" If you don't like shopping here, Go somewhere else!", " No one is forcing you to use our services, If they displease you, You are free not to use them!" When your business is struggling to survive or when the public service you are offering is drowning in red-ink, Doesn't being customer- friendly and making those who are inclined to select your service pleased that they decided to do so!?
I bought a movie at Best Buy earlier today- I do largely regret having done so. After paying for the item, I was required to show my receipt to an attendant before leaving the store. I thought that having an item scanned the took it out of inventory and having a receipt proved that you own it. The store also has scanners that keep you from removing an unpaid for/ stolen item from the store. Having to submit a receipt and have a clerk inspect that piece of paper before being " cleared" to leave Best Buy really frosted me. I do not like to have spending my money be turned into unpleasant experience when I'm buying something enjoyable.
It was once the shopping experience of people at high-end stores that people were pleased by giving the enterprise their business. That people actually smile at the thought of patronizing that business. It seems that a store that allows a customer to be as unencumbered and put upon as possible will do better business than a store that seems obtrusive, controlling and heavy handed.
A Business may not need Federal Bailouts and special tax incentives if they decide that " We shall not rest until we do all we can to please and delight those who patronize our establishment!" Last month's anger over searches at airports may have been less outraged if the passengers on those airlines were pleased with how they are being served ONCE they boarded their airplanes!
- Johnny-
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