" I think it is much better to choose to do A rather than B" that can be a great argument, especially if logic is carefully and skillfully applied to defend the position that has just been put forth.
Last night at a party, I was involved in a discussion about the social volunteer and ministry . I was comparing notes with a friend and was sharing about hom my recent trip to Mexico had taught me a great deal about the heartbreaking situation of seeing a child with great potential getting out of a community that will prove very hard for her to extricate herself from. She understood and spoke about her job, " I know just of what you are talking about. I don't have to go to Mexico to see that. I see those same situations on my job".
I didn't take her comments as negation m but rather a comparison presenting a different perspective. I have, however, run into people who while not involved in supporting a cause themselves are more than willing to comment on the worthiness or lack of worthiness of a cause or a volunteer efforts that someone else is committed to! That leaves me very cold!
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