Yes, We know the right words, "Change is a constant", "Change is inevitable", "We all need to live in Today". Yet, Do we tend to go overboard and be unnecessarily comprehensive when it comes to advocating for and establishing change?
I think there is a tendency to blend sensitivity and change in a way that makes change overbearing and onerous! In order to avoid creating a difficult situation, We impose change upon people, places, things and circumstance that are under no pressure or obligation to change, We apply policies that can reasonably be imposed on a small group of people or an individual. We see this where we have a problem where one man or woman , boy or girl and rather than holding them accountable for a rule violation, we too often respond treat everyone as a rule breaker and impose a solution upon everyone. This is unreasonable and exorbitant.
One of the dominant political and social groups in Our United States is Conservatism. The Root word present here and the power source of this movement is the theme word "conserve".This means to keep as it is- to maintain. Conservatives are dedicated to maintaining what has proven to work well for all over time.As long as what is being done is practical, legal and ethical it needs to be maintained. This idea does not argue against genuine and true progress and innovation. It does ask that such ideas be shown to be workable, as non-disruptive as possible and to be of benefit. The ideal conservative wishes to truly blend the BEST of the new and the tried and logically and undeniably true.
No sane person wants to deny that change is a reality of life! We all do and must change. Yet, Does every change need to be buffeted by a showy act of societal "macro -evolution" as a matter of course ? Sometimes, You simply need to ask individuals to accept that the change of the moment IS about them and that, while you are willing to assist him or her, tell them that this change is about them and that HE or SHE is the one who needs to adjust.
Not everyone needs to be confused and thrown into a wave of pervasive turmoil just because that is occurring to an individual or a group of individuals!
- Johnny -
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