The Late Patrick Daniel Moynihan, A Former Presidential Advisor, US Ambassador, US Senator and University Professor, had a quick wit and a great ability to encapsulate a situation by the a sharp and clear phrase of his own design. One such phrase that he coined, during his time in the Kennedy Administration, was " The Professionalization of Reform". Doctor Moynihan developed this concept to describe those who chose to invent and design new problem rather that dealing with situations and problem that have ALREADY been identified.
The phrase that I intend to focus upon is one he coined in the late 1980's during his time as a United States Senator -The phrase is "Defining Deviancy Down". This is a phenomena where activities formerly considered to be deviant are now recast as being normal, acceptable, worth adjusting to and simply the way people behave.You are expected to deal with what ever comes your way and if you act offended, perturbed and bothered by those you encounter than you are labeled as the deviant or dischordant one.
"Watch your language" is a phrase that earns smirks and dismissive stares. Telling people that they need to restrain their actions and volume will earn you-at best - a "That's on you !!!" Do we really believe that any and all behavior is acceptable? I certainly do not- The Public Sphere becomes a " The Toughest, The Loudest and Those with the least impulse control" win arena if that is how we allow people to operate.
Someone, Please explain how we then label that as a Civilized Society!
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