It is confession time--- I do listen to Dave Ramsey and Doctor Laura Schlessinger. I do not always enjoy listening to them- they can be a bit rigid and lacking in compassion and empathy. I also think Doctor Laura , sometimes. does not admit that people respond to individual crisis and times of severe trauma individually and maybe would benefit from being allowed to address more why they feel so awry and troubled.
However, I like that they are- in my view- principled, passionate and moral people who do seem to STAND for something! they also, overall, see that people are trapped in oppressive and soul-distorting situations that damage them severely.They resolutely are convinced that the best way to help and effectively and positively change the lives of people is to ask them to stop NOW and IMMEDIATELY reverse course.
Some people will let people drift further and further into ruin because they are afraid of hurting or offending them. Dave and Laura will NEVER be members of THAT club!Confronting people who are clearly in the process of destroying themselves and are also dragging others along with them as they self-destruct is, to me, an act of conscience, compassion, mercy and being positively invested!
I will be giving a speech at a Toastmaster Club, on Saturday Morning, about the very first night that I faced being homeless. I had decided, for too many years, that some of my most damaging personal issues were FAR too PAINFUL for me to deal with- So I pushed them away from me - and denied both that they need to be dealt with and, at times. that they even existed. I paid a very high price for making that foolish choice. Sparing your own feelings and being kind and gentle to yourself when it is not justified to do so is self-destructive behavior.
There are hard-core people in every First Responder team- They allow people to make the tough decisions that make the survival of the maximum amount of imperiled people possible. Perhaps, to some extent, Laura and Dave can be considered to be Financial and Spiritual, Emotional and Moral First Responders!
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