I admit it- I am a fan of Rush Limbaugh! I find that he asks people to be proud of what they believe and he emboldens them to express those views vigorous and intensely. Prior to 1988, When he first appeared on the radio NATIONALLY certain news sources usually treated anyone expressing conservative and traditionally-anchored views as being uneducated,ill-informed and highly simplistic. While I regrettably admit, these negative stereotypes are somewhat accurately applied to some, it is not and never was true when applied in a broader perspective. Rush played and now plays a great role in helping conservatives to be more combative, challenging and self-confident. Rush also helped me to develop a different sense of humor than I once had- I've adopted his humorous paradigm, " Demonstrating absurdity by being absurd" as my own basically!
Yet, I'd be nothing less than cowardly if I did not state that I felt Rush was wrong and did the cause we share harm yesterday. Rush, during his December First program attacked ,relentlessly,the Founder of Wikileaks, Julian Assange. Mr. Limbaugh, as have many, lambasted Mr, Assange for the damage done to the United States and its' allies due to his massive classified information release.Rush spoke of the support given to those engaged in combat operations against US and Allied Forces. He also spoke of the damage done to the US ability to work with other nations diplomatically due to Mr. Assange's actions.
Having typed all of this, I felt that Rush's adhominem attacks on Julian Assange were beneath him. he frequently described him as Effeminate and Sissified ! These attacks have nothing to do, at all, with analyzing either Wikileaks or Mister Assange, The way he speaks, the way he dresses, the way he speaks and the sound of his voice have NOTHING at all to do with any actions taken by Mister Assangeor any of his associates or callaborators. I know that some people see Rush as a nasty bully, normally I vigorously argue against those labeling Mr. Limbaugh as such. In this case, I'm rather hard pressed to defend Rush for his poor , unwise and yes, UNNEEDFULLY PROVOCATIVE comments.
The Merriam- Webster Dictionary on-line site provides the following 2 definitions for the term adhominem. The First one provided is - Appealing to feelings or prejudices rather than intellect. Whether or not Julian Assange comes across as masculine- as some see masculine- is , indeed a meaningless and worthless observation.All it does is give people a reason to say that Mr. Limbaugh is "homophobic". I. for the record do not believe that he is but why targeted yourself for unnecessary and intense grief when a better choice of arguments can prevent this from transpiring.
The Second Merriam-Webster Dictionary provided definition for the term adhominem is "marked by an attack on an opponent's character rather than by providing an answer to the contentions made.'Mr.Assange is, in my opinion, clearly vulnerable to being easily assailed from numerous moral, ethical and legal perspectives, that is what Mr.Limbaugh should have engaged in rather than what he unwisely chose to engage in.
What is fascinating is that that the man who is seen as a person of interest as the provider of the materials that Wikileaks has disseminated is an active duty soldier, Private First Class Bradley Manning. Manning identifies himself as a homosexual and has been an outspoken critic of both the " Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy and has
been active in stating that gays and lesbians are routinely mistreated while serving in the US Military. The reason the analysts bring this up is because it speaks to a possible motive for providing this classified data to Wikileaks!
Now, Rush could have addressed the data concerning Private Manning and why he would want to assist Mr. Assange and his associates without having to resort to adhominem attacks on either Assange or Manning.. The truth and the facts are, after all, are totally acceptable and eminently defensible.
Sorry, Rush, I simply cannot give you any DITTOS for your Wednesday, December First Radio Broadcast!
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