1935 - In Cleveland- Gritty times in a city that, in of itself is considered to be the ULTIMATE image of grittiness, Two then teenagers, Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster had a vision for a comic book character. A being from a dead world who arrives as an orphan on a new world and become that new world's greatest defender and champion.
He was portrayed as having a hidden identity as an awkward, clumsy and maladroit man, a man who seemed to slump when he walked- someone who could be easilu cast aside and ignored. He was given thick glasses as part of his "disguise". His two creators, who were mild-mannered, quiet and easy to look past young men modeled this hero's secret identity after how they believed others saw them. His girl friend- actually his wife in the more current depiction of his adventures- was modeled after the girl friend- actually later wife of one of his creators.
This hero was cast , at first, as an avenger of the bully and the oppressed. He would tell those who battled such things as " It's not so much fun when the other person can fight back.", " I see you don't like being the weaker person" or " Dish out your worst to someone who can return it in spades". To people in a depressed nation, to young people who felt bullied and mistreated or to people who felt helpless to meet life's diificulties these words were stimulating, hope provoking and a reason to keep striving!
The drawings were rather simplistic at first, facial fatures were not as distinct as you'd like them to be, and the plots were barely there but the hero's comic book adventures were marketable. The first stories were sold in 1O Cent magazines, not an inconsiderable some in 1935 - The March of Dimes Charity was also launched in that same tiime period - but the newsstands had problems keeping comicbooks featuring this hero in stock.
Joe and Jerry came up with an earlier version of this character - in 1933- He was actually written as a Master Villain and Fiend in those nacient efforts! He was seen as a Master Intellect- a malevolent Genius who would dominate beings of lesser intelligence. However, They decided a crusading hero would sell better. The First Character was called THE Superman. The "The" was dropped and the chracter who still amazes people today came to be.
One of Superman's most impressive characteristics is his humility and meekness. Meekness is best definded as " power under control and well-channeled". Therefore, Superman often underplays his hand- just uses the power that is called for from situation to situation.He is careful to not be dominating and controlling- but gives what is called for when it is called for.
The Last Son of Krypton can be seen also as a Son of Depression - Era Cleveland!
- Johnny -
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