People can actually really themselves. I am learning, slowly but surely that the people who come from the depths to the heights are those who are both willing to be fighters and cheerleaders at the very same time!
To rally yourself from depression, defeat and despair, you must arrive at ca belief that better ideas, better hopes, better dreams and better possibilities exist. Then, You need to believe that it is indeed realistic to believe that you can achieve them! Then, You must see yourself taking action. You then need to begin the efforts that will get you there. It is silly to think that it will not be hard to reach your goal/goals but it is empowering to say that whatever the price is- that you are willing and able to fight that war!
This is something that no one else can give to you or provide for you! Even God, who can do anything - often- after all there ARE MIRACLES- chooses to partner progress and growing stronger and more able with us. He seems to honor our active willingness and- in due time- crown it with success!
God, I've grown a lot this last year and especially in the last few months! Please continue to sustain me as I strive to improve my life!
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