Upon further reflection, I realize that Christmas is not as showed to the back of the Holiday Line as our the rest of the holidays that we regularly and faithfully commemorate!
Tomorrow morning, December 26th, most of us weather conditions and health permitting, will likely be attending Church, being a part of a class or religious/ spiritual education and instruction and attending a worship service and listening to a sermon. The Pastor will likely remind us of what we did yesterday- Christmas Day. He/ She is about 94.2 % likely to speak about the value and critical value of this time of the year and ask us to reflect upon why this time of the year matters to each of us! We may then be asked to consider as to how we can take what we now feel and think RIGHT NOW and carry it with us to make each of our 2011s more bountiful, nurturing and blessed both for us and all of those we encounter and interact with.
Even for non-churchgoers, those who see Christmas- AKA - "The Holiday Season" as a fun, bountiful and uplifting freedom interlude from " normal life" note that the week between December 25th and January 1st is different in a splendid manner. Many of us do not work during this week and we seem to prize and giddily treasure recreation, pure fun and family and friends more than we do at any other time of the year save for the Summer!
To those who see Christmas proper as a week long time of sanity-restoration and refreshing R and R, Good for them they value this time of the year for EXACTLY how they view it to be - No more and no less!
Yet, There are those who will be celebrating, or so we CLAIM, an event of COSMIC and still present and Future Majesty, The Birth of The Messiah, The Son of Gos in THE Flesh, The Old Testament foretold Savior of All of Mankind. The one was crucified, buried, resurrected who lives forever more! There are people who truly live each day in a way that demonstrates to anyone who TRULY knows him or her that they believe this to be absolute and 100% undeniable truth. These are people so thoroughly convinced that this belief is stone-cold fact that they would be willing to sacrifice their lives to proclaim it if necessary!
Then, There are others who will say they believe all of the above to be true- but they say the words for what they gain from it- friends, a social community, being thought of as " a good person"! Some of them say that Jesus is alive Today and is all that "people at their church" say he is. However, It is a borrowed idea that they just are clinging to rather one they pervasively believe is so! They might think that " Jesus was a genuinely nice guy" or A " Great Spiritual leader" but the Resurrected King of Kings, " Well, There are a lot of myths, legend and tales told in many cultures and indifferent times. I guess if you really push me. Well, Dead is dead. Even if "he" didn't die on the cross, he died a long time ago of something, maybe, eventually from old age!"
In My humble opinion, If you see Christmas as the "cover story" that allows you to have fun in December and a fun-filled last week of December, Them, Celebrate that and be glad we are at this time of the year once again.However, If that is all you TRULY believe is true, if you believe that Jesus has been in a grave- dead and forever gone for a long, long time, Please be real and do not pretend that you believe anything that you know in " your heart of hearts and brain of brains" to be a fable, a myth, fiction, a nice wish or a "fairy tale"!
I believe that the Baby that was born in Bethlehem is My Savior is alive forever more and will return to Earth someday as foretold in the 66th Book of The Bible- The Book of Revelation! I do allow the nasty and savage missteps and misfortune4s of life get in the way of that but I do repent, ask for Him to renew me and strengthen me resolve to abide by the Truth that I believe and then strive to serve Him as He that he wishes me to do so! I am weak and cowardly at times, Yet, I know that My Redeemer lives! I will user this next week to celebrate and to bond with people in special ways that the This end of the year FESTIVAL seems to foster! I ,additionally, will take more time to reflect on who He is, what He has accomplished in ACTUAL History. I will also ask Him to teach me more about what He is doing now and what He wishes me to do now! I will ask for His power and anointing to allow me to be a truer and more dedicated servant!
All of us to best when we live according to what we TRULY believe. It is "ok' also to simply say , " I don't know what I believe and I really do not know what do do about Life's Deepest Questions and Issues". This next week might be a good time to research and to ask those you consider to be the most certain as to what they believe the truth is and why they choose to live as they do!
Living truthfully makes life less questionable and allows us to be true to ourselves and deal truthfully and candidly with others!
Based on what I! believe to be true, I wish EACH of you a Merry Christmas and --- oh yes and of course --- A Happy New Year!
- Johnny -
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