You are of them, but not at all like them! You know that their way is absolutely NOT the way to follow!In my case, This is a Mother a Father and a Sister!
Mother believed that the world had just not liked her and reveled in her misery and torment. She really seemed to have a "mad on" against anyone who would not agree with her and act to placate her! I was the" wrong child"- the one that was not worth waiting36 years to have. She never failed to,let me know either verbally and / or physically that I need to pay a price for not being good enough to be her son!
Father believed that women were only good if they were pretty and sexy. Any women not that was not worth anything! He was displeased by his son but he was not a dangerous and attractive to women son- the only kind of boy who could be worthy of being his son! He labeled me as being gay and weak and worthless of no value to anyone.
My Youngest sister- trained to believe you never let anyone win out over you ever, Ready and willing to savagely beat and joyfully injured anyone who she thought MIGHT be a threat to her. Acted out physically when crossed! Bragged that anyone who knew her would know that she was never to be challenged and defied.
My middle sister- Teresa- paid a price for all of this. She contracted viral encephalitis and meningitis at the age of 8. An illness really is not anyone's fault but my parents had savage arguments over whose side of the family set my sister up to become ill. They also delayed getting her as much medical support as they could have gotten her. They both turned this into a battle of egos and as a weapon to use against each other!
My sister would have been severely brain damaged any way - but I believe that she was allowed to become far more damaged than she needed to be. My parents took care of her as long as they live, My Mother died in 2001, My Father in early 2002! My youngest sister now cares for her. I do admire her for this but again I'm not sure I'd want to have a life in the care of a belligerent, looking- for- battle bully!
Sometime you wonder how people ever met ! Sometimes those meetings can have ghastly outcomes!
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