I've been told that Sunday should be a rest and community- investing in and maturing relationships that you have establishing over time.
My Day at Grace Community Church was tainted and spoiled today due to using mismanaged, seldom on schedule and just not what I want to cope with Public Transportation to get to Church and back today. I cannot have a lower opinion of Public Transportation than I have right now. My wish is that every Sunday become a Public Transportation Free Day. My druther would be to use it only when I have no other choice and I need Sunday to be a Public Transportation is NOT an option Day.
I do not do well when just thrown among random people. I also find, quite often, that on DC Area Public Transportation that you wind up having to deal with people that you would often wish to avoid. I'm quite tired of uncivilized , very poorly educated screaming into the phones sitting anywhere close to me. I really do not wish to pay money to be slimed.
I almost put on My Church's FB Page Caring Christians do not let their Friends use Public Transportation To and From Church on Sundays! I decided not to because I felt that this would engender a hostile response. I am more than willing to use,reliable, pleasant and dependable public transportation-That is totally not Metro nor the other allied systems in the Inner DC Suburbs.
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