I was asked to teach at the last minute at The Toastmaster Leadership Institute- a Training Program ran twice a year by Toastmasters- Tonight's program was held in Arlington, Virginia.
I was asked to train at the last minute- I'd arrived there to be of assistance to the Training and to deliver some fliers to promote a Spacial Program being held on August 25th by The Burgay Advanced Toastmasters.
I was not prepared to train and , I fumbled at first. Yet, As time went on, I discussed the natures of the offices, the advantages they accord the members holding those portfoloios and the demanding challenges that the man or woman holding those offices.
I overcame by remembering that I have 20 plus years invested in Toastmasters that I have a teaching background and that I.m considered a motivator!
Sometimes the message does not need to be presented flawlessly in a word-for word fashion. Being convincing, knowledgeable, caring and giving people answers, alternative and ideas to test and try out can make the difference! It clearly did tonight!
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