irresponsibly! Or, You can be drained and exhausted because you were involved in doing something that you believed was highly important and could be most valuable to others, so you kept at it, until you completed it at lomg last!
In both cases, You are drained at the end of THIS long day. However, In one case you know that nothing truly worthwjile was gained from what you did and in the other, You know that you labored to bless others and that you will profit from your efforts.
Yes, Why you do what you do DOES INDEED MATTER!
In both cases, You are drained at the end of THIS long day. However, In one case you know that nothing truly worthwjile was gained from what you did and in the other, You know that you labored to bless others and that you will profit from your efforts.
Yes, Why you do what you do DOES INDEED MATTER!
Is Hemingway's Persepective a REALISTIC one?
This Quote comes from Chapter 34 of Ernest Hemingway's A Farewell To Arms. This book was published in 1929.
" The World breaks everyone and afterwards many are the strong in the broken places. But those who will not breaks, it kills. It kills the very good and the very gentle and the very brave impartially. If you are none of these, you can be sure that it will kill you too. But there will be no special hurry."
There used to be a term for men like Hemingway- " A Man's Man"- the type of man that many boys and young men were advised to emulate. He is considered one of the authors who set the standard for literary excellence for American Authors in the 20th Century. He was awarded The Nobel Prize for Literature in 1954.
I find Mr. Hemingway's perspective, as embodied in THIS quotation to be too limiting, harsh and cynical. We can make a difference in our life and, at the very same time, the lives of others. We act to better conditions, to learn, to teach and listen patiently and excellently to others. This then helps us to learn to formulate the right questions- the questions that give us sufficient information to determine what we need to do and to develop a plan to best get done what MUST be done!
Having a tender heart that can be moved and provoked into action, knowing that we strive to do more today then we did yesterday and we are intentionally working to make today better and more fulfilling than yesterday was.
Life does not get better due to lack of effort but just noting that things are getting worse and cynically observing that this is so is a guarantee that life will get worse and will continually get worse- this will happen dependably and will, in fact, get worse MORE RAPIDLY over time!
The 18 Month Prime Directive, a concept that all people who are part of the JOHNNYVERSE are most aware of is a deliberate plan to live a life- MY OWN LIFE- in a way that will not be continually broken, unmanageable and conspicuously pathetic!
" The World breaks everyone and afterwards many are the strong in the broken places. But those who will not breaks, it kills. It kills the very good and the very gentle and the very brave impartially. If you are none of these, you can be sure that it will kill you too. But there will be no special hurry."
There used to be a term for men like Hemingway- " A Man's Man"- the type of man that many boys and young men were advised to emulate. He is considered one of the authors who set the standard for literary excellence for American Authors in the 20th Century. He was awarded The Nobel Prize for Literature in 1954.
I find Mr. Hemingway's perspective, as embodied in THIS quotation to be too limiting, harsh and cynical. We can make a difference in our life and, at the very same time, the lives of others. We act to better conditions, to learn, to teach and listen patiently and excellently to others. This then helps us to learn to formulate the right questions- the questions that give us sufficient information to determine what we need to do and to develop a plan to best get done what MUST be done!
Having a tender heart that can be moved and provoked into action, knowing that we strive to do more today then we did yesterday and we are intentionally working to make today better and more fulfilling than yesterday was.
Life does not get better due to lack of effort but just noting that things are getting worse and cynically observing that this is so is a guarantee that life will get worse and will continually get worse- this will happen dependably and will, in fact, get worse MORE RAPIDLY over time!
The 18 Month Prime Directive, a concept that all people who are part of the JOHNNYVERSE are most aware of is a deliberate plan to live a life- MY OWN LIFE- in a way that will not be continually broken, unmanageable and conspicuously pathetic!
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
I planned to see Captain America
However- I was not willing to pay 12.50 to see a movie. Saw Cowboys and aliens instead. A really good movie=- but this was one of those times I wish I'd had the money to do both. Oh well.
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Living by My BEST! Instincts.
My Birthday is on November 16Th. One present that I'd like to give to myself is to see myself being more successful and comfortable through trusting in my own best instincts.
I've spent too much of my life deliberately deciding NOT!!! to live this way. It will be interesting to see how learning to do so more consistently will change my life!
- Johnny -
I've spent too much of my life deliberately deciding NOT!!! to live this way. It will be interesting to see how learning to do so more consistently will change my life!
- Johnny -
365 in Seven and a Fraction Months
Last October, I posted my first blog entry here and started the Blog that you are now reading. I've had a chance to be come a wiser, more willing to listen to other people and more willing to deal with life on life's terms.type of individual
This entry is the 365th entry I've posted here since New Year's Day of This year. Thank you for both encouraging me and empowering me. This has been a grand adventure- and it ain't over yet!
- Johnny -
This entry is the 365th entry I've posted here since New Year's Day of This year. Thank you for both encouraging me and empowering me. This has been a grand adventure- and it ain't over yet!
- Johnny -
Monday, August 8, 2011
All by myself
Today is a day when I will either be by myself for most of the day or largely interacting with people! I'm now significantly better about dealing with this than I once was- but I still need to battle mightily with feeling lost, a tad discoonected and adrift on such days.
Truly liking who you are and seeing yourself as delightful company and the old idea of " amusing yourself" are valuable assets and resources to have available to you are mighty to have in your personal arsenal at such times!
- Johnny-
Truly liking who you are and seeing yourself as delightful company and the old idea of " amusing yourself" are valuable assets and resources to have available to you are mighty to have in your personal arsenal at such times!
- Johnny-
Sunday, August 7, 2011
My pen and My typing set me free.
The more I blog, post on forums and write- with that obsolete tool- a pen- the better and more clever and effective a leader and communicator I become I find my Public Speaking benefits. I find I become more daring, thought-provoking and more compelling.
I've written more this year than in the last 3 or 4 years previous to this one combined. I find my desire to change and become who I can become has been fueled by the amount of writing I've done in the last 7 and a fraction months.
I've written more this year than in the last 3 or 4 years previous to this one combined. I find my desire to change and become who I can become has been fueled by the amount of writing I've done in the last 7 and a fraction months.
Applause, Cheers, Recognition and seeing one as he or she TRULY is!
We see the downcast expressions, the eyes that will not make contact with yours. You see the bent posture and the walking as if there is a crippling rate upon that other person's shoulders Accompanied by that may be an inner voice that continually reminds that man or women , boy or girl that, " You are not worth anything. You are unpleasant, undesirable and could not possibly be ANY more loathsome and unlovable."
These are the prisoners of the despair and the barren of hope, vision ,possibilities and find it nearly impossible to find a good reason to be them. These people seem to be the lost souls, the people who live in fear of others and do not believe the positive things can ever be connected with them
One of the Greatest ways to empower, strengthen and set those people free to live well and powerfully is to notice them! To smile when you see them to ask them SINCERELY how they are doing and then to astound them by being willing to listen to them in a caring, patient and engaged way when they finally become COMFORTABLE enough to tell you about themselves.
Let them know, whenever possible that you like them and EVEN MORE importantly why you like them. Notice when they do well and tell them, in detail, what you observe about them as they do well. Be purposely positive, do not flatter but let them know that you believe that they make a positive difference. Look for traces of talents and resourcefulness on their part of ways that you are convinced that they are certain to prove to be an asset to others!
Not every prisoner is physically locked up. But, if you are willing to be such, You can, indeed, be the living Key that can set an unreasonably and unnecessarily burden, limited and trapped person free!
- Johnny -
These are the prisoners of the despair and the barren of hope, vision ,possibilities and find it nearly impossible to find a good reason to be them. These people seem to be the lost souls, the people who live in fear of others and do not believe the positive things can ever be connected with them
One of the Greatest ways to empower, strengthen and set those people free to live well and powerfully is to notice them! To smile when you see them to ask them SINCERELY how they are doing and then to astound them by being willing to listen to them in a caring, patient and engaged way when they finally become COMFORTABLE enough to tell you about themselves.
Let them know, whenever possible that you like them and EVEN MORE importantly why you like them. Notice when they do well and tell them, in detail, what you observe about them as they do well. Be purposely positive, do not flatter but let them know that you believe that they make a positive difference. Look for traces of talents and resourcefulness on their part of ways that you are convinced that they are certain to prove to be an asset to others!
Not every prisoner is physically locked up. But, if you are willing to be such, You can, indeed, be the living Key that can set an unreasonably and unnecessarily burden, limited and trapped person free!
- Johnny -
Friday, August 5, 2011
If you got to be introduced to your dream- your ideal man or woman,
Would they be likely to declare YOU the one that they've long been searching for?
Looking Forward to TLI Tomorrow !
It will be the first time I've served in a true leadership capacity since the end of my term as The Division A Governor of District 27 on June 30th.
I'm looking forward to leading a session on Table Topics as a part of The South County Toastmaster Leadership Institute Program. This will be the First Time that I've ever served as a TLI Trainer in District 29.
- Johnny -
I'm looking forward to leading a session on Table Topics as a part of The South County Toastmaster Leadership Institute Program. This will be the First Time that I've ever served as a TLI Trainer in District 29.
- Johnny -
Listening- A way to prove that you understand that you are NOT the Planet Earth's ONLY!!!! Inhabitant !
I need to make a confession .For most of my life I have been, I have been a very selfish person and an abysmally poor listener.I lived a rugged life I did have a childhood that really was not at all desirable. I have this in common with MANY people. Just as people say that not all people who grew up desperately poor choose to become criminal and chronic social malcontents, not all children abusively and neglectfully need to become chronically brooding and self- centered whiners.
While I've slowly been changing and making some adjustments, fairly minimal ones. This year, I have seen that this will not do! This has come about by my getting that behaving this way on a long-term basis steadily makes one an undesirable person , one that no one delights in or truly wants to be in the company of! I now see that I've, to often, been someone who I really do not want to be in the company of!
Listening , As I'm seeing with very new and fresh eyes, is essential to be a caring, loving and giving human being. It is what makes , in part, people be considered to be likable, lovable and highly desirable! It actually causes people to be seen as sexier- perhaps even more than movie star looks or the body similar to that of a Gold Medal Olympic Athlete.
I am starting to learn to become better at relaxing and not having to talk- that is still- LOL- very much of a work in progress and development.Making eye contact with people and wanting to know and desiring to care about what is going on in their life is a way to heal and become much better connected to the rest of humanity. While Lost in Space is one of my favorite all time TV Series, I do not know if I want to live the rest of my life being VIRTUALLY " Lost In Space"
When you truly listen, You then gain wisdom. When you speak you not only convey wisdom but you season that insight with love, commitment and compassion. This has been an amazing summer of both healing and preparation for me, This is the summer that is proving to be the run up to my " 18 Month Prime Direction". what I'm learning now gives me all the motivation to free myself from old ways that hinder and sabotage and embrace that which will enable, encourage and properly educate me!
- Johnny -
While I've slowly been changing and making some adjustments, fairly minimal ones. This year, I have seen that this will not do! This has come about by my getting that behaving this way on a long-term basis steadily makes one an undesirable person , one that no one delights in or truly wants to be in the company of! I now see that I've, to often, been someone who I really do not want to be in the company of!
Listening , As I'm seeing with very new and fresh eyes, is essential to be a caring, loving and giving human being. It is what makes , in part, people be considered to be likable, lovable and highly desirable! It actually causes people to be seen as sexier- perhaps even more than movie star looks or the body similar to that of a Gold Medal Olympic Athlete.
I am starting to learn to become better at relaxing and not having to talk- that is still- LOL- very much of a work in progress and development.Making eye contact with people and wanting to know and desiring to care about what is going on in their life is a way to heal and become much better connected to the rest of humanity. While Lost in Space is one of my favorite all time TV Series, I do not know if I want to live the rest of my life being VIRTUALLY " Lost In Space"
When you truly listen, You then gain wisdom. When you speak you not only convey wisdom but you season that insight with love, commitment and compassion. This has been an amazing summer of both healing and preparation for me, This is the summer that is proving to be the run up to my " 18 Month Prime Direction". what I'm learning now gives me all the motivation to free myself from old ways that hinder and sabotage and embrace that which will enable, encourage and properly educate me!
- Johnny -
The Death of a Fear
I will admit that I fear going to both the Doctor and The Dentists. I do have some genuine horror stories concerning dental visits. I've never had a really horrific Doctor's Visit, There it is more the case for fear of what they MIGHT find!
I have a Doctor's appointment at 1:45 today- Friday, August 5th. I've thought about cancelling it numerous time this AM. However, Working on the Theory that fears die when you face them- I'm going to keep that appointment!
- Johnny -
I have a Doctor's appointment at 1:45 today- Friday, August 5th. I've thought about cancelling it numerous time this AM. However, Working on the Theory that fears die when you face them- I'm going to keep that appointment!
- Johnny -
Spending only what we have as a National Policy.
"This is what we have in our budget. This is what we have to spend. If we do not have it we have to do without." We all hear the debates. The current mantra or certainly the often repeated mantra is " If people are expected to live within their means, so must our governments."
So, What would that look like? What would our nation look like if we have to live within the means that we collect through taxes? Would we have to accept poorer quality roads? Would our educational system become less effective? Would the ability of our military to protect us be compromised? Would our streets be less safe due to a lesser ability to provide for our police and fire departments?
Would those who struggle, for what ever reasons, to provide for themselves and receive tax-payer funded support be expected to become more independent? If they are not able to do so, Will the quality of their lives collapse"
What would the US look like today if we had to live strictly within our means as National Policy?
So, What would that look like? What would our nation look like if we have to live within the means that we collect through taxes? Would we have to accept poorer quality roads? Would our educational system become less effective? Would the ability of our military to protect us be compromised? Would our streets be less safe due to a lesser ability to provide for our police and fire departments?
Would those who struggle, for what ever reasons, to provide for themselves and receive tax-payer funded support be expected to become more independent? If they are not able to do so, Will the quality of their lives collapse"
What would the US look like today if we had to live strictly within our means as National Policy?
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Doing the MOST Good.
" I think it is much better to choose to do A rather than B" that can be a great argument, especially if logic is carefully and skillfully applied to defend the position that has just been put forth.
Last night at a party, I was involved in a discussion about the social volunteer and ministry . I was comparing notes with a friend and was sharing about hom my recent trip to Mexico had taught me a great deal about the heartbreaking situation of seeing a child with great potential getting out of a community that will prove very hard for her to extricate herself from. She understood and spoke about her job, " I know just of what you are talking about. I don't have to go to Mexico to see that. I see those same situations on my job".
I didn't take her comments as negation m but rather a comparison presenting a different perspective. I have, however, run into people who while not involved in supporting a cause themselves are more than willing to comment on the worthiness or lack of worthiness of a cause or a volunteer efforts that someone else is committed to! That leaves me very cold!
Last night at a party, I was involved in a discussion about the social volunteer and ministry . I was comparing notes with a friend and was sharing about hom my recent trip to Mexico had taught me a great deal about the heartbreaking situation of seeing a child with great potential getting out of a community that will prove very hard for her to extricate herself from. She understood and spoke about her job, " I know just of what you are talking about. I don't have to go to Mexico to see that. I see those same situations on my job".
I didn't take her comments as negation m but rather a comparison presenting a different perspective. I have, however, run into people who while not involved in supporting a cause themselves are more than willing to comment on the worthiness or lack of worthiness of a cause or a volunteer efforts that someone else is committed to! That leaves me very cold!
Yuck !!!!! - Part Two.
Just yesterday, Wednesday, August 3rd, I was again on a Metrobus- A truly Purgatory-like experience and heard yet another conversation that an INTELLIGENT person should be aware should not be conducted publicly among a group of strangers!
This " gentleman" was discussing a court matter and seemed to be declaring that his excellent attorney had made him look better in court that her actually was. I heard " Yes , She is right but she's not able to prove it and the judge dismissed it" Then, He went on to state, " I can make her look bad but I won't if she is willing to drop the whole case". This was being said at a volume impossible to ignore. The person on the other end was just as loud " But you know what the right thing is- Don't go with what you can get away Do what you know is right"
Yet, Again on what seems to be a continuing to be exposed to a Public Transit Soap Opera' The Lives of The Lowlifes". You would think that families, counselors or perhaps teachers would tell people that this is a vile and rather disturbing way to live your life.
If you are looking to move to The Greater Washington DC Area, Here is another reason to decide NOT to do so!
This " gentleman" was discussing a court matter and seemed to be declaring that his excellent attorney had made him look better in court that her actually was. I heard " Yes , She is right but she's not able to prove it and the judge dismissed it" Then, He went on to state, " I can make her look bad but I won't if she is willing to drop the whole case". This was being said at a volume impossible to ignore. The person on the other end was just as loud " But you know what the right thing is- Don't go with what you can get away Do what you know is right"
Yet, Again on what seems to be a continuing to be exposed to a Public Transit Soap Opera' The Lives of The Lowlifes". You would think that families, counselors or perhaps teachers would tell people that this is a vile and rather disturbing way to live your life.
If you are looking to move to The Greater Washington DC Area, Here is another reason to decide NOT to do so!
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
YucK!!!! - Part One.
I was riding on a Metro Bus in Arlington, Va and I road on a bus with a loud-mouth, vulgar, vile and wretched woman who obviously was in capable of behaving as a civilized human being. She threatened the safety of the person that she was speaking to and his entire family.
In a civilized area, This woman would have been told to desist her carrying on immediately. This woman would have been removed from the bus on turned over to the police for Disturbing The Peace and for making terroristic threats.
The Fact that she was able to go on about her day after acting that way says nothing positive about the Greater DC Suburbs. Y!!!!U!!!C!!!K!!!
In a civilized area, This woman would have been told to desist her carrying on immediately. This woman would have been removed from the bus on turned over to the police for Disturbing The Peace and for making terroristic threats.
The Fact that she was able to go on about her day after acting that way says nothing positive about the Greater DC Suburbs. Y!!!!U!!!C!!!K!!!
When you avoid suffering and pain at any price....
You live a very simple and hollow life! You risk nothing and do only that which you know you can do easilky, simply and quickly. You avoid risk but you live a live devoid of personality and energy and challenge.
It is a life that will never hurt much- but will it be a life that you truly believe is worth much?
It is a life that will never hurt much- but will it be a life that you truly believe is worth much?
Grace and Accountability
Those are two idea that I often reflect upon.Grace can be best defined as favor or goodwill as well as mercy, clemency and pardon.Accountability is definable as able to be held responsible and liable for someone or something, answerable and able to explain.
Grace means being set free and being absolved, being treated as if I'd never created a problem , made a mistake or acted foolishly and or recklessly. Accountability is admitting that you are at fault and that you owe a debt- financial, moral, ethical and legal- and that you must pay a price for your actions.
They are seemingly opposites but they are both vital values and our society would be poorer and unmanageable if either disappeared. So, How do you deal with the tension that is created between these two concepts?
Grace means being set free and being absolved, being treated as if I'd never created a problem , made a mistake or acted foolishly and or recklessly. Accountability is admitting that you are at fault and that you owe a debt- financial, moral, ethical and legal- and that you must pay a price for your actions.
They are seemingly opposites but they are both vital values and our society would be poorer and unmanageable if either disappeared. So, How do you deal with the tension that is created between these two concepts?
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Changing because you want to!
Only a fool tries to maintain what has proven to be painful, annoying, destructive and counter-productive continually over time! I've decided to stop being a fool!
Rigorous Self- Honesty
This is something that usually is asked of people who are involved in 12 Step Programs. Knowing yourself and knowing how much that you can trust in yourself is vital to breaking a bad habit/ a harmful way of living and becoming stronger and healthier.
It can be painful to practice this and it will not always have people seeing you as wonderful and marvelous! Yet, It helps you to learn to hold yourself strictly accountable and it shows you what you need to work on to become the person that you truly desire to become!
It can be painful to practice this and it will not always have people seeing you as wonderful and marvelous! Yet, It helps you to learn to hold yourself strictly accountable and it shows you what you need to work on to become the person that you truly desire to become!
Victor Frankl , years ago, taught us that " The Greatest power that we have is the ability to control our attitudes" so...
why do we so often run our lives by the engine of our attitudes! Why do we decide whether we are kind or curt- in fact publically unkind and cruel towards others- because of the attitude that we have toward that other
It twists us into people who, in our better moments, that we really do NOT wish to be- people we strongly regret portraying ourselves as! Some will say life is too short and sometime " I simply feel as I feel and react and respond as I react and respond."
Then, We are inclined to say that people " misread us or misunderstand us". While the way someone sees us at any ONE given moment may not be the way we ALWAYS behave- may NOT be us at our best- it is the snapshot they have of us. It is the impression we give provide to them. If he or she only meet us once, It just might be THE impression they have of us- the idea they have of WHO we are for THE REST of their LIFE!
So, There does seem to be value in challenging and controlling our attitudes!
- Johnny -
It twists us into people who, in our better moments, that we really do NOT wish to be- people we strongly regret portraying ourselves as! Some will say life is too short and sometime " I simply feel as I feel and react and respond as I react and respond."
Then, We are inclined to say that people " misread us or misunderstand us". While the way someone sees us at any ONE given moment may not be the way we ALWAYS behave- may NOT be us at our best- it is the snapshot they have of us. It is the impression we give provide to them. If he or she only meet us once, It just might be THE impression they have of us- the idea they have of WHO we are for THE REST of their LIFE!
So, There does seem to be value in challenging and controlling our attitudes!
- Johnny -
Monday, August 1, 2011
Do people truly believe that living well and being self-content is its' own reward?
On October 8th of this year, God Willing, I will attain 30 years in the Program of Alcoholics Anonymous. I learned that beverages are meant to either quench my thirst or as a delight- a taste treat. When I choose to use a beverage to change my mood or to affect my attitude towards life that something has gone radically and destructively wrong!
The lessons, as I applied to Alcohol,Thanks be to HIm, are ones, so far , that I have gotten. Yet, In most areas of life I use things and spending money- not much by the standards of most people- but, then again, I have very little . I wonder why I do not treasure more being who I am and finding more joy and satisfaction in that. Does there always need to be something more beyong myself? Is spending money an answer- even though I truly know that it isn't an answer!
Perhaps, Something akin to this explains, partially, the woes that now beset our beloved nation !
- Johnny -
The lessons, as I applied to Alcohol,Thanks be to HIm, are ones, so far , that I have gotten. Yet, In most areas of life I use things and spending money- not much by the standards of most people- but, then again, I have very little . I wonder why I do not treasure more being who I am and finding more joy and satisfaction in that. Does there always need to be something more beyong myself? Is spending money an answer- even though I truly know that it isn't an answer!
Perhaps, Something akin to this explains, partially, the woes that now beset our beloved nation !
- Johnny -
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