" You WILL reach in, you will get what you get and you WILL be expected to make the most of it!". Most of us will agree that this is simply reality. To use a phrase that often appears here, " Life on Life's Terms!" Yet, If we all took sodium pentathol, We'd likely admit, " I have no problem , fundamentally with YOUR life being as described above. However, Where can I go to secure a waver to GUARANTEE that my life NEVER has to be that way!"
Funny, Yes! However, I will readily admit that I'd grab such a waver EAGERLY and greedily should it ever be offered to me. I'd also tear up and hold it close to my heart for a long time! After all, That would be a virtual" Get out of any undesirable situations and keep all difficult -to cope with people away from me!!!!" card!
So, How do you buck yourself up for the toughest days that you need to endure? What keeps you pleasant when you want to say " I don't like you and I want you to begone!" I'm slowly learning that I want to be treated fairly and given the benefit of the doubt. Even if you do not like me, You have no reason to treat me poorly and seek to do me harm. Thus, I should be able to act in a similiar fashion in dealing with those I 'd be highly pleased to have nothing to do with!
- Johnny-
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