Dr. Martin Luther King is, justifiably consider by some to be an true American Saint. A man of vision and limitless courage who gave his life in a fight to demand that our society live up to the idea that " All Men are Created Equal."
This Sunday will be the 48Th Anniversary of Dr. King's "I Had Dream Speech " delivered in front of the Lincoln Memorial. This Sunday is the Day when the Dr. King Memorial on this Same National Mall will be dedicated.
The Mammoth Statue of Dr. King, which in the Centerpiece of this Memorial Memorial was created by a renouned artist who is a Chinese National. Some critics of the statue feel that Dr. King's face, as it is rendered in this statue is Asian in apperarance.
I know that representing pople as they are and wear, is vital when you are honoring and celebrating them. Therefore, It would seem to be vital that all can look at a statue of Dr. King and see him as they look at the statue as he would have appeared to be when he was alive. Some critics also believe that it would have been more credible to have a n American Born Black Man or Woman design and create this memorial to this American Born Black Hero!
Is this merely extreme whining and nit picking? Or, Is this critique worthy of sober analysis and serious consideration in YOUR opinion!
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