Which disease needs more funding and research towards achieving prevention and a cure? Which diseases SEEM to get all the attention, have Runs and Walk- A- Thons attached to them and which do not? If there is a month to raise awareness of ABC, then why isn't there also a month dedicated to raising awareness of RST?
This topic occurred to me while I was listening to Washington DC Sports Radio Station The Fan - 106.7 FM last night. One of the 2 hosts was comparing all that The NFL does in October for Breast Cancer Awareness Month to how little is done to promote and encourage people to launch a "war" on Lung Cancer! The host says that he believed there is a bit of a stigma in play against Lung Caner sufferers because lung cancer- due to its' connection with Tobacco use is viewed often as a " self-inflicted harm" similar to how many people once responded to AIDS.
Yet, Do we really need to force people to operate on a " My Disease is worse than yours so move me to the front of the line" paradigm to get people to wage war to try, if at all possible. to work harder and smarter to eliminate THEIR particular ailment? Some people may feel that some illness are " self-inflicted" due to the personal choices- yet we are a compassionate society and really find the idea of simply outright denying people- carte blanche- medical treatments is repugnant to people of all varieties of political and social convictions to be a repugnant idea.
However, Some people do believe that there may be a day under Our National Health Care program were people may be provided rather limited care or cut off from care due to life- style induced conditions ! There are already companies who will not hire, as an example , smokers due to cost- containment measures meant to keep the prices of insurance lower.
I think that it is vital that advocate for the causes that we believe MUST be supported. We, of course, are also free to ask others to join us and dedicate their resources , as we already are, to the causes that " tug on our heart strings"!!! We also need to remember that medical research does not allow itself to be walled in, treatments, medicines and techniques that are developed to combat one illness might JUST be effective in taking on other conditions. Viagra was FIRST developed as a BLOOD PRESSURE medicine!
Overall, People who "Wage TOTAL WAR " on crippling and killing sickness are very caring, humane, big -hearted, big-souled people. They are not likely AT ALL to think that " certain illnesses and the people who are plagued by them" are beneath my notice. People who are inclined to say that because I think you ARE
a " weak or vulgar" - in their opinion" person. I don't mind of you die soon and die miserably!!!" are not going to be people that you want to invite to your next party!
So, Absolutely, Fight the War as you best believe it should be fought! Yet, You'd be wise to acknowledge that other valuable wars are being fought as well at the same time.You can also revel that the results fought in those wars, as well as yours, help to improve daily life for many as does the war you are engaged in and - one day- an advance found in the waging of those other wars may bring great relief and victory to people that you are fighting for!
- Johnny-
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