There was once a time in Our US of A where people considered maintaining The " Public Peace" was considered a valuable thing to do and in the best interests of all concerned.
Once upon there was a widely enforced law known as " Disturbing The Peace". This covered unlawful assembly that is viewed as disturbing the public tranquility . Complaints about noise levels in a neighborhood or in an apartment building would also be covered, traditionally, by disturbing the peace provisions. These laws can also be used to cover disruptions of the proper order or creating an irritation, Challenging people to fight or using foul language to provoke a fight can also be seen as a violation.
Not having to listen to course and loud conversations and arguments when I'm on a walk, stopping at Mc Donalds for a brief meal or riding on as bus would be much to my liking. Having being outside and out in around in calmer and more genteel settings I think would be a great boon to all of us.
Do we really have a better world due to those laws being rarely enforced?
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