In 1992, The City of Falls Church , Virginia worked hard to prevent the opening of a Taco Bell Restaurant within its' boundaries! The stated reason for opposing the opening of this eatery- It was not considered , by the community doyens, to be a compatible fit with the community. This was, on the surface, absurd and nonsensical. It is just a bizarre statement- one that seems to say a restaurant with an Americanized Hispanic tone would somehow make Falls Church a lesser place.
I think of this when I hear the nonthinkers among us argue against the presence of Illegal Aliens in The US. Some will say that they are all Hispanics. This simply is not true. While most of The Illegal Aliens in the US were born in the 5 Republics of Central America or on a Caribbean island, There are people who are in The US illegally who do not speak one word of Spanish. It is also incorrect to think that all of those not present in The US are Mexicans.I type this because I do roll my eyes when I hear a nonthinker say, " Let's send them all
back to Mexico"! If you are that misinformed, You would do well to NOT to express an opinion.
People will also loudly and not very civilly protest the fact of having to listen to Spanish being spoken around them or that Hispanics do not behave as American and seem to insist on living differently than "the rest of us!" Again, that is a "You may not like it but there is no law or code against it" type of situation, You do not have to fit into American Culture in order to live in or be a citizen of this nation. No one in this Nation is legally required to speak English.
What can be correctly argued is that no one has an inherent right to violate The laws of The United States! Being illegal present in the United states is criminal behavior. It can be argued that being involved in supporting illegal aliens is also as criminal act. I know that people will righteously intone, " There are millions of such people already in this nation! The US is simply not going to locate , uproot and deport millions of people." The corollary is- Therefore we must provide needed services to them and we must help them to find a place within our society.
I will concede that mass deportations are a practical non-starter- it simply AIN'T going to occur! However, People are in a rather strong position to say, " This should NEVER have been allowed to transpire and we need to take action against those who permitted it to occur." This leads to people insisting that action be taken now to stop further illegal immigration. It is realistic to say that while The Obama Administration has reduced the flow of illegal immigration and has somewhat strengthened the patrolling of our borders, it is unlikely that our Government will take any actions that will bring illegal immigration to a halt. Those who strongly want MORE done about illegal immigration demand that any efforts need be made as tough and as stringent as is humanly possible.
Many of those who are majorly antagonized by illegal immigration often state the collateral problems. The violation of zoning laws as seen by people parking on lawns and far too many people living in a private house.Also, The improper disposal of litter also raises the ire of neighbors.These practices do cause damage to property values and also depress the ability of people to sell their homes at desirable prices!
Some see it as wrong for illegal aliens to be eligible to receive tax payer funded benefits. They also object to money, in these harsh financial time being spent on literature and websites written in the language spoken by peoples in this nation without official presentation. This is, in effect a protest position- " I MAY not be able to order to leave the US but I am under no obligation to make it easier for you to be here!"
I believe that Governments have a solemn obligation to provide as best as they possibly can for their own citizens WITHIN the borders of their OWN nation! There is something, in my opinion, immoral and unseemly, about a Government encouraging citizens to leave their own nation to live and work in another country. Especially when they are told that it is NOT a problem to violate the laws of another SOVEREIGN nation as they do so! It is also unctuous and vile to urge that these "dispatched citizens" enrich their country by sending back the wages that they earn from working this country that they have, in effect, invaded! It is , of course, often true that they are committing a crime as illegal immigrants have no documentation that permits them to work in our United States of America.
We Americans see no problem with using our resources to the benefit of our citizens- other nations seem to think that they have no obligation to do so! Americans of all income and status levels pay taxes to provided benefits to our own neediest and most impoverished citizens, other countries allow their wealthiest citizens a pass!
So, It is really not customs, or language or not acting like" the rest of us" that really fire up those thoughtful people who are greatly disturbed by the problems engendered by the presence of illegal aliens in our midst! Those people really see criminal behavior and the further support and sanctioning of illegal activity as the problem!
- Johnny -
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