2012 is!!!! now here!
- Johnny-
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Saturday, December 31, 2011
This was a Rough Ride.
A Harsh year that saw some good thing initiated! I pray that , A year from now, I will remember 2012 with a much grander degree of fondness!
- Johnny-
- Johnny-
Never be afraid to say what you believe!
The persistent expression of your most passionately and motivating beliefs is gymnastics for the mind, spirit and soul!
- Johnny-
- Johnny-
An Lovely and Eloquent message
I heard a splendid and eloquent message, A Toastmaster Speech Evaluation, given by a magnificent, scholarly and dignified 6o year old woman today., This woman is black and was born in poverty.
Wow, She embodies possibilities and realized dream so well and delightfully! Ballet in words , Thy name is Tamara Hamilton.
Wow, She embodies possibilities and realized dream so well and delightfully! Ballet in words , Thy name is Tamara Hamilton.
Robert Kennedy and The Valuable Paradigm shift that we lost with him
This is my ONE!!! THOUSANDTH Blog Post of the Year 2011. I've been thinking a lot about what I would write about it. This blog entry will start by looking at the sons of Joseph Patrick Kennedy, Senior and His wife Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy.
Rose's Father was a Former Mayor of Boston. Joseph Senior was a man who chose to make his priority to become wealthy and influential " by any means necessary.". The Four Kennedy Brothers were raised to value wealth, political power and influence.
The father longed to be The President of The US. That never occurred! Early on, Joseph decided that his oldest son, Joseph Junior would become President Joe died while serving The US Military during World War II. He dies while flying on a secret mission when his plane exploded.
John, The Second son was elected President in 1960 and served as President From January 20Th ,1961 until his murder in Dallas on Friday, November 22ND, 1963. He is seen by many Americans as one of our Iconic President. Some people see him as a man who had style, intelligence, a quick wit. He was viewed as a pragmatist who was quickly evolving to become a more passionate and compassionate leader. This is energetically debated by many Presidential scholars. He is also widely considered as a man determined to live the good life and get the most out of every POSSIBLE opportunity to enjoy life, in all the joy and recklessness that that concept can encompass.
The Youngest Brother, born in 1932, was Edward Moore Kennedy aka Teddy! Teddy , looking at matters now, seems to have been far more comfortable with being a United States Senator. Edward battled with alcoholism and also seemed to be a bit reckless, perhaps inclined to act before thinking. He's also branded as a serial womanizer.
Teddy is also a man who is widely lionized as a man who seemed to care passionately for the poor, the under served, the dispossessed and the passed over. He is also seen as a type of patron saint of health care! Others see him as a man who wanted to see people more cared about rather than providing ways to encourage people to do all that is legal and within their own power and ability to achieve as much as they can individually to live the maximally best possible that they can for themselves.
The 3rd Son, Robert, served as Senate staffer through out the 1950's he is infamously connect to Senator Joseph Raymond McCarthy of Wisconsin. He is also lauded for the work he did during Senate investigation of Organized Crime. This Committee was chaired by Senator Estes Kefauver of Tennessee.
Robert served as Attorney General from 1961 until early 1964, He was elected to The Senate representing New York in the fall of 1964. He served as a Senator from 1965 until his murder in Los Angeles.
A few days ago, I finished reading a book entitled " Then Everything Changed" written by well known political analyst and commentator Jeff Greenfield. This book is a fictional work- it contains with in it 3 novellas- three well-written and spell binding tales of a genre known as Alternative History.
The First novella features John Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson, Nikita Khruschev and Hubert Humphrey.. The 3RD Novella centers upon Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan and Gary Hart, The middle novella is focused upon Robert Kennedy!
Greenfield, very early in his career served as a speechwriter for Robert Kennedy. He helped me to view Senator Kennedy in a whole new way! On Page 246, Greenfield tells us the following information, " When he spoke of black unemployment, He would argue that " something more is needed" but he would add. " Let us make clear what " something more" is not.It is not a massive extension of welfare services or a new profusion of guidance counselors and psychiatrists." But,by 1968, welfare workers, guidance counselors and social workers were a part of a growing cadre of public employees who were becoming an important part of The Democratic Party Base."
On Page 247, Greenfield notes what Robert Kennedy believes is a developing "stereotype" of the Democratic Party, " Kennedy understood the political danger if the middle class came to view the Democratic Party of a growing government whose focus was primarily on the poor."
It does seem that Robert Kennedy gained some valuable insights that definitely need to be applied to Early 2012. He saw that Government had to be limited and contained. He truly understood that that the poor, the suffering, the disadvantaged and the broken need to be well-supported and well-championed. He also saw that they also need to be shown that they are valuable individuals and that their intelligence, creativity, initiative and desire to achieve and succeed would create a path out of poverty and dependence for them!
This is a message that I am convinced that NO!!! ONE!!! now running for The Presidency now understands, believes in and truly subscribes to. This is a shame. I believe that this paradigm that Robert Kennedy came to embrace in the last years of his life needs to become a life- enhancing social service paradigm in the 21St Century. George W. Bush often spoke of the " soft bigotry of lowered expectations". I can also imagine Robert Kennedy unashamedly saying those very same words. I'd long wondered why Robert Francis Kennedy was never very comfortable with Hubert Humphrey and truly detested and loathed Lyndon Baines Johnson. He powerfully disagreed with their ideas on problem solving, creating categories of people and writing legislation that created large agencies to insure that those problems were solved. He wanted a lighter and more personalized touch. Solve the problems that will keep a man or a woman from accessing their own best problem solving ability- themselves, their dreams, their desires and their deepest conviction and motivations and then get out of their way and do noting to impede or sabotage their progress to a better them and an ultimately better life.
As I type this I am dependent upon SSI, SSDI and subsidized housing. My fondest desire is for this to one day not be a statement that is true of me. I'm actively involved in finding a life- empowering way of escape that will lead to a quality life for me. I enjoy spending as much time as possible around cultured, bright, positive, well-spoken erudite and urbane men and women. I want this to become a more regular and frequent occurance in my life. I know that I can battle to make this so!
People with no hope of becoming better, living and acting better and desiring continuing improvement will become individuals who will live lives that will be bountiful, meaningful and prosperous! Robert Kennedy saw this as what America need to be. My dream for 2012 is that more of those who are elected to be of us and serve us will embrace this as the reality that we ALL need to live within!
- Johnny-
Rose's Father was a Former Mayor of Boston. Joseph Senior was a man who chose to make his priority to become wealthy and influential " by any means necessary.". The Four Kennedy Brothers were raised to value wealth, political power and influence.
The father longed to be The President of The US. That never occurred! Early on, Joseph decided that his oldest son, Joseph Junior would become President Joe died while serving The US Military during World War II. He dies while flying on a secret mission when his plane exploded.
John, The Second son was elected President in 1960 and served as President From January 20Th ,1961 until his murder in Dallas on Friday, November 22ND, 1963. He is seen by many Americans as one of our Iconic President. Some people see him as a man who had style, intelligence, a quick wit. He was viewed as a pragmatist who was quickly evolving to become a more passionate and compassionate leader. This is energetically debated by many Presidential scholars. He is also widely considered as a man determined to live the good life and get the most out of every POSSIBLE opportunity to enjoy life, in all the joy and recklessness that that concept can encompass.
The Youngest Brother, born in 1932, was Edward Moore Kennedy aka Teddy! Teddy , looking at matters now, seems to have been far more comfortable with being a United States Senator. Edward battled with alcoholism and also seemed to be a bit reckless, perhaps inclined to act before thinking. He's also branded as a serial womanizer.
Teddy is also a man who is widely lionized as a man who seemed to care passionately for the poor, the under served, the dispossessed and the passed over. He is also seen as a type of patron saint of health care! Others see him as a man who wanted to see people more cared about rather than providing ways to encourage people to do all that is legal and within their own power and ability to achieve as much as they can individually to live the maximally best possible that they can for themselves.
The 3rd Son, Robert, served as Senate staffer through out the 1950's he is infamously connect to Senator Joseph Raymond McCarthy of Wisconsin. He is also lauded for the work he did during Senate investigation of Organized Crime. This Committee was chaired by Senator Estes Kefauver of Tennessee.
Robert served as Attorney General from 1961 until early 1964, He was elected to The Senate representing New York in the fall of 1964. He served as a Senator from 1965 until his murder in Los Angeles.
A few days ago, I finished reading a book entitled " Then Everything Changed" written by well known political analyst and commentator Jeff Greenfield. This book is a fictional work- it contains with in it 3 novellas- three well-written and spell binding tales of a genre known as Alternative History.
The First novella features John Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson, Nikita Khruschev and Hubert Humphrey.. The 3RD Novella centers upon Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan and Gary Hart, The middle novella is focused upon Robert Kennedy!
Greenfield, very early in his career served as a speechwriter for Robert Kennedy. He helped me to view Senator Kennedy in a whole new way! On Page 246, Greenfield tells us the following information, " When he spoke of black unemployment, He would argue that " something more is needed" but he would add. " Let us make clear what " something more" is not.It is not a massive extension of welfare services or a new profusion of guidance counselors and psychiatrists." But,by 1968, welfare workers, guidance counselors and social workers were a part of a growing cadre of public employees who were becoming an important part of The Democratic Party Base."
On Page 247, Greenfield notes what Robert Kennedy believes is a developing "stereotype" of the Democratic Party, " Kennedy understood the political danger if the middle class came to view the Democratic Party of a growing government whose focus was primarily on the poor."
It does seem that Robert Kennedy gained some valuable insights that definitely need to be applied to Early 2012. He saw that Government had to be limited and contained. He truly understood that that the poor, the suffering, the disadvantaged and the broken need to be well-supported and well-championed. He also saw that they also need to be shown that they are valuable individuals and that their intelligence, creativity, initiative and desire to achieve and succeed would create a path out of poverty and dependence for them!
This is a message that I am convinced that NO!!! ONE!!! now running for The Presidency now understands, believes in and truly subscribes to. This is a shame. I believe that this paradigm that Robert Kennedy came to embrace in the last years of his life needs to become a life- enhancing social service paradigm in the 21St Century. George W. Bush often spoke of the " soft bigotry of lowered expectations". I can also imagine Robert Kennedy unashamedly saying those very same words. I'd long wondered why Robert Francis Kennedy was never very comfortable with Hubert Humphrey and truly detested and loathed Lyndon Baines Johnson. He powerfully disagreed with their ideas on problem solving, creating categories of people and writing legislation that created large agencies to insure that those problems were solved. He wanted a lighter and more personalized touch. Solve the problems that will keep a man or a woman from accessing their own best problem solving ability- themselves, their dreams, their desires and their deepest conviction and motivations and then get out of their way and do noting to impede or sabotage their progress to a better them and an ultimately better life.
As I type this I am dependent upon SSI, SSDI and subsidized housing. My fondest desire is for this to one day not be a statement that is true of me. I'm actively involved in finding a life- empowering way of escape that will lead to a quality life for me. I enjoy spending as much time as possible around cultured, bright, positive, well-spoken erudite and urbane men and women. I want this to become a more regular and frequent occurance in my life. I know that I can battle to make this so!
People with no hope of becoming better, living and acting better and desiring continuing improvement will become individuals who will live lives that will be bountiful, meaningful and prosperous! Robert Kennedy saw this as what America need to be. My dream for 2012 is that more of those who are elected to be of us and serve us will embrace this as the reality that we ALL need to live within!
- Johnny-
Has 2011 been " the No Good, Horrible, Very Bad" Year?
2011- An Earthquake, The shift of services of my Church, which rents space from an Arlington County, Va Middle School, from a comfortable auditorium to uncomfortable bleachers in a gymnasium. Many heavy rain storms to trudge through or wait for buses in in the last 4 months of the year. This sampling of struggle seems to have just been the way 2011 appeared to be to myself and others that I've chatted with locally, nationally and world wide.. One wag said, " I was ready to fire this year right around Valentine's Day!"
This year does not over all, based on conversations, newspaper commentaries and media pundits seem to have been a banner year. One commentator said that this is a year that "you will want to dump lime on once it is over!." It was also said to be in a year that, " needs to be buried in an unmarked grave in an area where weeds grow high and quickly."
According to two store mangers I spoke to it was a great year for The Dollar Tree Chain and 7-11. I have noted , over the last few weeks, the phrase " Like it or not" appearing more and more frequently in radio programs and even in newscasts. The tone is that of " What you are about to tell will annoy, frustrate and displease you , however... I heard it used in a story of a likely 2012 local transit increase. I understand one coach EVEN used it, or so I've been told, to describe the current state of his sports team.
I do predict that the phrase, " Like it or not" will be heard from time to time during The 2012 Presidential Election Season!
- Johnny -
This year does not over all, based on conversations, newspaper commentaries and media pundits seem to have been a banner year. One commentator said that this is a year that "you will want to dump lime on once it is over!." It was also said to be in a year that, " needs to be buried in an unmarked grave in an area where weeds grow high and quickly."
According to two store mangers I spoke to it was a great year for The Dollar Tree Chain and 7-11. I have noted , over the last few weeks, the phrase " Like it or not" appearing more and more frequently in radio programs and even in newscasts. The tone is that of " What you are about to tell will annoy, frustrate and displease you , however... I heard it used in a story of a likely 2012 local transit increase. I understand one coach EVEN used it, or so I've been told, to describe the current state of his sports team.
I do predict that the phrase, " Like it or not" will be heard from time to time during The 2012 Presidential Election Season!
- Johnny -
Why have most teachers decided to make teaching predictable,boring and
If a child or youth seems bored to tears in class, it may be because what is being taught could not possibly be presented in any more of an uninteresting manner.
The very best teachers stress that especially with younger students be interesting, be daring, creative and fascinating. Engage your students and make your class room a place that these children want be.
Yet, Many teachers still run classrooms as if they are teaching during their parents' or grandparents' childhoods.
Why are they choosing to do that?
- Johnny -
If a child or youth seems bored to tears in class, it may be because what is being taught could not possibly be presented in any more of an uninteresting manner.
The very best teachers stress that especially with younger students be interesting, be daring, creative and fascinating. Engage your students and make your class room a place that these children want be.
Yet, Many teachers still run classrooms as if they are teaching during their parents' or grandparents' childhoods.
Why are they choosing to do that?
- Johnny -
Friday, December 30, 2011
Wasting an hour of your life standing and accomplishing little or nothing.
This is a penalty often force upon those who choose to use The greater Washington DC Metrobuses! The unreliability of the system imposes these lost hours. It , in effect, becomes an additional fare that is imposed upon us for using this- L!!! O!!! L!!!! " service" ! UGH!!!!!!
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
" Not Amped up and Crazy Yet!"
Earlier today, December 30th. I stopped by an Embassy Suites Hotes in Old Town Alexandria. I asked the two desk clerks if this was the day of rest and trying to enjoy the day"
One nodded. The other one said, " Tomorrow won't be. We're not amped up and crazy yet!"
- Johnny-
One nodded. The other one said, " Tomorrow won't be. We're not amped up and crazy yet!"
- Johnny-
Lost In Annandale
My wallet was apparently gone, I could not find it any where, That really has gotten me things. For a while, i thought about " How am I going to get going with replacing what I lost?" It was lost for just under 40 hours.
It was found in as car that I had been riding in. It apparently fell out of my backpack. What a week this has been! I guess I learned about what is is like to pull matters together when your connect seem to evaporate in a quick, unexpected instance!
- Johnny-
It was found in as car that I had been riding in. It apparently fell out of my backpack. What a week this has been! I guess I learned about what is is like to pull matters together when your connect seem to evaporate in a quick, unexpected instance!
- Johnny-
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Even if you believe that it is possible for Mountains to be cast into the sea...
It is apparent that most mountains are intended to be climbed, even the most rugged ones. - Johnny-
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Time for a change of pace.
Tomorrow's original plan is scrubbed. It will be a day of rest, re-gathering, meditation and thinking out more carefully what I should be doing..
- Johnny-
- Johnny-
Life is going to be as it is whether you are ready or able to deal with the
situation or not, It is often wise to pray a very old prayer! Don't pray for an easy life- Pray to be a strong person!
This week is teaching me....
that life sometimes forces you to abandon Plans A, B, C, D, and E. The The shrewd and the most clever are able to get everyone to think that Plan F was, of course, their chose and preferred plan- LOL!!!!!- all along!
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
If you make a promise, keep it...
EVEN if it ruins you! I deeply believe in this principle.
- Johnny-
- Johnny-
I am a bit depressed now and feeling alone and defeated.
I will push through it. Better days are on the close horizon. I KNOW!!! that they are!
- Johnny-
- Johnny-
2012 will be the One FULL year of The 18 Month Prime Directive!
2011 involved the First 3 Months. 2013 will take me the Rest of the way January 1st until the end of the Day on May First!
This will be a year, then, of testing, pushing myself and being committed!
- Johnny -
This will be a year, then, of testing, pushing myself and being committed!
- Johnny -
The coolest people shrug off the difficult and live to discover.
I need , then, to ask myself, " Am I capable of being cool?"
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
I need to commit myself to being bold and willing to be tougher and sturdier.
Living a life which is not messy and does not inflict any injury is a bland and most uninteresting and unappealing life in the long run!
- Johnny-
- Johnny-
Help me to be grateful, Lord, for what I have now.
I learned recently that you'd prefer us to say thank you before we ask you to meet our needs and desires! This was through listening to a message by Steve Furtick of The Elevation Church in North Carolina!
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
I need to not mourn for days that just seemed tepid in my opinion...
and lacking appeal and satisfaction. Life is lived today, right now!
I will tutor tomorrow!
I'll need to be clever. Tutoring in the midst of a break means you are likely to be tutoring a most resistant student.
I think I'd prefer being out in a light snow....
rather than a heavy cold chill you to the bone rain!
I need to be freed of entitlement. thinking....
I can't magically hope to get what I believe would charm me most!
A Most Unwanted Day---- On The Surface
Yesterday was Christmas observed. This due to Sunday being Christmas. However , The Day was a partial dismantling of Christmas for me. I received a note saying that my apartment , among others, would be visited by the exterminators today.
This meant that I had to dismantle the Christmas decorations on my dining room table yesterday. I decorated my apartment with the major assistance of some good Church Friends on the 11TH of December. They did a tremendous job on the dining room table. I dismantled it to place the items from my kitchen that I needed to move from the kitchen. This was not something I wanted to do on the 26Th of December. The extermination could have been scheduled for early January. Not really great timing! I
I've re-assembled the dining room decorations- they are no where what they were from the 11TH through noon on the 26TH.
I thought I'd get away from the apartment and tutor today. I also had a book to return to the library. The bus that would have gotten me to the library came and shot passed me, it was substantially early and I just missed it. So, I got to the Library walking in a cold rain.
I went to wait for a bus one never came that I was waiting. Again, I learned from someone else that the bus were running early throughout the day--- fewer passengers due to the Holiday Week. I then contacted the mother of the boy who I agreed to tutor today. His mother had asked me last week if I'd be available on Tuesday the 27TH.
When I called her, I was told today was not workable and she'd like me to tutor her son tomorrow at 2!!!! Arggghhhh!, I'd really hope for a low- key fun no commitment and no unwanted entanglement week. When I agreed to the tutoring, I thought that this would be the only commitment that I'd have all week. The note that I found on the door of my apartment at 5 PM on December 23RD changed that. I wanted to protest! The offices , however closed early on Friday and did not reopen until today at 11- an hour after I left to meet the commitments I thought I had.
After an hour and 10 minutes of efforet, My apartment is, more or less as it was on Christmas Day!
I can't say I'm pleased with this. However some sunlight enters into the cold rain that I trudged through today. I did find two great used books in the library that I purchased. After learning of my postponed tutoring session, I found 2 more great books in the library where I retreated to after getting that news. I had a good conversation with someone waiting for a bus and waiting to check out a book, So, While I was not doing anything I wanted to be doing, Yet, I really can't argue that this was NOT where I SHOULD have been! A year ago, I would have argued exactly- LOL!!!! - that!
I even found a game I'd been looking for my X Box 360 at a very low price!
Not the week I sought after, However....
- Johnny-
This meant that I had to dismantle the Christmas decorations on my dining room table yesterday. I decorated my apartment with the major assistance of some good Church Friends on the 11TH of December. They did a tremendous job on the dining room table. I dismantled it to place the items from my kitchen that I needed to move from the kitchen. This was not something I wanted to do on the 26Th of December. The extermination could have been scheduled for early January. Not really great timing! I
I've re-assembled the dining room decorations- they are no where what they were from the 11TH through noon on the 26TH.
I thought I'd get away from the apartment and tutor today. I also had a book to return to the library. The bus that would have gotten me to the library came and shot passed me, it was substantially early and I just missed it. So, I got to the Library walking in a cold rain.
I went to wait for a bus one never came that I was waiting. Again, I learned from someone else that the bus were running early throughout the day--- fewer passengers due to the Holiday Week. I then contacted the mother of the boy who I agreed to tutor today. His mother had asked me last week if I'd be available on Tuesday the 27TH.
When I called her, I was told today was not workable and she'd like me to tutor her son tomorrow at 2!!!! Arggghhhh!, I'd really hope for a low- key fun no commitment and no unwanted entanglement week. When I agreed to the tutoring, I thought that this would be the only commitment that I'd have all week. The note that I found on the door of my apartment at 5 PM on December 23RD changed that. I wanted to protest! The offices , however closed early on Friday and did not reopen until today at 11- an hour after I left to meet the commitments I thought I had.
After an hour and 10 minutes of efforet, My apartment is, more or less as it was on Christmas Day!
I can't say I'm pleased with this. However some sunlight enters into the cold rain that I trudged through today. I did find two great used books in the library that I purchased. After learning of my postponed tutoring session, I found 2 more great books in the library where I retreated to after getting that news. I had a good conversation with someone waiting for a bus and waiting to check out a book, So, While I was not doing anything I wanted to be doing, Yet, I really can't argue that this was NOT where I SHOULD have been! A year ago, I would have argued exactly- LOL!!!! - that!
I even found a game I'd been looking for my X Box 360 at a very low price!
Not the week I sought after, However....
- Johnny-
Some thoughts on change!
Change is inevitable, It will occur with or without our blessing and support. It is best, overall, to work with and adjust with chane rather to defy change or wage war against it. I will grant ALL of this.
Yet, Is all change than to be viewed as a positive? Is all change beneficial? Are there some changes that can create unwelcome or perhaps even negative consequences for an individual, a community or a society?
If someone argues that- People were once more polite, less rude, more sensitive to their circumstances and those around them- Does this mean that this person's views are incoorect, offensive or even possibly racist?If a person notes that the quality of services they are receiving from a commercial enterprise have lessened in quality from where they are 10 years ago- Is this a sign that this person is overly fussy and prone to be a problem? If someone notes that food courts, parks, libraries seem to be less well kept up and less clean than they once were- Is that just a personal problem?
I could go on but I do believe I've made my point. Yes, Change is constant and inevitable? does this, then , mean that vall change is positive and beneficial and should be embraced warmly and fondly? Is an individual incorrect and out of touch with reality if they question whether a SPECIFIC change MUST occur or is being imposed upon people?
Is it catagorical wrong and unseemly for an individual, a community or a society to examine warily and cautiously a change that they believe will impose difficulties upon themselves, their community and society before they choose to surrender to it and go with the flow?
Simply, Is all change good? Should all change simply be embraced as inevitable?
- Johnny -
Yet, Is all change than to be viewed as a positive? Is all change beneficial? Are there some changes that can create unwelcome or perhaps even negative consequences for an individual, a community or a society?
If someone argues that- People were once more polite, less rude, more sensitive to their circumstances and those around them- Does this mean that this person's views are incoorect, offensive or even possibly racist?If a person notes that the quality of services they are receiving from a commercial enterprise have lessened in quality from where they are 10 years ago- Is this a sign that this person is overly fussy and prone to be a problem? If someone notes that food courts, parks, libraries seem to be less well kept up and less clean than they once were- Is that just a personal problem?
I could go on but I do believe I've made my point. Yes, Change is constant and inevitable? does this, then , mean that vall change is positive and beneficial and should be embraced warmly and fondly? Is an individual incorrect and out of touch with reality if they question whether a SPECIFIC change MUST occur or is being imposed upon people?
Is it catagorical wrong and unseemly for an individual, a community or a society to examine warily and cautiously a change that they believe will impose difficulties upon themselves, their community and society before they choose to surrender to it and go with the flow?
Simply, Is all change good? Should all change simply be embraced as inevitable?
- Johnny -
Monday, December 26, 2011
The Apartment is ready for the exterminator.
Not the work I wanted to do on the Day after Christmas. However, I dis submit to life as it is. Darn it, This be so!
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
I need to accept that being commited to be made new is a messy...
process. I do DEVOUTLY wish that this is not reality. Sadly, It JUST IS!
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
Starting anew--- Learning to appeciate Transitions
I'm going to learn to handle them better ! This is a goal of mine for 2012!
Sunday, December 25, 2011
December 26Th is not a good day to cast aside holiday decorations...
and make your apartment as mess so that the exterminators can work on it on December 27TH.
Yet, That will not be the fault of the crew that does this work. I think it shows that the people who run my apartment complex are showing that they are not as good at running a complex as I once believed that they were!
Yet, That will not be the fault of the crew that does this work. I think it shows that the people who run my apartment complex are showing that they are not as good at running a complex as I once believed that they were!
God, I've learned that what happens on any one day...
is shaped, in great measure, by what has transpired in your life in all the days that have proceeded it!
Casa Chirilagua
I've known, in the interest of being candid, real and vulnerable, that I'd be writing THIS particular blog entry. I can delay writing it no longer. This is my 1,095TH entry on My Blog. That is the equivalent of THREE YEARS of blogging in less than 15 months. This also seems that it MUST be a Christmas Day Blog.
This blog will also allow me to discuss an issue that is tearing at my heart and soul. I am a loyal American who has a life long love affair with the land of his birth. I cannot, presently,,imagine leaving this nation no matter how bad conditions ever get there. I also believe it is right and just for the United States to rigorously and zealously enforce its' borders. i also believe it is undeniably a crime to enter the United States, illegally without the official permission of Our Government. Living and Working in the United States when you are not legally permitted to be here is a further act of violating the laws of the United States.
I know that the stance of others who do not see things as I do say that this is a matter for The Federal Government to deal with and no state or locality really has any business establishing policy that create a separate immigration policy or law of their own. The argument is then- Whether they should be hear or not or whether you think it is appropriate or inappropriate or not that they are members of the community and are neighbors, that they SIMPLY ARE members of our community and our neighbors. Therefore, While others deal with the larger issues, It is best for us to be kind, supportive, generous, gracious, supportive and just plain neighborly to ALL who are our neighbors.
I actually hear others say that their dissent to that is to not engage positively with those who they believe are not here legally. In effect their protest is, " YOU do not belong here and I feel no desire to be helpful to you. If you can't cope here, then perhaps you will leave."
I have, at times, given into this impulse. Yet, How do I know who is , individually, here legally and who is not. I find that this behavior starts to train you to be rude, callous, uncaring and insensitive. That is just truly unacceptable. I have also been asked what is Christ-like about that response to people you believe to be present in the US illegally.
My Church, Grace Community Church, supports a ministry to the residents of a largely Hispanic community that is in an area Called Arlandria. It is in a section of Alexandria, VA that borders Arlington. It is likely that many of the people served by this ministry , Casa Chirilagua, does serve people who are not legally living in the US. One story is told about a woman, illegally present in the US, who was working for a Dry Cleaners. This man paid her lower than minimum wage and worked her too many hours. He told her that he's report her if she ever created problems for him.
She mentioned that to a Chrilagua Volunteer. This person knew someone who'd been involved in the administration of George W. Bush, This person did some research on the store owner. He learned that he was not paying her any benefits and was paying mot one sent in payroll taxes. The attorney visited the owner and asked him to properly pay his employee and have her work an appropriate schedule. He threatened to report her to ICE. The attorney said that he'd then need to report him to The IRS and the Department of Labor. The two men came to an agreement- this woman is now being dealt with properly and the taxes that need to be paid are being paid.
I'm in the midst of a program where I'm working to learn who I really am and what I'm capable of accomplishing. I want to learn what I who capable of being at my best. I want to be able to benefit others, to be freed enough to care well and to serve well!
I've been urged to invest some time in the work of Casa Chrililagua. I'm a good teacher and tutor and seem to have a good impact upon children and youth. I've balked against doing that. I've raised my argument against doing a great deal for people who are violating US law. I've lately been struck by something I was told.- " Do you believe children should be punished if their parents commit a crime?"The children who were brought to the US or born in the US have broken no law. I've tried to argue that they are paying for the consequences of the actions of their parents. Yet, Being an abused child, I know I don't like thinking that way. Knowing that my own father was illegally living in The US for years and seemed to use the US while telling me what a terrible country the US is comes back to my way of thinking. I think that is wrong but I am not him. These children are not their parents or grand parents.
I'm still not decided as to whether I will get involved in Chrilagua. Yet, It is much harder for me to disdain or disparage it.
- Johnny-
This blog will also allow me to discuss an issue that is tearing at my heart and soul. I am a loyal American who has a life long love affair with the land of his birth. I cannot, presently,,imagine leaving this nation no matter how bad conditions ever get there. I also believe it is right and just for the United States to rigorously and zealously enforce its' borders. i also believe it is undeniably a crime to enter the United States, illegally without the official permission of Our Government. Living and Working in the United States when you are not legally permitted to be here is a further act of violating the laws of the United States.
I know that the stance of others who do not see things as I do say that this is a matter for The Federal Government to deal with and no state or locality really has any business establishing policy that create a separate immigration policy or law of their own. The argument is then- Whether they should be hear or not or whether you think it is appropriate or inappropriate or not that they are members of the community and are neighbors, that they SIMPLY ARE members of our community and our neighbors. Therefore, While others deal with the larger issues, It is best for us to be kind, supportive, generous, gracious, supportive and just plain neighborly to ALL who are our neighbors.
I actually hear others say that their dissent to that is to not engage positively with those who they believe are not here legally. In effect their protest is, " YOU do not belong here and I feel no desire to be helpful to you. If you can't cope here, then perhaps you will leave."
I have, at times, given into this impulse. Yet, How do I know who is , individually, here legally and who is not. I find that this behavior starts to train you to be rude, callous, uncaring and insensitive. That is just truly unacceptable. I have also been asked what is Christ-like about that response to people you believe to be present in the US illegally.
My Church, Grace Community Church, supports a ministry to the residents of a largely Hispanic community that is in an area Called Arlandria. It is in a section of Alexandria, VA that borders Arlington. It is likely that many of the people served by this ministry , Casa Chirilagua, does serve people who are not legally living in the US. One story is told about a woman, illegally present in the US, who was working for a Dry Cleaners. This man paid her lower than minimum wage and worked her too many hours. He told her that he's report her if she ever created problems for him.
She mentioned that to a Chrilagua Volunteer. This person knew someone who'd been involved in the administration of George W. Bush, This person did some research on the store owner. He learned that he was not paying her any benefits and was paying mot one sent in payroll taxes. The attorney visited the owner and asked him to properly pay his employee and have her work an appropriate schedule. He threatened to report her to ICE. The attorney said that he'd then need to report him to The IRS and the Department of Labor. The two men came to an agreement- this woman is now being dealt with properly and the taxes that need to be paid are being paid.
I'm in the midst of a program where I'm working to learn who I really am and what I'm capable of accomplishing. I want to learn what I who capable of being at my best. I want to be able to benefit others, to be freed enough to care well and to serve well!
I've been urged to invest some time in the work of Casa Chrililagua. I'm a good teacher and tutor and seem to have a good impact upon children and youth. I've balked against doing that. I've raised my argument against doing a great deal for people who are violating US law. I've lately been struck by something I was told.- " Do you believe children should be punished if their parents commit a crime?"The children who were brought to the US or born in the US have broken no law. I've tried to argue that they are paying for the consequences of the actions of their parents. Yet, Being an abused child, I know I don't like thinking that way. Knowing that my own father was illegally living in The US for years and seemed to use the US while telling me what a terrible country the US is comes back to my way of thinking. I think that is wrong but I am not him. These children are not their parents or grand parents.
I'm still not decided as to whether I will get involved in Chrilagua. Yet, It is much harder for me to disdain or disparage it.
- Johnny-
Saturday, December 24, 2011
This has been a great month of service. Many Good things done
Yet, No one that I really cherish to be with today, I would have loved to have have broken my record of never being with a significant otherat this time of the year. I know I could be of more service but I would have liked warm words and fond contact today!
Alas, That streak is still intact!
Alas, That streak is still intact!
I'm glad to be tutoring
One gift I have this year is being able to see myself much differently than I did one year ago today!
Clearly not something that will benefit you ...
It might put you in a disadvantageous position, in a place to be taken advantage of , a position of discomfort, a position that you could clearly justify putting yourself through.
Yet, You see someone in need, someone who can't seem to do much to help themselves, someone who will likely stay in a regrettable and undesirable situation!
This persons asks you for understanding, support and assistance. Or, Someone may ask you to act on this struggling person's behalf. Your inclination is to say "no" or to tell them to" PLEASE ask someone else to help you.
You could even try to spiritualize your desire to not deal with this by saying something like " Jesus, During His 3 visible years on Earth did NOT heal everyone who needed healing".
Now, Knowing you. What are you now likely to do? Why?
- Johnny-
Yet, You see someone in need, someone who can't seem to do much to help themselves, someone who will likely stay in a regrettable and undesirable situation!
This persons asks you for understanding, support and assistance. Or, Someone may ask you to act on this struggling person's behalf. Your inclination is to say "no" or to tell them to" PLEASE ask someone else to help you.
You could even try to spiritualize your desire to not deal with this by saying something like " Jesus, During His 3 visible years on Earth did NOT heal everyone who needed healing".
Now, Knowing you. What are you now likely to do? Why?
- Johnny-
Friday, December 23, 2011
I'm forging on - But I feel very alone today/ tonight !
Alas, Another Christmas without a significant other in my life! The streak continues
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Ah December !
I find that I stretch myself out more to benefit others and , overall enjoy it far more, during THIS month!
Do we delude ourselves by thinking that all cultures are equal?
Chuck Colson , in his daily Breakpoint commentary dated December 22ND, 2011, noted that an Afghan woman who was sexually assaulted wound up being imprisoned due to this act. Her attacker was a married man. Colson raises the point that this is a social perspective that we , as Americans would likely find unacceptable. It certainly strikes me as barbaric and repulsive.
It is often argued that critics of American Society often denounce us for the way we treat women, children, gays and lesbians yet seem to ignore the mistreatment of those very same individuals in other societies!
It does cause you to wonder shouldn't the same "negative treatment" gain the same "negative response" no matter where on this planet the offense occurs!
- Johnny -
It is often argued that critics of American Society often denounce us for the way we treat women, children, gays and lesbians yet seem to ignore the mistreatment of those very same individuals in other societies!
It does cause you to wonder shouldn't the same "negative treatment" gain the same "negative response" no matter where on this planet the offense occurs!
- Johnny -
I am open and do truly strive to be transparent.
I do fail and try to hide and cover up when it gets to painful to be that way! Yet, I am at my best when I look at the world and my life from that perspective!
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
Sports Fans
Remember, They are sports- children's games played by adults! I will remind myself of this blog entry- LOL!!!!!- once the Yankees have their next long losing steak!
Do I judge matters too harshly?
What does it take for me to be happy? For me to think that things are going well and that I should be pleased and contented and happy with things as they are today?
I think that some of the hideous things that I have endured have skewed my perspective. I've seen how hideous and nightmarish the worst times can be. Therefore, I want the good things to be obvious to nearly everyone and really dazzlingly astounding!
So, Something that is an improvement or somewhat better earns, quite often an " Is that all there is reaction ?" from me.
Is this something that you might recommend that I seriously reconsider. This came up, earlier today, as a result of a talk with a friend who is also a mental health professional!
- Johnny -
I think that some of the hideous things that I have endured have skewed my perspective. I've seen how hideous and nightmarish the worst times can be. Therefore, I want the good things to be obvious to nearly everyone and really dazzlingly astounding!
So, Something that is an improvement or somewhat better earns, quite often an " Is that all there is reaction ?" from me.
Is this something that you might recommend that I seriously reconsider. This came up, earlier today, as a result of a talk with a friend who is also a mental health professional!
- Johnny -
2013 Presidential To Do List ---- Reduce Spending and Reduce Entitlements
Should this be a 1 or a 2 on this future list? Do you believe these items deserve a place on this list?
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Caring about others and being involved with others...
is a good way to help you not to notice as often or as readily that you do not have a SIGNIFICANT OTHER during this time of the year!
On TV Tonight....
I will be on a show called Mastering Business Communication. This is a local access cable show. I will be part of a team promoting a District 27 Toastmaster Club- GUTS Toastmasters!
GUTS stands for Get Up To Speak!
GUTS stands for Get Up To Speak!
A Madden Strategy
Not everything shows during a game of Madden. While the details are astounding and vivid, It is clear that not everything that can be made active is not. Cameramen are "frozen" in place no matter what version of Madden you play. It is obvious that the game would be MUCH more expensive if EVERYTHING that could be made realistic was made realistic. It leads me to wonder whether such an intention to true to life details would diminish the prime goal of the game to create a dynamic and fan capturing experience on the filed during the game. The game and the realistic portrayal of the plays being the prime goal of the EASports/ Madden Creation Team Game developers.
I'm starting to see that noticing and observing everything can become dizzying and can create panic and a lack of effectiveness. Noticing that which you need to know at that moment and those things that truly motivate you is likely the best way to not be overwhelmed and overcome by the voluminous details of each and every moment and instance of life!
- Johnny-
I'm starting to see that noticing and observing everything can become dizzying and can create panic and a lack of effectiveness. Noticing that which you need to know at that moment and those things that truly motivate you is likely the best way to not be overwhelmed and overcome by the voluminous details of each and every moment and instance of life!
- Johnny-
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
It helps me to remember...
that My opinions are seldom worth going to war over! I need to remember that it is best to live and let live. When I forget that then my life tends to become very chaotic and troubled.
We are All Americans.
In these tense times, What helps you to remember that you are an American and help you to better bond with your fellow Americans?
The Death of a Troubling Leader!
No matter who we elected- We've never made as our C in C anyone like Kim Jong Il!
Monday, December 19, 2011
I find it hard to believe that people can make great salaries....
and still have just about nothing to show for it. That is difficult to fathom.
Christmas Pageants and Programs are signs that God does work miracles...
He seems to have a sense of humor when he comes to them.
My Faith needs to govern my principles and values.
I hate being reminded of that- this does not make it any less true and valid!
Saturday, December 17, 2011
A Great Rehersal at Church Today!
I do believe the performance tomorrow will be heartwarming and meaningful.
Friday, December 16, 2011
It is wise to learn what a person can do for themselves...
before you decide that you will offer assistance to him or her!
I think I'm going to use public transportation less in 2012...
one way to protest against a poorly run service is to patronize it less frequently.
Issues are often easier to address, consider and resolve when ...
the personalities of those discussing them are not permitted to become part of the conversation.
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Self-protectiveness cannot trump integrity and principle.
Not if you want to live a life that you can be proud of and that can serve as a model for others!
My Decorated Apartment and a 60 Degree night ...
are two things that I dis not anticipate that the night of December 15TH would be like even 3 weeks ago!
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
It is hard to have no one special to cherish in Mid0 December.
It is even worse, FAR WORSE, to be in a relationship with someone, realize that this person is no one at all special to you , and go through the motions just because you fear being alone for Christmas!
- Johnny-
- Johnny-
Next Year, 2012, I have to plan to be more intentional.
I tend to try to mine to the fullest what I see as the wealth of the special days and tend to disparage the " ordinary days", the mundane days that most of us put our heads down, trudge through and get the best out of them- not really expecting to get much out of them, expecting that they are just something to GET THROUGH..
I'm not sure how best to do so but I need to somehow view the 366 days of 2012 to be special , exciting and noble days that are worth getting excited about .
The How to Accomplish This is a mystery to me as I type this now!
- Johnny-
I'm not sure how best to do so but I need to somehow view the 366 days of 2012 to be special , exciting and noble days that are worth getting excited about .
The How to Accomplish This is a mystery to me as I type this now!
- Johnny-
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Lessons From The South West Bronx.
One of my greates struggles, something that often proves to be my Kryptonite, is the brutual " I goota do what Ever will let me survive" mentality that I was immersed in NEARLY anywhere I went in the section of the Bronx where I lived.
Even the outsiders, such as my teachers, seemed to just accept the morass rather than do anything to effectively show us models that would likely improve our lives if ewe were tenacious and daring enough to pursue them.
I still have a very jaundiced attitude towards them, years later, for their indifference too often eloquently expressed, and there whole attitude of " better you than me."
I guess that I'm seeing that life can be improved , even when you've wallowed in despair for years , by pushing through lethargy , pain and discomfort to decide to think better, be better, speak better and live much better!
Yet, Did I need to have teachers with this pathetic and unhelpful and unlife - enhancing attitude then ? This also keeps me wondering does maintaining people where they are and striving to not let life get worse for our most crisis-plagued citizens ACTUALLY the very best, as a society, that we can do for those who are " truly our neighbors"?
This may be reality. However, Something within me tells me that this is just NOT the case and that we just callously comfort ourselves by believing that this wretched excuse is the truth!
The Conservatives will maintain that " The Poor will always Be with you!" The Liberals will argue many people, limited programs and we need to work to do the most we can for segments of the population. The individual, thus, does not get what that one man or women, boy or girl truly thinks and longs for.
For those who are able to do better, are capable mentally and emotionally of being taught, mentored and cared about and who will push themselves to accomplish all that they are actually ABLE to accomplish, We need to have a direct, personal, committed and individually adjust ability to meet them where they are top get them to where they desire to arrive!
Do I know exactly how to do achieve this? No! Do I think that our society would benefit by achieving this? ABSOLUTELY? Do I think that we need people committed to work unceasingly and tirelessly until we make this a possibility that we can skillfully and reliability offer to those who want this and will be benefited by this? Beyond any doubt or question!!!!! I learned long ago two vital facts- Just because I don't know what the answer is does NOT mean that there is NOT!!!!!an answer. Just because I'm not certain as to how to do this with passion, precision and excellence does not mean that it is impossible to respond to this obvious need with passion, precision and excellence!
- Johnny-
Even the outsiders, such as my teachers, seemed to just accept the morass rather than do anything to effectively show us models that would likely improve our lives if ewe were tenacious and daring enough to pursue them.
I still have a very jaundiced attitude towards them, years later, for their indifference too often eloquently expressed, and there whole attitude of " better you than me."
I guess that I'm seeing that life can be improved , even when you've wallowed in despair for years , by pushing through lethargy , pain and discomfort to decide to think better, be better, speak better and live much better!
Yet, Did I need to have teachers with this pathetic and unhelpful and unlife - enhancing attitude then ? This also keeps me wondering does maintaining people where they are and striving to not let life get worse for our most crisis-plagued citizens ACTUALLY the very best, as a society, that we can do for those who are " truly our neighbors"?
This may be reality. However, Something within me tells me that this is just NOT the case and that we just callously comfort ourselves by believing that this wretched excuse is the truth!
The Conservatives will maintain that " The Poor will always Be with you!" The Liberals will argue many people, limited programs and we need to work to do the most we can for segments of the population. The individual, thus, does not get what that one man or women, boy or girl truly thinks and longs for.
For those who are able to do better, are capable mentally and emotionally of being taught, mentored and cared about and who will push themselves to accomplish all that they are actually ABLE to accomplish, We need to have a direct, personal, committed and individually adjust ability to meet them where they are top get them to where they desire to arrive!
Do I know exactly how to do achieve this? No! Do I think that our society would benefit by achieving this? ABSOLUTELY? Do I think that we need people committed to work unceasingly and tirelessly until we make this a possibility that we can skillfully and reliability offer to those who want this and will be benefited by this? Beyond any doubt or question!!!!! I learned long ago two vital facts- Just because I don't know what the answer is does NOT mean that there is NOT!!!!!an answer. Just because I'm not certain as to how to do this with passion, precision and excellence does not mean that it is impossible to respond to this obvious need with passion, precision and excellence!
- Johnny-
God did make a way
The people of old did expect a Mighty Deliverer would arrive from Heaven. They did not expect that He would be humbly born rather than arrive as as baby!
Should Mike Shanahan be fIred?
Only if Dan Snyder can live in with having a fill in the blank and unwanted by anyone else non-entity as the Head Coach Of the Washington Redskins in 2012!
I am creative and imaginative.
That allowed me to survive my childhood and it is helping me to prosper today.
I'm now getting back territory lost.
I will make sure that I clean off any drafts that clog up this blog!
Rest and Trust
Rest in The God you know is real and reliable and then trust that He is ALL that He says He is!
I'm building my determination and steadfastness muscles
I guess that I am now in the midst of a job that I presently hate and will come to appreciate.
I frustrate too easily.
I need to see being required to be more careful and diligent as a blessing and the gift of opportunity!
How much pain can a person endure?
I don't think that some people grasp that some people so suffer when they are in pain that they will do anything to avoid being in pain again!
Helping people to become better is a way of
making your life better. John Kennedy once reminded us that " A Rising Tide LIFTS all boats."
The more you write...
The better you are at expressing yourself and the more you want to say and work to say well.
I hate editing.
I like to accomplish and move on but that does mean that life can stop you and require to deal with what you did not correct before.
I am gaining from my personal investment.
The progress that I've made this morning on my latest teaching project can be traced to what I've accomplished over the last 5 months. This includes the work that I did in Mexico in July!
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
Lord, Let me trust in you today. This is truly Your due!
When I remember what You did to bless me yesterday and am not asking you to bless me today. I'm limiting You. I'm not seeing that You are the all powerful and ever present I AM. This shrinks you and, at least at that moments, becomes an effort to turn You into an idol that cannot save!
Is a borrower truly the slave of the lender?
If you don't have and you do without to the point where it hurts to navigate through each day, Aren't you , then, torturing yourself?
The Quarterback Dilemna
Do you draft the one that will attain miracles next season? Do you draft someone who will become. in time, a sustained model of superior play?
The Ghost of Failure Past
Someone once asked me to teach a class- an SAT Prep class- and I did not do a good job of it. I was working to tutor the children of high achieving and demanding parents. I was not a very secure person 4 years ago and I let the fear of failure eat me alive. I was relieved of my position.
I am NOW editing and making some changes in a Debate instruction proposal that I've been asked to present. The first version of this project was generally well- thought of but I was asked to make some changes to it. Making those changes has been an uphill climb and I've let tension and anxiety limit my progress on my current efforts.
Just this morning, I noticed that I felt bolder and more audacious . Over the last hour or two, I've made some noticeable progress after nearly 2 weeks of getting virtually nothing accomplished.
I now need to remember that I can defeat the ghost of failure past!
- Johnny -
I am NOW editing and making some changes in a Debate instruction proposal that I've been asked to present. The first version of this project was generally well- thought of but I was asked to make some changes to it. Making those changes has been an uphill climb and I've let tension and anxiety limit my progress on my current efforts.
Just this morning, I noticed that I felt bolder and more audacious . Over the last hour or two, I've made some noticeable progress after nearly 2 weeks of getting virtually nothing accomplished.
I now need to remember that I can defeat the ghost of failure past!
- Johnny -
Monday, December 12, 2011
Childhood Church Lessons can stay with you surprisngly well.
It is amazing how so many aspects of my Catholic School boyhood are still with me. BOTh for good and for ill!
Over the last half of 2011, I've become so much less afraid to tell you who I am!
That has proven to allow me to become much freer and more effective! I think I've learned a great deal concerning who others truly are as well!
My 900TH Blog Entry of 2011 - Bob Cratchit Lives
I have spent most of my life being far too whiny, wimpy. I've been crone to give up far too easily and complain. I've viewed far too many people far too wearily and been too willing to be dully and confiningly safe.
Bob Cratchit, a character from Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol is a man who lived a life of deep poverty. He worked for a stingy miser who worked him far too hard, demanded unreasonable hours from him and paid him next to nothing. Bob was also raising a very sick and crippled child, Tiny Tim.
Bob Cratchit never said an unking d or negative word to anyone, He unfailingly saw life as a rich and wonderful blessing. This attiude seemed was ever present and seemingly invincible. He saw the best in people, trusted them, enjoyed being among them and always let them see hope, trust, positive and inspiring desire and a belief that the marvelous and transforming would always be possible in life!
I am in the still early phases of an 18 Month transformational program. I know that some people see Charles Dickens as someone who played with people's emotions but now, emersed as I am in the 3RD month of my program, I'm seeing that life becomes better and easier to embrace, cherish and appreciate emotionally, spiritually and even intellectually when you are willing to become more Bob Cratchit like!
Merry Christmas 2011 - God bless us everyone!
- Johnny-
Bob Cratchit, a character from Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol is a man who lived a life of deep poverty. He worked for a stingy miser who worked him far too hard, demanded unreasonable hours from him and paid him next to nothing. Bob was also raising a very sick and crippled child, Tiny Tim.
Bob Cratchit never said an unking d or negative word to anyone, He unfailingly saw life as a rich and wonderful blessing. This attiude seemed was ever present and seemingly invincible. He saw the best in people, trusted them, enjoyed being among them and always let them see hope, trust, positive and inspiring desire and a belief that the marvelous and transforming would always be possible in life!
I am in the still early phases of an 18 Month transformational program. I know that some people see Charles Dickens as someone who played with people's emotions but now, emersed as I am in the 3RD month of my program, I'm seeing that life becomes better and easier to embrace, cherish and appreciate emotionally, spiritually and even intellectually when you are willing to become more Bob Cratchit like!
Merry Christmas 2011 - God bless us everyone!
- Johnny-
Sunday, December 11, 2011
On Monday, December 12TH, 2011,
I need to make my goal, ALL DAY LONG, to seek to UNDERSTAND rather than to be understood!
- Johnny-
- Johnny-
I need to do more....
I will help the mystery child that I have been supporting through my church. I need to see that he or she is remembered in January as well as during THIS season.
Tonight is a good night to reflect. and be humble.
My present life is not all that a fearful and crying child wanted his future to become. It is so much more than a homeless man expected the future to be when he spent hours walking the streets in early December of 2003!
I need to remember that I know what it is like to be a child of crushed hope.
To me, It is vital and necessary to fuel hope in the hearts of children and youth!
I need to be willing to tell stories and be calm and poised.
I am a gifted speaker. I'm a poised and powerful speaker. It is within me to become a champion.
Victory comes to a person
who is determined to do his or her best more often than others do. It is the product of being motivated and willing.
- Johnny-
- Johnny-
To care is to add warmth to any day
There is no feeling colder than thinking that you are nothing and coming to believe that others see you that way as well!
Lord, Show me what you designed me to be.
Please, Lord,let me see who You designed me to be. Let me see truly that I AM fearfully AND!!! wonderfully made.
- Johnny-
- Johnny-
Thank You, Lord, for The Gift of a Youthful Spirit
I believe, I can still and I very often AM transfixed by wonder! You are sooooo good!
Love does change life.
Love adds peace. Peace bring about confidence. Confidence emboldens and then positive action is likely to occur!
My apartment glows with lights.
A week ago, I dismissed the idea of doing ANY holiday decorating for my apartment. I said , " It is just me, It would be a waste of effort to do anything that silly!"
A bold and persistent friend convinced me to reverse my decision. I'm so glad she did. My apartment has a comforting and majestic glow to it with the lights ablaze. This is good- on a cold Sunday night here in Alexandria, Va. I feel warm. loved, brightened and empowered
I also enjoyed the fum company of six amazing church friends valuing me and loving on me- Good ol' Southern Church phrase there!
- Johnny-.
A bold and persistent friend convinced me to reverse my decision. I'm so glad she did. My apartment has a comforting and majestic glow to it with the lights ablaze. This is good- on a cold Sunday night here in Alexandria, Va. I feel warm. loved, brightened and empowered
I also enjoyed the fum company of six amazing church friends valuing me and loving on me- Good ol' Southern Church phrase there!
- Johnny-.
Saturday, December 10, 2011
I know that You are real
Thank you for standing by me, Lod when I so readily display a whining attitude towards you!
I am gaining confidence
I see that I am changing and starting to live more to make my life attractive for myself, to please myself!
Christmas Decorating Tomorrow here!
A week ago tonight, I was not even thinking of this possibility.
This is My Joe Dimaggio Entry For December
The 56th. I know any true Baseball fan will get this connection.
A Wow Moment
I was relaxing and playing my X Box 360 lat night. This was finally breaking down last months after years of saying " no not yet."
I've mostly bought older ganes for it so far. Last night, I played NBA Live 08. I had the US play China. The game actually had a great shot block- LaBron kept a sure basket from being scored- and I felt the stomping of the fans.
I know it seems immature to type this- but I found myself totally amazed and fully caught up in that moment.
- Johnny -
I've mostly bought older ganes for it so far. Last night, I played NBA Live 08. I had the US play China. The game actually had a great shot block- LaBron kept a sure basket from being scored- and I felt the stomping of the fans.
I know it seems immature to type this- but I found myself totally amazed and fully caught up in that moment.
- Johnny -
A 21ST Century Christmas Difference
Most of The Traditional and Classic Christmas Music, music that speaks of Spiritual themes, seems to adddress large and cosmic themes. Even the music that refers to individuals tends to still educate us to grander, deeper and far more astounding and dynamic themes. They are almost more theology lessons than musical celebration of the beliefs of the composer and singer.
Many of the Christmas songs that originated in the last 15 to 20 years seem to be focused upon individuals rather than the " Great Themes" Two songs that come to mind are a song written by Mark Lowry of Gaither Music Fame - " Mary, Did You Know?" Another such song is " Christmas Shoes" by New Song. This song tells us the story of a boy who buys a pair of special shoes for his dying mother so " that she will look beautiful if she meets Jesus tonight."
These are favorite songs of mine, I do deeply enjoy BOTH of them- HOWEVER IT IS RATHER DIFFICULT to compare them to "O Come, O Come Emmanuel" and " O Holy Night".
I wonder if there is a focus on " My God is personal and I want you to know what He has done in my life" that has become dominant and prevelant in American Christianity over the this current score of years!
- Johnny-
Many of the Christmas songs that originated in the last 15 to 20 years seem to be focused upon individuals rather than the " Great Themes" Two songs that come to mind are a song written by Mark Lowry of Gaither Music Fame - " Mary, Did You Know?" Another such song is " Christmas Shoes" by New Song. This song tells us the story of a boy who buys a pair of special shoes for his dying mother so " that she will look beautiful if she meets Jesus tonight."
These are favorite songs of mine, I do deeply enjoy BOTH of them- HOWEVER IT IS RATHER DIFFICULT to compare them to "O Come, O Come Emmanuel" and " O Holy Night".
I wonder if there is a focus on " My God is personal and I want you to know what He has done in my life" that has become dominant and prevelant in American Christianity over the this current score of years!
- Johnny-
Friday, December 9, 2011
Ryan Seacest replacing Matt Lauer on The Today Show.
Does invoking the name " Katie Couric" indicate why this is not a wonderful concept?
I will deal better with chaos in the upcoming week!
I can see next week will be complicated- Rat inspections on Monday and power interruptions on Tuesday. I will take a deep breath and get through it!
When You can't ask for reparations...
No victim of child abuse can ever go back and undue the harm done to him or her. While this is a fond wish of many who were mistreated, some with malice and fore thought, can't insure that the people who abused them are held accountable, tried, conviocted and have to pay a pwenalty for what he or she has done!
No one really ever adddresses this adequately, in my humble opinion, that this unmet desire is the cause for depression, defeatist living, torment and turmoil for the one who has been sinned against. The family argument- "They are just living out what they know" or " They were too damaged from what they endured" to be able to keep themselves from acting like a bully or a predator towards you, allows the victim to understand the why and how - but it is still not very healing, soothing, acceptable or satisfying.
Yet, Lines of Abuse do need to be broken. When we choose to live well and do well by others, We do get the victory of , " I will not be a menace and a threat to others." and " I will not teach and train anyone else to become a bully, an abuser or a predator,"
Perhaps not still staisfying enough, this choice that we make to not carry oon the wrongs done to us does not excuse of justify any wrongs done to us. However, Perhaps it makes us Great Heroes in a reality where the concept of "Paying it Forward" is considered to be an ideal to cherish, uphold and practice 24/ 7 without ceasing!
This is also a great way to be/ become a Champion of Peace, Morality and Healing!
- Johnny-
No one really ever adddresses this adequately, in my humble opinion, that this unmet desire is the cause for depression, defeatist living, torment and turmoil for the one who has been sinned against. The family argument- "They are just living out what they know" or " They were too damaged from what they endured" to be able to keep themselves from acting like a bully or a predator towards you, allows the victim to understand the why and how - but it is still not very healing, soothing, acceptable or satisfying.
Yet, Lines of Abuse do need to be broken. When we choose to live well and do well by others, We do get the victory of , " I will not be a menace and a threat to others." and " I will not teach and train anyone else to become a bully, an abuser or a predator,"
Perhaps not still staisfying enough, this choice that we make to not carry oon the wrongs done to us does not excuse of justify any wrongs done to us. However, Perhaps it makes us Great Heroes in a reality where the concept of "Paying it Forward" is considered to be an ideal to cherish, uphold and practice 24/ 7 without ceasing!
This is also a great way to be/ become a Champion of Peace, Morality and Healing!
- Johnny-
I'm told that I view closure unrealistically. However, Especially when I've had to sacrifice or invested a lot in myself or gotten to a point of victory in a situation where I made it through but not easily or pleasantly, I'd like to know that the matter is finished or over! I deeply crave the sense of know " That is now ALLendured it, gotten beyond it IN THE PAST!!! and I've overcome it, and so NOW!!!!!! I'm noving on."
It is clear that the idea of a repeat or a return of this struggle or battle is, as far as I am concerned, most unwelcomed and highly undesirable. I've been counseled that something may be though of as running its' course, when in fact it hasn't. It is even possible that the situation was overall thought to be over and just is not!
So, Perhaps, While I'd like to say " Done" many times when I think something has dragged on far too long or when I seem to be at an end of my ability to endure, be patient and long suffering with a person, place, thing, siyuation or circumstance, My desire to have things done- does not clearly mean that they are done!! Wishes and facts are not always the same and facts are more likely to win out and just prove to be the way of things.
I guess I need to take the words of one of My New York Yankee Heroes MORE seriously!!!. Yogi Berra did once say , " It isn't over 'til it's over."
- Johnny-
It is clear that the idea of a repeat or a return of this struggle or battle is, as far as I am concerned, most unwelcomed and highly undesirable. I've been counseled that something may be though of as running its' course, when in fact it hasn't. It is even possible that the situation was overall thought to be over and just is not!
So, Perhaps, While I'd like to say " Done" many times when I think something has dragged on far too long or when I seem to be at an end of my ability to endure, be patient and long suffering with a person, place, thing, siyuation or circumstance, My desire to have things done- does not clearly mean that they are done!! Wishes and facts are not always the same and facts are more likely to win out and just prove to be the way of things.
I guess I need to take the words of one of My New York Yankee Heroes MORE seriously!!!. Yogi Berra did once say , " It isn't over 'til it's over."
- Johnny-
Appreciating that Today's Normal was once likely seen as nearly dazzling wonders.
Hi- Tech splendors and inventve new methods that also express creativity and dazlling imagination can become common place and totally mundane to us after a relatively short period of time. This is ESPECIALLY True of those who have been born either as or after such things have come to be.
Is there any way you have found to keep before you that these " near miracles" have not always been around and, in spite of our now present familiarity witth them that they are still impressive wonders and marvels?
How do you get our youth to understand that innovations before they were born radically shaped how they now live compared to those who came before them? How, more importantly can we BEST,get them to grasp and get excited that wonders are still possaible and that they temselves might be the very one who comes up with the next or a future tecnological splendor?
- Johnny-
Is there any way you have found to keep before you that these " near miracles" have not always been around and, in spite of our now present familiarity witth them that they are still impressive wonders and marvels?
How do you get our youth to understand that innovations before they were born radically shaped how they now live compared to those who came before them? How, more importantly can we BEST,get them to grasp and get excited that wonders are still possaible and that they temselves might be the very one who comes up with the next or a future tecnological splendor?
- Johnny-
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Lord. Let me see people as they are and deal with people as they are...
not as I wish they were or as I would like them to be.
A world with a surface temperature of 77 Degrees F...
has been discovered by a US satellite. We will overcome the " think small, do small and be smallers" of 2011! Once humans know that such a planet exists, It is only a matter of time until human wonder and curiosity impels someone to determine how to get there.
Books are such a treasure
Of richness and prosperity, I've known little over the course of my life! I do owe many books and what is contained within is indeed a great reserve of riches!
A True Matter of Perspective!
When ever I whine about a day like today- Thursday, December 8TH- not being satisfied and being not very satisfying, I'm reminded That Jesus, who had other options, game in the form of a baby. He endured the indignities of being a new born and then as baby to my benefit.
When I reflect upon this, This formerly not wonderful December Thursday SEEMS brighter and far more desirable to me!
- Johnny-
When I reflect upon this, This formerly not wonderful December Thursday SEEMS brighter and far more desirable to me!
- Johnny-
My X Box is fun- It is such a joy!
Getting to play in Holiday Mode a Football game on Madden had me smiling and giggling for quite a while afterwards!
After The Nasty Deluge of Yesterday...
The Cerulean Blue skies and embracably warm sunshine feel sooooooo good!
Getting Unstuck!
For years, I've been excellent in stopping my own momentum. I've not liked where I am or what I am doing. Or, Worse, I've given up on worthwhile projects and initiatives, some that I'd EVEN likely gain a lot of satisfaction and joy from because they have seemed to difficult, complex, draining or not easily accomplished!
Now, I've returned to a project that I put on the shelf because I felt it too demanding, frustrating and something that I felt should have been accepted the first time that I presented it and I'm smiling out of the satisfaction I'm gain from editing, reshaping, redirecting and making what was already VERY GOOD that much more impressive.
I do say that I am desperately seeking a " way of escape" from where I am now . It seems that is only likely to transpire when I'm more demanding of myself and when " I don't want to keep pushing" do not become the magic words that I use to grant myself permission to come to a complete halt!
- Johnny-
Now, I've returned to a project that I put on the shelf because I felt it too demanding, frustrating and something that I felt should have been accepted the first time that I presented it and I'm smiling out of the satisfaction I'm gain from editing, reshaping, redirecting and making what was already VERY GOOD that much more impressive.
I do say that I am desperately seeking a " way of escape" from where I am now . It seems that is only likely to transpire when I'm more demanding of myself and when " I don't want to keep pushing" do not become the magic words that I use to grant myself permission to come to a complete halt!
- Johnny-
Giving up is not a solution if you intend to go on living.
The problem that you walk away from does not simply go away! You will still, most likely, need to deal with it at another time.
I need to smile more today.
The smile that I smile today does add energy to my spirit and further motivates me.
What is The Best Way to get Peace On Earth during this time of The Year?
One way seems to be by becoming a gift. Planning to be more with people, when you are with them be fully with them and to commit yourself to doing service that you truly believe will be worthwhile. It beats going into debt and feeling that many of your presents have been given out of obligation rather than truly wantining to purchase something for that individual.
A Long Day Of Toastmastering and Tutoring...
that was the tale of Wednesday. Overall, It worked it worked out quite well, tiring but well.
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
" I have no more money to give you and I can not do anymore for you."
Is this a valid statement of political protest?
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
The ONE Thousandth Post !!!!!
Freedom works best when you use it to express yourself as well as you know how to do so. Freedom also serves as a way to encourage others to express themselves fully and comprehensively. one upon a time, I'd stop pushing myself and too easily let noble, character stretching and soul and spirit empowering ventures die. I was a loser for doing such and, for too many years, lived the life of a soulless and broken loser!
This year, I've become a much bolder and more dynamic and more stirring Public Speaker. I served as a Toastmasters Division Governor. I've exercised more, traveled to Mexico to help improve a school and I've prayed a good bit.
I've also been making some extra money as a Tutor since August. I think the key to my being bolder, more confident, more determined and tenacious started when I wrote the first of the blogs 14 months and 2 days ago.
I would have thought that I'd write 50 or MAYBE a HUNDRED blog entries- I would have never, never, never imagined that I'd write 1,00O!!!!!! Blog Entries in far less than two years.
I have no intention of stopping- so the push to continue to become a more passionate, eloquent, daring and impressive communicator as both a writer AND a speaker continues on!
- Johnny -
This year, I've become a much bolder and more dynamic and more stirring Public Speaker. I served as a Toastmasters Division Governor. I've exercised more, traveled to Mexico to help improve a school and I've prayed a good bit.
I've also been making some extra money as a Tutor since August. I think the key to my being bolder, more confident, more determined and tenacious started when I wrote the first of the blogs 14 months and 2 days ago.
I would have thought that I'd write 50 or MAYBE a HUNDRED blog entries- I would have never, never, never imagined that I'd write 1,00O!!!!!! Blog Entries in far less than two years.
I have no intention of stopping- so the push to continue to become a more passionate, eloquent, daring and impressive communicator as both a writer AND a speaker continues on!
- Johnny -
A Holiday Merging Concept
I love The Christmas Season- The sense of giving, People acting more caring and genrously and a brighter outlook at least at this moment.
I love summer because of people being more laid back, the pace of life easing noticeably and people, if they are around have more time to spend with you.
Christmas' weakness to me is the sense of frenzy and worry! Late July and Early August can actually get to be a bit too dull. lazy and boring.
Perhaps, We might consider blending The 25Th of December and 25TH of July into a bright , Warm Weather, Relaxed, Bright and Giving and Being generous Feast --- We could call it Christmer- perhaps!
Just A Thought.
- Johnny -
I love summer because of people being more laid back, the pace of life easing noticeably and people, if they are around have more time to spend with you.
Christmas' weakness to me is the sense of frenzy and worry! Late July and Early August can actually get to be a bit too dull. lazy and boring.
Perhaps, We might consider blending The 25Th of December and 25TH of July into a bright , Warm Weather, Relaxed, Bright and Giving and Being generous Feast --- We could call it Christmer- perhaps!
Just A Thought.
- Johnny -
Monday, December 5, 2011
I'm feeling rather confident tonight.
I've served people effectively in Toastmasters today and tutored well this afternoon!
Victory over Bullies
One of the sad facts of my childhood is that I seemed to have been exposed to bullies no matter where I went. Most Alarmingly, The two must brutal and merciless bullies that I dealt with were my own parents!
I've allowed this fear haunt me throughout most of my adult life. I've dealt with more than my fair share of bullies as an adult. Some who were intimidated, loud, threatening, menacing and intimidating. People willing to use force, when ever they saw it to be to their advantage. I once had someone beat me and tell me that he was going to kill me as he beat me. I once also had a landlord tell me that " I can get away with anything I want to and you can't stop me"
I've also known people who use insult, anger and threats of cutting off influence and contact to keep people under their manipulative control.
This year has seen victories in this regard. I've been bolder, more candid and more willing to walk away from and expose bullies all at once.
I know that there are dangerous, predatory, cunning, dishonest and menacing people who can and will harm people. I know that I am not invulnerable to those determined to do me ill!
Yet, I know I'm not willing to live as a slave and to live my life to please bullies is to live in slavery!
- Johnny-
I've allowed this fear haunt me throughout most of my adult life. I've dealt with more than my fair share of bullies as an adult. Some who were intimidated, loud, threatening, menacing and intimidating. People willing to use force, when ever they saw it to be to their advantage. I once had someone beat me and tell me that he was going to kill me as he beat me. I once also had a landlord tell me that " I can get away with anything I want to and you can't stop me"
I've also known people who use insult, anger and threats of cutting off influence and contact to keep people under their manipulative control.
This year has seen victories in this regard. I've been bolder, more candid and more willing to walk away from and expose bullies all at once.
I know that there are dangerous, predatory, cunning, dishonest and menacing people who can and will harm people. I know that I am not invulnerable to those determined to do me ill!
Yet, I know I'm not willing to live as a slave and to live my life to please bullies is to live in slavery!
- Johnny-
I do like to dream that I can be a World Champion someday.
My membership in Toastmasters does make this a true, but not highly likely possibility.
I do hate bullies- truly I do!
I also hate those who are cunning and perverse enough to be able to talk others to come back to allow themselves to be bullied again!
Being honest with Your Fans !
I think what most angers fans of a given team is having the feeling that they don't see any progress concerning their team and have no notion, based on what they see game after game and season after season that better ties are likely to be ahead of them.
What even hurts worse for the loyal fans of any given team is not having any confidence that the coaches, administrators and the owner of the team have a well- thought out and likely to bring about success plan for improving their team.
- Johnny-
What even hurts worse for the loyal fans of any given team is not having any confidence that the coaches, administrators and the owner of the team have a well- thought out and likely to bring about success plan for improving their team.
- Johnny-
Gratitude to BlogSpot
I'm a much better communicator now, than I was on October 4TH, 2011, when I posted the VERY FIRST entry on This blog!
My life is better than I usually think of it as being.
I need to remember this throughout this month of December!
I'm breathing deeply now.
I've been spider-webbed into the picayune matters of the day- Things that will not be significant an hour from now. While it is good to be on top of current concerns, I feel like I have acted in ways that could stir later negative situations and consequences,
Seeing what a situation is doing to you at any one given moment and how it is likely to affect your attitudes , words and actions as you interact with others LATER in that same day does give you good reason to take a very deep and cleansing breath as you decide how to deal with the issue of the issue of that moment.
Being wise and proceeding well and decently now can pay a tremendous and amazing dividend!
Seeing what a situation is doing to you at any one given moment and how it is likely to affect your attitudes , words and actions as you interact with others LATER in that same day does give you good reason to take a very deep and cleansing breath as you decide how to deal with the issue of the issue of that moment.
Being wise and proceeding well and decently now can pay a tremendous and amazing dividend!
When my politics twist me into a person who I find to be unpleasant and...
undesirable, Then It is time to review and rethink my politics.
Teamwork can be a burden, It can be easier to do it yourself or decline to be involved!
Yet, As no one is an island and as no one is totally self-sufficient, There are likely to be consequences to endure as a result of making those choices.
You can freak out, as I did earlier today, when you deal with consequences creates problems and solves nothing! I feel that I did nothing wrong in this case, but consequences do not go away because you plead your cause to them!
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Decorating My apartment for The Holliday
I had no thought of doing so 24 Hours ago. But now, It is, at least, on The Radar Screen.
A Seasonal Lump in the Throat!
I wore a Santa Hat at Church today as well as a Mickey Mouse Sweat Shirt. A Two year old girl in her mother's arms stretched her arms out towards me.
I smiled as her and she beamed at me I said , "Ho, Ho, Ho" and that seemed to delight her even more.
That just made my Sunday. I actually started to tear up. It could be the Season. Or. It could be that I do have an impact on people that I'm so eagerly inclined to deny that I have.
- Johnny-
I smiled as her and she beamed at me I said , "Ho, Ho, Ho" and that seemed to delight her even more.
That just made my Sunday. I actually started to tear up. It could be the Season. Or. It could be that I do have an impact on people that I'm so eagerly inclined to deny that I have.
- Johnny-
Saturday, December 3, 2011
I just had Firemen in My Apartment Building
It seems that there was a small fire in the laundry room. Some smokiness likely due to lint not being cleaned out of a filter. One of the risks of communal living. They keep the laundry room locked to restrict access to just the residents of this building.
However, People often prop the doors open to allow friends and family members to have access to it. People also do try to use the facility as a hang out. Some will argue that only those who live in the building will have much interest in making sure such area are well and properly cared for and maintained!
However, People often prop the doors open to allow friends and family members to have access to it. People also do try to use the facility as a hang out. Some will argue that only those who live in the building will have much interest in making sure such area are well and properly cared for and maintained!
Lord, Help me tomorrow to serve and be willing to care!
Let me be used as a tool to help someone have a better day tomorrow! Let me be used as an instrument of Your peace, My King!
I am learning that...
the struggle melts often to cheers and smiles when you actually attain what seems like it was a battle to reach.
My X Box 360 is now working
Great graphics. I feel much better with my computer trustworthy again and my new X Box. I likely will EVENTUALLY also have a PS 3- but I have new wonders before me!
Friday, December 2, 2011
Driving towards a goal...
I can discover who I was designed to be from my conception. It's a tough task, I must believe the outcome will be well-worth the struggle!
The Lord is good...
I need to go about ,far MORE!!! frequently, following The Salvation Army's motto of "DOING THE MOST!!!! GOOD"!
What does it mean to live less selfishly ?
I'm starting to think it is less about saying " What's The Matter?" and devoting more and more time about deciding what TRULY MATTERS and committing yourself to be involved in what TRULY MATTERS!!!!!!
Sometimes, Being in The Spirit of the Season means...
not just smiling and giving when it is easy to do so!
My internet is back....
It was a tougher battle to get it back, I do wish that it had been much less of a struggle but I am back on line!
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
My freedom will expand mightily when...
I'm less prone to be terrorized by fair discomfort and failure opr not looking good in the eyes of and in the opinions of others!
My Confidence is still shaky...
In timesa of high stress, tension and crisis, I still tenaciously cling to tjhe belief that others working on my behalf will be more successful in getting a great result that I will work for or advocating for myself!
The Season is---- and God is still God
God measures nme by how committed and faithful I am to Him. I do not get to grade Him based on how gentle and easy my life appears to be to me at any given moment!
I stumbled to it...
I'm not typing this on my own computer, but I've actually posted 200 blog entries now in a calender month!
Sometime people give up due to pain and getting scratched up
a bit too much!
When you win and acoomplish, Do the bumbs and bruises really matter that much. I think you notice them far MORE when you fail to achieve.
- Johnnny-
When you win and acoomplish, Do the bumbs and bruises really matter that much. I think you notice them far MORE when you fail to achieve.
- Johnnny-
Monday, November 28, 2011
Debt - How should we deal with those not likely to be able to find a way out?
A Good friend, one of the most principled and consistent people I've ever known, will say that the only way that the poorest among us are likely to improve their lives is by borrowing to purchase the best education possible with the best career and salary potential and then getting the utmost out of those educational opportunities.
I think she has a good point. Yet. Others will argue the "best laid plans" arguments. The student does not do well in school , the temptations of a distant school are more than they can handle, they discover that this " sure ticket to success field " is not for them etc.
So, Then, They aren't doing well and they have a severe debt to deal with? Thus, Was it prudent to have opened this " Pandora's Box" in the FIRST Place.
So, How do you weigh in on this debate? How well do you need to know the risk and the chances of success, based on that INDIVIDUAL, before you advocate that someone borrow money to get a higher education?
- Johnny -
I think she has a good point. Yet. Others will argue the "best laid plans" arguments. The student does not do well in school , the temptations of a distant school are more than they can handle, they discover that this " sure ticket to success field " is not for them etc.
So, Then, They aren't doing well and they have a severe debt to deal with? Thus, Was it prudent to have opened this " Pandora's Box" in the FIRST Place.
So, How do you weigh in on this debate? How well do you need to know the risk and the chances of success, based on that INDIVIDUAL, before you advocate that someone borrow money to get a higher education?
- Johnny -
NASA is now recruiting and hiring Astronauts.
As NASA's Manned Space Flight Program is now moribund and as No Florida Launches are now scheduled and as there are limited opportunities for our Astronauts to fly in the programs of others, Is there a good reason to energetically try to expand The US Pool of Astronauts?
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Self- Love and Self- Valuing!
These are two values that need to become a daily factor of who I am and need to show up as I deal with others!
- Johnny-
- Johnny-
Disbelief can be so time wasting.
Denying what is obviously so, ESPECIALLY once you KNOW that it is exactly so is a purposeless and pathetic waste of time! When you do so, You are, in fact engaging in at best denial and at worst a most stubborn form of DIS belief!
True to what you believe and simply who you just are!
As I've noted a few times this fall, I'm now in the midst of an 18 month Renaissance. I want to remove who I've allowed myself to become and be for more focused upon who I am. It has been interesting as I've reflected a lot about what I genuinely like, what I genuinely desire to do and truly learning what my abilities are. talents are and what I'm capable of!
I'm seeing, all too clearly that I'm far too fear based and I'm an extreme people pleaser, This means, too often that I don't care enough about who I am and what I'm capable of if I think being that way will displease and offend others .
This needs to be dealt with--- that is becoming painfully clear to me!
I'm seeing, all too clearly that I'm far too fear based and I'm an extreme people pleaser, This means, too often that I don't care enough about who I am and what I'm capable of if I think being that way will displease and offend others .
This needs to be dealt with--- that is becoming painfully clear to me!
Saturday, November 26, 2011
I'm delighted and the planned nap ain't gonna happen.
Some naps, clearly, might just serve as a way of navigating life and making time pass without doing anything with it rather than plunging in a full loving, and enjoyable manner and taking advantage of life and the possibilities of THIS!!! moment!
- Johnny-
- Johnny-
Christmas Day as Opening Day.
It looks like Christmas Day will also serve as opening day / night for the ( Barely) 2011/ 2012 NBA Season. The NFL Season, after their lock out has provided a rather ragged and not really impressive season.
Is making Christmas Opening Day likely to add gasps from fans and shaking of heads rather than adding to Holiday cheer and adding smiles on Christmas Day.
It will all prove quite interesting, I believe.
Is making Christmas Opening Day likely to add gasps from fans and shaking of heads rather than adding to Holiday cheer and adding smiles on Christmas Day.
It will all prove quite interesting, I believe.
Frazzled at the Unraveling!
Those who fail to to plan and always try to operate" in the moment"- as in " I'm not GOING to plan. I will just show up and go with the flow!"
Yet, When things go wrong for the meticulous planner - When The Lap Top that you know is reliable and has been tested balks at displaying your power point. When you are told that your presentation will be before some outside visitors as well as those you have planned to address! When you are told that the Boss has decided that you are going to present for 2 hours and your prepared for a half hour, Even the best planners may find themselves without any good idea as to what do next. They may find themselves devoid of any idea that they trust will work well, be impressive and well-received.
So, You need to be at your best, impressive and splendid and circumstances have conspired to sabotage and shred your trusted and well-designed " game plan", What are you likely to do now, right now??
- Johnny -
Yet, When things go wrong for the meticulous planner - When The Lap Top that you know is reliable and has been tested balks at displaying your power point. When you are told that your presentation will be before some outside visitors as well as those you have planned to address! When you are told that the Boss has decided that you are going to present for 2 hours and your prepared for a half hour, Even the best planners may find themselves without any good idea as to what do next. They may find themselves devoid of any idea that they trust will work well, be impressive and well-received.
So, You need to be at your best, impressive and splendid and circumstances have conspired to sabotage and shred your trusted and well-designed " game plan", What are you likely to do now, right now??
- Johnny -
Are people who are softspoken, principled, orderly, calm, self-disciplined...
and self -controlled on The Day BEFORE Thanksgiving likely to BECOME raving, menacing, out- of -control do what I gotta do shoppers the day AFTER Thanksgiving?
It seems character is usually truly revealed when it seems like you can act out, get away with it and not likely to be stopped , held to account and made to deal with the CONSEQUENCES of your actions. Mobs and mass activities seem to be great cover for those who hide well who they TRULY are and what they are actually capable of!
One of the Things that I get out of AA is that just stopping drinking while a GOOD thing to do is just a FIRST step towards living better and insufficient in and of itself. You have to look at who you are, and be willing to accept yourself as you are while purposing NOT to remain that way. It is said that the " Same Drunk will Drink again! "
So, AA does advocate that truly living sober and living within the gift of serenity isn't a matter of what you stop doing it is ALSO what you START doing and decide, day after day, to CONTINUE to do!
There is additionally a truism that reminds us that " True Character is ultimately revealed by how you act when you BELIEVE that NO ONE is watching You.!"
- Johnny-
It seems character is usually truly revealed when it seems like you can act out, get away with it and not likely to be stopped , held to account and made to deal with the CONSEQUENCES of your actions. Mobs and mass activities seem to be great cover for those who hide well who they TRULY are and what they are actually capable of!
One of the Things that I get out of AA is that just stopping drinking while a GOOD thing to do is just a FIRST step towards living better and insufficient in and of itself. You have to look at who you are, and be willing to accept yourself as you are while purposing NOT to remain that way. It is said that the " Same Drunk will Drink again! "
So, AA does advocate that truly living sober and living within the gift of serenity isn't a matter of what you stop doing it is ALSO what you START doing and decide, day after day, to CONTINUE to do!
There is additionally a truism that reminds us that " True Character is ultimately revealed by how you act when you BELIEVE that NO ONE is watching You.!"
- Johnny-
Friday, November 25, 2011
This year, Lord, Please touch my heart in a way that will have me see Christmas...
in a new, dynamic, powerful and life- changing way, Please permanently change how I view Christmas!
This has been a year of discoveries and stretching
I disdain myself and my progress when I neglect how much I have gained throughout 2011!
Toastmasters can be a place of Courage
When people free themselves from their terror of Public Speaking, They become stromger and more able!
Support Small Business Saturday!
That is what i just learned tomorrow is. Tysons dominates this area but it is not a great place to get to or shop. Overcrowded and very overpriced!
It is hard, tho, to figure out where the best places are to shop.
It is hard, tho, to figure out where the best places are to shop.
This weekend is a good time to prepare for Christmas Spiritually!
It would be wise to prepare myself to actually have a dynamic and grand December.
I need to be thankful tonight for a slow computer!
It frustrates me but it is what I can afford right now. Just because something is better, quicker and more efficient does not mean it MUST be mine!
Is Delayed Gratification always a good thing?
Delayed Gratification is usually considered a treasured value for most of us! This is a sign of maturity- usually of waiting until you can afford it if it is purchase item. Or, Waiting until you can devote the proper time and attention to a person or to a purpose or to a commitment.
Yet, Is it possible that delayed gratification can build up frustration or cause someone to " stew " and be overly frustrated from the longing?
Is there a way to judge when, perhaps, delayed gratification has become more of an issue and a problem rather than a virtue?
- Johnny-
Yet, Is it possible that delayed gratification can build up frustration or cause someone to " stew " and be overly frustrated from the longing?
Is there a way to judge when, perhaps, delayed gratification has become more of an issue and a problem rather than a virtue?
- Johnny-
Being Cautious.
Is it better to allow your desire to play with a " New TOY" to get you to rush and create a problem or to proceed slowly and be satisfied with the EVENTUAL result?
For the moment, I'm choosing the slower pace!
For the moment, I'm choosing the slower pace!
Having Bright and Contentious and Well-Informed and Well- Educated Friends is a true honor.
The Friends that can argue with you intensely and without quarter and yet still love you, care about you, support you and want the best for you are GIFTS OF SPLENDOR in this SEASON and in EVERY!!! season!
The Turkey and Ham and all that accompanied them indeed were tremendous. Enjoy today for what it is. A Sour Life is lived when you do not take the best of what the day you are in places before you!
Thursday, November 24, 2011
A Great Meal and Great Conversation
I did not watch football but what a blessed day, It is good to lose yourself in fun, faith, conversation and a celebration of life!
Listening to the message and Not weighing the manner of its' presentation.
Neither the Tea Partiers nor the Occupiers are close to being perfect They each have a few leaders who are more centered upon their reputations and future than serving those they lead.
I also fervently believe that there are people there, how many would have no way they are who are committed , ardent and true believers. They are fully committed to the idea that their cause is right , just, proper and the way things need to be, the way our nation needs to be operated, governed and the way our society SHOULD serve its' citizens.
I am told that at Tea Party protests that permits for the area where they are going to be held MUST be properly- dotting all the I's and crossing all the T's- filled out WELL! in advance. In Washington, They made payments to The Public Transit Operators in DC to cover extra expenses for services that they had to extend to accommodate the Tea Partiers..
The leaders of these rallies were told that they would have to pay for police overtime. They listened respectfully to speakers. They ruthlessly policed the area and properly disposed of their trash. They challenged disruptive protesters within their own ranks, Verbally challenging them , destroying signs that were deemed inappropriate and inoffensive, Did they get them all, likely not, but they made that exercise a part of their operating plan. People who would not behaved were denounced and told to leave.
The Occupiers took over private property in part- not always with the concurrence of those who owned those properties. They overwhelmed local services. They did not bring in suitable toilets until fairly late in the game, They not only kept people, going about their lawful tasks including going to work They also were not paying any one or reimbursing anyone for any overtime costs needed to be paid out to deal with their protests.
The Throwing of containers filled with liquid and solid human wastes at police seems to be , above all , what separates the view people have of The Tea Party protesters when compared to The view they have of The Occupy Protestors. This seems to cause people to express distaste, repulsion and offense toward The people who throw these containers and the fact that no one , within the Occupy ranks, is challenging these waste throwers.
So, What is the best way to consider the message being given as opposed to how that message is presented?
I also fervently believe that there are people there, how many would have no way they are who are committed , ardent and true believers. They are fully committed to the idea that their cause is right , just, proper and the way things need to be, the way our nation needs to be operated, governed and the way our society SHOULD serve its' citizens.
I am told that at Tea Party protests that permits for the area where they are going to be held MUST be properly- dotting all the I's and crossing all the T's- filled out WELL! in advance. In Washington, They made payments to The Public Transit Operators in DC to cover extra expenses for services that they had to extend to accommodate the Tea Partiers..
The leaders of these rallies were told that they would have to pay for police overtime. They listened respectfully to speakers. They ruthlessly policed the area and properly disposed of their trash. They challenged disruptive protesters within their own ranks, Verbally challenging them , destroying signs that were deemed inappropriate and inoffensive, Did they get them all, likely not, but they made that exercise a part of their operating plan. People who would not behaved were denounced and told to leave.
The Occupiers took over private property in part- not always with the concurrence of those who owned those properties. They overwhelmed local services. They did not bring in suitable toilets until fairly late in the game, They not only kept people, going about their lawful tasks including going to work They also were not paying any one or reimbursing anyone for any overtime costs needed to be paid out to deal with their protests.
The Throwing of containers filled with liquid and solid human wastes at police seems to be , above all , what separates the view people have of The Tea Party protesters when compared to The view they have of The Occupy Protestors. This seems to cause people to express distaste, repulsion and offense toward The people who throw these containers and the fact that no one , within the Occupy ranks, is challenging these waste throwers.
So, What is the best way to consider the message being given as opposed to how that message is presented?
We have faced more dangerous days...
In 1961 and in 1962, THE US seemed heading towards nuclear war first- over Berlin and over Cuba. Our days are not as perilous.
They gave their promises and sacred fortunes to a land...
and to each other.
We honor them and are thankful to them!
We honor them and are thankful to them!
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
America is a Marvel
We've had better days and worse ones. It is still a land that inspires and brings about the best in people. I am so proud to be a citizen of this nation!
God empower me to be Thankful Today
" God , Grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change. The courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference"
Lying and Hiding!
Is it due to a fear of outcomes ? Why are people not willing to admit that they are wrong? Or, That they do not know? Or, Have lied?Or have bee3n guilty of a crime or an offense?
Is it due to the thrill of the moment - of doing something that isn't them and is so " out of character " for them? Is it not wanting their secrets exposed? Is it not wanting to no longer be trusted or liked? Is it the loss of a job? Or a Friendship" Or a Relationship or a marriage?
Might being honest and candid cost them a fine or a penalty or perhaps even their freedom due to incarceration?
Might wanting,at all costs, to delay or possibly escape totally the consequences of their actions cause them to stay in the shadows, hide and pretend?
- Johnny-
Is it due to the thrill of the moment - of doing something that isn't them and is so " out of character " for them? Is it not wanting their secrets exposed? Is it not wanting to no longer be trusted or liked? Is it the loss of a job? Or a Friendship" Or a Relationship or a marriage?
Might being honest and candid cost them a fine or a penalty or perhaps even their freedom due to incarceration?
Might wanting,at all costs, to delay or possibly escape totally the consequences of their actions cause them to stay in the shadows, hide and pretend?
- Johnny-
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Let me live freely tomorrow.
I do wish, hope and pray that I will not regret the choices I make through the day tomorrow!
You are good, kind and always lovable.
Lord, When I am blind to this, I become so blind to life and truth as well!
Hunk- Lessons from an 80's Cheesy Movie
The Plot - A nerdy recent college grad is failing at his job at a computer firm. He is facing being fired. He offers to sell his soul and he comes with a "wow" idea. His boss then rewards him with a six weeks vacation at a beach community - with an order to develop a mega idea.
He struggles until a gorgeous woman offers him " perfect looks and irresistibly" if again he will sell his soul. he is unsteady a bit after being transformed but grown into it. The Satanic temptress disguises herself as a therapist to convince him that he's always been who he is now and that his old life is a delusion. He falls in love with her.
As this is a Hollywood 80's comedy he choose to return to his old like. The temptress is allowed to renounce her vow and become who she was before. This being Hollywood she's still rather attractive even transformed
It is a good movie to ponder just before The Day of Gratitude!.I''ve been lonely and isolated most of my life- that is still still, sadly, all to true even now, Would I be rid of "me" to be handsome, charming, irresistible and sought after"! I'd like to think " No" but I'm glad that My God is good and gracious enough to not put me in a position where I have to say " no" to that overwhelming temptation!
- Johnny-
He struggles until a gorgeous woman offers him " perfect looks and irresistibly" if again he will sell his soul. he is unsteady a bit after being transformed but grown into it. The Satanic temptress disguises herself as a therapist to convince him that he's always been who he is now and that his old life is a delusion. He falls in love with her.
As this is a Hollywood 80's comedy he choose to return to his old like. The temptress is allowed to renounce her vow and become who she was before. This being Hollywood she's still rather attractive even transformed
It is a good movie to ponder just before The Day of Gratitude!.I''ve been lonely and isolated most of my life- that is still still, sadly, all to true even now, Would I be rid of "me" to be handsome, charming, irresistible and sought after"! I'd like to think " No" but I'm glad that My God is good and gracious enough to not put me in a position where I have to say " no" to that overwhelming temptation!
- Johnny-
Glorying in the past is only good ...
if you do not use it to negate the present and believe that nothing good is possible in the future. This is truly the practice of people who want to avoid thinking deeply, hoping, aspiring and dreaming.
John Fitzgerald Kennedy - 1917 to 1963
November 22nd, 1963 was just 6 days after my 9Th Birthday. I remember being in my 4Th grade Classroom at Our Lady of Mount Carmel School on Bathgate Avenue in the Bronx. At 1:40 PM, A terse announcement came across the PA System., "The president has been shot". We spent the rest of that school day praying for the President.
In the years after that, President Kennedy became a National Martyr and bigger- than- life hero. We now know about The attempts on the lives of Fidel Castro and his brother Raul. The Fuller Story on The Bay Of Pigs,Authorizing Wire Taps on Dr. Martin Luther King, Junior and some of the uneven responses to the Civil Rights Protesters in specific and the Civil Rights Movements in General. The now known connections to organized crime are also off-putting.
Yet, President Kennedy also added vigor and motivation to our nation. People were encouraged to exercise. People were strongly urged to volunteer. We took our first step into space and were put on a path that led the nation to land on the Moon in the Summer of 1969!
President Kennedy also had a deep concern for children and those suffering from mental illnesses. He started us on the path from being less enamored with nuclear weapons. He urged us to be willing to negotiate and to listen.
He could be haughty, vulgar and ill-tempered. Yet, He also could be caring, charming and quite charismatic! He was not a perfect man but he was a brave, visionary and daring man
Thank you, Mr. President. Today, Many Americans mourn the tragedy of your death and are inspired, renewed and re-invigorated by the many triumphs of your life!
- Johnny -
In the years after that, President Kennedy became a National Martyr and bigger- than- life hero. We now know about The attempts on the lives of Fidel Castro and his brother Raul. The Fuller Story on The Bay Of Pigs,Authorizing Wire Taps on Dr. Martin Luther King, Junior and some of the uneven responses to the Civil Rights Protesters in specific and the Civil Rights Movements in General. The now known connections to organized crime are also off-putting.
Yet, President Kennedy also added vigor and motivation to our nation. People were encouraged to exercise. People were strongly urged to volunteer. We took our first step into space and were put on a path that led the nation to land on the Moon in the Summer of 1969!
President Kennedy also had a deep concern for children and those suffering from mental illnesses. He started us on the path from being less enamored with nuclear weapons. He urged us to be willing to negotiate and to listen.
He could be haughty, vulgar and ill-tempered. Yet, He also could be caring, charming and quite charismatic! He was not a perfect man but he was a brave, visionary and daring man
Thank you, Mr. President. Today, Many Americans mourn the tragedy of your death and are inspired, renewed and re-invigorated by the many triumphs of your life!
- Johnny -
Monday, November 21, 2011
People just never seem to vanish from my life!
I am amazed by the people I hear from again after having not heard from them for sooooo long that I have just about forgotten that they exist!
Help me to reach out over Christmas!
I will be giving one of my pastor's a gift tomorrow morning - a check to help make an anonymous child's Christmas a little more festive!
I love my Church but there are limitations to meeting in a Middle School.
A Church gorgeously decorated for Christmas can be a worshipful item of splendor. A school cannot be made to be such!
Echoes of Childhood.
I miss Baseball. The toughest days of the year in many ways, for me are days when Baseball is not in season.
I know that I will purchase an X Box 360 on Friday.
I do have the ability to pushed for The PS 3. Yet, I do know that it is wise to keep that as a " not yet".
Over coming means...
letting nothing stop you as you head towards the destination that you know that you are called to meet!
I am smiling. Lords, It seems no matter what befalls me- No matter what...
I am thinking, feeling, enduring or encountering, I still seem to be a smiler!
The Best Versed Media person that I am aware of is John Bachelor.
Literate, clever, wise and insightful. A futurist and a man who truly educates as well as he informs!
Lord , Please frree me from hiding and excusing.
I've lived in a cowardly fashion for too long. Let me not continue to live this way. Let me brave for you and to be strong in fighting the battles that you call me to fight!
I fear that I am haunted by the ghost of who a well-raised me could have become!
This me, who I am as I type this seems like an absurd and loutish shadow of who I was designed to be. I often grieve because who I am now seems like an insult and I don't know if all of my best plans and commitments can truly make a difference in who I am and how I live!
Thank to the generosity of the mother of two boys that I tutor...
I have a quality back pack again!!! I just need to make sure that this one lasts for a good, long while!
If I never have a true significant other in my life again...
Will the rest of my life feel like a monstrous and useless waste?
I can't believe...
I'll ever be successful, respected and happy.
I still see myself as the boy who grew up afraid of everyone and everything in the Southwestern Bronx. I see myself as the one who has never successfully defeated any bullies.
I wonder as I struggle to make my life an item of pride, victory and joy now, if it is just too late for any of what I do to matter as I wish that it will.
I still see myself as the boy who grew up afraid of everyone and everything in the Southwestern Bronx. I see myself as the one who has never successfully defeated any bullies.
I wonder as I struggle to make my life an item of pride, victory and joy now, if it is just too late for any of what I do to matter as I wish that it will.
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Some people retreat from pain and discomfort at any price,
as long as they can have things easy, they are willing to not try and not expect much. i spent too many years trying to avoid pain and discomfort, I finally, about 8 years ago BEGAN to discover that it is a life without value, quality or substance, a life truly not worth living.
I'm still a bit of a wimp about pain and dealing with it well and bravely. Yet, I am learning, especially of late, that some things are well worth suffering for. There are also victories that are precious and worth fighting for , even if agony is part of the price to claim them!
- Johnny-
I'm still a bit of a wimp about pain and dealing with it well and bravely. Yet, I am learning, especially of late, that some things are well worth suffering for. There are also victories that are precious and worth fighting for , even if agony is part of the price to claim them!
- Johnny-
Friday, November 18, 2011
Prejudice erodes the soul!
Please help to continue to heal me from this poison that my mother steeped me in!
Lord, Help me to be a Good Teammate tomorrow
Let me see that it is best if I'm not the brightest star or the loudest voice at a gathering!
Bill James on the subject of Intangibles.
Baseball Statistics GURU Bill James was once asked about the effect of the intangibles on the sport of baseball.
He replied, " I find it hard to measure intangibles. It is difficult to measure what DOES NOT EXIST!"
Do you concur with Bill James' view?
Years ago, Hilliary Clinton was pilloried for saying , " I find it hard to imagine that something greater than me exists." In fairness to Ms. Rodham Clinton, she was referring, in fact, to greater than HUMANITY.
Yet, She was attacked as being dismissive of spirituality by making this statement. Mr. James may be treading on some of the same ground!
- Johnny -
He replied, " I find it hard to measure intangibles. It is difficult to measure what DOES NOT EXIST!"
Do you concur with Bill James' view?
Years ago, Hilliary Clinton was pilloried for saying , " I find it hard to imagine that something greater than me exists." In fairness to Ms. Rodham Clinton, she was referring, in fact, to greater than HUMANITY.
Yet, She was attacked as being dismissive of spirituality by making this statement. Mr. James may be treading on some of the same ground!
- Johnny -
If you can't fail, Then are you free? If every idea is worthy of support and approval, Where do quality and discernment factor in?
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Basic Good News
My cholesterol is way down and I've dropped 13 pounds. This I learned as a result of a Doctor's Visit. My bank balance is MUCH better than I thought it would be. A local Game Spot is now holding an USED X B0X 360 that I will pick up on Black Friday at a greatly discounted rate.
I've also started dancing again in my apartment. The sunshine seems to be back!
- Johnny-
I've also started dancing again in my apartment. The sunshine seems to be back!
- Johnny-
I know that I HAVE!!!! hope for the Future.
I have support, I have love. I have a God that I can trust in Him and I have people that will stand beside me and behind me.
Free Me ,Lord.
Let me see what it is like to be guided by you rather than trying to fight against you!
I'm dancing agaim
I notice my mood is more elevated and I'm lighter of heart and spirit when I dance. It does seem to be a weapon in my battle to be more positive, more beneficial and more powerful of spirit.
Can you deal with choas and constant adjustments?
I find that I must. I also find that when I do so grudgingly and when I do so poorly, I make myself look atrocious.
I will admit it- I don't get it.
I can, very often be oversensitive and a bit whiny. I can be rather thin-skinned and when I'm impatient or overly annoyed or frustrated , my tongue can become dis pleasingly sharp!
Yet, I had well over a hundred Birthday greeting posted on FaceBook yesterday, So, What is it about me that people find pleasing, fun attractive and enjoyable. Is there actually a benefit to knowing me?
One of my goals for this month is to find out why people find me appealing. What do they actually gain from knowing me?
I flat out don't, on most days, get the why of this! I don't know that if I were not me if I'd be a friend of mine. So, Please, I'm TOTALLY serious, What DO you see that I JUST DO NOT!!!!!?????????
- Johnny -
Yet, I had well over a hundred Birthday greeting posted on FaceBook yesterday, So, What is it about me that people find pleasing, fun attractive and enjoyable. Is there actually a benefit to knowing me?
One of my goals for this month is to find out why people find me appealing. What do they actually gain from knowing me?
I flat out don't, on most days, get the why of this! I don't know that if I were not me if I'd be a friend of mine. So, Please, I'm TOTALLY serious, What DO you see that I JUST DO NOT!!!!!?????????
- Johnny -
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
This is amazing-I've had over 100 Birthday greetings on Face Book Today!
My spine is tingling! I dis not expect this at all!
- Johnny-
- Johnny-
You keep me safe!
I know that since You live and because I serve You that I shall live beyond the grave!
God, Help me to appreciate my life.
Let me get over the impression that my life is just threadbare and second- hand. New is not necessary to be quality, serviceable and enjoyable!
Please let me be truly thankful , God!
Please let me know hoe petty it is for me to nurture any ingratitude!
Lord, help me to care even when it hurts me to,
Caring, in spite of pain, is often truly Godly caring!
A ministry that is need!
One that ministers to athletes who will not go on to succeeding in college or the pros. The heart is there and the talent is not! It seems to be a place of frustrated dreamers and crushed dreams!
My New Year
The attention and loves that one gets during your birthday makes it a day that that you don't want to end, It can be akin to the feelings that one feels at the end of December 25th.
Yet, I'm now involved in a discipline self-improvement program. It will be interesting to see what my life is like 366 days from now.
The false me that was a burden to be is slipping away. I think I'm just beginning to get who I am! Who I truly am!
Yet, I'm now involved in a discipline self-improvement program. It will be interesting to see what my life is like 366 days from now.
The false me that was a burden to be is slipping away. I think I'm just beginning to get who I am! Who I truly am!
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
I'm tearing up and touched.
Today is going to be a superb day! I'm going to gain a great deal of love and appreciation on this 11/16.
A few brief perspectives on Year 56.
I grew as a leader though serving as a Toastmaster Division Governor. I began to see that I need to work with passion and dedication on becoming a better person by discovering who I really am and what I am truly able to do well.
I started to entertain a bit more. I've also, of late increased my exercising. I want to be so much more than I am now and I want to stop behaving in a self-sabotaging manner.
I have far to go but I am ON THE MOVE and improving!
- Johnny -
I started to entertain a bit more. I've also, of late increased my exercising. I want to be so much more than I am now and I want to stop behaving in a self-sabotaging manner.
I have far to go but I am ON THE MOVE and improving!
- Johnny -
They meant it for evil...
You are healing me and showing me that life can be good and improving .Thank you, God!!!!
I am glad that I am writing constantly.
It helps me to think more clearly and it reduces my anxiety overall!
I will have a ride home fom My Bible Study tomorrow night!
That does remove some stress and angst from my planning for tomorrow!
This has not been the Birth Month that I expected!
Yet, This is what God ordained for me! I am growing in it and gaining through it.
Healing has occurred tonight.
I sent some more material to the person who asked me to provide a 3 HOUR long Lincoln- Douglas Instructional Session. The set back of last week has been shaken off! The sulking and the pouting is at an end.
What would Point 0 Four do for our economy?
If a Petroleum Comppany changed their pricing from .09 to.04 give our economy a boost?
Control gains naught for me
I've battled against acceptance too often lately and paid a very high price. I can accept without liking, prroving or condoning. It is quite possible to accept that something " just is"- I must do more of this!
Monday, November 14, 2011
Homework- Growing less popular.
Some argue that it is a burden to very demanding family lives to have homework has something else to do once the family is all together. They emphasize that time should be found in school to do all school related work!
Some educators argue that this sends the wrong message- that learning, band practicing education is just a school activity. They also argue that if learning and education are the centerpiece of childhood then they must be activities that dominate a child's life!
Some educators argue that this sends the wrong message- that learning, band practicing education is just a school activity. They also argue that if learning and education are the centerpiece of childhood then they must be activities that dominate a child's life!
A Good Lesson
It really gratified me today to tutor a boy who really wanted to work and do his work well.
Does this say " Tacky Neighborhood"?
I saw reusable shopping bags being advertized at a Local Shoppers Food warehouse as a " useful and appreciated Holiday gift?" Useful yes, but hardly anyone's idea of a what they'd put on their desired gift list!
Can we say second-rate and tacky?
Can we say second-rate and tacky?
Tis The Season!
The time to do the Holidays right is RIGHT now! Wishing that you had done more with this season in May of 2012 is not really a great alternative!
Last week is fully gone
I had the weekend to discuss it, analyze it and mourn it, Time to now move on and get going!
Sunday, November 13, 2011
I grieve for my country when I think that it is partially abandoned...
its future. Alas, US Manned Space Program, I mourn for you!
My Penn State Speech!
I plan to address the subject at a Toastmaster meeting on Saturday, Morning November 19TH.
Lord, Please help me to speak intelligently, prudently and well as I give THIS speech!
Lord, Please help me to speak intelligently, prudently and well as I give THIS speech!
In the Alternative Maddenverse...
Chad Henne of the Dolphins and Rex Grossman of the Redskins are involved NOW in an intense duel. This is being played on a soon likely to be replaced PS2!
They thought that they could break me!!!
John and Florence meant it for evil. You meant my birth for good and I'm trusting You to teach me to live more and more to please you!
I must be true to My Quest!
I almost gave up on My 18 Month quest a few days ago, That would have been pathetic and crippling to me. God and good friends would not permit me to do so. Yes!!!!!!!!!
The!!! DOLPHINS!!!! WIN!!!
They are an atrocious team- but they are one of two NFL teams that I root for, They beat the Redskins earlier today!
When my writing is flowing well,
I truly feel touched by the deep creativity that flows from My Creator!
The Principle of Treasuring Children.
I've worked well with young people all my life. I've been a classroom teacher and I am now a tutor. I've written bible studies and devotionals for children and youth. I've led numerous Toastmaster Youth Leadership Programs and I've also taught youth debate programs- the youngest child who I've instructed to debate was 8 at the time I instructed her.
I've learned that it is important to teach young people that you care about them and are willing to stretch yourself for them. I've learned that you do not break promises and to the children and youth that you are cloest to, it's vital to remember holidays and birthday.
Children and Youth know those who are the most devoted to them, who they really matter to. My Birthday is on November 16th, this Wednesday. A boy who I have attended two Birthday Parties grabbed me around the waist amd would not let go once he learned that my birthday was soon to arrive.
They can be demanding and moody but they teach me impressive lessons on devotion, loyalty and commitment.
Lord, Being great with young people was not a gift i ever sought. Yet, It is the richest blessing you've ever bestowed upon me!!!
- Johnny-
I've learned that it is important to teach young people that you care about them and are willing to stretch yourself for them. I've learned that you do not break promises and to the children and youth that you are cloest to, it's vital to remember holidays and birthday.
Children and Youth know those who are the most devoted to them, who they really matter to. My Birthday is on November 16th, this Wednesday. A boy who I have attended two Birthday Parties grabbed me around the waist amd would not let go once he learned that my birthday was soon to arrive.
They can be demanding and moody but they teach me impressive lessons on devotion, loyalty and commitment.
Lord, Being great with young people was not a gift i ever sought. Yet, It is the richest blessing you've ever bestowed upon me!!!
- Johnny-
Helping others to celebarate is a part of making life shine!
I will add to the celebration of ayoung man's 18th birthdy, someone I have known since he was a very young child!
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Today was supposed to be a day of triumph.
Today will not be what I envisioned and hoped and earnestly desired it would be. So, What shall I do with THIS Sunday, November 13Th? Will I practice and excel in a Carpe Diem style today?
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
God wants me to be humble !
I feel that my life has been too humble and modest, constrained and limited! While this may be true and have validity, God wants me to be humble. Will I obey? or Will I assert my will and desire no matter what!
November- A Month Of Birthdays!
Never forget that no matter what any life is like, Births are worth celebrating, They are a beginning and a promise of new possibilities and renewal!
When you are a victim of severe injustice ,
Is it better to make yourself strong, powerful and tough so that you cannot be treated badly again?
Or , Is it truly much better to have a heart for others who have suffered and are suffering and fight to champion them, working towards protecting them from and safeguarding them from further and future harms!
- Johnny-
Or , Is it truly much better to have a heart for others who have suffered and are suffering and fight to champion them, working towards protecting them from and safeguarding them from further and future harms!
- Johnny-
Ease, glamor, wealth, fame and a magical Life is what I crave!
Struggle, recovery, discipline, patience and discipline- accepting and overcoming hardship and blight is what my life seems to be centered upon.
The first is what I whine about not having, but that is pure fantasy! The others seems to be naught but drudgery and unpleasantness. Yet, The other seems to be where God would have me and where He meets me and works in me and through me.
I don't like to type this- but the second is where I must be and what I need to be far more willing to accept and be thankful for than I am now!
- Johnny-
The first is what I whine about not having, but that is pure fantasy! The others seems to be naught but drudgery and unpleasantness. Yet, The other seems to be where God would have me and where He meets me and works in me and through me.
I don't like to type this- but the second is where I must be and what I need to be far more willing to accept and be thankful for than I am now!
- Johnny-
Those unwilling to sacrifice...
will never see their character and personality grow to the size and extent that they are intended to develop into!
Talent and Grace makes so much of a difference.
Jim Dooley is a great Toastmasters leader, A Gentleman to the Nines, and a Master Toastmaster!
It is a treasure to have seen him in actionthis morning. He is eloquent, organized, supportive and a leader who motivates you, by his manner to follow him!
It is a treasure to have seen him in actionthis morning. He is eloquent, organized, supportive and a leader who motivates you, by his manner to follow him!
The Difference between wants and needs!
Knowing The difference between what is truly and realistically what is a want and a need can make the difference between your wants and your needs determines whether you are able to live well or miserably. This seems to be cited by some as a truism!
Are you able to tell the difference between your wants and your needs? Why do you believe many people seem to stumble when it comes to determine what is a want and what is a need?
- Johnny-
Are you able to tell the difference between your wants and your needs? Why do you believe many people seem to stumble when it comes to determine what is a want and what is a need?
- Johnny-
Doing well when all is easy is not worthy of note.
Almost anyone can do this, Staying the course when it is difficult and trying, Such is the path of champions! I must remember this as I struggle to achieve at this present moment!
A 21st Century Modest Proposal
I don't think this has a hope of being adopted. However, What would occur if a number of people decided that, in their converation, writing and e-mail posting they would decide to forego vulgar, insulting and demeaning words and phrases.
These people would chose to say what they meant more fully and using decent and uplifting language! What change might that bring about in their own lives? How might that affect those they are close to? Would that impact continue on to their wider communities.
If this were followed long enough and persistently enough, Might this exercise bring about a benefit to many?
These people would chose to say what they meant more fully and using decent and uplifting language! What change might that bring about in their own lives? How might that affect those they are close to? Would that impact continue on to their wider communities.
If this were followed long enough and persistently enough, Might this exercise bring about a benefit to many?
A Day to Keep Remembering....
Yesterday was Veteran's Day. There are no fewer reasons to honor our troops today. We can at least consider this part of the Veterans Weekend Holiday!
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
Friday, November 11, 2011
Lord, Heal me!
I'm not going to die until that day comes. Lord , Don't let discouragement, frustration and disillusionment turn me into the "living dead".
Our Common Humanity!
We all know what it is to laugh and cry and to try and fail to love and lose! We all share those absolutely HUMAN experiences!
Wilson Ramos is safe and alive!
Wilson Ramos, a young catcher for The Washington Nationals, was kidnapped from his home in Venezuela in front of his parents on Wednesday. He was seized at gunpoint and was definitely in mortal danger!
He was rescued a short time ago by the police and it appears that he is safe and in good condition.
- Johnny-
He was rescued a short time ago by the police and it appears that he is safe and in good condition.
- Johnny-
As I root for BOTH The Dolphins and the Cowboys....
The NEXT TWO!!! Sundays are " Total War against the Redskins" Sundays!
I can Survive!
This has been a rugged week. However, I did get through it. I've been given support this week at critical times. I need to acknowledge that at the end of this obstacle course of a week!
I now have exceeded the 700 Posts in 2011 Mark!
I've learned this year about the Universal Post, The Critical Issue Thought Post, The Random Thought Post and the posting just to post post! This has been an interesting year in learning how to be more at ease on expressing myself on line in various settings.
This blog has just been around for 53 weeks- First Entry- 10-04- 10! ON this special numerical Day!!!!!!! - 11-11-11, I've made some personal cyber history of my own!
Who knows what will show up here over the next 53 weeks? I 'don't- LOL! Thank you for your support and now My next goal- Can I reach a THOUSAND Total Blog entries before 2011 is total history!
This blog has just been around for 53 weeks- First Entry- 10-04- 10! ON this special numerical Day!!!!!!! - 11-11-11, I've made some personal cyber history of my own!
Who knows what will show up here over the next 53 weeks? I 'don't- LOL! Thank you for your support and now My next goal- Can I reach a THOUSAND Total Blog entries before 2011 is total history!
Should needing to tell a clerk 4 SEPERATE times to triple bag your groceries count as bad...
In my opinion, This is bad beyond bad, This is incapable of doing their job and being offensively and ineffective bad. While it would be cruel to fire this person from working a register, Do not allow them any customer service. Let them stock shelves in the store room and clean the store after hours.
Any store that puts such a person in a position where he or she represents the store to the customers is too absurd to succeed!
In my opinion, This is bad beyond bad, This is incapable of doing their job and being offensively and ineffective bad. While it would be cruel to fire this person from working a register, Do not allow them any customer service. Let them stock shelves in the store room and clean the store after hours.
Any store that puts such a person in a position where he or she represents the store to the customers is too absurd to succeed!
The Debt we owe!
Our Freedom is possible because of VETERANS. All that we treasure we CAN treasure due to their willingness to serve They are heroes - Or Military Men and Women- Past and Present.
The Debt we owe to them is beyond repaying. Our lives, Our Freedom and Our Sacred Honor is because of their lavish commitment to be faithful, loyal, reliable and always faithful!
The Debt we owe to them is beyond repaying. Our lives, Our Freedom and Our Sacred Honor is because of their lavish commitment to be faithful, loyal, reliable and always faithful!
A Number of years ago, We learned that Magic Johnson had contracted
AIDS. He still lives and is flourishing! Obviously, This is a victory of people who would not accept that AIDS is an always fatal disease!
11 -11-11.
Notable- rare and what today was! If it is supposed to be a great arguer or a lucky charm, It was not meant to be so for me! It has not played out that way!
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Producing when I am at my nadir.
A week ago, I strove to be successful with teaching curriculum that fell short of the mark. Today, I pushed to finish The 24th Mountain Mafia Message Devotional. Pressing and achieving when I feel bereft and not worthy is a sign that I've not lost heart!
- Johnny-
- Johnny-
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Johnny, If you decide that it is too hard to let go and mean it...
Then, Your 18 Month Effort is doomed!
I do need the release and getting out and about!
Taking deep breaths and enjoying the SUNSHINE may be very healing.
Gracious was not my name today!
I am a client of The Fairfax County, Virginia Mental Health Program I'm also recieving subsidized housing.
What has been set up for me is a program that allows me to go into a Community Mental Health Center for one visit and then my therapist comes to see me the next time. The County Mental Health Program re-organized back in July and my therapist was moved to another team
I now have a 20 something therpist who is new to the system and to the position. Last month, We had our first appointment and inspite of direct confirmation , she showed up ast my appartment at a not-agreed upon time.
Today , I had several critical matters that I wanted done and processed. She was to come here. She didn't have that recorded so she could see it and did not show I was VERY displeased and dealt with her curtly and coldly!
I told her that I did not need any extra stress today and that It is not the job of the county to add to my stress.
I did calm down and we now have an a0pointment on Friday- sigh- A FEDERAL HOLIDAY- but not one for one of her agencies! Not ideal but no other alternative worked either!
I guess I need someone to help me understand why my process of therapy should, in and of itself, create issues that NEED to be dealt with in future therapy sessions. Yet, It may be unrealistic to think that I say " Do not make this an issue for me!! This should not be my problem" is unrealistic and simply "ain't GONNA happen"!
So, Anyone have ANY good, wise and usable suggestions as to how I deal with a good, likeable, clever, witty intelligent and insightful therapist with tremendous upside and potential, who at THIS moment, seems more like a nuisance than a benefit?
- Johnny-
What has been set up for me is a program that allows me to go into a Community Mental Health Center for one visit and then my therapist comes to see me the next time. The County Mental Health Program re-organized back in July and my therapist was moved to another team
I now have a 20 something therpist who is new to the system and to the position. Last month, We had our first appointment and inspite of direct confirmation , she showed up ast my appartment at a not-agreed upon time.
Today , I had several critical matters that I wanted done and processed. She was to come here. She didn't have that recorded so she could see it and did not show I was VERY displeased and dealt with her curtly and coldly!
I told her that I did not need any extra stress today and that It is not the job of the county to add to my stress.
I did calm down and we now have an a0pointment on Friday- sigh- A FEDERAL HOLIDAY- but not one for one of her agencies! Not ideal but no other alternative worked either!
I guess I need someone to help me understand why my process of therapy should, in and of itself, create issues that NEED to be dealt with in future therapy sessions. Yet, It may be unrealistic to think that I say " Do not make this an issue for me!! This should not be my problem" is unrealistic and simply "ain't GONNA happen"!
So, Anyone have ANY good, wise and usable suggestions as to how I deal with a good, likeable, clever, witty intelligent and insightful therapist with tremendous upside and potential, who at THIS moment, seems more like a nuisance than a benefit?
- Johnny-
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
William Paul Young - Part One
The Name William Paul Young may not IMMEDIATELY mean much to you.he is not a criminal nor anyone we should fear or loathe . He is the Author of The Best Seller " The Shack"
Paul Young spoke at Arlington's Grace Community Church on Sunday, November the Sixth. He told us that The Shack is intended to be a metaphor for The Human Soul. It is the place where we hide who we really are so that we can be publicly pleasing to people. He told us that he was physically abused by a father who was too harsh a disciplinarian. He also told us that he was sexually abused by older students at the boarding school that he was sent to. This limited him for years concerning how he saw God and others. His deep woundedness and his inability to trust other became the core of his " shack".
He wrote the book because his wife wanted him to tell his children how he viewed God. He said that, years later after first writing the book, his wife had told him that " I just expected you to write 3 or 4 pages"
One of Young's overviews of his current Faith in God is that," Religion teaches us to say the right things, Christianity teaches us to live as God wants us to live."
To be continued....
Paul Young spoke at Arlington's Grace Community Church on Sunday, November the Sixth. He told us that The Shack is intended to be a metaphor for The Human Soul. It is the place where we hide who we really are so that we can be publicly pleasing to people. He told us that he was physically abused by a father who was too harsh a disciplinarian. He also told us that he was sexually abused by older students at the boarding school that he was sent to. This limited him for years concerning how he saw God and others. His deep woundedness and his inability to trust other became the core of his " shack".
He wrote the book because his wife wanted him to tell his children how he viewed God. He said that, years later after first writing the book, his wife had told him that " I just expected you to write 3 or 4 pages"
One of Young's overviews of his current Faith in God is that," Religion teaches us to say the right things, Christianity teaches us to live as God wants us to live."
To be continued....
I know that being a pouty brat does not work.
I fell into that hole yesterday, I'm still trying to climb out of it. I must admit that I'm not fully out of yet.
Just saw " Girl Interrupted"
Is Mental Illness actually an illness or is it where you retreat to,/fall back to when you can't deal with the ugliness of life?
It does get wearying to see people who just want to attack , betittle, mock and
character assassinate others!
It is too marvelous and someways too miraculous a technology to be wasted on such petty, brain-dead and be knighted usages!
- Johnny-
It is too marvelous and someways too miraculous a technology to be wasted on such petty, brain-dead and be knighted usages!
- Johnny-
While it will not make a difference....
I will cast a vote for the opponent of the suitably named Penny Gross today! People are lulled into voting for her- she is a classic " I cater to my people" politician. Those who don't live within the her universe, effectively do not have any represntation.
William Marcy Tweed and Nancy Pelosi's Father would be proud!
William Marcy Tweed and Nancy Pelosi's Father would be proud!
Monday, November 7, 2011
Tomorrow I get to go to the Doctor
I hate to go to The Doctor's office. However, I must admit that this is a privilege !
Why are some members of our society FANATICAL about injuring themselves...
and everyone else around them!
Some of the poorest, most broken and most injured people insist upon continuing to disparage themselves and others!
I grow tired of riding buses because of being pinned against walls be people who are too self centered to see that they are much too large to fit into the available seat! People who move around and poke you constantly as they ride next to you is something I see as an additional violation! That is simply inflicting additional misery upon others in my opinion.
Some people just don't get that they are working far too hard to create misery for others
Some of the poorest, most broken and most injured people insist upon continuing to disparage themselves and others!
I grow tired of riding buses because of being pinned against walls be people who are too self centered to see that they are much too large to fit into the available seat! People who move around and poke you constantly as they ride next to you is something I see as an additional violation! That is simply inflicting additional misery upon others in my opinion.
Some people just don't get that they are working far too hard to create misery for others
The Year here in Virginia....
has been bizarre all year long weatherwise. I tremble in anticipation as to what this winter will be like!
I'm not motivated to vote TOMORROW!
However, I will anyway. Some people have given their last full measure of devotion to allow me to be able to vote!
The John Becks of The World
I do feel for John Beck- The Current Starting Quarterback for The Washington Redskins! It must be tough to see a dream die publicly. To hear over and over again that you are proving that you are not good enough to be a NFL QB.
" Boo - Hoo" some may say, yet most of us don't have to have millions of people tell us to let go of the one thing that we wished to do most since childhood!
- Johnny -
" Boo - Hoo" some may say, yet most of us don't have to have millions of people tell us to let go of the one thing that we wished to do most since childhood!
- Johnny -
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