Yet, This transition, In some ways it is just a calendar related optical illusion, We go from a Friday to a Saturday as we do at the end of EVERY Friday! W#hen this transition traspires as December morphs into January, We call that New Years' Eve and New Years' Day!
Many of us have turned their backs on the idea of New Years' Resolutions, We don't really offer commitments we are likely to keep and we generally prove this as our resolutions do not generally get maintained for very long into the New Year.
Yet, We do turn wishes into practices and maintainable reality if we are really determined to change, to renew and to try to do something that we have never attempted before. It seems that we just simplu need to be more determined to succeed than we are afraid to try and fail!
Therefore, The ideas that we seem to hunger and thirst for are the ideas we are likely to bring to pass as a new way of living , a new way of falling more in love with life! Maybe rather than Resolutions we ought to decide what we most desperately want and decide that we will labor over the next year to turn that into something that will simply become true about us as 2011 rolls on!
- Johnny -
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