Today is December 26th-In most of The Britannic- Influenced World it is a Holiday- Boxing Day! In The US of A, It might be called " Return Day". People will give many reasons for returning a gift! Many of those reasons actually can be described by the following words, " I would have liked something better!". " He or she SHOULD have known I would not have wanted that!" or perhaps, " I'm a difficult person to shop for- I know EXACTLY what I want and nothing LESS will do!"
Some of us seem to know exactly what will please us, satisfy us and make us happy and secure! Nothing quite else will work or do! Nothing us will satisfy or deeply please us and be suitable!
I've told this story before- but it fits well here- so I will tell it again. A lonely and very secure man meets a very lovely, stylish and extremely attractive woman at a class that both of them are taking. He enjoys being with her and he is pleased beyond please that she enjoys his company as well.
After a short time, He asks her to marry him! She smiles, grabs his hand and giggling says, " I would have asked you soon, if you had NOT asked me!" "Wow, " "He thinks " Who woulda thunk that ?", He feels that this is a miracle but he wonders, " Can this really be a lasting one?"
A few weeks later, They attend a holiday part. She looks amazing that night she wears a long gown that shows off both her beauty but her figure as well.He notices how many other men notice her figure as well. He doesn't like this but he says nothing, barely able to hold his tongue!
She senses something is wrong and to relieve her tension drinks more than she planned to. She also eats a lot more- as a matter of fact she also eats more than she planned to. On the way home, after the party, she talks about her eating and confesses that this is a problem for her- something she works hard to overcome.
On Valentine's Day, They are wed! On their wedding night, He looks at his splendidly gorgeous wife, " I'm so lucky but can I hang on to you. He then remembers how she ate at the party and what she told him later.
As they live together as man and wife he often does the cooking! He cooks well and cooks very fattening foods and offers her large portions. He tells her that , " I love you. I want you to be happy and I love how you are!" Yet, He notices 4 months later that the jeans she used to look amazing in , she now can barely fit into. A month later, He notices that her stomach is competing for attention with her breasts to get noticed!
Several months later, He goes on a business trip and leaves her a note that he will not be back. He no longer loves and wants her because he no longer sees her as desirable. Yet, He will never admit that he allowed jealousy and insecurity to become factors in partnering in disfiguring his formerly loved, cherished and held as splendid wife.
Husbands AND Wives are not the only ones who engage in this devastating foolishness! Some parents choose to love their children until they are born, Then, some parents will seek out the" flaws" in their children, Usually , The personality that the child has is not one the parents want to deal with them.that personality can cause a parent to dislike and wage war upon their child! Some parents will decide, sadly and by any means necessary to remake their child into someone that will be more pleasing to them!
People are individuals, they have a right to their lives and to be who they were designed to be and become. There is something warped and a bit evil concerning people who are determined to remake and redesign people. Valuing people as they are, celebrating them exactly and precisely as they are is the best way to live well with others and the best way to live more securely and peacefully with yourself!
- Johnny -
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