Would anyone name a new born boy or girl - "Poor", "Gay" " Lesbian" or "Disabled"? Do these names appear in any books sold that consist of 100's of pages of baby names! I think that all people of thought and wisdom can agree that the above are adjectives rather than nouns- they are indeed descriptors! Thus, They are NOT!!! likely to be employed as names.
Yet, For many of Our fellow Americans their label is absolutely them- it IS who they are. It also appears that they wish to not alt all be considered individuals- in a way that is difficult to fathom anyone else bearing that same exact label seems to, in truth,also be him or her.In a society thay seems to abhor the whole concept of profiling- choosing a label as your identity is, in effect,turbo -profiling!
It might be best for any of us to consider situations and circumstances around us as subject to change if change is indeed possible and, perhaps, desirable! I also like to say about a label- " This might be a partial description of me- It details an aspect of my identity! However, I'm a complicated person and this aspect of me is NOT, by any means all that is true ABOUT me!"
The Army used to challenge us with the concept of " Being ALL that we can be!". Too often, sadly and foolishly in my opinion, A number of Americans choose to " Let a label tell their ENTIRE story!"
- Johnny -
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