Yes, I am a gamer. I truly do NOT play the games well- but I do play them. My favorite category is the sports games. That is where the temptation to try to become perfect by creating an invincible team presents itself.
You try to build a roster of the best players in the sport The theory is that you should be invincible- you should NEVER lose a game. However, How well do YOU play, the game, What is your skill level and how much do you work to "up" your game?
Are you able to adapt and manage to be flexible and intuitive? The game systems are meant to adapt to your game level- so do you bring about that challenge increase earlier IF you are playing with your sports all-stars on one team.
The desire to be perfect - for even a small window of time- is very tempting and some of us find the chance to briefly attempt to play with that urge is irresistible.
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