You have read of my discussion of the 18 month Prime Directive that I'm largely parttnering through my church. It looks like even before the start of this program- I'm going to need to make adjustments that I did not anticipate.
The great news- truly- is I am going from 2 tutoring session to 4! This will mean a small but noticable steady increase in my income. However, as I'm dependent on public transportation this means that my schedule and my ability to get to critical points will become somewhat distended.
One of the critical factors in my 18 Month program to remake myself through meeting goals and following instruction better and learning that " no" is not my first response when things get difficult, demanding or comp-licated is working under the leadership of a mentor and a 3 person board of directors. The 3 people will work with me to set goals that are attainable, worth pursuing and that will allow me to steadily to become a better and simply more desireable person
The mentor is the person who will be serving to keep me focused and accountable. He or she will also serve to help to challenge me when I lapse into old " negative and non-beneficial behavoirs". One idea was to be in a Bible Study group being led by the MENTOR. This way the mentor can observe me in group setting to note how I respond in group interaction proceedings.
The issue is that the likely Bible Study Night will be Tuesday. I am dependent on Public Transportation this it may be more difficult to get to the study than I previously anticipated
So, My set point /default position might well become, if I lapse into old behaviors, would be to " throw up my hands" and say " see things are getting too complicated and out-of-control" already.
So, Now , I need to figure out how to ford this reiver that I've just entered into. I didn't plan on the currents changing THIS RAPIDLY!
- Johnny-
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